Longevity Species

Chapter 466: Throwing the Pot (Third)

"Big harvest, really big harvest!"

In the void, Lei Dao glanced at Jiugong City behind him with a smile on his face.

He is already very satisfied.

This time is really a big harvest, even Lei Dao didn't expect such a big harvest in advance.

Compared to these harvests, the Jiugong Patriarch he beheaded is nothing. Moreover, since such a big harvest can be obtained, why kill people?

It's not a last resort, Lei Dao generally doesn't kill his opponents, because it's not cost-effective.

Everyone is calm, why not practice martial arts and practice a lot? Why do you want to fight and kill?

As it is now, Lei Dao went to Jiugong City and didn't do anything, and then Jiugong Hou honestly took out so many elixir, isn't everyone happy?

Even, Lei Dao is looking forward to the next time he goes to Jiugong City, maybe there will be something to gain.

Of course, what Lei Dao said before is actually the truth, from the heart.

For the sake of Jiugonghou's cooperation, if Jiugonghou is really in trouble and asks Lei Dao for help, Lei Dao will naturally not sit idly by.

This is turning embarrassment into jade.

Of course, if Lei Dao wanted to search Jiugong City next time, he would have to wait for a long time. Maybe a hundred years later, the Marquis of Jiugong would have some savings.

After all, what Lei Dao searched this time was the accumulation of tens of thousands of years of the Jiugong family.

Soon, Lei Dao returned to Shangyang City.

Ancestor Shangyang sensed it, and immediately came to Leidao's courtyard.

"Brother Lei, is this trip going well?"

After seeing Lei Dao's figure, the ancestor of Shangyang's eyes lit up and asked hurriedly.

Lei Dao said with a faint smile: "Smooth, it's too smooth. If possible, Lei really wants to add a few more Nine Palaces, so that Lei will visit."

"Uh... No one in Jiugong City resisted?"

The ancestor of Shangyang felt a little strange.

"Is it useful to resist? Yes, Jiugong Hou resisted a bit, but the Jiugong map was destroyed by Lei. However, Lei did not hurt anyone. Jiugonghou is very good at life, and brought Lei into the treasure house of Jiugong City , Tsk tsk, Lei Mou has opened his eyes and gained a lot."

Lei Dao patted the pocket in his hand, but it was full of elixir, and all of them were more than ten thousand years old.

The ancestor of Shangyang opened his eyes wide.

What did he hear?

Lei Dao went directly into the treasure house of Jiugong City, did this mean that all the treasure house of Jiugong City was searched? Or, for Lei Dao, the most important elixir has been looted?

Either way, the ancestor of Shangyang seemed to feel that he was in danger.

Perhaps, with these elixir, Lei Dao would not look down on the little elixir provided by the Shangyang family. It is very likely, no, it will be so.

"Brother Lei, you haven't met anyone else?"

"other people?"

The ancestor of Shangyang meant something.

Lei Dao thought for a while, and said directly: "It seems that I really met someone else. It seems to be Jiang Shengzun, who should be sent by Dongji King. However, this Jiang Shengzun has no intention of dealing with Lei, and he has no intention of dealing with Lei." Stop Lei Mou. Moreover, Jiang Shengzun also mentioned that Dongji King actually doesn't care about Jiugong Houguo at all, and a mere Houguo can't get into the eyes of Dongji King. Therefore, Leimou let Jiang Shengzun leave. "


The ancestor of Shangyang suddenly fell silent.

In fact, he had a vague understanding of some of the situation when he fought Jiang Shengzun before. What Lei Dao said is basically true. Jiang Shengzun is indeed a saint under the command of Dongji King. However, it was not directly sent by Dongji King, but Jiugong Houguo took the initiative to join Dongji King, and was then sent by the high-level officials of Dongji Kingdom. Nine Palaces Marquis.

But in fact, the Marquis of Nine Palaces never entered the eyes of Dongji King at all.

Even the king of Dongji didn't pay much attention to it, how could Jiang Shengzun work hard for the Nine Palaces? That's simply impossible!

Therefore, when Lei Dao went to Jiugong City, Jiang Shengzun didn't pay attention at all, and he didn't want to have any conflict with Lei Dao.

From this point of view, Shangyang City is temporarily safe.

"Okay, brother Shangyang, this time I have gained a lot, and I am going to retreat for a while."

Lei Dao said directly.

"Retreat, retreat again? Brother Lei, you won't advance after retreating, right?"

The ancestors of Shangyang almost formed a conditioned reflex.

As soon as Lei Dao retreated, his strength improved every time. After most of the retreats are over, the cultivation level has been improved.

But Lei Dao has only advanced to the third level of the Eucharist, and it is time to retreat to the fourth level of the Eucharist?

Lei Dao wanted to say "yes", but after thinking about it, it was too fast after all. Even if he was not afraid of the ancestor of Shangyang, he still didn't want to hit the ancestor of Shangyang too much.

Didn't you see that the voice of the ancestor of Shangyang is trembling now?

"Lei is just counting the harvest. As for the advancement, Lei may still settle for a while."

Only then did the ancestor of Shangyang feel relieved.

Moreover, he reacted too much just now.

Lei Dao can't really advance as soon as he retreats, can he? Then he has practiced for thousands of years, and he has to find a piece of tofu to crash him to death.

That was truly appalling.

"Okay, Brother Lei, don't worry about counting, no one will bother Brother Lei."

Lei Dao nodded, and happily entered the secret room again.

In the secret room, Lei Dao didn't completely lie to Shang Yang Patriarch, he was indeed planning to settle down a little bit before thinking about advanced. It's just that this precipitation lasted for about an hour? Or two hours?

Maybe one day.

Anyway, not for long.

Lei Dao took out the harvest this time.

The harvest is indeed great, just the ten thousand year elixir, plus the original ten thousand year elixir on Lei Dao, there are a total of 525 ten thousand year elixir.

What a huge number is this?

Not to mention the fourfold Eucharist, even the fifth, sixth or even sevenfold Eucharist is enough.

In addition, there are two 40,000-year-old panacea.

Lei Dao's Advanced Holy Body Quadruple has at least met the conditions.

However, Lei Dao is not in a hurry, his Storm Saint Body has not practiced the holy law yet, so he must practice the holy law first.

This wind attribute sacred method was given by the ancestor of Shangyang, and it is absolutely superior.

It only needs to consume 80 years of lifespan to cultivate the holy law to perfection, and Lei Dao naturally can't begrudge this lifespan.

This holy method is called "Sacred Wind Scroll", and it is not difficult for Lei Dao to practice, at least it is not difficult to get started. As for getting started, it's up to the ability.

Once he has practiced all the three holy bodies into the perfect holy law, his strength will probably go even further.

However, Lei Dao's heart is no longer in the holy law.

This retreat is not really to count the harvest, nor is it to practice the holy law.

The real purpose is to advance!

Advanced Eucharist Quadruple!

This is the most important thing, once he advances to the fourth level of the holy body, Lei Daocai will be on the same level as Shangyang Patriarch in terms of cultivation, and as for strength, it will be terrifyingly strong.

After all, the more the ultimate holy body is condensed, the greater the actual strength will be.

At that time, how powerful would be the four ultimate holy bodies and one divine blood clone?


Therefore, Lei Dao quickly closed his eyes, and began to try to learn the holy method of wind volume.


It took Jiang Shengzun a few days to return to the East Pole Kingdom.

After returning to the East Pole Kingdom, no one even received him.

This is Jiang Shengzun's status in the Dongji Kingdom, or in other words, his status under the Dongji King's command, which is indeed a little transparent. After all, the mere quadruple Eucharist may have a little sense of presence under the command of Dongji King, but the sense of presence is quite weak.

Under Dongji King's command, there are not a lot of saints with four or more holy bodies. Jiang Shengzun is just one of the inconspicuous saints.

However, Jiang Shengzun still had to report about the Nine Palaces. After all, he is the sage who is stationed in the Nine Palaces. Now that the Nine Palaces have suffered a complete defeat, he, the sage who is stationed, actually has to bear a little responsibility.

It's just that the Nine Palaces were not placed in the eyes of Dongji King, and even the Nine Palaces came over on their own initiative and did not receive much attention.

Even if the Jiugonghou Kingdom is really destroyed, I'm afraid it won't attract the attention of Dongji King.

"No, this matter is extraordinary. Although it may not be punished too much, what if it attracts the attention of the King of Dongji? Well, we have to think of a way. That Lei Shengzun, with a mere holy body triple With such a cultivation level, he was able to cut back the fourth layer of the holy body, and condensed three ultimate holy bodies. How can ordinary casual cultivators have such strength? Only the existence of the emperor's son level can condense the three ultimate holy bodies. body."

"Therefore, it's better to push all this matter to Lei Dao. Do you suspect that a certain Holy Son intervened?"

Jiang Shengzun's eyes lit up.

This is indeed a good way, a good way to "snap the pot".

He has to "throw the blame", otherwise, if a Hou country is lost, he will also be responsible. If he can "throw the blame", then he will have to "throw the blame", and there can be no luck.

Once the "throwing the pot" is successful, there will be nothing to do with him.

The more powerful Lei Dao is described, and he even conceives that Lei Dao is the emperor's son, then everything has nothing to do with him, and the "pot" falls on Lei Dao.

After all, what can he do if it seems that the emperor's son is involved?

Emperor's son, only the top disciples of the nine emperor sects who are highly valued by the emperor's sect can be called "emperor's son". As long as there is this "gimmick", Jiang Shengzun believes that this matter has nothing to do with him.

As for what trouble it will bring to Lei Dao, should he care?

Jiang Shengzun didn't deceive Lei Dao either, the King of Dongji really didn't care about the Marquis of Jiugong, and Jiang Shengzun would not play tricks, nor would he think about "revenge".

Even Jiang Shengzun was not going to exaggerate Lei Dao's strength.

He just needs to point out Lei Dao's recent record and the fact that Lei Dao has three ultimate holy bodies.

After all, this is a fact, and no one can deny it.

It's just that these pieces of news are gathered together, and I believe it's hard not to be noticed.

If it is noticed, it is none of Jiang Shengzun's business how the Dongji King will deal with it. It is best to send other saints to the Nine Palaces.

Anyway, Jiang Shengzun didn't want to go to Jiugong Houguo and face Lei Dao anymore, he really had a little fear.

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