Longevity Species

Chapter 481 Lei Shengzun, you are finally here! (Second more)

Several mysterious sages from the Desolate Abyss Holy Land were brought before Lord Liuli.

Several holy venerables bowed their heads slightly to salute, and one of the venerables said, "Grand Liuli, do you know that the entire Xihe Dynasty has begun to turmoil, and there will be turmoil at any time. When the time comes, the world will be in chaos, even with Liuli If you are capable, if you want to stand alone, it is an extravagant hope to preserve the Liuli Principality."

Several saints of the Holy Land of the Abyss were "scaremongering" when they opened their mouths. It seemed that the matter was very serious, and they needed the Holy Land of the Abyss to point out the maze and point out a way.

These are some common tricks, and Liuli Gong naturally didn't care about them. He smiled and said: "You guys can say what you have, don't be alarmist. I know the matter of Xihe Shenchao. Since you have chosen If you know me, you will naturally know about me, so it's best for both parties to be open and honest."

Duke Liuli said directly that he didn't want to go around in circles with the people from the Holy Land of Desolate Abyss.

Several saints in the Holy Land of Desolation looked at each other, and finally nodded. One of the saints stepped forward and said, "Okay, Lord Liuli is really quick to talk. Now that the situation of the Xihe Dynasty is in the hands of God, I believe that since Lord Liuli knows , then you should have some understanding of our reason for coming, right? Our Desolate Abyss Holy Land is one of the thirty-six holy lands. Although we cannot compete with the Nine Great Emperor Sects, we do not want to become a vassal. In this chaotic world, we naturally We have to find a partner. If Liuli Gong is willing to submit to the Six Kings or the Xihe Dynasty, then it will be treated as if we have never been here."

"If Liuli Gong also has ambitions and wants to catch up with the Six Kings, or even surpass the Six Kings, then maybe we can cooperate, and cooperate openly and honestly!"

The sages of the Abyss Holy Land have nothing to hide, and they have revealed the purpose of their trip, which is to find a partner.

In fact, Duke Liuli is not the only partner of the Holy Land of Desolate Abyss. I will even find a few more people, and finally choose the most outstanding person to cooperate with and give full support.

The Thirty-six Holy Lands sounded very prestigious and impressive.

But in fact, it also depends on the breath of the Nine Emperors.

Any holy land with a bit of ambition naturally wants to become the emperor's sect. Especially those giant ancestors in the Holy Land with nine layers of sacred bodies want to go one step further and become emperors!

In the past, everything in Xihe Shenchao was very stable, even the Thirty-Six Holy Lands did not dare to act rashly.

But now, with the gradual chaos of Xihe's dynasty, the Thirty-six Holy Land has begun to have other thoughts.

"Hahaha, since the Holy Land of the Abyss is here to cooperate, can you show some sincerity?"

There was a gleam of brilliance in Liuli Gong's eyes, and he stared at the several saints in the wild abyss holy land.

He won't be moved by these people's empty teeth.

Without benefits, or in other words, without practical benefits, he will not be persuaded.

"Sincerity? Of course we have it. I don't know if the Baihou League is enough?"

Suddenly, a saint said.

"Hundred Hou League?"

Duke Liuli asked in surprise, "Could it be that the Hundred Marquis League is controlled by your Desolate Abyss Holy Land?"

"Of course the Hundred Marquis League is not controlled by our Desolate Abyss Holy Land, but the Hundred Marquis League has gradually become a climate, with seventeen holy treasures fused together, and seventeen princely kingdoms, if it is given to Duke Liuli, will Duke Liuli be satisfied?"

Lord Liuli understands that this Desolate Abyss Holy Land wants to take the Hundred Marquis League as a "meeting gift" by force, so as to show the sincerity of the Desolate Abyss Holy Land.

Lord Liuli frowned and said: "As far as I know, the Hundred Marquis League is very special. There are faint traces of Dongji King, Nanyun King, and even the activities of the two Emperor Sects behind it. How dare you in the Holy Land of the Abyss fight against Baihou?" Houmeng make a move?"

In fact, even the members of the Hundred Marquis League may not know that they formed the Hundred Marquis League, and their strength has expanded rapidly, even if some principality masters are a little bit dissatisfied or greedy.

However, he feared that the Baihou League had some connections with the King of Dongji and even the King of Nanyun, so he did not dare to do anything. He was very afraid of the Baihou League.

After all, how strong are the news channels for the lords of these principalities?

No one has a half-knowledge of the news they have heard, and they don't know the inside story at all.

Several sages of the Desolate Abyss Holy Land said confidently: "Mr. Liuli is too worried. As long as Liu Li thinks that my sincerity in the Desolate Abyss Holy Land is not bad, then we will give the 'gift' of the Baihou League to you." Here, moreover, I will never cause any trouble for Duke Liuli. If there is any problem, I, the Holy Land of Desolation, will bear it all!"

Seeing the confident look of the Holy Land of the Desolate Abyss, Liu Ligong was also a little moved.

Obviously, these saints of the Abyss Holy Land must know something about the Baihou League.

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news from you all."

"Duke Liuli, please wait for a few days, there will naturally be good news. Duke Liuli must be ready to accept the entire Baihou League!"

A smile appeared on the face of the Holy Land of the Abyss Holy Land.

They feel that this trip has basically been more than half successful.

The Holy Land of the Wild Abyss chose Duke Liuli, who was ambitious and intelligent, and his status was not low, controlling a huge kingdom. If the Baihou League is obtained, the power will expand rapidly.

At that time, the Liuli Principality will even become the number one power under the six kings of the Xihe Dynasty!

In this coming chaotic world, Duke Liuli will undoubtedly reap a large part of the benefits, and it is not impossible to rival the Six Kings in the future. And the Holy Land of Desolate Abyss who supports Lord Liuli will also get unimaginable benefits.

This is the layout of the Abyss Holy Land.

Even not only the Holy Land of Desolation, but other holy places, the entire thirty-six holy places of ancient China, I am afraid that they are all making some plans accordingly. Chaotic times are coming, which is a danger but also an opportunity!

The saints of the Desolate Abyss Holy Land came and went quickly.

Looking at the backs of the disappearing saints in the Huangyuan Holy Land, Liu Ligong looked dignified.

"The Thirty-Six Great Sacred Lands can't sit still anymore, Emperor Sect, Holy Land, Six Kings, and Shen Dynasty! It's really chaotic, all kinds of ghosts and snakes have appeared, maybe, this is really my opportunity..."

Duke Liuli murmured in a low voice, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Six kings, it's not like he can't replace him!

Even, going one step further, it is not impossible to touch the supreme emperor.

If it can integrate the sacred treasures of all the princes, duchies and even the kingdom in Xihe's dynasty, it will not be difficult to suppress the emperor.

Dangers and opportunities coexist.

Of course, Lord Liuli has to see now, what methods does the Holy Land of the Wild Abyss have?

If even a mere Hundred Marquis Alliance can't make things right, then there is no need for him to cooperate with the Holy Land of the Abyss.


"This is the Principality of Yellow Sand? What a huge desert!"

Lei Dao brought the five lords of the Marquis to the Principality of Huangsha. After entering the Principality, he saw the scene in front of him, the desert with no end in sight, and the sky full of yellow sand.

The Principality of Huangsha got its name from this.

"The Principality of Huangsha is one of the largest principalities in the Xihe Dynasty. It has the largest area, but 80% of the place is covered by this vast desert. The sky is full of yellow sand, and there is no end in sight. Only some of the vast desert There are some oases in places. Huangsha City is located on the largest oasis in this desert."

"Therefore, as long as we don't pass through those oases, basically no one will find us in this big desert, including Huang Shagong. Even if he mobilizes the Holy Treasure, the Holy Treasure can only gather the power of faith of all living beings. This vast In the desert, there is not even any one person or practitioner, so how can there be any power of faith? Without the power of faith of all beings, it is naturally impossible to detect the situation in the yellow sand."

Following Jiugonghou's explanation, Lei Dao also gradually understood why they chose to take the road of Huangsha Principality.

The reason is very simple, not only because Huang Shagong is very low-key, the biggest reason is probably because the area of ​​Huangsha Principality is large enough, Huang Shagong can't find the situation in the desert.

Therefore, they can leave through this desert calmly.

"Is there any danger in the desert?"

Lei Dao asked suddenly.

Looking at the vast desert, he felt something was wrong.

In the deserted desert, ordinary people cannot survive, but it does not mean that some strange beasts cannot survive either.

"The great desert in Huangsha Principality is very mysterious. It seems that it has existed since ancient times. There are some taboos in it, even the giant-level powerhouses at the seventh level of the Eucharist. Maybe there are some secrets in it, which will be a little dangerous, but as long as we If you don’t deliberately explore, there won’t be too many problems.”

Lei Dao understood.

There must be secrets in this great desert, but these secrets can't be figured out even by the seventh-level saint of the Eucharist, let alone Lei Dao and others? As long as you don't deliberately explore, you can easily cross this large desert.

"In that case, let's go, many saints of the Baihou League are still waiting for us to go back."

After all, Lei Dao stepped forward in one step and flew in the void.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lei Dao and others did not manifest the Holy Body.

After all, if six saints manifested the holy body together, and the holy body that would be strengthened four times, and even the ultimate holy body of Lei Dao, the movement would be very great.

It is inevitable that Huang Shagong will not find out.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, many saints did not manifest the real body of the holy body under caution.

Without the real body of the Eucharist, the speed was naturally much slower.

In the vast desert, Lei Dao and others flew for ten days before finally flying out of the desert.

All the way up the mountain, Lei Dao vaguely felt the weirdness of this desert, and he even wanted to explore it. But in the end, I still resisted my curiosity and went through the Huangsha Principality as planned.

Now, finally arrived at the border of the Principality of Huangsha, passing through it is a Marquis!


Suddenly, Lei Dao's eyes froze sharply, and the flying body in the void stopped immediately, his eyes fixed on the front.

Just ahead, at the end of the great desert, above the border of the Principality of Huangsha, stood a figure, a strange figure.

But it was this strange figure that made Lei Dao feel extremely dangerous.

This figure is not simple!

"Lei Shengzun, you are finally here..."

The figure in the void spoke slowly, with a low voice, a calm tone, calm and unhurried, but full of absolute confidence!

This figure had been waiting for them here a long time ago.

ps: I will go to Chengdu for medical treatment tomorrow, and the update will be at night. Recently, only two chapters are updated every day, not twice forever. Lao Yue is not in good health, and has recently fallen ill, and his condition is even worse. When the body is better, it will resume the third watch, thank you for your support!

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