Longevity Species

Chapter 631: True God Rank Powerhouse! (first update)


Lei Dao activated the magic-suppressing disk, a regular artifact, and immediately, the magic-suppressing disk smashed down in a mighty way, and was driven by Lei Dao's world-creating power, exerting most of its power.

The terrifying power made the three monsters panic, and began to roar angrily, trying to break free from Lei Dao's control.

But Lei Dao trapped the three-headed monster with the power of creating a world, how can he break free easily?

As long as the suppressing magic disk falls, these three monsters will definitely be crushed into powder by the suppressing magic disk, there is no chance.


Finally, the town magic disk dropped.

But Lei Dao's eyes froze sharply. In front of the three-headed monster, an ordinary-looking figure appeared, and he didn't even know how it appeared.

This figure just stretched out his hand and lifted it up.

Lei Dao's suppressing magic disk fell, but this figure held it with one hand, and it seemed to be effortless. How could this not shock Lei Dao?


Lei Dao did not continue to activate the suppressing magic disk, because he felt a trace of threat, a trace of intense threat, which seemed to be the dangerous aura emerging from this mysterious figure.

Lei Dao withdrew the suppressing magic disk, and even the power of creating a world, staring at this figure vigilantly.

And after the three-headed monster got out of trouble, it didn't rush up. Instead, it lowered its head and crawled at the feet of the mysterious figure, looking very submissive.

This can't help but make Lei Dao's heart tremble.

Obviously, this mysterious figure is closely related to these monsters, and it is even very possible that it is a terrifying existence suppressed by the ancestor Qianyuan in the magic cave.

"Zhenmopan, you are the real god in the real god world right now? It doesn't seem like..."

The mysterious man glanced at Lei Dao indifferently, and seemed to be very curious.

However, Lei Dao heard some clues from it.

"True God Realm? What do you mean?"

"You don't know the Real God Realm? It's interesting. Judging by the aura on your body, it looks a little like a True God, but it doesn't look like it. It's much weaker than the True God Realm. Could it be that the inheritance of your True God Realm has been broken? If that's the case, then it's true. It's a pity, Qian Yuan has suppressed me for so many years, and as a result, his own hometown has broken the inheritance, so why did he work so hard back then?"

The mysterious man shook his head, and seemed to be very familiar with Patriarch Qianyuan. Even, the mysterious figure was a terrifying existence of the same generation as Patriarch Qianyuan.

Sure enough, the other party is very likely to be a terrifying existence comparable to a true god. In the abyss of the devil's cave, it may be the mysterious figure in front of him that is being suppressed.

It's a pity that this mysterious man seems to be out of trouble.

"Are you an intruder?"

Lei Dao asked in a deep voice word by word.

"Huh? It seems that you are not completely ignorant, but you still know something. Invaders? Hahaha, right? For your world, this seat is indeed an intruder."

The mysterious figure did not deny it.

Lei Dao's heart sank.

Sure enough, the other party was the intruder, who should have been suppressed by the ancestor Qianyuan at the beginning. Until now, the ancestor Qianyu had activated the suppressing magic disk without authorization, causing the intruder to escape.

These intruders are terrifying existences comparable to true gods.

Only the top true gods like Patriarch Qianyuan can suppress it.

Now that these intruders are making the Devil's Nest continue to expand, especially towards the dark abyss, the purpose cannot be more clear, that is to open the channel of the True God Realm and allow the invaders to enter the True God Realm again.

Lei Dao must not let the invaders succeed!

"Intruders, although Patriarch Qianyuan is gone, Lei will not let you succeed! If you want to open the door and invade this world, you have to pass Lei!"

Lei Dao held the Suppressing Demon Disk and said proudly.

"You? You are not even a true god, and you can't even leave the Realm of the True God. What are you doing to resist me?"

There was a hint of mockery in the intruder's eyes. After being suppressed for so long, his arrogance has not been completely extinguished. On the contrary, he is still proud. Even Patriarch Qianyuan could only choose to suppress him, but could not kill him. It shows his strength.

"Then give it a try!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he knew that he could no longer retreat.

Once the intruders get through the portal, it's troublesome.

Perhaps, at that time, Lei Dao was not only facing one intruder, but countless intruders.

Lei Dao still can't forget that there are so many corpses of true gods and innate gods in front of the portal of the dark abyss. Those are all true god-level existences.

Facing the intruders, even the True God died so many, let alone Lei Dao? What does he use to resist?

Therefore, in any case, Lei Dao will not let the intruders open the door.


There is no wind on Lei Dao's body.

Circle after circle of world-creating power appeared in Lei Dao's hands, and he frantically poured it into the magic-suppressing disk. Lei Dao knew very well that the other party was a terrifying existence comparable to a true god, and only a regular artifact could truly compete with a true god-level existence.

A large amount of world-creating power was poured into the suppressing magic disk, and suddenly, the suppressing magic disk shone brightly, and faintly, it seemed to have changed into another appearance.

Even the three-headed monster behind the intruder seemed to be trembling.

The intruder's eyes flashed brightly, and he said coldly: "It's the suppressing magic disk again. Back then, Qianyuan specially refined the suppressing magic disk to suppress me. Hmph, today I personally destroyed the magic suppressing disk! "

Afterwards, Lei Dao took the lead.


Lei Dao threw the suppressing magic disk into the void, and suddenly, the suppressing magic disk became extremely huge, with countless world-creating power flowing continuously on it, the terrifying power even distorted the void.


From the anti-magic disk, golden chains stretched out all of a sudden, and flew towards the intruder overwhelmingly, as if to lock the intruder firmly.

Just like those golden chains that Lei Dao saw back then.

"It turns out that the golden chains are used to lock up these intruders, and the Suppressing Demon Disk can display these golden chains. This is the real function of the Suppressing Demon Disk!"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

Perhaps, at this moment, the Demon Suppressing Disk can play a real role, even if it is not fully effective, but it should be 50% to 60%, or even 70% to 80%.

After all, Lei Dao's world-creating power is a fusion of a total of 180 kinds of rule power. The world-creating power is already quite powerful, and only in this way can the power of suppressing magic disk be activated.

However, seeing these golden chains, the intruder was expressionless and grabbed them casually.


The intruder grabbed dozens of golden chains, and then these golden chains broke inch by inch. However, more golden chains hit the intruder, round after round, firmly grasping the intruder. tied up.

However, the intruder didn't show any panicked expression, but was very calm.

He said slowly, one word at a time: "Do you know what is the true god? That is the one with thousands of great powers, not bound by any world, this is the true god!"


As soon as the words fell, the intruder was shocked. Immediately afterwards, Lei Dao seemed to "see" a "sun". Terrifying energy surged and erupted from the opponent's body.

How could such a small body contain such terrifying energy?

The intruder's body swelled dozens of times, turning into a little giant. Moreover, every movement of his hands and feet contained terrifying power. The dozens of golden chains tied to his body were all broken when he was shocked at will.

"Thousands of great powers are gathered in one body... Does this refer to the divine body?"

Raidou murmured softly.

He may know that the practice system of the invaders is different from that of the true god. But the nature of the power displayed by the other party is the same, that is, thousands of great powers belong to themselves.

Isn't this similar to the body of the true God?

Lei Dao has always felt that the true god needs to comprehend the rules, and then unite all the ways to become a true god.

Lei Dao thought that the power of creation was the foundation of the true god.

But now it seems that he was wrong, very wrong.

The power to create a world may really be fundamental, but the most powerful part of a true god is not the power to create a world, but the divine body!

Only when the divine body is condensed, can it be regarded as a true true god!

Lei Dao has never seen the real god, so he doesn't know how terrifying the real god's body is. But now, Lei Dao saw the physical strength erupting from the invader, that kind of unscrupulous, mighty and incomparable power, I am afraid that even a divine body is nothing more than that.

"Suppressing magic disk, suppress!"

Lei Dao couldn't back down at this time, he could only grit his teeth, frantically urged the suppressing magic disk, and smashed it hard at the intruder head on.


The intruder blasted out with a punch, and actually head-to-head with Zhenmopan. This is an artifact of rules. According to rumors, it is a terrifying weapon that can kill true gods.

But as the opponent punched out, Lei Dao's magic suppression plate was slightly shaken, and was smashed away by the opponent's punch.

There were even a few cracks on the town magic disk.


Lei Dao's heart sank.

Not an opponent, even if he activated the Suppressing Demon Disk, he was not an opponent of the other party.

"what to do?"

Lei Dao is a little impatient now, even if Zhen Mopan is no match for the opponent, so what can he do?

"Bang bang bang".

The intruder looked like he was crazy, and he raised his hand directly to hit him with a violent hammer.

Even Lei Dao's suppressing magic disk seemed to be unable to resist it. Not only did the cracks get bigger and bigger, they even began to shatter, revealing the core inside.

With just a few more punches, perhaps, the Demon Suppressing Disk will be shattered.


At this moment, the suppressing magic disk split open, and a golden light flew out from it.

Immediately afterwards, the entire gate of Emperor Qianyuan Zong began to shake violently, and the mountains and buildings above were all reduced to powder in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, a huge magic circle was exposed from below, with the abyss as the center, this huge magic circle, like a big net, instantly covered Lei Dao and the invaders in it.

The next moment, Lei Dao felt the power of creation in his body tremble slightly, and then he was actually moved out of the big formation.


Countless monsters are roaring crazily, and they seem to feel some deadly threat.

Afterwards, bursts of golden light erupted from the formation, like sharp swords, piercing through the bodies of these monsters in an instant. These monsters, almost without any resistance, were reduced to powder.

Only the intruder, glowing with golden light, was struggling in the formation.

"Old ghost Qianyuan, you have been away for so many years, and you still keep a hand. Hahaha, even if you keep a hand, so what? It's just a big formation, and there is no real god to preside over it. In less than a month, I can completely break the big formation." When the time comes, I will wash your true God Realm with blood!"

The intruder was obviously very angry, and even said the words of "bloodbath". Once the intruder was released, the consequences would be disastrous.

But, what can Lei Dao do?

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