Longevity Species

Chapter 477: Everyone Shocked! (Second more)

With a thought in his mind, Jiu Gonghou started to activate his imprint in the Holy Treasure, manipulating the Holy Treasure.


Sheng Bao slammed on the ground.

The ground instantly cracked, and dense spider webs appeared.

This is only one percent of Jiugonghou's power.

"This... this is comparable to the fourth-level saint of the Eucharist!"

Jiugonghou was shocked.

"It seems that the manipulation is not so convenient, and there is no such a feeling of being able to use your arms and fingers. You have to re-sacrifice to be able to use your arms and fingers."

Jiugonghou carefully experienced the extraordinary features of this brand new holy treasure.

However, isn't this exactly what he expected before?

That's what Jiugonghou thought before.

Merged into a brand new Holy Treasure, only the holy one who has been sacrificed and refined can manipulate the Holy Treasure like a finger. As for the other saints, although they left a mark, they can only affect the holy treasure.

Moreover, the more the number of holy treasure fusions increases, the smaller the impact will be.

For example, now, there are only two holy treasures, the number is too small. Therefore, even if the Marquis of Jiugong has not sacrificed and refined the holy treasure, he can manipulate it, but he can't use his arms and fingers.

If dozens of holy treasures are fused together, how much influence can the imprint of a mere holy treasure have?

Of course, if the number of holy venerables is too large and they jointly activate the imprints in the holy treasure, it will not only affect so simple, but even "deprive" the control of the holy treasure.

This is pinning!

"That's right, all the methods we have imagined before seem to have worked. There are restraints and strengths, but now we lack more holy treasures to make the power of this holy treasure even stronger!"

Jiu Gonghou looked very excited.

After all, this shows that his previous plan was correct. Now that the first step has been successful, the next second and third steps are actually very simple.

That is to integrate more holy treasures.

However, this seems to be the simplest, but it is also the most complicated and difficult. With the help of Lei Dao, let Lei Dao "convince people with reason", maybe more consequences can be combined and more holy treasures can be fused.

"According to the rules, Shang Yanghou will temporarily keep this brand new holy treasure for ten years, how about it?"

Lei Dao saw that the holy treasure had been fused successfully, and its power was indeed good, so he said directly.

This is also the previous agreement between the two parties.

"No problem, it's just that the Marquis of Shangyang has been in charge of the Holy Treasure for ten years, so he has to go out with Lei Shengzun to go to other kingdoms and convince the masters of those kingdoms. This is not an easy task."

Jiu Gonghou reminded.

"Even if it's not easy, you have to do it. Besides, with the help of Lei Shengzun, you should still have a lot of confidence."

Shang Yanghou also said with a smile.

Although he is the first layer of the Holy Body, there is no burden at all when the Holy Treasure is integrated into his body. Once the Holy Treasure explodes, it will use the power of faith of all living beings.

As long as you can sacrifice and refine holy treasures, you will be fine if you have secret mantras.

For this, even Lei Dao couldn't help admiring the God of Xihe.

This method is beyond Lei Dao's understanding.

"Marquis Shangyang, you should familiarize yourself with the Holy Treasure first, and strive to completely control the Holy Treasure in the shortest possible time. About tomorrow, we will set off for the surrounding Hou Kingdom together. We don't have much time left."

Lei Dao said lightly, with a sense of urgency in his tone.

Who knows if King Nanyun will be furious after learning about Lei Dao, and then send a powerful saint to come? Therefore, if you are prepared, if you can increase your strength by one point, then you can increase it by one point.

Moreover, Lei Dao is also looking forward to it, what if one of the neighboring kingdoms, like the Jiugonghou kingdom, owns one or two 50,000-year-old elixir? Now Lei Dao is only short of a 50,000-year-old elixir, and he will be able to advance to the fifth level of the Holy Body.

At that time, relying on Lei Dao's terrifying strength, the sixth level of the Holy Physique will not be his opponent.

In this piece of vassal state, he can be regarded as the well-deserved overlord!


Dongji King's Mansion, when Emperor Jin Bo returned to Dongji King's Mansion, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought about reporting to Dongji King, his expression became ugly.


What a shame.

Not only did he lose face to Emperor Jinbo himself, but he even lost face to the Hongchen Emperor Sect behind him. Even the King of the East Pole would lose his face.

After all, this time, Emperor Jinbo's face represents the King of the East Extreme.

However, even if he knew that he would lose face, Emperor Jinbo had to bite the bullet and report, otherwise, he couldn't bear the consequences of concealing the report! Dongji King is a ruthless person, even if he really killed Emperor Jinbo, as long as it is really the fault of Emperor Jinbo, even the Hongchen Emperor Sect behind him will have nothing to do.

There is a high probability that he will not turn his face against the King of the East Extreme.

Therefore, Emperor Jinbo immediately went to see the King of the East Extreme.

"I have seen the King of the East."

"Emperor Jinbo came back so soon? It seems that things are going well. Have you found out who the emperor is?"

Emperor Jinbo took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty the King of the East, this matter is a bit complicated. That Lei Dao is not a certain emperor, but is indeed a casual cultivator, or in other words, the king of Shangyang. Dear guest. Moreover, its strength is extremely terrifying, comparable to the fifth-level emperor of the Holy Body! This time, I also met the fairy emperor of the Feixian Emperor Sect. It seems that the Feixian Emperor Sect has already practiced with King Nanyun. Dominate that area..."

Emperor Jinbo explained everything to me in detail.

Even when he lost to the Immortal Emperor, he didn't hide anything.

Dongji King frowned, the situation in Jiugonghou Kingdom was much more complicated than he expected.

"You mean that Emperor Feixian Sect has contact with King Nanyun, or that Emperor Feixian is supporting King Nanyun. And King Nanyun is also ready to do something, and he is still blatantly expanding his power and encroaching on the kingdom of Jiugonghou. Which one is included in the sphere of influence?"


Emperor Jinbo nodded.

"Moreover, the most important thing is that the Immortal Emperor defeated you, but was repelled by Lei Dao, the guest official of Shangyanghou Kingdom. Now, the King of Nanyun has not succeeded in that area?"

"Your Majesty Dongji King, that Thunder Dao is extraordinary. He is not the emperor's son but he is stronger than the emperor's son. It must not be underestimated."

Emperor Jinbo hastily reminded.

Lei Dao was able to fight against the fairy emperor with the fourth level of the holy body, and even repelled the fairy emperor. This kind of method has already amazed Emperor Jinbo, and he absolutely dare not underestimate Lei Dao anymore.

Even, if it wasn't for Lei Dao's subordinates to let him go, he might have been beheaded by Lei Dao.

"It's interesting, a mere Marquis country, unexpectedly there are so many forces intervening, and even a top genius is born. Even the emperor is not an opponent."

Dongji King is interested in Lei Dao, but that's all.

After a long time, King Dongji shook his head and said: "Forget it, King Nanyun probably won't give up. That area should be given to King Nanyun. It is inappropriate to have a conflict with King Nanyun now. Besides, that area It is also far away from the East Pole Kingdom, so we should concentrate our efforts and annex the surrounding duchies!"

A sharp light flashed in Dongji King's eyes.

On the surface, he looks as if he doesn't care, giving up because of the distance. But in fact, Dongji King also has a sense of urgency and even a sense of crisis.

Meeting of the Wind and Cloud!

He had already vaguely noticed that the entire Xihe Dynasty was undercurrent. Perhaps, turmoil was just around the corner. Even if he is one of the dignified six kings, he cannot guarantee his own safety.

It is better to expand the strength first, enhance the power of the Holy Treasure, and then respond to all changes with the same.

He has now taken the first step, and has taken the initiative and the first opportunity.

"Your Majesty, the Nine Palaces will ignore it?"

Emperor Jinbo asked cautiously.

"There is no need to intervene, but the news in that area must be closely monitored, especially the saint Lei Daolei, a casual cultivator who can rival the emperor, and even beat the emperor by leapfrogging? Hmph, how could it be such a coincidence? Behind him, there must be Someone! Pay close attention, maybe you can find some clues."

Dongji King snorted coldly.

He simply didn't believe that a casual cultivator could surpass the emperor's son.

This is simply a fantasy.

Even if the God of Xihe in the Xihe Dynasty hadn't risen, he didn't have such a dazzling record.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will pay close attention to Lei Dao's news."

Emperor Jin Bo's heart trembled, even though he felt something was wrong, he still didn't know who or what power was behind Lei Dao?

All he can do is keep an eye on the news about Lei Dao.


Nanyun King Palace.

The fairy emperor's face was indifferent, as if he was reporting something to a man in a Chinese robe.

The man in the Chinese robe is imposing and imposing.

There are many holy venerables around, all of them with pensive looks on their faces, and even shock in their eyes. They all couldn't believe what the Immortal Emperor said just now.

A mere rogue cultivator, still a little-known rogue cultivator, popped up suddenly, and defeated the Immortal Emperor with a mere fourth-level cultivation of the Holy Physique.

is it possible?

But, could the Immortal Emperor be lying?

That's even more impossible.

Who doesn't understand the Immortal Emperor?

With a high heart and arrogance, even those saints who are above the seventh level of the holy body, no one can convince the fairy emperor. But listening to the tone of the fairy emperor just now, the mysterious Lei Shengzun convinced the fairy emperor a little.

The man in the Chinese robe sitting high on the throne is King Nanyun, he smiled and said: "Interesting, the fairy emperor, with your eyes, you can't tell which emperor he is, it seems that the Lei The Holy Lord is really not the emperor's son. It's just that if he is not an emperor, he can fight across the ranks and even defeat the fairy emperor. This Lei Shengzun is even more difficult. Behind him, there may be shocking Background. Even, this king doubts whether there is a means of God."


Everyone was shocked when they heard King Nanyun's words.

God, this is almost a boulder pressing on the heads of all the saints, so that all the saints dare not be presumptuous.

But hasn't God disappeared?

Otherwise, how could King Nanyun and King Dongji be ready to expand their power so boldly?

ps: There are only two updates today, and the condition is not good.

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