Longevity Species

Chapter 626: Emperor Zong surrenders! (Second more)

"It finally came out..."

The man opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely deep, and he didn't seem to care about the golden chains on his body.


The man walked out step by step, and the golden chains beside him broke one after another as if they had no effect. In the end, the man had completely walked out of the abyss and the shackles of those golden chains.


All the monsters were roaring and crawling on the ground, as if they were very afraid of the man.

The man didn't even look at these monsters, he just looked at the abyss under his feet, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Qianyuan has imprisoned me for so many years, and finally let me come out. Well, after so many years, the true God Realm It was actually ruined. Qian Yuan left the Realm of God. This is a completely hopeless world. However, Qian Yuan has been imprisoned for so many years. After all, this seat still has to charge some interest. A declining world may be able to survive. There are some good things. Qianyuan, I will repay you for your kindness of imprisonment for so many years..."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of the mysterious man's mouth.


"Kowloon Emperor Sect!"

Lei Dao has come to the gate of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect, but there is already a top emperor waiting in front of the gate, it is the ancestor Long Wei of the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect!

"Emperor Lei."

Patriarch Longwei took a step forward with a complicated look on his face.

"Huh? Are you the Patriarch Longwei?"

Lei Dao asked lightly.

"That's right, this old man is Longwei. Emperor Lei, no, maybe you are already a demigod of Lei. Now you are a demigod, and you hold a regular artifact in your hand, the Suppressing Magic Disk, which can break through the magic circle of the Emperor Zong Mountain Gate. I, the Nine Dragon Emperor Zong I have no intention of contending with the Lei demigod, and I am willing to surrender, and I also ask the Lei demigod to raise his hand and allow the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect to leave a legacy of Taoism!"

Patriarch Longwei put his posture very low, and his meaning was very clear, that is to surrender, to surrender completely.

What's more, Lei Dao looked around, the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect's mountain gate behind Long Wei didn't even open the magic circle, Lei Dao could enter Nine Dragon Emperor Sect at any time.

This is the highest sincerity to Lei Dao!

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, and responded lightly: "Originally, this seat intends to flatten all your remaining four major emperor sects, but for the sake of your Nine Dragon Emperor Sect's willingness to surrender, this seat will also leave the net." On the one hand, the past is not to be blamed. However, the death penalty can be pardoned, but the living penalty cannot be escaped! Summon all the great emperors of your Nine Dragon Emperor Sect and all the saints above the seventh level of the Holy Body, and immediately go to Shangyang City. You must also bring all of your Nine Dragon Holy Land You are allowed to copy a copy of the ancient books and exercises, and the rest will be handed over to the Baihoumeng. Well, by the way, there is also the control method of the mountain gate magic circle, which must be handed over, can you do it?"

Patriarch Longwei's expression froze, and his heart was extremely bitter.

This is simply humiliation!

In this way, the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect may never have a chance to turn around.

Even if Lei Dao is gone in the future, Nine Dragon Emperor Sect will not be able to stand up. Even the means of controlling the mountain gate magic circle had to be handed over, then the Nine Dragon Emperor Sect would not have any secrets to speak of.

This kind of mountain gate formation was arranged by the true god of Emperor Zong back then.

Without the true god, it is impossible to even change it.

Once you get the means to control the mountain gate magic circle, you can easily control it.

Moreover, there are also exercises, classics, and the Great Emperor, Jiuzhong Giants, etc., all of which have to be handed over to the Hundred Marquis League.

But what if not?

I'm afraid that the Emperor of Nine Dragons will face a catastrophe!

After all, the fate of the Xuankong Emperor Sect is still there. The entire mountain gate has been completely razed to the ground, and there is no one alive.

Nine Dragon Emperor Sect didn't want to end up like this.

"The other three emperor sects are also the same as you?"

Reid asked again.

"Almost, they also expressed their willingness to surrender to Lei Demigod."

Ancestor Longwei said cautiously.

"Well, the conditions for the remaining three Emperor Sects are the same as your Nine Dragon Emperor Sect. Patriarch Longwei, Emperor Xiyun, and Patriarch Qianyu will go to inform you, and I will not go. If you still refuse, This seat is not impolite, just wipe out those Emperor Sects!"

Lei Dao's tone was very calm, but the meaning in the words made Patriarch Longwei's heart tremble.

Erase directly!

How domineering!

You must know that what is to be erased is not a small force, but a "chess player" or "chess master" who once became ancient China. But now, these so-called "chess players", the so-called "chess masters", the ancient forces that pushed the entire ancient China into troubled times, can only choose to surrender.

Otherwise, the fate waiting for them must be erased by Lei Dao!

Now in the entire ancient China, there is one and only one supreme ruler, and that is Lei Dao!

Lei Dao didn't say anything more, he turned around and returned to Shangyang City. For him, the five emperor sects were just a little trouble.

The real big trouble is the Morden!

As soon as Lei Dao returned to Shangyang City, the Ninth Prince reported to Lei Dao: "Master, the magic cave of the Qianyuan Emperor Sect has expanded again, and the expansion speed is very fast, and now it has expanded ten times!"

"What did you say? The Devil's Nest has expanded tenfold?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

According to his calculations, it would take at least a hundred years, or even longer, for the Devil's Nest to expand tenfold. How could it suddenly expand so much in such a short period of time?

"What happened?"

Reid asked again.

"I don't know, but there are already more than a dozen cities, all of which have been shrouded in the black mist of the devil's lair, and there has been no movement since then. There are also some saints who went to the devil's lair, but once they entered, there was no news."

The Nine Princes and Lord Yuanchuan are both Lei Dao's right-hand men to manage the Baihou League, especially in this situation, Lei Dao has kept the Baihou League closely watching the movement of the Qianyuan Emperor Zong's magic cave.

Unexpectedly, an unfathomable change really took place.

Reid fell silent.

The changes in the Devil's Nest really caught him off guard, even caught him off guard. His original plan was to return to Shangyang City first, and then continue to analyze the rules, comprehend the rules, and strive to comprehend more rules to make the power of creating a world stronger.

Even, it is best to be able to unite all Taos and become a true god, and then he will solve the matter of the devil's lair.

Lei Dao knew very well that the root of the devil's lair lies in the monsters locked by golden chains under the abyss. Only by solving the monsters locked by the golden chains can the matter of the devil's cave be completely resolved.

However, now it seems that the matter of the Devil's Nest is actually out of control. If it continues to expand like this, the Devil's Nest may really be too big to lose its tail, and become a place like the Dark Abyss, no, even more terrifying than the Dark Abyss.

At least, the speed of the expansion of the dark abyss is not so fast.

In the devil's lair, something must have happened.

It's just that it doesn't make any sense to send ordinary saints, or even nine-fold holy saints. Some ordinary monsters in the devil's lair can swallow these saints.

Even ordinary emperors sending them in are of no use.

Only the top emperor enters the magic lair, and can fight against those monsters, and even retreat completely, and only the top emperor can figure out what happened in the magic lair.

However, the top emperors under Lei Dao's command are currently only Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu. If they get damaged after entering the magic cave, it will be a huge loss for Lei Dao.

"By the way, didn't the Four Great Emperor Sects surrender just now? The Four Great Emperor Sects all have top emperors. Yes, we sent the four top emperors of the Four Great Emperor Sects to investigate the situation, and let Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu be in Press the formation outside the devil's lair, make sure nothing will go wrong!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He thought of the situation of the Four Emperor Sects.

The Four Great Emperor Sects have just surrendered, and it would be best to send them in at this time, even if there is danger, the Four Great Emperor Sects have to grit their teeth and go in.

Otherwise, they will face Lei Dao's thunderous wrath.

Moreover, if it is really damaged, Lei Dao doesn't feel bad.

This is also the price for the surrender of the four emperors!

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately sent a message to Emperor Xiyun and Patriarch Qianyu, asking them to take the top emperors of the Four Great Emperor Sects to the Devil's Lair directly to check for news.

Originally, this was what Lei Dao wanted to do with the five emperor sects before, that is, to let the five emperor sects control the spread of the magic cave. Unexpectedly, the hanging emperor sect of the five emperor sects was obsessed with obsession, and was finally suppressed by Lei Dao.

The five emperor sects that were good became the four emperor sects, and death was meaningless.

After explaining these things, Lei Dao didn't care about it, and he went directly back to the secret room.

Now the entire Ancient China, Emperor Zong has been flattened, and the factors of instability have disappeared. How to rule in the future is a matter of Lei Dao, which can be discussed slowly in the future.

But the biggest threat is the Devil's Nest, Lei Dao can't become a true god, and he doesn't have much confidence in completely solving the Devil's Nest.

Therefore, the most urgent task now is to achieve the true God as soon as possible.

"Fortunately, there is a regular artifact, the Demon Suppressing Disk. Now I am walking in the right direction. I even have the power to create a world. I have become a demigod. Almost half of my feet have stepped into the realm of a true god. Now it is constantly After comprehending the rules and strengthening the power of creating the world, one day, when the power of creating the world becomes stronger to a certain extent, you will naturally be able to become a true god!"

Lei Dao is very clear about the direction of his practice, which is to comprehend the rules so as to enhance the power of creating a world.

After all, the power of creating a world is the foundation of the power of a true god. Lei Dao possessed the power of creating a world in advance, which means that the direction he is going in is correct, and this direction is indeed the way to the true god.

Now he has not become a true god, but he has not come to the end.

Once you come to the end, you can become a true god!

Therefore, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and once again immersed himself in the magical artifact of rules, and began to comprehend the rules in the magic suppressing disk with all his strength.

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