Longevity Species

Chapter 641 Finally see the supernatural ability! (Second more)

"Lei... Really God Lei actually chose this step?"

"Replacing the heart of heaven with one's own heart, this is to become the lord of the world. But let alone the top true god, even the legendary venerable can't become the lord of the world."

"Shen Lei Zhen is really brave! It's a pity that he is doomed to fail, World Master? That's all a legend..."

The two true gods could only stare blankly at the void, and they could sense that all the consciousness of Lei Dao had entered the will of the world at this moment.

The only thing they can do is to help Lei Dao delay the time and protect the divine body for Lei Dao!

Although the possibility of Lei Dao becoming the World Master is very small, or even impossible, this is their last hope and their last attempt.

Regardless of themselves, the two true gods frantically snatched Lei Dao's divine body and protected them behind him.

As for them, they may only be able to withstand one attack from the thirteen green flood dragons.

The two true gods knew what Lei Dao was doing, and the Blood Flood Dragon King and the Green Flood Dragon King naturally knew it too.

The Blood Flood Dragon King murmured in a low voice: "This is Qian Yuan's method for Lei Dao. I didn't expect him to actually do it. World Lord... Hehe, it's just to die."

King Qing Jiao even glanced at the top of his head, but he didn't care at all. Becoming a world lord, even among the Jiaolong clan, is still a legend.

Not to mention the true god, even if it is a venerable, if he tries to replace the will of the world, he will eventually be crushed by the will of the world, and it is impossible to become the master of the world.

The world lord has almost become a legend.

In the eyes of King Qing Jiao, Lei Dao's desperate and desperate move is of no avail at all, and has no effect at all. The Realm of the True Gods is almost under his control.

Lei Dao couldn't care less about the battle in the dark abyss.

All his consciousness has entered into the will of the world. Here, time almost stops. After all, thinking is very fast. In an instant, thinking can not know how long it can pass.

When Lei Dao's consciousness completely entered the will of the world, Lei Dao found that it didn't seem so scary, and even had a feeling of deja vu.

That is when he became the Great Emperor and comprehended the rules, Lei Dao entered the will of the world. Therefore, the will of the world is not that unfamiliar to Lei Dao.

However, this time is obviously different from the last time.

Lei Dao clearly felt inexplicable hostility and terrifying danger.

After all, Lei Dao was "invited" by the will of the world the last time he became the emperor, and he was a "guest" or "very honored guest". He came to the will of the world just to fulfill a "procedure".

Once the procedure is successful, then Lei Dao will be able to become the emperor!

Therefore, the last time Lei Dao entered the will of the world, all he felt was the goodwill of the will of the world, and there seemed to be no danger, even if Lei Dao entered the core of the will of the world, he also took away a piece of the core of the will of the world Memory is still not in any danger.

But this time it's different.

This time Lei Dao became a true god, and as a true god, forcibly "broke" into the will of the world.

It is equivalent to an uninvited guest, or a robber!

Therefore, after entering the will of the world, Lei Dao felt full of malice, as if the will of the world was full of various dangers everywhere.

To put it simply, the will of the world is full of malice, and it will be attacked by the will of the world at any time. With Lei Dao's current state of consciousness, the possibility of surviving the will of the world is extremely slim.

However, no matter how dangerous it is, Lei Dao has no choice but to go all the way to the dark.

"Replacing Tianxin with your own heart, you will have a firm will! My will, no one can obliterate my will!"

Raidou took a deep breath.

He has always felt that the strongest part of him is not the divine body, nor the power to create a world, nor is it supernatural power.

His strongest thing is actually his will!

Without a will as strong as steel, how could Lei Dao become a true god from an ordinary person who is even dying of illness?

Will is Lei Dao's strongest point!

Therefore, at this moment, Lei Dao was full of confidence.

"In that case, let's come..."

Lei Dao didn't hesitate, and strengthened his heart. Then, all his consciousness exploded, and he tried to enter the core of the world's will, replace the world's will, and take control of the entire True God Realm!


Lei Dao's consciousness had just exploded, and then, like ice and snow melting, Lei Dao's consciousness was rapidly dissipating.

what did he see

In the depths of the will of the world, there are billions of trillions of creatures, with endless will.

There are also countless rules, countless histories, countless entanglements of cause and effect, etc., just like boiling oil, Lei Dao's consciousness is put into it, and it completely dissipates without even a little splash.

This is purely self-inflicted.

In other words, commit suicide!

Lei Dao laughed at himself incomparably.

This is the will of the world?

It cannot be replaced at all.

Even if his will is a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times stronger, it is impossible to replace the will of the world. Once the will of the world collapses, the entire True God Realm will collapse.

As for Lei Dao's poor consciousness, wanting to control such a huge world is tantamount to ants wanting to pry a mountain. Is this possible?

Therefore, Lei Dao was very ambitious before, and wanted to replace Tianxin and the will of the world with his own heart, which was tantamount to wishful thinking. Therefore, Lei Dao was tragic.

His consciousness quickly collapsed, which has nothing to do with his firm will.

The collapse of consciousness is actually the collapse of memory.

Gradually, Lei Dao seemed to have forgotten that he was in the will of the world, that he was in the dark abyss, that he had forgotten the Green Dragon King, and that he had forgotten the Blood Dragon King.

Forget that he is already a true god, forget that he was once the number one emperor in all ages...

All memories are disappearing rapidly, from now to the past, disappearing rapidly.

Great Emperor, Holy Venerable, Dao Body, Warrior...

In the end, Lei Dao seemed to have returned to Leijiabao. When he just entered the body of "Lei Dao", at that time, he was a sick child suffering from tuberculosis, and his days were numbered.

But the memory is still fading.

Soon, even the memory of Leijiabao was disappearing.

Finally, Lei Dao completely forgot about Leijiabao, and even forgot that he had traveled here.

The end of memory often means that Lei Dao's personal "imprint" has completely disappeared, that is, falling.

"who I am?"

"Where am I?"

"What am I going to do?"

In a daze, Lei Dao seemed to have such a problem.

Forgot, everything, all forgotten.

Whether it is the memory of Lei Dao in this life, or the memory of Lei Dao's soul before crossing, all of them have disappeared, completely forgotten.

But he did not die.

Lei Dao is sure of this.

He is not dead.

At this moment, in the will of the world, Lei Dao's consciousness seems to have only one colorful silk thread left, and this silk thread faintly exudes a faint light.

But no matter how the will of the world is wiped out, this thread has not disappeared.

It seems that this silk thread has the characteristic of "immortality".

This silk thread is so quietly in the will of the world, without any fluctuations.

The will of the world seemed very restless, and began to frantically want to obliterate this silk thread.

Immediately, this silk thread exuded a unique aura.

It seems to be beyond the rules, beyond the world, beyond time, beyond space, beyond lifespan, beyond everything...


Lei Dao was still in the middle of the three questions of life, but when the will of the world frantically wanted to erase the thread, Lei Dao seemed to be shaken.

As a result, Lei Dao's memory slowly recovered.

He remembered that he traveled to Leijiabao, became Lei Dao, and then began to practice martial arts...


Lei Dao finally "woke up".

"I am Lei Dao, and I am in the will of the world!"

Lei Dao woke up completely, and his memory recovered, but it had nothing to do with whether his will was firm or not, it only had something to do with the silk thread in the will of the world.

The current Lei Dao is actually the state of this silk thread.

"This thread...could it be a supernatural power?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he seemed to have some guesses.

For a long time, Lei Dao has been curious about his ability, what is his ability? Where are you hiding?

Lei Dao had also carefully searched for it before.

But no matter whether it was the Holy Lord, the Great Emperor, or even a demigod, Lei Dao couldn't find any trace of the supernatural power. Even if Wan Dao became a god, Lei Dao still couldn't find any trace of the supernatural power.

But now, Lei Dao's consciousness was completely obliterated by the will of the world, and when there was not even a trace left, it seemed that there was only a trace of the supernatural power.

This silk thread is most likely Lei Dao's ability!

It is precisely because of the supernatural power that it seems to be indelible and has the characteristics of immortality, even the will of the world is helpless, and Lei Dao's consciousness can be restored.

Otherwise, Lei Dao would have been annihilated long ago, completely fallen.

However, although he found the ability, Lei Dao still didn't know what the ability was.

Why does his ability appear in consciousness?

Moreover, it is still the deepest part of consciousness, which only appears when it is about to be wiped out.

On this silk thread, Lei Dao felt different from all the power that Lei Dao had felt before.

What rules, what power to create a world, what lifespan, what time, space, etc., seem to be incompatible with this silk thread.

What exactly is this?

Lei Dao pondered for a long time, but still had no clue.

Perhaps, his realm is still not enough.

Even if he saw the ability, he couldn't know what the ability was.

The ability is deep in Lei Dao's consciousness, but it has been helping Lei Dao all the time, and there is no harm. Even if you don't understand it temporarily, it doesn't matter, you can gradually understand it later.

But now, Lei Dao's top priority is to resolve the immediate crisis.

He must replace the will of the world, control the Realm of God, and become the Lord of the Realm.

Only in this way can the threats of the Green Flood Dragon King and the Blood Flood Dragon King be completely eliminated.

It's just that Lei Dao has tried it just now, and it is impossible to replace Tianxin with his own heart and the will of the world. Even if Lei Dao tries it ten thousand times again, the result is the same.

"The world lord...does it have to replace the will of the world to become the world lord?"

Lei Dao suddenly had a bold idea.

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