Longevity Species

Chapter 625: The Man in the Devil's Lair! (first update)

The roaring sound kept ringing, and gradually, everything stopped, there was no roaring sound, as if everything was instantly quiet.

The smoke and dust are still in the air.

Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu looked at the Hanging Emperor Sect below with complicated expressions. When the smoke and dust cleared, they saw the situation below. The huge suppressing magic disk was just pressing on the Hanging Emperor Sect's mountain gate.


With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, he took back the magic suppressing plate.

As soon as the Zhenmo plate was closed, it revealed the situation of the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate hanging in the air below. It has become a ruin, but there is no life in it.

Being crushed by the suppressing magic disk, even the top emperor would not be able to survive. This is truly razed to the ground, with no survivors left.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu were extremely shocked in their hearts.

This time was very different from the previous two times when they stepped on Feixian Emperor Sect and Taiyuan Emperor Sect. In the first two times, they relied on some tricks to break through the magic circle from the inside.

But this time, it was Lei Dao who was upright and upright. From the front, he broke through the mountain gate of the Xuankong Emperor Sect and leveled the Xuankong Emperor Sect.

This also directly proves that the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate is not unbreakable, it can still be broken by towers, and even can be broken through without the need of a true god.

However, Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu are also very clear.

Now in the entire ancient Shenzhou, it is estimated that only Lei Dao can destroy the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate.

After all, the current Lei Dao is a "half god".

Even with the power of a demigod alone, it is impossible to step down the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate, and a real rule artifact is needed. Only a "half-god" plus a regular artifact can destroy the emperor's sect in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Patriarch Qianyu couldn't help but smile wryly.

It is true to say that Emperor Zong was unlucky.

The so-called "half-god" is almost a state "created" by Lei Dao. From ancient times, practitioners have not had the "half-god" state, but when they came to Lei Dao, they had the power to create worlds when they were emperors. Became a real "half god".

What's more, Lei Dao also got the rule artifact of Emperor Qianyuan's Suppressing Demon Disk.

This kind of "coincidence" is simply rare in ten thousand years.

But both of these situations happened to Lei Dao alone. Only in this way can he break the formation of the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate. This also indirectly proves that the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate is indeed very strong. It is no wonder that the practitioners in the Emperor Zong There is a lot of confidence.

However, after this time, the entire ancient Shenzhou, and even the remaining Emperor Sect, will probably be "bigly changed".

Lei Dao just glanced at the hanging Emperor Sect below calmly, and then said lightly: "Let's go, there are still four Emperor Sects, and Lei has to visit them one by one!"

Afterwards, Lei Dao directly left the Mountain Gate of the Hanging Emperor Zong.

Patriarch Qianyu sighed and said, "The remaining four emperor sects, hope to receive the news sooner, otherwise, the emperor sect may really break the orthodoxy..."

But Patriarch Qianyu had no choice but to follow Lei Dao silently.


The four great emperors of ancient Shenzhou were faster than Qianyu ancestor guessed.

In fact, they have already received the news.

It's just that they couldn't believe that fact.

The majestic Emperor Sect was forced to break the mountain gate magic circle from the front with great force, how is this possible?

When this happens, it means that the real "cornerstone" of Emperor Zong has actually ceased to exist, and the "unbreakable" myth of Emperor Zong's mountain gate magic circle has been lost. For large forces, there is no difference.

At best, it's just that there are more masters in the Emperor Sect, and the background is deeper.

But what's the use?

Isn't it the same when Lei Dao is almost unstoppable?

The current four emperor sects are really a little panicked.

"Quickly find a way, Lei Dao is coming towards my Nine Dragon Emperor Sect, if you don't think of a way, my Nine Dragon Emperor Sect doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes as the Hanging Emperor Sect, we will...surrender!"

The patriarch of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect is now ashen-faced.

The remaining four emperor sects are actually using special contact methods to discuss ways. However, the matter has reached such a point that it is almost irreversible, what else can they do?

"The demigod realm, plus a regular artifact, can even break the Emperor Zong's mountain gate head-on. What else can we do?"

"At this moment, Lei Dao is actually no different from a true god, at least when facing us, he is no different from a true god. We all know that the God of Xihe didn't stamped out our Nine Great Emperor Sect back then, but only needed us That’s all for the Nine Great Emperor Sects. Confronting a true god? How stupid!”

"That's right. Our emperor's orthodoxy and inheritance are the most important. At the beginning we were able to surrender to the God of Xihe, but now it doesn't seem to be a big deal to surrender to Lei Dao, as long as we can keep the orthodoxy. Patriarch Lian Qianyu, now Isn't he also taking refuge in Lei Dao? What's more, the chance of Lei Dao becoming a true god is too great, no accident, Lei Dao will definitely be able to become a true god."

"It's not too shameful to surrender to a future true god."

The patriarchs of the Four Great Emperor Sects can't think of any solution now.

Their biggest reliance is the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate Magic Formation, but now, even the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate Magic Formation can't stop the thunder, so what can they do?

Emperor Zong is very rational, and if he knows that he can't do anything, he won't do it. If he doesn't even have this flexibility, how can Emperor Zong continue to pass on the orthodoxy until now?

But, thinking about it carefully, in fact, deep down, I still feel unwilling.

How did the troubled times of ancient China come about?

It wasn't that the Nine Great Emperor Sects contributed to the flames, or even took action directly, which led to the troubled times in the entire ancient China. But now, with the arrival of troubled times, the Nine Great Emperor Sects have also suffered heavy losses, and they have not gained the benefits they should have. On the contrary, they can't even protect themselves .

"Okay, then let's do this. As long as Lei Dao can't destroy the Emperor Zong's orthodoxy, then I, Nine Dragons Emperor Zong, will surrender!"

The ancestor of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect was the first to express his "surrender", and none of the other Emperor Sects objected.

The situation is stronger than people, and there is nothing they can do.


Emperor Qianyuan's sect has been covered by a thick fog, and low roars can be heard vaguely inside, which is creepy. Originally, the black mist of Emperor Qianyuan's sect covered a limited area. Although it was expanding, the speed was very slow.

But recently, for unknown reasons, the speed at which the black mist spread has increased rapidly.

It has even spread to a small city.

Although many people had already escaped from that small city, there were still some people who hadn't had time to escape and were instantly shrouded in black mist. After that, the people inside never came out of the black mist.

At the core of the black mist, that is, the Demon Cave of the Back Mountain of the former Qianyuan Emperor Sect, in that abyss, a huge claw rushed out of the abyss.


A golden chain instantly locked the golden claw.


A deep and terrifying roar echoed in the abyss, and another claw stretched out, firmly grasping the ground outside the abyss, densely packed with golden chains, locking the two huge claws.

However, the huge claws still did not give up, and were still slowly crawling out bit by bit.

On the golden chain, there is a faint trace of the power of rules, and it seems that it is not just the power of rules. If Lei Dao is here, he will be very surprised.

Lei Dao is very familiar with this kind of power.

Because, that is the power of creation!

Moreover, it is far more powerful than Lei Dao's world-creating power. It seems to be the world-creating power formed by the fusion of countless rules. This is the power of the true god!

These golden chains are all arranged by the true god with the power of creating a world, and they are specially locked up some terrifying monsters under the abyss. Even the true god needs to use the power of creation to lock these monsters, which shows how terrifying these monsters are.

The golden chain is still exerting its power, but after all, it has been a long time, and without the magic circle of the true gods and the magical magic disc of the rules, these two huge claws can struggle unscrupulously.


Suddenly, a golden chain broke. Although it was only a chain, it broke, but it brought an all-round impact.

The monster seemed to be inspired and struggled crazily again. Its huge body began to slowly crawl out of the abyss.

"Bang bang bang bang bang".

One by one golden chains broke one after another, and there was no longer a chain on the monster. Immediately, the monster raised its head to the sky and roared in excitement.

At this time, countless monsters rushed back from the black mist.

It seems to be waiting for something.

One after another, the terrifying monsters gradually broke free from the golden chains, and then waited quietly on the edge of the abyss.

One day, two days, three days...

Finally, the abyss gradually calmed down, and no more monsters appeared.

But these monsters were still waiting for something, lying quietly on the edge of the abyss, not daring to vent their breath, and not daring to make any noise.


Finally, in the abyss, a ball of dazzling golden light rose directly into the sky, and a man of ordinary build, but with dense golden chains all over his body, appeared above the abyss.

The man kept his eyes closed all the time, with an extremely calm expression, as if he had fallen asleep, but he exuded a terrifying aura. Moreover, the golden chains on the man's body were dozens or even hundreds of times more than the chains on other monsters.

The dense chains almost formed an ocean of chains, trapping the mysterious man in it.


Countless monsters around them roared upwards, and their huge bodies crazily slammed into the golden chains beside the man.

Time and time again, some monsters even broke their bodies, but they still refused to look back and crazily hit those chains.

Gradually, a chain began to break and spread rapidly.

One after another, it seems that countless chains are beginning to break.


Suddenly, the man who had kept his eyes closed opened them abruptly.

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