Longevity Species

Chapter 475 Isn't this

"Lei... Lei Shengzun, thank you Lei Shengzun for your help. If not, I am afraid that the Jiugonghou Kingdom will be destroyed today. You have saved the entire Jiugonghou Kingdom!"

Jiugonghou came to Lei Dao at this time and saluted respectfully. He is really thankful now, fortunately he asked Lei Dao for help, otherwise, count on Emperor Jinbo?

I'm afraid that now that the Marquis of the Nine Palaces has been destroyed, the Emperor Jinbo cannot be trusted at all.

However, when I thought about it, not long ago, Lei Dao came to "persecute" Jiugong Hou, and even beheaded Jiugong Patriarch, but now he asked Lei Dao for help, and Lei Dao even saved him.

This made Jiu Gonghou feel very awkward.

"Saved the entire Nine Palaces? Don't put a high hat on Lei Mou."

Lei Dao shook his head. In fact, he knew very well in his heart, and so did Jiugonghou. Lei Dao actually saved not the entire Jiugonghou country, but Jiugonghou!

After all, even if the Immortal Emperor came aggressively, it was actually just to control this area. The Jiugonghou Kingdom, the Immortal Emperor would naturally not destroy it, because for King Nanyun, it would destroy one or two years. Being a vassal state has no meaning or benefit.

What the fairy emperor son really wants to solve is Jiugonghou.

The person who kills Jiugonghou and replaces him with Nanyun King will naturally be able to control the entire Jiugonghou country.

Therefore, Lei Dao saved Jiugonghou, not the entire Jiugonghou country.

Jiugonghou was also very embarrassed, he naturally understood the meaning of Lei Dao's words. However, this time it was indeed Lei Dao who saved him, and Jiu Gonghou was also grateful.

Especially, now that the troubled times are coming, we have to hold Lei Dao's thigh tightly. Who knows if things like this will happen in the future?

At that time, only Lei Dao can save him.

"Is Lei Shengzun worried about what the Immortal Emperor said just now?"

Jiugonghou quickly changed the subject and asked Lei Dao.

"Huh? Do you have a way?"

Lei Dao looked at Jiugonghou in surprise.

A holy body triple saint is nothing more than that, can he still compete with King Nanyun? As for any conspiracies and tricks, they have no effect at all. In the face of absolute power, everything is nothing but floating clouds.

"No, there may be a way."

Jiugonghou gritted his teeth and said.

"Is there really a way?"

"Yes, this method is actually known to many lords of the kingdom. The holy treasures of the princes and principalities of our Xihe Dynasty were all refined by the god of Xihe himself. Not only can it suppress the kingdom, but in fact, it has a more important role. It can be merged! This kind of holy treasure cannot be forcibly refined at all. The secret curse of the holy treasure is in the hands of the lord of each generation of Hou Guo, or the ancestor of Hou Guo. Even, the ancestor said that he would dedicate the Holy Treasure to Dongji King, but in fact, the Holy Treasure has always been in my hands, and Dongji King did not come to ask for it. After all, Dongji Kingdom is far away from the Nine Palaces. Hou Guo is very far away, even if he gets the Holy Treasure, he will not be able to integrate into the East Extreme King Seal."

"This is also why the East Extreme King began to expand its power in the surrounding area. In fact, it is to make the East Extreme King Seal stronger. By integrating more holy treasures, you can control more power of belief in sentient beings. It is said that if you can make Xi Combined with all the royal seals, public seals, and Hou seals of the Shen Dynasty, a holy treasure that is extremely powerful and even enough to suppress the emperor will be born!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He understood what Jiugonghou meant.

Whether it is Dongji King or Nanyun King, the actual expansion of power is to devour and integrate the Holy Treasure. Once the Holy Treasure is fused, their Holy Treasure will be even more powerful.

In the end, even the emperor can be suppressed!

What kind of horror is this?

In the era when the gods disappeared, if there was a holy treasure that could suppress the emperor, it would be almost invincible.

This is the reason why Dongji King and Nanyun King are eager to move.

It's just that there are some figures of Emperor Zong among them, I'm afraid it's not that simple, and the purpose is not pure. The Nine Great Emperor Sect, I am afraid that the last thing they want is the birth of a holy treasure that can suppress the Great Emperor.

But the Nine Great Emperor Sects wanted to disrupt the Xihe Dynasty, so they cooperated with Dongji King, Nanyun King and even other forces.

The two sides use each other, have their own thoughts, and each has its own abacus. The situation is very complicated.

Now King Nanyun focused his attention on this area, obviously wanting to swallow this area in one gulp. After all, the area of ​​Jiugonghou Kingdom is not too far away from Nanyun Kingdom.

If King Nanyun really made up his mind to expand his power, he would be able to advance all the way to this area very quickly. At that time, after losing the holy treasure, the Nine Palaces and Shangyang Kingdoms would really exist in name only. .

This is not the result Jiu Gonghou wants to see.

"We want to protect ourselves, so we can only take the initiative to integrate the Holy Treasure! As long as we can unite all the surrounding kingdoms and integrate all the holy treasures, then a country bigger than the principality will be formed. The power of faith is unimaginable, even stronger than the lord of the principality, and can suppress the lord of the principality who has the seventh layer of the Eucharist! Only in this way can we protect ourselves."

This is Jiugonghou's idea, or rather, his plan.

The plan for surviving in troubled times is to hold together to keep warm, otherwise, it is the way of death, and sooner or later they will be annexed.

However, Lei Dao did not lose his mind.

He just thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Jiugonghou, you are so far out of ideas. Even if the Holy Treasure can be merged, even suppress the Seventh Layer of the Holy Body. But how can you convince the other princes to contribute the Holy Treasure on their own initiative? , for fusion?"

This is very deadly.

The Holy Treasure can only be fused with the Secret Mantra, and surrendering the Secret Mantra is equivalent to handing over the Holy Treasure. In that way, everyone wants to be the master of the Holy Treasure, and everyone wants to control the Holy Treasure. Which lord of the kingdom is willing to contribute his own Holy Treasure?

If it is forced, why should it integrate with other princes? Rather than simply relying on Dongji King or Nanyun King, dedicating secret mantras and holy treasures to the two kings, it is undoubtedly safer and more secure.

Therefore, Lei Dao felt that Jiugonghou's idea was really whimsical.

"No, Lei Shengzun, this is fundamentally different from taking refuge in the two kings. Taking refuge in the two kings is the difference between the master and the subordinate, but the alliance between us is different. Once the holy treasure is merged, every The Lord of the Marquis can know and control it. Moreover, every ten years, the Holy Treasure will be controlled by the exchange of hands."

"Even in the Holy Treasure, there will be a trace of the imprint of the spiritual sense of every lord of the kingdom. Once someone is ambitious and wants to try to monopolize the holy treasure by himself and erase these imprints of the divine sense, the lords of the kingdom will By activating the imprint of divine sense, you can deprive the other party of control over the Holy Treasure."

"In this way, this holy treasure is almost under the common control of everyone. Could it be that the lords of other princes are not willing?"

Jiu Gonghou's words moved Lei Dao's heart.

Indeed, this is a very good way.

It is controlled by everyone, although it is very complicated, and there are many people involved, it is inevitable that there will be some omissions or constraints. But it doesn't matter, everyone is just huddling together to keep warm, safety is more important than anything else.

As for the constraints?

what is the relationship.

It doesn't really matter if there is a lord of a kingdom who is controlled by others and triggers the imprint of divine sense. It doesn't have much impact on Sanbao.

Or, if someone attacked Hou Guo secretly, and the person in charge of the Holy Treasure couldn't arrive for a while, that's okay. Could it be that the other party could destroy all Hou Guo at once?

Therefore, a little more people, a little more complexity, and a little more constraints are more reassuring.

Especially in this troubled world that is about to come.

Once the lords of many kingdoms gather together to keep warm, a behemoth will be born, even comparable to the power of the six kings!

"The method is a very good method, but, Jiugonghou, you can do it yourself, so what's the matter with Lei?"

Lei Dao looked at Jiugonghou suspiciously.

Judging by Jiugonghou's appearance, it seems that he still has to ask Lei Dao for help.

"Lei Shengzun, this matter can only be handled by you. Otherwise, I am a mere three-level holy body, and of course I have a lot of promises in the Nine Palaces, but outside the Nine Palaces, the lords of those kingdoms will not treat me as a It’s the same thing. Especially with this kind of in-depth alliance, if there is no strong means, the other party may not even listen to my explanation.”

General Lei Dao doubted: "I understand what you mean, Mr. Lei, you want to use Mr. Lei's powerful strength to go to those lords and frighten the lords of those lords. Then you can explain it rationally, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it means. Lei Shengzun, you really understand everything, you understand my thoughts too well."

Jiugonghou also looked delighted and seemed very happy.

Obviously, Lei Dao has already understood what he meant, so there will be no major obstacles in communication.

However, Lei Dao's gaze was extremely strange.

To frighten the lords of those princely states, how about reasoning?

Why do these words sound so familiar?

Isn't this the method Lei Dao used to "convince people with reason"?

"Convincing people with reasoning, yes, it's a good idea. Marquis Jiugong, your method is very good, and it is indeed feasible. However, if Lei Mou helps you, it will take a huge risk. Those who try to get involved in this The forces in this area, such as Dongji King and Nanyun King, will not care about you, but will regard Lei as a thorn in his flesh. Lei has taken such a big risk, and he can't become the master of the holy treasure. What's the benefit?"

Lei Dao was actually a little moved. He didn't want to leave Shangyanghou Kingdom unless it was a last resort. The Xihe Dynasty was in chaos everywhere, and it was not easy to go anywhere.

It's even very dangerous. If it can save the kingdom of Shang and Yang, and even make it safer, why not do it?

But Lei Dao knew that once he really agreed, he would take a huge risk.

Jiugonghou said with a mysterious smile: "Lei Shengzun, the last time I saw you, you were only at the third level of the Holy Body, right? Now you are at the fourth level of the Holy Body. Your talent is really shocking! It is even said that you have the appearance of a great emperor It’s not an exaggeration. However, no matter how strong your talent is, you still need a lot of ten-thousand-year elixirs, especially 50,000-year elixirs, 60,000-year elixirs, and even 70,000-year elixirs. Only then can we progress smoothly.”

"Once you agree to become the leader of many of our allied Hou countries on the surface, and go through the needles, continue to expand their power, and integrate more holy treasures, then the power of all our Hou countries will do everything for you to find 50,000 years. Sixty thousand or even seventy thousand year elixir!"

"Apart from us, who else can provide you with such a precious elixir? In the entire Xihe Dynasty, there is no other force that can give you so much cultivation resources so wholeheartedly."

Jiugonghou stared at Lei Dao with piercing eyes.

Both looking forward to and a little worried.

Even, Lei Dao could see a trace of "ambition" in Jiugonghou's eyes.

Apparently, this Marquis of Jiugong, a mere three-level saint of the holy body, has great ambitions deep in his heart.

Even Lei Dao underestimated Marquis Jiugong!

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