Longevity Species

Chapter 604 It's been a long, long time since no one forced me! (third change)


A crack appeared in Lei Dao's body of destruction.

Originally, according to Lei Dao's rule, the recovery power of the holy body, this slight injury can be easily recovered.

But now, the crack on Lei Dao's body is getting bigger and bigger, and there are cracks in other places, which are difficult to recover at all. Dozens of regular powers, as well as the power of six powerful regular holy bodies, cut and bombarded Lei Dao's body of destruction all the time.

In this case, it is very difficult to recover.

The two sides have already started a war of attrition.

Emperor Xiyun showed his astonishing combat power at this time, with one against three, he did not lose the slightest bit, and even faintly suppressed him.

However, Lei Dao had one enemy against three, and it could only be said that he was barely able to contend. Being firmly suppressed by the three top emperors, he would not be able to hold on for a long time, and he would even be severely injured.

But it was impossible for Emperor Xiyun to come to support him, even if he had the upper hand, it would be very difficult to get rid of his opponent. In this case, Lei Dao can only rely on himself.

"Come on, come on, Lei Dao can't last long."

Emperor Jinghong was inside the gate of Taiyuan Emperor Zong, watching Lei Dao's body with more and more cracks, and even his breath was falling, obviously he had reached his limit.

Once they can't support it, the three top emperors may severely damage Lei Dao, or even kill them, and even the regular holy body will be blown up.

Lei Dao also knows the environment he is in, which is actually very bad.

"No, if I continue like this, I won't be able to last long. I have to continue to strengthen! According to the rumors, the true God has gone through untold hardships along the way, and I don't know how many adversities and desperations he has encountered. At present, I am in the midst of adversity or even desperation, and I must turn the tables and change from adversity! By the way, as long as I can comprehend a part of the storm rules, and then increase my lifespan to fully control the storm rules, my body of destruction will be more powerful. Going further, so as to support it for a longer time. Even, I can continue to comprehend the seventh rule and grow in battle..."

The more Lei Dao thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible. It's not like he hasn't done it before.

Moreover, the three opponents in front of him are all top emperors. Every top emperor has comprehended at least five rules. At present, Lei Dao is only forced to enter the storm rules, which is just one of the very common rules.

Therefore, there are even two top emperors who have comprehended the rules of the storm.

Unlike Lei Dao who just started, these two top emperors have completely mastered the rules of the storm, and their every move carries the power of the rules of the storm.

At first, Lei Dao didn't pay attention, but now he sensed it carefully, and immediately sensed the rules of the storm. Moreover, it is still such a close observation that one can even sense the rules of the use of the storm rules, as well as the differences in some details of the use of the storm rules by the two top emperors.

Therefore, Lei Dao's comprehension of the rules of the storm is really making rapid progress.

Parsing, parsing, mad parsing.

Lei Dao has never felt so happy.

The rules can be parsed so quickly without the need for abilities.

However, the price paid is a bit high.

After all, Lei Dao was facing the siege of the three top emperors, if he was not careful, he would be severely injured. Fortunately, Lei Dao's body of destruction is strong enough, otherwise, it is not sure whether it can last for such a long time.

"about there."

Lei Dao is still immersed in the wonderful experience of "analyzing" the rules, but Taiyuan Emperor Zong Jinghong has been paying close attention to Lei Dao.

The current Lei Dao looks like he is covered in scars, and he is obviously at the end of his battle.

But it is still supporting.

Moreover, with the passage of time, Lei Dao's body of destruction was surprisingly tenacious and terrifying, and it still hasn't been blown up by the three top emperors for a long time. On the contrary, Emperor Xiyun might get rid of the three top emperors and come to rescue Lei Dao.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jinghong gritted his teeth and made a decision.

He felt that he could no longer hesitate.

Now the two sides have almost formed a delicate balance.

In a short time, they couldn't kill Lei Dao. No matter how severely Lei Dao was injured, even though Lei Dao looked very miserable, he still persisted.

Ye Chang had many dreams, and if this continued, Emperor Jinghong might not see Lei Dao being beheaded.

In this situation, a force that breaks the balance is needed.

And Emperor Jinghong is the power to break the balance!

Of course, Emperor Jinghong only comprehended one rule, even if he took action himself at this time, it would actually be of no use. Both sides are top emperors, and Emperor Jinghong may not be able to withstand a little aftermath.

Of course, Emperor Jinghong did not rely on himself to make a move, he really wanted to make a move, he relied on the Taiyuan Emperor Sect's mountain gate magic circle!

Once he opened the mountain gate magic circle, he connected Lei Dao and the three top emperors into the mountain gate magic circle. At that time, the magic circle will trap Lei Dao, and with the three top emperors working together, it will be almost a breeze to kill Lei Dao.

Emperor Jinghong believed that the Shanmen Formation was the last straw that broke the camel's back!

This idea has been around for a long time. Emperor Jinghong has been brewing this plan for a long time, and he even thought of the Feixian Emperor Sect, but he will never repeat the same mistakes as the Feixian Emperor Sect.

At the beginning, Emperor Xiandong of the Feixian Emperor Sect underestimated Lei Dao too much, and was very careless, allowing Lei Dao to enter the mountain gate formation. And there was only Emperor Xiandong at that time.

And now?

Once Emperor Jinghong made a move, it would instantly suppress Lei Dao with the momentum of a thunderbolt. There were even three top emperors who shot together. Under the ebb and flow, how could Lei Dao not die?

Thinking of this, Emperor Jinghong no longer hesitated.


Following Emperor Jinghong's low shout, the Taiyuan Emperor Sect's mountain gate formation slowly opened, and the power of the terrifying formation was like a big net, instantly enveloping the three top emperors and Lei Dao.

"Three great emperors, this emperor will help the three!"

Emperor Jinghong sent a voice transmission to the three top emperors.

The three top emperors were also blessed to the heart, so they naturally knew Emperor Jinghong's plan, and cooperated with Emperor Jinghong, and even attacked Lei Dao even more fiercely.

"not good!"

Emperor Xiyun was startled, he saw this scene on the sidelines, he knew Emperor Jinghong's plan, once Lei Dao was involved in the Taiyuan Emperor Sect's mountain gate array, there were three top emperors on the side, Lei Dao Danger!


Emperor Xiyun wanted to get rid of the three top emperors at all costs.

But these three top emperors also knew about Emperor Xiyun's plan, they crazily activated the power of rules one by one, and even went head-to-head with Emperor Xiyun with the holy body of rules to hold Emperor Xiyun back. .

In such a short time, the Taiyuan Emperor Zongshan Gate magic circle was closed again, and the figures of Lei Dao and the three top emperors had disappeared without a trace.

Emperor Xiyun's expression was ugly, and his opponent also laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Emperor Xiyun, Lei Dao is doomed! Once Lei Dao dies, you don't have much time left."

Emperor Xiyun remained silent.

He knew that Lei Dao might really be in trouble, but there was nothing he could do, even if he was the famous top emperor thousands of years ago, there was nothing he could do.

Not only was he unable to break the Emperor Zong's circle, he couldn't even get rid of these three top emperors.

"Emperor Lei is not so easy to die, don't forget the lesson of Feixian Emperor Sect, maybe, Emperor Jinghong is looking for his own death!"

As soon as Emperor Xiyun gritted his teeth, at this time, he would never admit defeat until the last moment.

However, deep down in his heart, he no longer had much confidence in Lei Dao.

After all, no matter how Lei Dao can create miracles, but this time Lei Dao's situation is not just as simple as adversity, but a real desperate situation!



At this moment, Lei Dao's eyes blurred.

He was still immersed in the analysis of the storm rules just now, why did the environment change in the blink of an eye?

Looking around again, it was clearly within the Taiyuan Emperorzong's mountain gate magic circle, and there was still a steady stream of power from the magic circle trying to suppress Lei Dao's regular holy body.

There are also three top emperors watching.

All of a sudden, Lei Dao understood his current situation.

"Lei Dao, didn't you think of it? Didn't you want to step on the mountain gate of Taiyuan Emperor Zong? Now, the emperor gave you a chance, and it is within the magic circle of Emperor Zong's mountain gate. It's a pity that you don't have the strength to step on Emperor Taiyuan Zong Shanmen, but you, will be beheaded by the Shanmen magic circle activated by this emperor!"

Emperor Jinghong appeared in front of Lei Dao, but Lei Dao knew that Emperor Jinghong could control the magic circle of Emperor Zongshan Gate, and his strength was amazing. When he was suppressed by the magic circle and attacked by three top emperors, he himself It's hard to guarantee, let alone kill Emperor Jinghong.

Lei Dao didn't speak, but silently weighed.

"According to this situation, I can last for about half an hour!"

Lei Dao's heart sank.

He can only last for half an hour, and the time is really too short.

What can you do in half an hour?

Almost can only wait to die!

This is true even for the emperor who is astonishingly talented.

For half an hour, nothing can be done.

"You great emperors, let's do it together!"

Emperor Jinghong didn't waste time, he was very cautious, even though he had firmly suppressed Lei Dao now, he was still very cautious, almost doing his best, not giving Lei Dao any breathing time, but also killing Lei Dao road!


Lei Dao was shocked.

Under the suppression of the power of the magic circle, and under the full attack of the three top emperors, Lei Dao really became a living target, and the body of destruction could only defend passively.

Moreover, I can't bear it at all!

Lei Dao's body of destruction suffered a lot of injuries, and he couldn't recover in a short time. Gradually, Lei Dao's regular holy body was also obliterated bit by bit.

Once half an hour later, his regular holy body will be completely wiped out!

The time left for Lei Dao is really running out!

"You are forcing me. It's been a long time, and no one has forced me like this."

Facing such a desperate situation, Lei Dao took a deep breath, spoke in a low tone, and spoke slowly.

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