Longevity Species

Chapter 639: The Realm of the True Gods Only Belongs to the True Gods! (third change)

"This... is this merging the power of rules?"

"Isn't it necessary to be careful when fusing the power of the rules, for fear that the body will collapse? True God Lei, is this how the power of the rules is fused?"

"No, it's not like fusion, it's like looting!"

"The power of rules, directly swallowed..."

The two true gods originally wanted to rely on the power of the rules to recover. But when they saw that Lei Dao was so "dominant", just like eating and drinking water, forcibly "looting" the power of the rules, and entering the divine body to recover, the dignified two true gods opened their eyes wide, and their hearts were full of shock color.

They are true gods, even if they become true gods, if they want to integrate the power of a rule, they must be careful. After becoming a true god, the rules can still be fused, and after the rules are fused, the body of the god can be strengthened, slowly reaching the level of the top true god.

In order to integrate the rules, the true gods have to be careful, fearing that the power of the rules will disturb themselves. After all, the power of the rules enters the body of the gods, and the destructive power is still quite large.

But Raidou what is this?

"Swallow" directly, and just like a black hole, it is completely open to comers. Ordinary true gods are very careful when merging a rule, and maybe one can be fused in a year.

Where's Lei Dao?

Directly "swallow", dozens of hundreds of rules are "swallowed" into the divine body, how does this compare?

For a moment, the two true gods looked at each other, and they both looked at each other, and there seemed to be a hint of enlightenment in their expressions.

"Perhaps, I finally understand why Lei Zhenshen has just become a true god, why he can become a top true god and possess a top-notch divine body..."

The two true gods no longer know what to say. They have never seen or even heard of the power of rules as simple as eating and drinking.

But now, they really saw it, and they really gained insight.

"Swallow swallow!"

Lei Dao didn't care, and frantically devoured the power of the rules. His injuries are also rapidly improving, but Lei Dao still does not give up devouring.

When he united all Daos, he didn't seem to be "satisfied", but because there was no power of rules near Shangyang City, and in the dark, it seemed that the will of the world would not allow Lei Dao to devour him so crazily.

But now, the power of rules has penetrated into the dark abyss, and the will of the world still has to "rely on" Thunder Dao. Therefore, there is no power to control the rules at all, and it is allowed to be swallowed by Thunder Dao.

At this moment, Lei Dao was extremely happy.


On Lei Dao's forehead, the second divine pattern, which was originally faintly visible and seemed to be illusory, also appeared all of a sudden, and his divine body made a strange "cracking" noise, which faintly became much stronger.

"The second divine pattern!"

The two true gods were extremely envious.

They knew very well that if they could condense one divine pattern, they would already be a top true god, and if they could condense a second divine pattern, they would be strong even among the top true gods.

Even the condensing of the second divine pattern means that Lei Dao may be able to step onto the realm above the true god, which is the realm they have always dreamed of.

Unexpectedly, just after Lei Dao became a true god, there was such a hope.


It was impossible for the Blood Flood King to watch Lei Dao continue to grow stronger.

He already felt that Lei Dao's aura was constantly increasing, and with the help of the power of rules, in the dark abyss, the Blood Flood Dragon King actually had no advantage.

Under such circumstances, how could the Blood Flood Dragon King allow Lei Dao to continue to grow stronger?

Even if a true god-level blood dragon had already fallen, the blood dragon king frantically ordered the true god-level blood dragon to pounce on it, and must kill Lei Dao.

"Hahaha, Blood Flood Dragon King, your opponent is us!"

However, at this time, the two true gods had almost recovered, and it was impossible for them to remain indifferent, so they quickly stepped forward to block the two true god-level blood flood dragons.

The only ones who could jump in front of Lei Dao were the Blood Flood Dragon King and the two Blood Flood Dragons.

Where is Lei Dao afraid of the mere three-headed blood dragon?

It's the same even with the addition of the Blood Flood Dragon King.

He was still the same as before, manifesting his divine body, attacking a blood dragon frantically, despite the attacks of the blood dragon king and the other blood dragon, falling on the divine body, it didn't even cause too much damage to Lei Dao .

After all, today's Lei Dao has condensed two divine patterns, the strength has doubled, and the defense of the divine body has also become much stronger.

If it was the peak period of the Blood Flood Dragon King, it might be able to cause damage to him.

but now?

The Blood Flood Dragon King is nothing to worry about at all.


Lei Dao crazily attacked the blood dragon, and in an instant he beat the blood dragon all over with cuts and bruises, and was severely injured. In the end, Lei Dao punched with all his strength, and directly blasted the blood dragon into a puddle of mud.

The second true god-level blood dragon fell!

The Blood Flood King was almost insane.

Adding him, originally there were six true god level blood flood dragons, but what about now?

Suddenly two dead.

Moreover, Lei Dao's strength is still increasing, and the two true gods have returned to their original state. Under the ebb and flow of each other, the blood dragon can't help Lei Dao and others at all.

At this time, the Blood Flood Dragon King was startled and angry, and shouted at the boundary wall: "Qing Flood Dragon King, if you watch the show again, I'm afraid your Qing Flood Dragon Clan will never want to occupy the True God Realm!"

Outside the boundary wall, there is also the Cyan Flood Dragon Clan. The Blood Flood Dragon Clan is very clear that the Cyan Flood Flood Dragon Clan and the Blood Flood Flood Dragon Clan are only temporarily cooperating. The Blood Flood Dragon Clan suffered heavy losses, which the Qing Flood Dragon Clan was very happy to see.

Of course, the Blood Flood Dragon King didn't speak up before, that's because he also wanted to rely on the strength of the Blood Flood Dragon Clan to solve the trouble alone, and then gain greater benefits when dividing up the True God Realm.

But unexpectedly, Lei Dao's appearance destroyed his plan, and even made it hard for the Blood Flood King to ride a tiger, which could not solve the troubles of the True God Realm at all.

"Hahaha, Blood Flood Dragon King, there are also troubles that you can't solve?"

Following the words of the Blood Flood Dragon King, an even more frightening dragon, covered in blue scales, looked very hideous and terrifying, and its aura was far stronger than that of the Blood Flood Dragon King.

King Qing Jiao!

This is the Green Flood King!

A terrifying existence that is truly comparable to the top true gods.

The status is equal to that of the Blood Flood Dragon King.

However, the Blood Flood Dragon King has been suppressed for such a long time, and his strength may not have recovered even half, so it is naturally far inferior to the Green Flood Dragon King. But the Blood Flood Dragon King at its peak was still not inferior to the Green Flood Dragon King.

At this moment, as the Qing Jiao King descended from the passage of the True God Realm Wall, the pressure on Lei Dao's side increased sharply. Moreover, the arrival of the Qingjiao King was not the only one. Behind the Qingjiao King, there were also one after another of the Qingjiao King.

These green flood dragons are terrifying existences comparable to true gods.

One head, two heads, three heads, four heads, five heads...

When the number of true god-level green flood dragons exceeded ten, the expressions of the two true gods who thought they had a turning point froze at the moment, and even Lei Dao's expression became serious.

Including the King Qing Jiao, there are a total of thirteen true god-level existences!

If we add four true god level existences including the Blood Flood Dragon King, I have a total of seventeen true god level dragons.

This is a terrifying lineup!

Not to mention Lei Dao was shocked, even the Blood Flood King was shocked.

The Blood Flood King looked at the Green Flood King coldly, and said with a sneer, "Green Flood King, it seems that you have already made plans for the True God Realm. into the Realm of God?"

With such a terrifying lineup, if there was no conspiracy before, how could it be possible?

King Qingjiao didn't deny it either, but said lightly: "King Blood Jiaolong, you should know the rules of my Jiaolong clan. Whether it's the blood flood dragon or the green Jiaolong, they are all branches of the Jiaolong clan. Kou the defeated. If the Blood Flood Dragon King is dead, then this king will naturally not let the True God Realm go. By the way, he will also include the Blood Flood Dragon Clan into the Green Flood Dragon Clan. Why should the Blood Flood Dragon King ask so much? Back then you Didn’t the Blood Flood Dragon Clan swallow the Python Flood Dragon Clan before it became the Blood Flood Dragon Clan’s strength today?”

The Blood Flood King's face was livid.

Indeed, he knew that what King Qingjiao said was the truth.

The Blood Flood Dragon cannot live without the Blood Flood Dragon King, otherwise, the other branches of the Flood Dragon Clan will swallow the Blood Flood Flood Dragon Clan in one gulp. Apparently, the Qing Jiao clan even had this plan.

These years, the blood dragon and the green dragon seem to be united, but in fact, I am afraid that some blood dragons have already joined the green dragon. This time, he re-entered the True God Realm just to confirm whether the Blood Flood Dragon King had fallen.

If the Blood Flood Dragon King died, then there would probably be no Blood Flood Dragon Clan in the future.

"Hmph, according to the rules, as long as this king is still here, you Qingjiao can't annex my blood dragon clan. For so many years, this king can be regarded as living on mediocrity, and would rather be suppressed by Qianyuan, but this king is not dead after all. A chance to return to the top!"

The Blood Flood King said loudly, his eyes swept over the surrounding blood dragons, and those blood dragons also lowered their heads, even trembling slightly.

"Blood Flood Dragon King, you don't need to bluff. With your current appearance, you still want to return to the top? I don't know how long it has been. This time, what is the matter of the True God Realm without your Blood Flood Dragon? The Jiao Clan takes over!"

King Qingjiao said directly, and his tone was very bad.

"What? King Qingjiao, you want to monopolize the True God Realm? In order to conspire against the True God Realm, the Blood Flood Dragon Clan suffered heavy losses. Even this king has been suppressed to this day. Now this king has managed to get out of trouble and opened the realm for you from the inside. Wall passage, you actually want to swallow it all by yourself?"

The Blood Flood King was furious.

what is this?

He has been suppressed for so many years, the once powerful Blood Flood Dragon Clan, just because of plotting against the True God Realm, what is it like now? It was almost annexed by the Qingjiao clan.

Now that he is finally out of trouble, the Blood Flood Dragon King is still looking forward to his shame. But now he was kicked out by King Qing Jiao, and King Qing Jiao wanted to monopolize the True God Realm, how could the Blood Dragon King bear it?

The Green Flood King stared at the Blood Flood King with cold eyes, and slowly said word by word: "Blood Flood King, times have changed, you are no longer the all-powerful Blood Flood King. Now, this king is stronger than you, and, Only my Qingjiao clan can occupy the True God Realm, otherwise, you can’t even deal with the true gods of these True God Realm, how can you occupy the True God Realm? If you don’t accept it, you can wait for the opportunity to recover your strength, and then find this king when the time comes. But now, the True God Realm belongs to this king!"

King Qing Jiao also made up his mind.

Originally, he wanted to annex the Blood Flood Dragon Clan.

But after all the calculations, he didn't realize that the Blood Flood King was still alive after so many years.

Since he couldn't swallow the Blood Flood Dragon Clan, no matter what, he would have to swallow the True God Realm alone, otherwise, wouldn't all the years of hard work be in vain?

What's more, now the Green Flood Dragon King is not afraid of the Blood Flood Dragon King.

It is perfectly normal for the Jiaolong clan to eat the strong and the weak.

"Did you forget that this is the Realm of the True Gods! Here, only the True Gods belong! Therefore, you all have to leave!"

When the atmosphere on both sides was tense and swords were on the verge of breaking out, Lei Dao suddenly spoke.

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