Longevity Species

Chapter 465: It's Money, Not Life! (Second more)

"Lei Shengzun, this is the treasure house of my Jiugong family. It has everything in it. Whatever Lei Shengzun wants can be found in the treasure house."

In order to keep himself, Jiugonghou even "contributed" out of the treasure house.

Of course, Marquis Jiugong knew very well that even if he didn't contribute the treasure house, there would be others who would contribute to the treasure house. If so, why should he persist?

Anyway, no matter how important the treasure house is, can it be as important as his life?

What's more, as long as he can continue to rule the Nine Palaces, the treasures in this treasury can be slowly accumulated. If he dies, there will be nothing left. He can now "bear the burden of humiliation", after all, even the ancestors have fallen, without his leadership, the Nine Palaces would probably slip into the abyss.

From this point of view, Jiugonghou really "bears the burden of humiliation", even he himself believed it.

Lei Dao didn't doubt it, and walked into the treasure house directly, and closed the door by the way.

With the current situation of the Marquis of the Nine Palaces, can there be any ambushes? At his level, there is no conspiracy that can deal with it, strength is the only one.

As soon as he entered the treasure house, Lei Dao felt a dazzling light, which almost blinded his eyes.

In the treasure house, fist-sized orbs exude dazzling light. These orbs are not ordinary orbs, they contain a trace of strange power.

These orbs are all materials for refining holy treasures, so they are very precious.

Of course, it is not so easy to refine the Holy Treasure. At least, it is impossible to refine the saints of the third level of the holy body. Only the saints of the fourth level and above of the holy body can be refined.

But you must master the method of refining.

Under normal circumstances, the saints of the fourth level of the holy body would not refine rashly, unless the saints who are very confident in their refining level dare to refine.

Many saints collected all the materials, and then gave them to some saints who could refine holy treasures for refining. Those saints are often above the seventh level of the Holy Body, or even the ninth level of the Holy Body!

Of course, no matter how excellent the refining technique is, it is far inferior to a holy treasure like Jiugongtu. After all, the Jiugongtu, the holy treasure of Hou Guo, was actually refined by the God of Xihe.

No matter how rough the refining method of a god is, it is still a god! It can make holy treasures have very different powerful powers.

Lei Dao didn't have much interest in these materials for refining holy treasures. He is also not interested in refining a holy treasure, even if it is a holy treasure like Jiugongtu, it is of no use to Lei Dao.

He's still focused on himself.

The holy treasure is always an external force, and the external force is not reliable, but itself is the most reliable.

Lei Dao swept his gaze, and immediately saw the elixir, a large number of elixir, the largest number is the thousand-year elixir.

As long as it is a elixir, even if it is a thousand-year-old elixir, it is still a treasure, and it can be stored in the treasure house, which shows the importance of elixir.

However, Lei Dao's eyes did not stay on these thousand-year elixir for too long. His goal was those ten-thousand-year elixir!

However, after seeing those ten thousand-year elixir, Lei Dao felt a surge of emotion.

Even though today's Lei Dao is well-informed and a saint who has seen big scenes, he is still shocked when he sees the scene in front of him, and it is a shock from the heart.

The elixir is all elixir, and the ten-thousand-year elixir can be found everywhere.

There are not only ten thousand year elixir, but also twenty thousand year elixir, thirty thousand year elixir and two 40,000 year elixir.

More importantly, what did Lei Dao see?

On top, there is a delicate box.

There was even a confinement method on the box, but Lei Dao easily resolved the Annihilation Eucharist, and he could feel that this confinement method should come from the Jiugong Patriarch.

Because the aura above made Lei Dao very familiar.

Even the Patriarch of Jiugong had to use the method of confinement to engrave the method of confinement on the wooden box, so the things in this wooden box must be very precious.

So, when Lei Dao slowly opened the wooden box, a strong elixir came rushing towards him.

Even if Lei Dao just took a sip, he could feel the amazing effect of the medicine.

"Is this a 50,000-year panacea?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, thinking of a certain possibility.

Lei Dao also saw the 40,000-year-old elixir, there were only two plants, and Marquis Jiugong did not lie. And this elixir seems to be more precious than the 40,000-year elixir, and it has stronger medicinal properties.

Lei Dao recalled it carefully, and finally determined that this must be a 50,000-year panacea!

Fifty thousand year panacea!

Although there is only one plant, it can be encountered but not sought after. Even with the power of the whole consequence, it is impossible to obtain a 50,000-year-old elixir. This 50,000-year-old elixir, I am afraid that Jiugong Patriarch did not know how much painstaking effort it took to get it by luck.

Even, the Patriarch of Jiugong may still hold a glimmer of hope. Trying to rely on this 50,000-year-old elixir to advance to the fifth level of the Holy Body, but now it is cheaper than Lei Dao.


After counting the number of elixir, Lei Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

Amazing, really amazing.

Even with his will, he was almost unstable.

In the inventory just now, Lei Dao counted 368 ten-thousand-year elixir, eighty-three twenty-thousand-year elixir, twenty-eight thirty-thousand-year elixir, and two forty-thousand-year elixir. medicine and a 50,000-year-old panacea.

Such a huge harvest is simply unimaginable.

Lei Dao once thought that no matter how rich a marquis is, no matter how deep its foundation is, it would be good to have dozens or even hundreds of thousands of years of elixir.

Even, the ancestor of Shangyang gave him dozens of ten-thousand-year elixir, which already made Lei Dao feel that the Marquis of Shangyang was very sincere to him.

However, now that he saw the number of elixir in the treasure house of the Jiugong family, Lei Dao felt, well, like a dream. He still underestimated the background of a Marquis.

How huge is the accumulation of the tens of thousands of years of Hou Guo? How deep is the foundation?

Otherwise, how could he have the confidence to recruit so many guests?

Lei Dao of Jiugong Hou Guo is not clear, but there are quite a few guest officials in Shangyang Hou State, and these guest officials have been recruited at a high price.

Most of them need to be recruited with ten thousand years of elixir.

If the background is not deep, how can so many guests be recruited?

Now Lei Dao is an eye-opener.

With so many elixir, even Lei Dao was shocked.

"Do you want to keep a little? After all, the Nine Palaces is already so difficult..."

Raidou murmured softly.

Seeing so many elixirs, Lei Dao always felt sorry for Jiugong Hou Guo if they were all looted. At any rate, the Jiugonghou Kingdom is also a huge one. If it is completely wiped out, even a single ten thousand-year elixir is gone, wouldn't it be miserable?

Lei Dao planned to leave one or two ten thousand year elixir.

But after thinking about it in the end, only one or two plants of the ten thousand year elixir are useless, so it is better not to waste it, and take them all away. Maybe Jiugonghou has other stocks?

That's all, that's all, this time the harvest is so great, Lei Dao didn't want to press other saints.

The Marquis of Jiugong cooperated in this way, and took him into the treasure house to search at will, what else?

Jiugonghou also wants face!

Therefore, Lei Dao left the treasure house directly.

Outside the treasure house, Jiu Gonghou was still a little uneasy, he was really scared, really afraid that Lei Dao would evacuate the treasure house, and when the time came, he would cry without tears.

However, compared to the treasure house, he still felt that his life was the most important.

"Marquis of the Nine Palaces."

As soon as Lei Dao came out of the treasure house, he saw Jiu Gonghou at a glance.

Jiugonghou was shocked, and hurried forward, and saw that Lei Dao was actually carrying a big bag. That bag was also a treasure in the treasure house.

However, seeing this pocket, Jiu Gonghou felt a little relieved.

It's just a pocket, how much can it hold? At least, no matter what, it is impossible for Lei Dao to evacuate the treasure house, which at least reassures Jiu Gonghou a little.

The smile on Lei Dao's face seemed to be more pleasing to the eye the more he looked at Jiu Gonghou.

"Jiugonghou, Lei is very satisfied, so he picked this little thing."

"Lei Shengzun won't pick more?"

"No, no, I have picked enough this time. Marquis Jiugong, you have made Lei very satisfied. Lei will leave first. Next time if Marquis Jiugong has any troubles, you can send a message to Marquis Shangyang directly. When the time comes Lei must come. I hope that next time, Marquis Jiugong will prepare more treasures, especially the elixir."


Jiugonghou was speechless.

Do you want to come again next time?

Are you kidding, he is like sending off the plague god, wishing Lei Dao would leave, there will be a next time?

Impossible, there will never be a next time in this life.

As for asking Lei Dao for help?

Jiugonghou's heart was not that big, he dared to behead Jiugong's patriarch, destroyed nearly thirty saints in Jiugonghou's country, and even personally killed Jiugong City.

Just went to the treasure house, and reconciled with Jiugong Houguo?

is it possible?

Jiugonghou didn't believe it anyway.

Now he just wants to send Lei Dao away, leave as soon as possible, he is satisfied.

"Okay, Lei Mou is leaving."

Lei Dao's tone and attitude improved a lot, and he flew directly into the sky with a smile on his face, and quickly left Jiugong City.

"Finally left..."

After a long time, seeing Lei Dao's figure disappearing into the sky, Jiu Gonghou finally heaved a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

However, he thought of Lei Dao's "kind" attitude just now, and felt a little surprised in his heart.

What did Lei Dao take with him?

Unexpectedly, his attitude has become so kind. When he came, he was murderous, but when he left, his attitude was extremely friendly.

This is not normal!

So, Jiugonghou entered the treasure house, and looking around, it seemed that there were no treasures missing.

"Wait, elixir, especially the ten-thousand-year elixir!"

When Jiugonghou saw that none of the elixir plants that were more than 10,000 years old were left, Jiugonghou's face turned green.

"I don't want to keep a single one of the god-killing Thunder Dao. This is the tens of thousands of years of my Jiugong family's accumulation..."

Jiugonghou wailed.

Lei Dao is really ruthless, not a single elixir of ten thousand years will be kept. In the future, the Marquis of Jiugong will not even be able to invite guest officials, and all existing guest officials will have to be dismissed.

No wonder Lei Dao was so amiable when he left.

He even said that he had trouble going to Shangyang City to find Lei Dao.

How can I find it?

Look again, does the treasure house have to be emptied?

Jiugonghou wanted to cry but had no tears, but fortunately, his life was safe. Lei Dao seemed to be a saint who wanted money but not life. Finally, he saved his life, which was considered a blessing in misfortune.

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