Longevity Species

Chapter 480 Calm and Crisis (Part 1)

The continued rise of the Hundred Marquis League has not only attracted the attention of King Dongji, but also King Nanyun.

However, like King Dongji, King Nanyun also felt that he was a mob and that he couldn't make a big deal at all. Theoretically, the more holy treasures are fused, the stronger the power of Baihou League will be.

But this is only in theory.

Baihoumeng has a ceiling.

How many vassal states are there in the vicinity of the Marquis of Jiugong and the Marquis of Shangyang? It's just a dozen or so, and if it continues to expand, it will either touch the power of King Nanyun, or touch the power of other duchies.

At that time, what will become of the Baihou League?

The fusion of more than a dozen holy treasures will certainly greatly increase the power. It may be comparable to the fifth level of the Eucharist, and even suppress the fifth level of the Eucharist, but it is still far from the seventh level of the Principality.

Therefore, neither King Nanyun nor King Dongji paid much attention to the Baihou League.

Time passed by in a flash, and in just one month, the Baihoumeng rose rapidly, and the rapid rise was so fast that it was simply jaw-dropping. Of course, Lei Dao Lei Shengzun is also well-known, and everyone knows that Lei Shengzun "convinces people with reason".

Without Lei Dao, the Hundred Marquis Alliance would not be able to expand so quickly.

The headquarters of the Baihou League is tentatively located in Shangyang City.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Shangyang City headquarters, many Lords of the Marquis gathered together with solemn expressions, obviously discussing important matters.

Shangyang Yunchuan sits high on the top seat, and even the ancestor of Shangyang has to sit on the side below. The reason is very simple. Now Shangyang Yunchuan is the "handprinter" of the Baihou League, with a high status, almost It can be called the first person.

The Baihou League will follow this rule in the future.

Whoever is the "handprinter" will be able to command the entire Baihou League.

Shang Yang Yunchuan's complexion sank, and he said slowly: "Everyone, in just over a month, our Hundred Marquis Alliance has already had seventeen Marquis countries join. Bao, however, the expansion of our Hundred Marquis Alliance seems to be facing a limit, the south and east are the sphere of influence of King Nanyun, no matter what, we cannot conflict with King Nanyun."

"There are two duchies to the north and west, the Liuli Duchy to the north, and the Huangsha Duchy to the west. These are two duchies, and we can't easily provoke them for the time being. What should we do next? Please make a decision. .Moreover, I am in charge of the Baihou Seal, and I can feel that the Baihou Seal seems to have reached the critical point of breakthrough. If I can go a step further, it should be able to transform. Today's Baihou Seal has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Eucharist , if we go one step further, we may be able to transform, and by then, Baihou Yinwei will be able to rival the seventh layer of the Eucharist!"

There was a hint of fanaticism in Shangyang Yunchuan's voice.

He was really excited and looking forward to it.

Just a little bit.

The seven layers of Eucharist, how powerful is that? It can be called a giant!

Only when the Baihou Seal is comparable to the Seventh Layer of the Eucharist can the Baihou League gain a foothold temporarily, otherwise, it will be just duckweed floating in the wind, without any foundation at all.

The following sixteen lords of the Marquis were also slightly moved in their hearts, obviously a little surprised.

Baihou Yin has reached the peak of the sixth level of the holy body so quickly, it is too fast, not only beyond the expectations of many princes, but also beyond the expectations of Lei Dao.

However, the power of Baihou Yin is now a top secret, and no one has revealed it at all.

Moreover, it was only Lei Dao who persuaded these Hou countries to join the Baihou Yin. Shang Yang Yunchuan was in charge of the Baihou Yin and had never made a move. Therefore, spies from other forces naturally did not know the actual situation of the Baihou Yin today. .

Can only guess and predict.

But most people predict that Baihouyin may only be at the peak of the fifth level of the Eucharist, or it can barely reach the point where it can compete against the sixth level of the Eucharist. point.

There is only one Holy Treasure left to reach the level of the Seventh Layer of the Eucharist.

However, in order to break through the critical point, it is very difficult to cross this step, and it can even be regarded as extremely difficult.

The King of Nanyun can't be provoked, so can the two principalities be provoked?

Those two duchies both have the Seventh Layer of the Eucharist, even if it is the King of Dongji or the King of Nanyun, it is not so easy to treat a duchy, and they have to plan carefully, let alone the Hundred Marquis League?

"If not, shall we go to negotiate with Huangshagong or Liuligong? They will not be ignorant of the current situation in the Shen Dynasty. It would be great if they can take the initiative to join the Baihou League."

"Where is it so easy? Whether it is Duke Huangsha or Duke Liuli, they are all in charge of a principality. Even in the midst of chaos, they can remain neutral and take care of themselves. Even if it is really a last resort, they will only choose to seek refuge Six kings. Even under the command of the six kings, their status is not low, why bother to take the risk of joining our Baihou League?"

"Yes, it seems that our Baihoumeng seems to be free and takes our destiny into our own hands. But in fact, we have no foundation at all. Perhaps in the eyes of those principalities and even the six kings, our Baihoumeng is just a bunch of mobs. It is simply impossible for the Principality to join our Hundred Marquis Alliance."

"If we can't fight recklessly, then we don't choose to fight recklessly with the principality. Why don't we quietly cross the two principalities, go to the princes after the two principalities, and continue to persuade other princes to join the Baihou League, so that the Baihou India Transformation. Once the Baihou Seal transforms, we don’t need to fear the Principality anymore.”

"It's a good way, but, Liuli Gong and Huang Shagong, will they let Shang Yanghou, who is carrying the seal of Baihou?"

For a while, there were many discussions in the hall, but no feasible solution was discussed.

"Li Shengzun, what's your opinion?"

Shang Yang Yunchuan looked at Lei Dao and asked Lei Dao for his opinion.


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on Lei Dao.

Lei Dao's status in the Baihou League is very special.

Lei Dao does not belong to the lord of any Hou country, nor does he control the Baihou Yin, and Lei Dao is not even the leader of the Baihou League. The leader of the Hundred Marquis League will only be held by the "handprinter".

But Lei Dao contributed to Baihou League's success today, and it is closely related to Lei Dao.

Moreover, all the Lords of the Marquis who want to join the Hundred Marquis League will be told that once they join, they must first do their best to find a 50,000-year-old elixir for Lei Dao.

If there are more than 50,000 years of elixir stored in Hou Guo, it must be taken out.

In the future, the Hundred Marquis League will also use its influence to find elixir for Lei Dao that is more than 50,000 years old. It is precisely because of this that Lei Dao spares no effort to help the Hundred Marquis League continue to expand.

Therefore, many forces now know about Lei Dao, and even faintly link Lei Dao with the Baihou League, and regard Lei Dao as the leader or prominent figure of the Baihou League.

But in fact, strictly speaking, Lei Dao and Baihou League are just a cooperative relationship.

Lei Dao frowned and said: "Actually, there are ways to do it. The person who holds the seal cannot act rashly, and the seal of Baihou must not leave the sphere of influence of the Baihou League, otherwise the power will be greatly reduced. However, the person who holds the seal cannot leave, but Those Lords of the Hou Kingdom can enter the Hundred Marquis League! We only need to persuade those Lords of the Hou Kingdom to bring the Holy Treasure of the Hou Kingdom to the Hundred Marquis League, so the chances of being discovered by the two duchies are much smaller."

The eyes of many holy venerables brightened.

This is indeed a feasible way.

"It's a good way, but I'm afraid you have to hurry up. Maybe Huang Shagong just wants to stay safe in the chaos, but Liuli Duke is different. Recently, Liuli Dukedom has been acting frequently. I suspect that Liuli The public has some thoughts that shouldn't be there."

Shangyang Yunchuan said in a deep voice.

He is also clarifying the risk factors. If Liu Ligong has other thoughts, such as ambition, then it will be troublesome. Because, when the time comes, they will not take the initiative to provoke Liu Ligong, but Liu Ligong will take the initiative to provoke Baihoumeng.

The purpose, of course, is for Baihou Yin!

One piece and two holy treasures, then you have to attack one or two kingdoms, and there will be many unpredictable factors.

But what about the Baihou League?

You only need to defeat the handprinter, and you can get more than a dozen holy treasures at once. If they are integrated into the holy treasures of the principality, to what extent will the holy treasures of the principality be improved?

As far as the Principality is concerned, the current Baihou Seal is not weak, but it is not too strong, nor is it too fearful. It's like delicious meat, it's mouth-watering.

This is also why Shangyang Yunchuan is so anxious to integrate more holy treasures, and it is also because the Baihou League is brilliant on the surface, but in fact it is in a very embarrassing and dangerous situation.

"It's better for Lei to go."

After a long time, Lei Dao slowly stood up and spoke.

It's really up to him to do this.

After all, now Lei Dao is well-known and belongs to the top figure of Baihou League. As soon as he goes, the lords of those Hou kingdoms will naturally be clear about it.

"I will also go with Lei Shengzun, and I can also help Lei Shengzun convince some lords of the kingdom."

Jiugonghou also stood up and offered to follow Lei Dao to other kingdoms.

"I am coming too……"

Soon, several Lords of the Marquis were willing to go.

Shangyang Yunchuan was very satisfied, so he nodded and said: "Shengzun Lei, this trip is a heavy responsibility, and I will leave everything to Shengzun Lei."

"It's easy to say, three to five days at the earliest, ten days and a half months at the slowest, Lei will definitely return."

Therefore, Lei Dao got up directly, took the five lords with him, and left Shangyang City directly, disappearing into the sky.

"Hope everything goes well."

Shang Yang Yunchuan had deep eyes, looking forward to it in his heart.


Liuli Dukedom, the mansion of Liuli Duke.

At this moment, a few strange sages came outside, wanting to visit Duke Liuli.

What kind of person is Liuli Gong?

It's a giant, so naturally not everyone can see it.

However, after the guard informed, Liu Li narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was in deep thought.

"One of the Thirty-Six Holy Lands, the Abyss Holy Land? Help me to fight against the Six Kings, even rival the Six Kings. Can I really compete for the God Dynasty?"

It has to be said that Duke Liuli was shocked, but at the same time he was more cautious.

"Invite them in, I want to see what they can do?"

A gleam flashed in Liu Ligong's eyes, and he gave orders immediately.

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