Longevity Species

Chapter 490 The fifth stage of divine blood, blowing up the sixth-level saint! (third change)

"This is……"

Seeing Lei Dao's divine-blood avatar, his aura was obviously bursting, and it seemed to be far superior to the other four holy bodies. Even the holy body strengthened six times by the Huangyan sage, there is a faint feeling of being suppressed.

This shocked Venerable Huang Yan extremely.

That's a clone!

He can see clearly.

But can the avatar be so powerful?

"Let's do it together and kill him quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Holy Venerable Huang Yan was a little flustered. He didn't know what he was panicking about, but he was really flustered, as if something major happened to Lei Dao in front of him.

This kind of change was enough to make Holy Venerable Huangyan feel in danger and even palpitate.

Therefore, Holy Venerable Huangyan and Holy Moon worked together, and a total of twelve terrifying holy bodies blasted towards Lei Dao overwhelmingly. The key target was Lei Dao's divine blood avatar.

Lei Dao had already closed his eyes, and he closed his eyes the moment he promoted the divine blood avatar.

The ascension of the divine-blood avatar is very different from the ascension of the holy body.

All the power of the divine blood avatar comes from the divine blood.

Divine blood, said to be the blood of the gods, has all kinds of incredible powers. This god-blood avatar awakens the magical power of "God's Eye".

The field of divine eyes is also the most magical power that Lei Dao has ever seen.

Even though his four ultimate holy bodies are very powerful, they don't have the weird and magical power of the divine eye domain.

Moreover, once the divine-blood avatar is upgraded, its power can be quickly converted into combat power, and there is no need to practice any holy methods at all. Once promoted, the power of the divine-blood avatar will increase dramatically.

After all, the divine-blood avatar is pure power.


The next moment, Lei Dao opened his eyes.

The power in his divine-blood avatar seemed to explode. A surge of force was actually crazily hitting the divine eye on his forehead.

The scarlet divine eyes exuded scarlet light, covering the entire divine-blood clone, making Lei Dao's divine-blood clone look very strange.

However, Lei Dao knew that this was the peculiarity of the divine-blood avatar.

The fifth stage of divine blood!

According to the previous increase, the divine blood avatar of the fifth stage of the divine blood is the ultimate holy body comparable to the fifth enhancement. Even, including the magical field of divine eyes, the divine blood avatar of the fifth stage of the divine blood is stronger than the ultimate holy body strengthened five times!

And the ultimate holy body that has been strengthened five times can easily crush the ordinary holy body that has been strengthened six times.

Lei Dao opened his eyes. Facing the overwhelming attacks of the Holy Lord Huangyan and the Holy Moon, Lei Dao's eyes were very calm.

"God's Eye Domain!"

Lei Dao said every word, his voice was very soft, but it clearly fell on everyone's ears and echoed in their ears.


The scarlet divine eye opened, but at this time, if one looked carefully, one could find that within this scarlet divine eye, there seemed to be another scarlet eye indistinctly embedded in the divine eye. .

In other words, there are two divine eyes, but they both exist in one divine eye at the same time, which looks quite strange.

However, Lei Dao could feel that the field of divine eyes had increased countless times.

A large amount of scarlet rays of light formed the domain of the divine eyes, and covered the twelve holy bodies in front. Everything in the area covered by the scarlet divine eyes seemed to be imprisoned, and everything became still.

Even the twelve sacred bodies of the Holy Lord Huangyan and the Holy Moon, and even the attack of the twelve holy bodies, were "imprisoned" and completely stopped.

"This is impossible……"

Holy Venerable Huang Yan opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

He couldn't believe his eyes.


He and the barren moon saint, a total of twelve sacred bodies, were actually imprisoned, and it was impossible for them to move at all.

Although Lei Dao had also used the field of divine eyes before. Even Lord Huangyan and Lord Huangyue felt the domain of the divine eye, but they were not so strong.

The twelve holy bodies, they were able to break free with only a little struggle before, almost without much impact. It can even easily tear the field of God's Eye.

But now?

Endless power, from all directions, is continuously imprisoned towards their holy body.

Even the twelve powerful holy bodies couldn't resist and were imprisoned instantly.

Lei Dao's eyes also brightened.

The divine blood avatar of the fifth stage of the divine blood even has an extra divine eye, so its power is not only several times stronger?

It's more than ten times.

The twelve holy bodies were imprisoned in the divine eye field, and Lei Dao had nothing to spare, and then the divine blood clone immediately rushed towards the twelve holy bodies. The divine-blood avatar is not limited to the domain of divine eyes.

More importantly, the power of the divine blood avatar itself is very terrifying, not inferior to the ultimate holy body of the same level, and even the pure power is even stronger!

At this moment, the strength of the divine blood avatar of the fifth stage of the divine blood is even more unimaginable, and it can even surpass the peak of the sixth stage of the holy body. After all, the divine blood avatar is already the fifth stage of the sacred blood.


The divine blood clone punched one of the holy bodies.

This is a sacred body of the Holy Lord Huangyan.

Terrifying power is constantly impacting and vibrating in the holy body. Even if it is a six-time strengthened holy body, it is not the ultimate holy body after all, so its defense is limited.

It's okay that Lei Dao's power couldn't reach the point of "breaking the defense" before. At that time, the Holy Body of Saint Huangyan was almost invincible and invincible.

But now, Lei Dao's divine blood stage 5 avatar is already faintly surpassing the sacred body of Huangyan Shengzun in terms of strength.

Therefore, under this blow, the holy body of Huang Yan was shocked, and there were a few cracks on the holy body, and almost one-third of the holy body was directly defeated and obliterated.

This couldn't help but terrified Huang Yan Shengzun.

A single blow destroyed one-third of a holy body. Wouldn't it be possible to completely obliterate his holy body with two more punches?

For Lei Dao, there is actually not much difference between performing one punch and three punches, and the time interval is very short. Therefore, without even half a breath, Lei Dao threw two punches in a row.


Among the six holy bodies of Huang Yan Shengzun, one of the holy bodies could not withstand the continuous bombardment of Lei Dao's blood clone, and the last trace of the holy body was also obliterated.

He was blasted by Lei Dao abruptly!

This is the Holy Body's sixth-fold peak Holy Venerable!


Saint Huangyan struggled violently, and the remaining five holy bodies struggled crazily. The terrifying power also broke free from the shackles of the divine eye domain.

However, Lei Dao snorted coldly, and then the domain of God's Eye quickly shrank its scope.

The wider the scope of the divine eye field, the weaker its power actually is. If the domain is only within a small range, then the power of the divine eye domain will be stronger.

As Lei Dao narrowed the scope of the God's Eye domain, the power of confinement also became stronger, imprisoning Lord Huangyan and Lord Huangyue again.

At this time, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and the other four ultimate holy bodies also attacked, even if they couldn't wipe out the holy body of the Huangyan saint, it would be effective to attack together.


Four holy bodies attacking one holy body together also has a great effect. After all, Lei Dao's is the ultimate holy body that has been strengthened four times, and it is not weak in the first place.

It may not be enough to face the previous six-time strengthened high-level holy body alone.

But if they join forces to attack a high-level holy body that has been strengthened six times, there is no problem, and it can even obliterate the opponent's holy body, it just takes a little time.

But now, Lei Dao's Divine Eye field has been strengthened by more than ten times, which is precisely able to suppress and imprison Huangyan Shengzun and Huangyue Shengzun for a period of time.

Lei Dao's divine blood avatar was not idle either, but directly attacked, aiming at the holy body bombardment of Huangyue Shengzun, he didn't intend to just repel Huangyan Shengzun and others.

Lei Dao has now produced a murderous intent.

He wants to kill the Holy Venerable Huangyan and the Holy Moon, and wipe out all the five Holy Venerables in the Holy Land of the Desolate Abyss!


Another three punches struck, and a holy body of Lord Huangyue was also obliterated.

Immediately afterwards, the four ultimate holy bodies teamed up to besiege a six-time strengthened holy body, and it was still a living target. Therefore, a holy body was finally obliterated.

In a blink of an eye, Lei Dao had wiped out the three holy bodies.

But it's not over yet.

The divine eye field of the fifth stage of the divine blood is indeed very strong, at least it has been imprisoned for such a long time, Lei Dao is under pressure, but it can bear it. Of course, this may also be related to the fact that Huangyan Shengzun and others are only high-level holy bodies.

If those emperor's sons all possessed the ultimate holy body, it would be impossible for the Divine Eye Domain to imprison the ultimate holy body that had been strengthened six times for such a long time.

Whether there is an ultimate Eucharist or not, that is a world of difference. Although Holy Lord Huangyan is powerful, he does not have the ultimate holy body after all. Once imprisoned by Lei Dao's divine eye domain, he becomes a living target.

The fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh...

Lei Dao's divine blood avatar crazily bombarded Huangyan Shengzun and Huangyue Shengzun, and every holy body was also blasted and obliterated.

The Holy Lord Huangyan and the Holy Lord Huangyue, who are dignified at the sixth level of the sacred body, now also have fear in their hearts.

They feel the threat of death.

More than seven sacred bodies have been lost, more than half of which have been lost, and almost all of them have been severely injured. It is even easier for the Divine Eye Domain to imprison them.

"how so……"

Lord Huangyan seemed to be in disbelief at the scene in front of him.

They had taken advantage before, but suddenly the situation reversed, and they lost instead. And it's not just as simple as losing, the two dignified Saints at the sixth level of the Eucharist are even about to fall and die!

At this time, they wanted to escape, but they were unable to escape because of Lei Dao's divine eye field.

On the contrary, the three Holy Physiques of the Fifth Layer, saw that the situation was not good, and quickly withdrew.

There was no plan to assist the Holy Venerable Huangyan and the Holy Moon, but retreated crazily and quickly fled Shangyang City.

After all, there is a huge gap between the Holy Venerable of the Baihou League and the fifth level of the Eucharist, so it is good to be able to contain it. It is very difficult to keep the three saints with five layers of holy body.

Lei Dao wanted to kill all the three saints, but now the saints Huangyan and Huangyue are also desperately fighting, he has to suppress them with all his strength, otherwise, maybe these two saints who are the peak of the sixth level of the holy body will also run away.

However, Holy Venerable Huangyan and Huangyue have no chance after all.

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