Longevity Species

Chapter 488 Success or failure depends on one move! (first update)

In the void, Holy Venerable Huang Yan stared at a figure that suddenly appeared below with some doubts in his eyes.

It was this figure that blocked the blow of Holy Lord Huangyan and saved Shangyang Yunchuan.

"Who are you?"

Saint Huangyan's tone was dignified, and he stared at Lei Dao coldly.

Lei Dao glanced at Huangyan Shengzun, stood with his hands behind his back, and responded lightly: "Since you have come to the Baihou League, and even want to destroy the Baihou League, don't you know about Lei?"

"You are Lei Shengzun of the Hundred Marquis League!"

Saint Huangyan's eyes lit up, as if he had guessed Lei Dao's identity.

In fact, Holy Lord Huangyan definitely came to Shangyang City, and he had already investigated it when he dealt with the Baihou League. For Lei Shengzun!

This Lei Shengzun is powerful, and he can often personally "persuade" the lords of those lords, so that the power of the Baihou League will continue to expand.

However, Lei Shengzun is not the ruler of any of the princes in the Hundred Marquis League, which is even more unbelievable. What is Lei Dao trying to do?

However, not knowing the purpose of Lei Shengzun does not mean that Huangyan Shengzun does not pay attention to Lei Dao.

Even though Lei Dao's current state is only the fourth level of the holy body, it still respects Huang Yansheng. In fact, he has learned his lesson.

Shangyang Yunchuan is comparable to the peak of the sixth level of the holy body. Although he relies on the seal of Baihou, as the real core figure of the entire Baihou League, how can Lei Dao's strength be inferior?

Therefore, facing Lei Dao, Huang Yan Shengzun was very cautious.

Lei Dao walked into the void step by step, and at the same time, he manifested a holy body.


Immediately, Lei Dao's Annihilation Saint Body, Blue Ice Saint Body, Storm Saint Body, and Exploding Flame Saint Body all manifested, roaring towards the Holy Lord Huangyan, and even the divine blood clone of the fourth stage of the divine blood stepped forward out.

In the void, Lei Dao's four saints plus a divine blood avatar were all straddling the void at this moment, facing off against the Holy Lord Huangyan.

"This is... the ultimate Eucharist!"

Lord Huangyan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is not an ordinary saint, but the sixth-level peak saint of the holy body in the thirty-six holy places, and he is by no means comparable to the Shinichi saint under the command of Dongji King.

At least, in terms of knowledge, the Holy One of Zhenyi is far inferior to the Holy Lord of Huangyan.

Huangyan Shengzun saw Lei Dao's "false reality" at a glance, and actually knew that Lei Dao's four holy bodies are the ultimate holy body!

"Yes, I have some knowledge."

Lei Dao said lightly.

Although he looks relaxed, in fact, deep down he is very vigilant.


There is a threat on the body of Huangyan Shengzun, and besides Huangyan Shengzun, there are Huangyue Shengzun and other three holy body five-fold saints, which is a powerful lineup.

The Baihou League, which has lost the Baihou seal, is simply unable to assist Lei Dao in fighting against the five great saints, not even able to restrain them.

In other words, Lei Dao was able to fight against the five great saints alone with his own strength!

Just thinking about the difficulty is depressing.

Although Lei Dao can leapfrog and fight, but currently Lei Dao is only at the fourth level of the Holy Physique. Even if he can leapfrog the level and fight, what if he sweeps the fifth level of the Holy Physique?

The opponent is the sixth level of the Eucharist, or two peak saints of the sixth level of the Eucharist!

Therefore, it is very normal for Lei Dao to feel threatened.

"The ultimate holy body, only the sons of emperors can condense so many ultimate holy bodies, which emperor's son are you?"

Holy Venerable Huangyan asked in a deep voice.

Before coming to Shangyang City, in fact, Huang Yan Shengzun never thought that Lei Dao would be the emperor's son. After all, the real Emperor Zong went to support the Six Kings, or some top dukes.

Who would support Baihoumeng, a force that is obviously a mob, even a grassroots force?

Supporting such a force will not gain any benefits at all, and it will be suppressed by all parties, which is really thankless.

But after seeing that Lei Dao actually condensed four ultimate holy bodies, Holy Lord Huangyan couldn't help but think a little more. Could it be that a certain mysterious emperor sect really had an ulterior purpose?

In other words, what is so unique about the Hundred Marquis League that Emperor Zong spared no effort to support it?

Lei Dao was noncommittal.

He even wanted to acquiesce in his identity as the "Emperor's Son". It would be best if he could deter Huang Yan Shengzun.

But it is obvious that even if Lei Dao does not speak, even if he acquiesces in the status of "Emperor's Son", the Holy Land Holy Lord Huangyan is not easy to fool.

After thinking about it carefully, Holy Venerable Huang Yan found it impossible.

At this time, Lord Huangyan thought of some news that he had investigated before.

There is some news that it is Lei Shengzun in the Baihou League who even repelled the powerful men under the command of King Dongji and King Nanyun, among them there are many sons of Emperor Zong!

The news was ambiguous, and Holy Venerable Huang Yan found it unbelievable.

But now, Lord Huangyan saw Lei Dao, but he felt that this rumor might not be false.

Maybe, Lei Dao can really defeat the emperor!

After all, Lei Dao has condensed four ultimate holy bodies, which are considered very good even among the emperor's sons.

"It doesn't matter whether you are the emperor's son or not, but if you insist on keeping the Hundred Marquis League, then you can only fight!"

Holy Venerable Huang Yan looked solemn, staring at Lei Dao firmly.

Facing the existence of a suspected Holy Son, he did not dare to be careless in the slightest, even if Lei Dao was only the fourth layer of the Eucharist, he did not dare to underestimate it in the slightest.

"Let's do it together!"

Lord Huangyan shouted loudly, and even ignored his "face", he directly "called" Lord Huangyue and other four saints to attack Lei Dao together.

These saints also responded immediately.

Immediately, dozens of sacred bodies blasted towards Lei Dao's five bodies in a mighty manner.

"God's Eye Domain!"

The next moment, Lei Dao immediately displayed the Divine Eye Domain.

The scarlet light quickly rendered the entire void, as if turning half of the void into a scarlet realm.

In this area, Lei Dao will control everything!

However, this time Lei Dao used the field of divine eyes, not for attack, but only for defense, for self-protection. He is not confident enough to be able to suppress five Saints above the fifth level of the Eucharist with the Divine Eye Domain.

In particular, there are two other peak saints of the sixth level of the Holy Physique!

But using the field of divine eyes can make Lei Dao's defense stronger.

Even Lei Dao has to admit that his situation is very bad and delicate now. He feels threatened, even dangerous.

In other words, the power of the five great sages, including Huangyan sage, is stronger than that of Lei Dao!


Sure enough, following Huang Yan's sage's move, the terrifying power rushed into the God's Eye domain in an instant, tearing the God's Eye domain apart instantly, and the terrifying power continued to wash away in the God's Eye domain.


This was Raidou's first reaction. The five saints attacked together, and the power erupted from dozens of holy bodies was so terrifying that even the domain of divine eyes couldn't support it.

Although Lei Dao has four layers of holy bodies, four holy bodies have been condensed. Even with the addition of the divine blood avatar, Lei Dao could rebel against the fifth-layer emperor son of the holy body!

And the sons of the fifth-layer Holy Physique can leapfrog to fight against the sixth-layer Holy Physique.

Of course, it's just the most common six-fold saint of the Eucharist.

Therefore, Lei Dao's current strength is actually only comparable to the sixth-level holy body, which is the most common and weakest sixth-level holy body.

Facing a saint who was at the peak of the sixth level of the Eucharist, Lei Dao would be at a disadvantage, and would even be in danger.

There is no doubt that Raidao is in danger now.

Because these are two peak saints of the sixth level of the Eucharist, and three peak saints of the fifth level of the Eucharist. Such a lineup is too strong!

However, although the domain of God's Eye was torn apart, Lei Dao's other four ultimate holy bodies also went up to meet them, each displaying their holy methods, and brazenly fought against Huangyan Shengzun personally.

Such a battle is too strong.

The terrifying aftermath raged everywhere, spreading in all directions.

However, Lei Dao was clearly at a disadvantage.

After one blow, Lei Dao was suppressed for the first time, and it was still completely suppressed. Both the divine-blood avatar and the four ultimate holy bodies suffered varying degrees of damage.

Even the holy body has been obliterated a little.

Many saints can see Lei Dao's situation clearly.

"Lei Shengzun, let us help you!"

Immediately, dozens of saints rushed up.

There was nothing they could do about the two peak saints at the sixth level of the Eucharist. But the three Saints of the Holy Body and the Fifth Layer, they can restrain one or two of them even if they try their best.

Even if the containment time is not long, Lei Dao can breathe a little bit.

Even though the price they paid for doing so was too high, they knew the truth of being cold-hearted. What's more, Lei Dao was fighting for the Baihou League, for them.

However, Shang Yang Yunchuan and other eighteen princes did not go up. Now they have more important things to do.

That is the fusion of the eighteenth holy treasure.

Shang Yang Yunchuan glanced at Lei Dao who was clearly at a disadvantage and was tightly suppressed in the void. Shangyang Yunchuan gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, this is the most dangerous moment for our Hundred Marquis Alliance. Even Lei Shengzun and many other saints are desperately fighting, so why can't we do our best? However, what is more important for us now is to integrate the first Eighteen holy treasures. Only by integrating the holy treasures of the Baolonghou Kingdom into the Baihou seal and transforming the Baihou seal, can we suppress Huangyan and other five saints in one fell swoop, and can also help Lei Shengzun."

"So, now is the time for you all to put aside everything and do your best to help Baolonghou integrate the holy treasure."

Shangyang Yunchuan's tone was firm, and there was even a hint of determination in his eyes.

This kind of determination is like holding the belief that you must die.


Shangyang Yunchuan urged Baihou Yin.

However, at this moment, the Baihou Seal looked tattered and torn, apparently on the verge of collapse, without any fighting strength.

At this time, Baihou Yin should be slowly recovered with the help of the faith of all living beings, and then try to integrate the eighteenth holy treasure.

But, now where is there anything to make Baihouyin recover slowly?

If you don't succeed, you will succeed!

Shangyang Yunchuan has no way out, and neither does the Baihou League. They must merge with the Holy Treasure, and they must only succeed and not fail.

Once it fails, the Baihou League will lose its value and meaning of existence.

Therefore, Shangyang Yunchuan took a deep breath, and together with Baolonghou urged the Holy Treasure. Immediately, Baihou Yin and Baolonghou's Holy Treasure quickly began to intertwine.

Make it or break it!

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