Longevity Species

Chapter 638 Lei Dao is actually a top true god! (Second more)

"True God Lei, if you can break through, then break out and leave the True God Realm. Staying in the True God Realm is a dead end. If you break out, even though there may be green dragons and blood dragons outside, there may still be a chance of survival. The unity of the Tao and the achievement of a true god, I haven’t seen the vast world outside, so I shouldn’t die here.”

The two true gods laughed miserably, looked at Lei Dao's figure, and said in a low voice.

"Why don't the two true gods leave?"

Reid asked back.

"Let's go? We are the guardians of the True God Realm, and our duty is, even if the True God Realm is destroyed, we must still live and die with the True God Realm. But you are different, you can go."

"Can I go?"

Lei Dao smiled, the robe on his body was automatic without wind, and the momentum of the whole person climbed rapidly, reaching the peak quickly, as if forming a storm of momentum.

"You have responsibilities and cannot leave, but how can Lei Mou go? It is true that Lei Mou has no responsibilities, and he is not the guardian true god of the True God Realm, but Lei Mou's relatives and friends are all here. The True God Realm, where Lei Mou grew up The place where I was born and raised is Lei's hometown, how can I leave?"

The two true gods were silent.

That's right, isn't the True God Realm their hometown?

In this case, how can they go?

"Hahaha, yes, you are right. The Realm of the True Gods is our hometown, so we shall live and die with the Realm of the True Gods!"

The two true gods also looked up to the sky and laughed, and they stopped persuading Lei Dao to leave, although, deep down in their hearts, they had already embraced death.

Even in their view, Lei Dao could not escape the fate of falling.

The true god that has just been achieved is about to fall.

This is undoubtedly the greatest tragedy!


The next moment, Lei Dao's momentum exploded.

As he said before, this is his hometown, he can't go, and he can't go!

For the first time, Lei Dao manifested a divine body!

It is the first time since Lei Dao became a true god to manifest his divine body in front of everyone.

It took about an hour for Lei Dao to become a true god after all the fights and calculations.

For an hour, Lei Dao couldn't even fully grasp all the methods on his body. As for the divine body, Lei Dao didn't study too much. He just knew that the power contained in his body was very strong, but to what extent? Lei Dao himself is not very clear.

At this moment, Lei Dao manifested his divine body, and he vaguely knew his own strength.

The divine body manifested, and circles of invisible power spread in all directions. The terrifying power made the five true god level blood dragons feel a chill in their hearts.

They seem to feel that the true god in front of them seems to be a little different from the previous three true gods, and it seems that the divine body is much stronger.

However, the divine body manifested by Lei Dao is far from over.

Lei Dao simply manifested his divine body, and there is still a lot of world-creating power in his body.


Lei Dao's crazily stimulating power to create a world merged into every inch of flesh and blood in the divine body, Lei Dao's divine body swelled again, and even a faint golden line appeared faintly on Lei Dao's forehead.

Seeing this golden pattern, the hearts of the two true gods were shocked, and they couldn't help exclaiming: "This... this is the divine pattern that will only appear when the divine body reaches the limit? True God Lei has just become a true god, and the divine body has reached the limit. Have you reached the limit and become a top true god?"

The two true gods couldn't believe their eyes.

Divine pattern!

This has always been a sign of a top true god.

Only after reaching the top true god, will the divine pattern appear.

But even if they have become true gods for a long time, they are far from reaching the point where the god lines appear, and their god bodies are far from reaching the limit.

"Thunder God is one with ten thousand ways, how many rules are there?"

The two true gods were very shocked.

The practice of the true god stage is actually based on tempering the divine body. The tempering of the divine body is very slow, and it needs to be tempered bit by bit.

But there is a chance that can make the true god soar into the sky.

In fact, it is the moment when the true God is achieved, and all Taos become one.

If it is some top geniuses who unite ten thousand ways, have deep insights, and can fuse thousands of rules, then once they become true gods, their divine bodies will be very powerful.

But it is really unimaginable to reach the level of a top true god all of a sudden. They can't even imagine how many rules are fused when Lei Dao and Wan Dao merge into one?

Not to mention the two true gods, in fact, even Lei Dao himself didn't know how many rules he had integrated when he united all Daos. He just "swallowed" all the rules within his reach, specifically 10,000 rules. It was still tens of thousands, and Lei Dao didn't care.

But at this moment, Lei Dao was running the power of creating a world, but he could feel the explosive power of fear in the divine body, and even a divine pattern appeared on his forehead.


There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes, and the next moment, he moved.

His divine body rushed towards the nearest true god-level blood dragon, moving like thunder, and rushed in front of this true god-level blood dragon. He directly raised his fist and smashed it hard.

The true god level blood flood dragon roared, and its huge body didn't evade, and directly slammed into Lei Dao fiercely.


Lei Dao punched out, hitting the true god level blood dragon fiercely. He felt very happy, as if he had hit a soft sandbag.

Under one blow, the blood dragon let out a mournful cry, and a huge blood hole appeared on its body. The mighty power oscillated in the body, and the one blow caused the true god-level blood dragon to be severely injured.


This scene surprised the Blood Flood Dragon King.

He never thought that Lei Dao would be so strong after becoming a true god?

"Let's do it together!"

The Blood Flood Dragon King didn't know why this happened, but he had a vague premonition that maybe, he would face a big trouble. Therefore, under the order of the Blood Flood Dragon King, all the True God Grade Blood Flood Dragons rushed towards Lei Dao, including the one that was severely injured.

Although Lei Dao hit it hard at once, how powerful is the vitality of the true god-level blood dragon? Even if they are severely injured, it will not affect their battle.

It is even more difficult to kill a true god or a true god-level blood dragon.

Just like the true god that fell before.

Even before their fall, the three true gods were actually at a disadvantage, and the situation was precarious, but it still took so long for the true gods to fall.

Even, the fallen true god was not beheaded by the blood flood dragon, but blew himself up and fell.

Therefore, it is very difficult to kill a true god, or a true god-level powerhouse.

These five blood dragons, and the blood dragon king, are all true god level powerhouses, they besieged all at once, and the terrifying momentum came, even the three previous true gods had to be suppressed.

But Lei Dao looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, even with high fighting spirit, he was not affected at all.

On the contrary, his divine body swelled even more, and there was still a large amount of world-creating power running in the divine body. On his forehead, there seemed to be a second divine pattern looming, but it never emerged. .

"Hahaha, good job!"

Lei Dao was not afraid of the five blood dragons at all, and he even ignored the attacks of the other blood dragons, but focused on the blood dragon that was severely injured by him before.

Terrifying power crazily poured down towards the true god level blood flood dragon.

The blood dragon king and other five true god-level blood dragons didn't show any courtesy, and directly bombarded Lei Dao's body. Even if Lei Dao's divine body was the divine body of a top true god, he couldn't bear it at this moment.

But Lei Dao fought more and more courageously, without a trace of flinching.

He grabbed the true god level blood dragon fiercely, and shouted loudly: "Crack me!"


The huge true god-level blood dragon raised its head to the sky and let out a mournful cry, but it was of no avail. It was torn apart by Lei Dao's hands, and its huge body was directly torn apart.

Blood rained, even if it was a true god-level blood dragon, Lei Dao forcibly tore its body in half, and it would be impossible to survive.


A true god-level blood dragon has completely fallen!


Blood Flood King's eyes were red, staring at Lei Dao firmly.

Five of their true god-level blood dragons bombarded Lei Dao together, and Lei Dao indeed withstood their attack, but Lei Dao forcibly beheaded a true god-level blood dragon instead.

This is forced killing!

"Hahaha, Blood Flood Dragon King, your Blood Flood Dragon Clan is nothing more than that."

Lei Dao looked up to the sky and laughed.

In fact, Lei Dao's divine body also seemed riddled with holes, but his fighting spirit was stimulated to the extreme, and he seemed to be able to feel the will of the world in a vague way.

The will of the world, obviously also felt the threat of the dark abyss, has been hovering over the dark abyss.

But it was still unable to penetrate into the dark abyss.


Lei Dao punched out.

The divine pattern on his forehead even shone with a golden light, soaring into the sky in an instant, quickly breaking through the dark abyss, reaching directly above the dark abyss.


The whole world seemed to be shocked.

A hole was blasted out of the dark abyss by Lei Dao's punch, and suddenly, a large amount of rule power entered the dark abyss along the hole.

"The power of rules!"

The two true gods were overjoyed.

Although the true gods have transcended the world and are not bound by the world, they are the creatures of the true gods themselves, and the world will of the true gods is quite friendly to them.

More importantly, the divine body of the true god can be restored by the power of fusion rules.

However, the special environment of the dark abyss makes it impossible for the power of the rules of the true gods to enter, which makes it very difficult for the true gods to fight here.

However, now that Lei Dao has penetrated the Dark Abyss, allowing the power of the rules of the True God Realm to penetrate into the Dark Abyss, everything has changed.


Lei Dao looked up to the sky and laughed, a large amount of rule power poured into the dark abyss, making Lei Dao feel unprecedentedly comfortable. He even manifested the divine body directly, just like incarnating into a black hole, and started to crazily devour the power of the rules around him.

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