Longevity Species

Chapter 630 Re-entering the Devil's Lair! (third change)

Lei Dao flew in the direction of Qianyuan Emperor's Sect, and he knew very well that no matter how far the Devil's Nest expanded, the abyss inside Qianyuan's Emperor's Sect was the foundation of the Devil's Nest.

Only by destroying the monsters there may be able to completely solve the magic cave.

It's just that Lei Dao couldn't fly to Qianyuan Emperor's Sect at all, because the magic cave has expanded hundreds of times, and Lei Dao didn't fly for long before he saw a black mist as black as ink, which was expanding rapidly.

Lei Dao looked dignified, and he just stood quietly beside the black mist, letting the black mist fluctuate.


In an instant, Lei Dao's figure was swept in by the black mist.

As soon as he was involved, Lei Dao felt very uncomfortable, as if there was a terrifying pressure suppressing him, which was more serious than the suppression in the dark abyss.


Moreover, as soon as Lei Dao was involved in the magic cave, a terrifying monster rushed towards his face, his eyes were full of greed. Lei Dao finally understood why those practitioners who were involved in the magic cave disappeared without a word.

These terrifying monsters seem to be waiting on the edge of the black mist. Once there are practitioners who are involved in the black mist, they will encounter these monsters immediately.

And these monsters, although not as terrifying as those monsters in the abyss that Lei Dao encountered before, but each one is comparable to the Great Emperor.

And in the black mist, with this terrifying suppressive power, even a top emperor would be good if he could display the strength of an ordinary emperor, and he couldn't help these monsters at all.

Once the time is too long, there will be a second, third or even countless monsters pouring in, and the top emperor will have to drink his hatred on the spot.

Lei Dao was involved in the Devil's Nest, and was actually suppressed, even severely suppressed. However, when Lei Dao spread the power of creating the world all over his body, the suppression disappeared without a trace, as if there was no suppression at all.

"Can the power of creating a world withstand the suppression of the devil's lair? Can it also withstand the suppression of the dark abyss?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised, he didn't expect the power of creating a world to be so amazing.

In fact, it was Raidou who underestimated the power of creating a world.

He is an unprecedented "half-god". He is a great emperor in his own realm, but he has the power to create a world in advance. This is the power that a true god possesses.

But is the true God ordinary?

The power of creating a world, the most powerful is "creating a world", possessing magical power, a power that surpasses everything, even if a mere demon cave can suppress the power of rules, how can it suppress the power of creating a world?

The power of creating the world itself will override the power of rules.

There is no suppression on Lei Dao, and all his strength has been fully restored. How can he be Lei Dao's opponent in the face of an ordinary monster of the Great Emperor?


Lei Dao directly used the power of creating a world to turn into a huge palm, and with a firm grip, he firmly grasped the monster in the palm, unable to move at all.

Once suppressed by the power of creating a world, if you want to come out again, it will be more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Lei Dao studied the monster a little bit, and found that the breath of these monsters was very similar to the breath of the devil's cave, and it seemed that they did not exist in the past, but more like they were recently bred.

If it was conceived recently, it would be very scary. This means that the power of the Devil's Nest is constantly increasing. When the time comes, these monsters will flood, and who can resist?


When Lei Dao squeezed the palm of his hand, the monster was instantly crushed into powder and lost the breath of life.

Such a monster can also be killed, which reassures Lei Dao a little.

"Emperor Emperor Qianyuan, it should be in this direction!"

The purpose of Lei Dao is the abyss in the mountain behind Emperor Qianyuan, which is the earliest place of the magic cave. It's just that in the black mist of the devil's cave, it is difficult for the divine sense to see how far away, so it is difficult to distinguish the direction.

Spiritual thoughts have no effect, but Lei Dao can open up a safe area with the power of creating a world.

A small world created with the power of creating a world, no matter how simple it is, is still a small world, which can isolate all harm from the outside world.

Therefore, Lei Dao simply used the power of creating a world to fly in one direction non-stop.

Along the way, Lei Dao also saw cities one after another.

These cities are now empty. They were involved in the magic cave at the beginning, and all the practitioners inside were turned into ashes and all fell.

Lei Dao's heart sank.

So many practitioners, so many ordinary lives, were all "swallowed" by the monsters in the magic cave, and his heart was extremely heavy.

This further strengthened Lei Dao's belief in moving towards Emperor Qianyuan.

Lei Dao has the power to create a world to protect his body, so he basically encountered no danger along the way. Some monsters were encountered, but they were all crushed by Lei Dao.

However, Lei Dao is not obsessed with killing these ordinary monsters. He is very clear that these newly born monsters are dispensable. If it is not in such a special environment as the Devil's Nest, the top emperors can eliminate them. Necessary to pay attention to.

The real key is the abyss of Emperor Qianyuan, and the monsters locked by golden chains in that abyss.

Lei Dao still remembers to this day that those monsters that were locked by golden chains back then, even if they were locked by chains, could compete with Lei Dao's rule artifact Suppressing Demon Disk.

Of course, that was also because Lei Dao didn't have the power to create a world at that time.

If there is the power of creating a world to activate the suppressing magic disk, it will be very different, and it will even be able to suppress those monsters again.

But it's too late to regret now, Lei Dao must make amends.

A few days later, Lei Dao finally saw Emperor Qianyuan.

At this moment, Emperor Qianyuan's sect is not much different from before. I don't know if it's because the abyss in Emperor Qianyuan's clan is very important, or because of other reasons.

The monsters in the devil's lair did not destroy Emperor Qianyuan's sect, on the contrary, they were quite well preserved.

However, the number of monsters here has doubled.

There were even some monsters comparable to top emperors.

In the past, it would have been very laborious and even dangerous for Lei Dao to eliminate these monsters, but now, Lei Dao has become a demigod, and the power of creating a world has swept away invincible.

Whether it was ordinary monsters or monsters comparable to top emperors, they were all directly crushed by Lei Dao with the power of creating a world, and they were all bombarded and killed.

Soon, Lei Dao was already close to the back mountain of Emperor Qianyuan, and even saw the abyss in the back mountain.

However, when Lei Dao saw the abyss in the back mountain, he also naturally saw three terrifying monsters guarding the edge of the abyss. These three monsters were all extremely powerful and exuded a terrifying aura.

More importantly, Lei Dao knew these three monsters, they were the monsters that were locked by the golden chains under the abyss, and they even carried the anti-magic disk hard, so that Lei Dao's anti-magic disk did not fall.

This is a terrifying monster that surpasses the top emperor!

"These three monsters are guarding here, are they guarding something? Or, is there something under the abyss that they are guarding?"

Lei Dao's eyes narrowed, and he quickly deduced the purpose of the three monsters.

Obviously, these three monsters should be guarding something, otherwise it would not be possible to lie on the edge of the abyss all the time. You know, they are monsters locked by golden chains, far surpassing those monsters outside.

Even, it can be regarded as the leader among those monsters.

The powerful monster leader has been guarding the edge of the abyss all the time, which is a problem in itself.


The three-headed monsters naturally also saw Lei Dao.

After all, Lei Dao's aura is very strong, and the strong power of creation is like a lamp in the dark, it is difficult not to be noticed.

The three monsters immediately stood up, roared, and slowly approached Lei Dao step by step.

The momentum of both sides is very strong, even Lei Dao dare not underestimate these three monsters.

However, no matter how strong these three-headed monsters are, Lei Dao cannot retreat easily. His purpose is to completely solve the matter of the Devil's Nest, so he must enter the abyss.


Lei Dao directly mobilized the power of creating a world, and it is a power of creating a world that is a fusion of 180 kinds of rules. There is almost no reservation, all of them are mobilized, like a big net, the mighty court Go under the cover of the three-headed monster.

The three-headed monster also roared, stretched out its huge claws, and grabbed the power of creation.


Huge claws, terrifying power, collided violently with the power of creating a world, and the power of creating a world was actually directly grabbed a crack, but that's all.

Lei Dao's world-creating power is huge, turning into a big net, directly covering the three monsters in it.

"Bang bang bang bang bang".

The three monsters are struggling crazily, just like three huge insects with claws, struggling in the small world of the power of creation, and every time they struggle, the small world unexpectedly shakes violently, and even cracks appear .

Obviously, Lei Dao's world-creating power could not completely suppress the three-headed monster.

"Hmph, since I can't suppress you, I'll kill you all!"

A sharp light flashed in Lei Dao's eyes.

The next moment, a huge "grinding disc" suddenly appeared above Lei Dao's head, it was indeed a suppressing magic disc!

A large amount of world-creating power poured into the magic-suppressing disk in mighty force. Immediately, the magic-suppressing disk became even more powerful. The terrifying aura even made the three-headed monsters in the world-creating power panic.

After all, the Demon Suppressing Plate is not just a regular artifact, but was specially refined by the Qianyuan Patriarch to suppress these monsters. Therefore, it has a restraining effect on the monsters in these demon caves.

Moreover, Lei Dao is not what it used to be.

He is no longer a great emperor, but a demigod.

He even has the power to create a world.

Using the power of creating a world to activate the suppressing magic disk, although it still can't exert the full power of the suppressing magic disk, but it can already exert a large part of the power of the suppressing magic disk, which can be regarded as the "correct use" of the regular artifact method.

Only the power of creation can fully activate the rule artifact.

At this moment, the three monsters in the Devil's Nest are all facing a catastrophe!

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