Longevity Species

Chapter 605 Crazy Analysis! (first update)

"Forcing you? So what if we force you? Not only will we force you, but we will also kill you!"

Emperor Jinghong grinned, and then, the three top emperors, together with the power of Emperor Taiyuan's patriarchal formation, began to bombard Lei Dao crazily. Even Lei Dao's destructive body became bruised and bruised, and it seemed that it could not support it. for how long.

But Lei Dao was not desperate, and was even quite calm.

At this moment, he had already made up his mind, and he checked the resolution of his storm rules immediately.

Just now, Lei Dao has been immersed in the rules of the storm. Although his comprehension was interrupted, he has more or less comprehended part of the rules of the storm and analyzed a part.

Now it depends on the remaining life of Lei Dao, whether he can fully analyze the rules of the storm, so that Lei Dao can master the sixth rule.

"Storm rules: 38 percent resolution."

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and he actually resolved 38 percent. Although it didn't exceed 50 percent, if he wanted to consume his lifespan, he would need another 620 years of lifespan to fully analyze it.

And now Lei Dao has more than 800 years of life left.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao hardly hesitated, and immediately made up his mind.

"Analyzing the rules of the storm."


The next moment, Lei Dao's body emerged with traces of strong storm rule aura, and at the same time, a large amount of storm rule power also began to gather in the void.

Fifty percent, seventy percent, ninety percent...

As time went by, the aura of storm rules on Lei Dao became more and more intense, Emperor Jinghong and others also noticed the changes in Lei Dao.

"Not good, Lei Dao is still comprehending the rules?"

"Leidao himself can't protect himself, but he is still comprehending the rules at this time. Could it be that he wants to comprehend the rules in battle?"

"It is possible that the atmosphere of the storm rules is getting stronger and stronger. Perhaps, Lei Dao is about to understand the storm rules."

"No matter what, at this time Lei Dao is focused on comprehending the rules, and we will wipe out his rule body. At that time, even if he understands the rules of the storm, so what? Without the rule body, there is still a dead end!"

Although Emperor Jinghong and others already knew that Lei Dao was comprehending the rules of the storm. But in this situation, if Lei Dao wants to understand it wholeheartedly, they can't stop it.

However, this is not a bad thing.

If Lei Dao concentrates on comprehending the rules of the storm, then he will not be able to take into account the battle. At that time, Lei Dao's rule holy body will be wiped out faster, and they only need to wipe out Lei Dao's rule holy body.

As a result, the attacks of the three top emperors and Emperor Jinghong became more ferocious.

Lei Dao's body of destruction is being wiped out every moment. However, he used supernatural powers to consume hundreds of years of life, and the speed of analyzing the rules of the storm is faster.


Finally, the storm rule in the void took shape, and a cloud of storm rule suddenly descended, and it was poured into Lei Dao's rule holy body in an instant.

Immediately, Lei Dao's regular holy body seemed to be injected with a force, and became stronger, and even some original injuries were recovering quickly.

"This... is this comprehension of the rules of the storm?"

"The sixth rule, this is impossible! How can someone comprehend a brand new rule so quickly?"

"Six kinds of rules, Lei Dao's ruled holy body will be more powerful, and with the infusion of storm rules, Lei Dao's body of destruction is also recovering quickly. No, we can't let Lei Dao's ruled holy body have a chance to recover, otherwise, There will be big trouble!"

The three top emperors and Emperor Jinghong all looked solemn and ugly at the moment. They would never have imagined that Lei Dao had completely mastered a brand new rule in such a short period of time.

It almost caused them to fall short.

But fortunately, the regular holy body before Lei Dao suffered too much damage. Even if there is an injection of storm rules now, it will only prolong the time for Lei Dao's rule holy body to be wiped out, and Lei Dao will not be able to come back.

Lei Dao glanced at his lifespan, because he mastered the rules of the storm and integrated into the body of destruction, the essence of the body of destruction was improved.

Therefore, Lei Dao lived a thousand years longer.

Even though it took 620 years of life to analyze the rules of the storm, Lei Dao still has more than 1,200 years of life left.

Lei Dao wants to master another rule, but the lifespan of more than 1,200 years is still not enough, he has to continue to understand.

Now Lei Dao has some experience.

He wants to forcibly introduce the seventh rule, and this seventh rule must be the rule that Lei Dao can touch and is the easiest to comprehend.

In short, it is best to be Lei Dao's opponent, the rules that these three top emperors have comprehended, Lei Dao can support war with battle, and understand the seventh rule from these three top emperors.

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind, and Lei Dao didn't hesitate for too long, and quickly chose the seventh rule of forced entry.

"Life rules!"

This is the seventh rule chosen by Lei Dao.

The rules of life seem to be unfathomable, but in fact, basically all emperors will try to control this rule. The reason is simple, this kind of rule can make the vitality more vigorous, and can greatly increase the resilience of the ruled Eucharist.

If Lei Dao comprehended the rules of life, then his injuries may be fully recovered soon.

More importantly, the three top emperors in front of them have already comprehended the rules of life, and any attack by Lei Dao hit the three top emperors.

Even if the regular holy bodies of the three top emperors were torn apart, the opponent's regular holy bodies would recover quickly, and there was even a strong vitality filling the regular holy bodies.

It is very difficult to kill such a top emperor.

"Forcibly introduce the rules of life!"

Without any hesitation, Lei Dao directly consumed 300 years of lifespan and forcibly introduced the rules of life.

Lei Dao immediately sensed the rules of life. Under his concentration, he seemed to "see through" the secrets of certain life rules in the three top emperors.

For example, Lei Dao fought hard and bombarded the three top emperors, and even tore apart the regular holy body of the other party, but soon, there was a strong vitality rule, which immediately filled these cracks, that is, made the regular holy body recover.

This kind of scene simply opened Lei Dao's eyes.

For Lei Dao to comprehend the rules of life, it has unimaginable benefits. Almost someone is demonstrating the mystery of the rules of life for Lei Dao all the time.

Under such circumstances, how could Lei Dao's comprehension of the rules of life not advance by leaps and bounds?

As time passed, Lei Dao's breath of life became stronger and stronger.

At this time, even if Lei Dao's regular holy body was bombarded incomparably by the three top emperors, it still takes time to completely wipe out Lei Dao's body of destruction.

Lei Dao, on the other hand, is comprehending the rules of life.

"He...he is still comprehending the rules of life!"

"The seventh rule, this Lei Dao, is it possible that it is really a top genius? A genius that we can't even imagine? Can you comprehend two rules consecutively in a short period of time?"

"It's incredible, it's really incredible. This kid didn't have the slightest comprehension of the rules of life just now, but now he can comprehend them quickly, and he has made rapid progress. If the old man reads correctly, he is using us to comprehend the rules of life."

"Amazing! This is a life-and-death battle. Lei Dao dared to comprehend the seventh rule so boldly. Even a true god would not dare to do so."

"No matter what, this son must be beheaded, otherwise, in the future, it will definitely be a serious disaster!"

The hearts of the three top emperors trembled slightly. In fact, they were also a little scared. Lei Dao had already comprehended a brand new rule before, and now it was hard to guarantee that he would not comprehend the rule of life again.

And the particularity of the rules of life made them feel frightened.

The three top emperors, together with Emperor Jinghong, began to attack Lei Dao frantically, and they did so at all costs. Especially Emperor Jinghong, he knew very well that the three top emperors could still go, but how would he go?

Lei Dao is now within the Taiyuan Emperor Zong's mountain gate circle.

If Lei Dao is not dead, then the Taiyuan Emperor Sect's mountain gate can be broken from the inside. At that time, the Taiyuan Emperor Sect will also repeat the same mistakes as the Feixian Emperor Sect, and the mountain gate will be destroyed by Lei Dao.

This price is too high, and Emperor Jinghong cannot afford such a responsibility.

Therefore, the current Emperor Jinghong no longer has the leisurely feeling of controlling everything before, but has a sense of urgency and even regret.

He felt that Emperor Xiandong of the Feixian Emperor Sect underestimated Lei Dao, which was simply stupid.

But what about him?

Even though he had made all kinds of preparations and thoughtful considerations before, he still couldn't help Lei Dao now, and even the Taiyuan Emperor Zong's mountain gate might be trampled out.

Then what is the difference between him and Emperor Xiandong?

"I don't believe it, I really can't kill you!"

As soon as Emperor Jinghong gritted his teeth, at this moment, he urged the Taiyuan Emperor Sect's magic circle with all his strength, and the whole magic circle was like a millstone, rolling towards Lei Dao mightily.

It was Emperor Jinghong who did not hesitate to waste the power of the magic circle, and wanted to crush Lei Dao into powder.


Even the eyes of the three top emperors were brightened. They were all top emperors of the Emperor Zong, so they naturally knew how powerful the Emperor Zong's mountain gate magic circle was.

Now Emperor Jinghong is really desperate, and he will do his best even if he does not hesitate to consume the magic circle.

That being the case, how could they not cooperate?

As a result, Lei Dao immediately felt tremendous pressure, and even faintly gave him a strong sense of danger.

It seemed that he would really be hit hard!

"The rules of life, the resolution is 13 percent."

Lei Dao glanced at the rules of life, and the resolution was only 13%. If he wants to consume life analysis, it will take 870 years!

This is a huge number.

It's just that Lei Dao has already sensed the danger. At this time, no matter how high the price is, he will not hesitate.

"Analyze the rules of life!"

Without any hesitation, Lei Dao gritted his teeth, directly expended his lifespan, and started a crazy analysis.

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