Longevity Species

Chapter 489: You Forced It All (Second)


Lei Dao is also paying attention to the situation of Shangyang Yunchuan and others merging the holy treasure. Seeing that Shangyang Yunchuan is putting all his eggs in one basket and merging the holy treasure in the most dangerous situation, he is actually desperate.

But even if the integration is successful, it will take time.

But now, Lei Dao and Baihou League are the ones who lack the most time.


The holy body of Huang Yan sage directly bombarded Lei Dao's five bodies. Suddenly, a crack appeared on the annihilated holy body, and a large number of annihilated holy bodies were obliterated and completely disappeared.

Every blow of Holy Lord Huangyan can obliterate a lot of holy bodies.

What's more, there is also the Holy Lord of Desolate Moon, and the two great sacred bodies and the sixth-fold Holy Lord have joined forces, and the pressure on Lei Dao is very huge. Even the other saints of the Hundred Marquis League tried their best to block the other three holy bodies and five-fold saints in the wild abyss holy land, sharing some pressure on Lei Dao.

But just the two great holy bodies and six-fold saints weighed down Lei Dao so much that he couldn't breathe.

Lei Dao is not invincible after all.

Facing the two peaks of the sixth level of the holy body, Lei Dao has tried his best, but he is still invincible, and every time he hits, he will wipe out a large number of holy bodies.

If this continues, Lei Dao's holy body may be obliterated, and he is also in danger of falling.

Originally, Lei Dao wanted to delay the time so that Shangyang Yunchuan could integrate the eighteenth holy treasure as soon as possible, so that the Baihou seal could be completely transformed, making it comparable to the seventh layer of holy body.

It's just that there seems to be not enough time now.

Shangyang Yunchuan has tried his best, but even in the best case, it will not be possible to completely integrate the eighteenth holy treasure, at least it will take a day or even a few days.

In this case, Lei Dao can only rely on himself, and cannot rely on others.


Another attack like a storm, Lei Dao's five bodies are like a flat boat in the sea, which seems to collapse at any time. This is the first time Lei Dao has encountered such a situation.

In the past, even if Lei Dao met the son of the fifth-level Holy Body, Lei Dao always had the upper hand, and it could even be said that he was crushed all the way.

But now, the situation is reversed, Lei Dao has become the one being crushed, and there is no sign of counterattack at all. And the five bodies are rapidly weakening, and the holy body is also being wiped out, vaguely being wiped out by a small half.

In this case, Lei Dao let alone support it for a day, and he couldn't do it for half a day.

Huang Yan Shengzun looked very happy, he looked at Lei Dao, and said with a smile: "Lei Shengzun, it seems that you are not as magical as the legends say, you are indeed very strong, and the Holy Venerable with the fourth layer of the Holy Body can faintly compare to you!" The peak of the fifth level of the Holy Physique, no, it should be comparable to the ordinary sixth level of the Holy Physique. If you give you a little more time, in time, maybe this saint really can't do anything to you."

"However, you have run out of time now. How long can your five bodies last? One hour or two hours?"

Indeed, Holy Venerable Huangyan also saw that Lei Dao was at the end of his rope and had no strength to fight back.

But two hours is too much.

It only takes an hour, and Lei Dao's five bodies will be completely wiped out.

At that time, Lei Dao will also fall.

"Fallen" seems very strange to Lei Dao.

Death has not been with Lei Dao for a long time, but now, Lei Dao can feel a breath of death. If this continues, he will really die, there will be no luck.

"I'm dying?"

Even Lei Dao seemed at a loss as to what to do.

He never thought that he would actually face death.

Not a powerful emperor.

It wasn't the six kings who disrupted the situation in the Xihe Dynasty.

Not to mention the Emperor Zong who has stood still for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years since ancient times.

None of these were shot.

It's a saint in a holy place, not even a son, who wants to kill Lei Dao, so that Lei Dao faces the threat of death.

For a while, Lei Dao actually had a "ridiculous" feeling in his heart.

However, there are great horrors between life and death.

Facing life and death, many saints will burst out with terrifying potential.

The same goes for Raidou.

Although his potential was terrifying enough, he hadn't faced death for a long time, and he hadn't even faced a threat. Even in the face of Emperor Zong's son, Lei Dao could crush him.

Therefore, Lei Dao was really "floating" during this period of time.

But now, with the appearance of Lord Huangyan, Lei Dao seemed to "wake up" all of a sudden. It turned out that there were still many, many people who could kill him in the entire ancient Shenzhou.

The realm and strength that Lei Dao is proud of now is actually not worth mentioning at all.

Facing the holy venerable of the sixth level of the Eucharist, he was helpless.

"It turns out that I'm not strong enough..."

Raidou murmured softly.


Suddenly, Lei Dao raised his head abruptly, and a divine light flashed in his eyes.

"Since you are not strong enough, let's continue to become stronger. I used to take it for granted, and thought that the world is peaceful. With my strength, self-protection should not be a problem. But now I realize that I am wrong, all wrong, this world It is very dangerous, without strong strength, self-protection is very difficult."

"I originally wanted to quietly search for a 50,000-year elixir, and then quietly practice, quietly break through and advance. But many things just don't go my way. You won't let me quietly break through, Advance quietly, since that's the case, it's time for me to give up some childish ideas that I took for granted."

"I want to become stronger, at all costs! Only by becoming stronger can I control my own destiny, and only by being strong can I truly obtain peace."

The light in Lei Dao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

If possible, he really just wants to become stronger quietly, advance quietly, and practice quietly. But it is a pity that other people will not give him such a peaceful environment.

It was peaceful for a while before.

But that period of peace was a period of peace that was abruptly "played" by Lei Dao with his tyrannical strength.

Without strength, what kind of peace do you want? That is undoubtedly a big joke!

"So, it was all forced by you..."

Lei Dao took a deep breath and immediately focused on the ability.

Name: Lei Dao (25 years old)

Lifespan: nine months in 1017

Fourfold Eucharist: consumes a total of 3,900 and two months of lifespan

Eucharist of Annihilation: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Blue Ice Holy Body: Ultimate Holy Body (cannot be upgraded)

Eucharist of the Storm: Ultimate Eucharist (non-upgradeable)

Exploding Eucharist: Ultimate Eucharist (cannot be upgraded)

Divine Blood Clone: ​​Divine Blood Stage 4 (upgradeable)

Absolute Cold: Consummation

The holy law of destroying Yuan: Consummation

Wind Scroll Sacred Method: Consummation

Burning Sacred Dharma: Consummation

Lei Dao still has a lot of lifespan. If Lei Dao has enough elixir at this time, then he can directly advance. Even if it directly consumes a thousand years of lifespan, it is fine to directly upgrade to the ultimate holy body.

When the time comes, it may not be a question of Lei Dao's self-protection, but whether the Huangyan Holy Lord can protect himself or not.

It's a pity that there is only one 50,000-year elixir of Lei Dao.

With a 50,000-year-old elixir, it is impossible for Lei Dao to advance.

If it is forced to advance, it will only lead to the collapse of the condensed holy body, which will also affect the other four holy bodies, which is almost suicide.

But if he doesn't advance, how can Lei Dao improve his strength?

And he has to contend against the Holy Lord Huangyan?

Of course there is a way!

In fact, Lei Dao already had a solution, but he never wanted to use it.

Because it takes a lot of life.

But now, Lei Dao has no choice.

Since it is impossible to advance now, there is only one way for Lei Dao to quickly improve his strength and overcome the immediate difficulties.

That is to upgrade the divine blood clone!

Lei Dao's divine blood avatar can be directly increased by lifespan. The divine blood avatar is like "martial arts", and the consumption of lifespan can be directly increased.

Lei Dao hadn't wanted to upgrade the divine-blood avatar before, and the reason was very simple.

Improving the divine-blood avatar directly would consume too much lifespan.

The third stage of divine blood would require three hundred years of lifespan. For the fourth stage of divine blood, it would take four hundred years of lifespan.

At present, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar is the fourth stage of divine blood.

If you want to improve, you have to upgrade to the fifth stage of divine blood! Need to consume five hundred years of life!

Five hundred years of life, how terrifying is this?

Lei Dao currently only has a lifespan of one thousand years.

However, now I can't help it.

"If you hadn't been too persuasive, Lei wouldn't have spent so much lifespan to upgrade the divine-blood avatar at this time. After all, the promotion of the divine-blood avatar would not increase the lifespan."

Raidou took a deep breath.

No matter how unwilling he is, no matter how high the price is, Lei Dao has no choice now.

Unless, he was willing to be beaten to death by Huangyan Shengzun.

"Consume 500 years of lifespan, upgrade the divine blood avatar to the fifth stage of divine blood!"

The next moment, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately made up his mind.


In an instant, the 500-year lifespan disappeared, and Lei Dao's heart was empty, as if he had lost something important. The lifespan is invisible and intangible, but Lei Dao seems to be able to feel the loss of a lot of lifespan.

With the consumption of lifespan, Lei Dao's fifth body, which is the clone of divine blood, was shocked violently, and roared to the sky.

At the same time, there seemed to be a large amount of energy in the body of the god's blood, which exploded in the body, and the terrifying body was expanding rapidly, emitting a horrible breath.

Boost, crazy boost!

The aura improvement of the divine blood avatar is very terrifying. It was originally only the fourth stage of the divine blood, but now it has become the fifth stage of the divine blood. A memory picture emerged in Lei Dao's mind.

In these memory images, Lei Dao seems to have really "accumulated over time", thoroughly researching the divine blood, and finally raised the divine blood to the fifth stage of the divine blood.

Even Lei Dao can instantly understand the various peculiar abilities of the fifth stage of the divine blood.


The divine-blood avatar roared to the sky, terrifying sound waves spread in all directions, and a terrifying power emanated from the divine-blood avatar, permeating the entire void.

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