Longevity Species

Chapter 476: Holy Treasure Fusion! (first update)

"Convincing people with reasoning, Lei is very good at it."

Finally, Lei Dao spoke slowly. Although he didn't directly agree, his attitude couldn't be more clear.

Jiugonghou was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to Lei Dao: "Hahaha, with the help of Lei Shengzun, I think things can be done. In order to show my sincerity, how about starting from our Jiugonghou country and Shangyanghou country? "


Lei Dao thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Jiugonghou, you go to Shangyang City with Leimou, Leimou personally clarified the key points to Shangyanghou and Shangyang Patriarch."

After all, Lei Dao took Jiu Gonghou to Shangyang City.

Soon, the two returned to Shangyang City.

When Jiugonghou came to Shangyang City, he would be suppressed, and he would not be able to show much of his strength. Of course, in front of Lei Dao, whether Jiugonghou's strength is suppressed or not, it has no effect.

When Lei Dao took Jiu Gonghou to meet the ancestor of Shang Yang and the Marquis of Shang Yang, the faces of the Patriarch of Shang Yang and the Marquis of Shang Yang showed a trace of doubt.

"Lei Shengzun, you are..."

Ancestor Shangyang asked.

He is not afraid of Jiugonghou.

The current Marquis of the Nine Palaces is only the third-level saint of the holy body, what kind of storm can it cause? He was afraid that the Marquis of Jiugong would bewitch Lei Dao, and if Lei Dao was bewitched to the Marquis of Jiugong, the Marquis of Shangyang would suffer a great loss.

"Shangyanghou, Lei brought Jiugonghou here, and there is a very important matter to discuss with the two of you. Dongji King and Nanyun King are eyeing us..."

Lei Dao immediately told about the dispatch of Emperor Jinbo by King Dongji and the emperor Xianling sent by King Nanyun. Of course, Marquis Jiugong explained in detail how Lei Dao defeated the two emperors.

The two of them basically figured out the situation, and they didn't even care about the shock of Lei Dao's strength in their hearts. Instead, he fell into deep contemplation.

Fusion Holy Treasure, this thing is too big!

All of a sudden, it was too hasty for Shang Yang Patriarch and Shang Yanghou.

Even subconsciously, the two wanted to refuse.

But this is Lei Dao's temperament coming with Jiu Gonghou, which means it can't be more clear, no matter what, they have to consider Lei Dao's attitude.

"This matter is too big, we need to discuss one or two."

The ancestor of Shangyang said in a deep voice.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you can wait for a few days."

Lei Dao said calmly.

This matter is really big, if Patriarch Shang Yang and Marquis Shang Yang agreed immediately, then Lei Dao would be very confused. Now the ancestor of Shangyang made such a statement, but it happened to be in Lei Dao's expectation.

Lei Dao had a good time and waited for a day.

In just one day, the Patriarch of Shangyang and the Marquis of Shangyang had already finished their discussions.

The expressions of the two looked very solemn, and finally Shang Yanghou said: "Lei Shengzun, this matter is no small matter. I discussed it with my ancestor for a day. I feel that all kinds of risks are still very high, but we believe in Lei Shengzun. Moreover, we are also willing to help Lei Shengzun!"

This is the attitude of the two.

They agreed to Lei Dao, but they were actually helping Lei Dao.

After all, Lei Dao needs a large amount of ten thousand year elixir, which cannot be provided by a single Marquis of Jiugong or Marquis of Shangyang.

Only when the alliance of several vassal kingdoms becomes a behemoth, a force that even the six kings face up to, Lei Dao can obtain the precious ten thousand year elixir more easily.

Without such benefits, how could Lei Dao run around?

"Hahaha, this is the right choice, otherwise, sooner or later, King Nanyun will send someone to bring the Shangyanghou Kingdom into his sphere of influence. At that time, whether the Shangyang family can stay or not depends on Nanyun The king is in a mood."

Reid said with a laugh.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that we decided to take risks. It is better to ask for others than to ask for ourselves. If we can really rely on our own strength to preserve the kingdom of Shangyanghou, that is naturally the best! It is not too late, why not try to integrate now? I don't know Jiugonghou Did you bring the Nine Palaces Map?"

"Nature brought it."

Jiugonghou had already prepared it, and he brought the Jiugong Tu. Although there was some filth between Jiugonghou Kingdom and Shangyanghou Kingdom before, so what?

It's all over.

Now, they have a common threat, so they must hold together to keep warm, otherwise, they will not be so lucky every time, and Lei Dao will help them.

What's more, if King Nanyun sends someone to come next time, it's hard to say whether Lei Dao can stop him.

So, all four of them entered the secret room.

Both Shangyanghou and Jiugonghou sat opposite each other, and they respectively controlled the secret spells of the two holy treasures, Shangyang Seal and Jiugongtu, and it took two of them to fuse the two holy treasures.

Integrating the Holy Treasure in Shangyang City will undoubtedly have a great disadvantage to Jiugonghou.

Here, his wealth, life, and even everything were actually handed over to Marquis Shang Yang and the Patriarch Shang Yang. However, he also trusted Lei Dao.

He was sure that Shang Yanghou didn't dare to make any moves.

Otherwise, Shang Yanghou and even the entire Shang Yanghou country would not be able to afford the consequences of offending Lei Dao!

After all, even if the Holy Treasure is fused, it's just the fusion of two Holy Treasures. Even if the power will be enhanced, how strong can it be? Far from being Lei Dao's opponent.

Lei Dao is the son of the emperor who can defeat the fifth layer of the Holy Body!

It's shocking to think about.

Lei Dao and Shangyang Patriarch were on the side, while protecting the Dharma for the two, silently watched the fusion of the two holy treasures. Lei Dao was very curious, how to integrate this holy treasure?

Or, is this the result that the God of Xi He once expected? Even, the God of Xi He deliberately refined so many holy treasures, just to be prepared?

What kind of thoughts the God of Xi He had at the beginning, no one knew.

But for Shangyanghou and Jiugonghou, this is their only solution.

The most important thing is to protect yourself and hold your destiny in your own hands.

Otherwise, it will be unreliable to rely on external force after all.

Even if it is Lei Dao, what if Lei Dao is not there? Will Shang Yanghou Kingdom be destroyed?


With a thought in Shang Yanghou's mind, a seal exuding a faint light appeared above his head, suspended in the air, exuding a powerful coercion.

Jiugonghou also had a thought, and a huge picture scroll lay in the void of the secret room.

As soon as the two holy treasures appeared, there was no sign of fusion. On the contrary, they seemed to be facing each other, and even their auras were colliding with each other. This is because the power of faith absorbed by the two holy treasures will naturally confront each other, and both want to devour each other's power of faith, thus resulting in confrontation and entanglement.

However, Nine Palaces is clearly at a disadvantage.

The reason is also very simple. This is Shangyang City, and Shangyang Seal has a steady stream of power of belief in all living beings. Therefore, it can firmly suppress the Jiugongtu.

Shang Yanghou took a deep breath, his eyes made up his mind, and immediately began to recite the secret mantra.


The Shangyang Seal exudes a faint white light, and even the power of belief of all beings seems to be less strong all of a sudden, and there is a faint tendency to return to the Holy Treasure itself.

At the same time, Jiugonghou was also chanting the secret mantra, and the Jiugong map also slightly unfolded, without the power it had before, and the two holy treasures were chanting the secret mantra at the same time, unexpectedly making the two holy treasures gradually approach , faintly merged together.

The next moment, when the two holy treasures were completely close together, the aura of the two holy treasures was rapidly merging, and there was no such confrontation as before.

On the contrary, it seems to fit very well, and they quickly merged together, and finally formed a brand new holy treasure, which seems to be mainly based on the appearance of the Shangyang seal, but with an extra nine palace pattern.

"That's it?"

Lei Dao's eyes flickered, staring at this newly born holy treasure. He felt very miraculous, and even he didn't see any clues about the fusion of the two holy treasures.

It seems natural, everything is so logical.

In other words, this is the power of the God of Xihe, and no saint or emperor can do this.

After all, this is God's means!


Finally, this brand new holy treasure exuded a terrifying aura, far stronger than the combined aura of the two holy treasures. Moreover, a large amount of the power of faith of all sentient beings is continuously gathering towards this holy treasure from afar.

Even in the Jiugonghou Kingdom, which is adjacent to the Shangyanghou Kingdom, a large amount of power of faith has gathered in this brand new holy treasure. This also means that Shangyanghou Kingdom and Jiugonghou Kingdom have actually become one.

At least, the power of faith of all beings can be absorbed by this holy treasure.

Whether it is in the Nine Palaces or the Shangyang Marquis, this holy treasure can exert its strongest power!

The dividing line between the kingdoms is not actually divided by area, but by the limit of the Holy Treasure's ability to absorb the power of faith. Every holy treasure has a limit to the power of faith absorbed by all living beings.

In the center of Hou State, the limit of the belief of all living beings that the Holy Treasure can absorb is the boundary between Hou State and Hou State. But now, with the fusion of the holy treasures of the two Hou Kingdoms, the boundary between the Shangyang Hou Kingdom and the Jiugong Hou Kingdom has actually disappeared.

"It's really...too powerful!"

Shang Yanghou was extremely excited.

He was the one who was controlling this brand new holy treasure just now.

He can clearly feel that the terrifying power contained in this holy treasure is really too strong. It seems that the fusion of holy treasures is far from being as simple as one plus one.

This time, the power of the new Holy Treasure has been raised to the extreme, even increased several times. Not twice, but four times, five times or even more.

Shang Yanghou is even confident that with this brand-new holy treasure, he can compete with the four-fold Holy Body of the Eucharist, and even defeat the fourth-fold Holy Body of the Holy Physique!

You must know that Shang Yanghou is only the first-level saint of the Eucharist.

"I'll give it a try."

At this time, Jiu Gonghou spoke.

Shangyanghou and Jiugonghou both left their imprints in the Holy Treasure. In theory, Jiugonghou can also control the Holy Treasure.

Therefore, Jiugonghou also wanted to give it a try.

"Marquis of Jiugong, please."

Therefore, Shangyanghou no longer manipulated the holy treasure, but looked at Jiugonghou with piercing eyes.

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