Longevity Species

Chapter 642: The Wind Comes! Ray come! (third change)

Lei Dao is a person who is good at using his brain, not a person who does not turn back until he hits the south wall. In fact, Lei Dao has actually hit the south wall now, and he has almost "died" once.

After all, consciousness is annihilated and memory is shattered, which is no different from falling. If it weren't for the ability to "pull" Lei Dao back, then Lei Dao would really fall completely now.

Lei Dao has already tried it, and it is simply impossible to replace Tianxin and the will of the world with one's own heart. But Lei Dao's goal is not to replace the world's will, his goal is to control the entire True God Realm and let the True God Realm operate according to his will.

Or, Lei Dao's ultimate goal can be lowered a bit, just to solve the immediate crisis, completely defeat the Blood Dragon King and the Green Dragon King, and completely drive the Blood Dragon Clan and the Green Dragon Clan out of the True God Realm.

That's all!

So, does such a small goal really need to replace the will of the world?

Not always!

"Why replace the will of the world? I just need to let the will of the world operate according to my will, that is to say, control the will of the world!"

Such a bold idea emerged in Lei Dao's mind. He didn't want to replace the will of the world, but just control the will of the world.

As long as one can control or interfere with the will of the world, it is equivalent to indirectly controlling the entire True God Realm.

However, how to control the will of the world is also a difficult problem.

But Lei Dao couldn't be bothered.


Lei Dao's consciousness has penetrated directly into the core of the will of the world. He knows that at the core of the will of the world, there is the whole process of the birth of the will of the world.

In fact, this is also the core area of ​​the will of the world.

Lei Dao is now the "invader" of the will of the world. Of course, the will of the world will not easily let Lei Dao enter its core, but Lei Dao has "supernatural powers".

The characteristic of this "power" is "immortality", no matter how the will of the world is wiped out, Lei Dao's power cannot be completely wiped out. And as long as the ability is not extinguished, Lei Dao's consciousness will slowly recover.

Therefore, after several times of this "tug of war", Lei Dao paid an extremely painful price, that is, his consciousness was obliterated by the will of the world again and again, and that kind of pain is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Even Lei Dao is unwilling to endure that kind of pain anymore.

After being "erased" again and again, Lei Dao really didn't want to experience that feeling, it was a feeling that life would be worse than death.

Fortunately, the ability is indeed powerful enough, and Lei Dao's consciousness was not completely wiped out. Even after the obliteration, the will of the world can't help the ability, and it will slowly recover.

After several times like this, Lei Dao finally entered the core of the will of the world.

A large amount of the initial "memory" of the will of the world is stored here.

For example, the will of the world is in the hazy, just-born stage. The will of the world at this time is actually the easiest to be influenced.

In fact, most of the legendary "world masters" were able to replace the will of the world during this period.

But now the will of the world has grown completely, and there is no way to go back to that time.

However, it doesn't matter, Lei Dao does not intend to completely replace the will of the world, he just "adds a little material" to the will of the world to make the "memory" of the will of the world more profound.

Therefore, Lei Dao fiercely imprinted his own consciousness, and firmly "imprinted" it in the original memory of the world will, which of course would arouse the fierce resistance of the entire world will.

Therefore, Lei Dao once again "experienced" the process of being obliterated, feeling that life is really worse than death. But soon, Lei Dao recovered under the influence of the ability, and then, he still "branded" his own mark again.

Over and over again.

Even Lei Dao himself didn't know how many times he had been branded.

This method can only be done by Lei Dao.

Even if it is a top true god, or even above the true god, it is impossible to use such a method. After all, other people don't have supernatural powers, they can't keep their consciousness wiped out again and again, but they can recover quickly.

Relying on the branding again and again, even if it is only a little bit at a time, the accumulation will add up. Gradually, Lei Dao's consciousness imprint is really slowly imprinted into the original hazy memory of the will of the world.

In this silk mark, Lei Dao turned gorgeously and became the creator of the will of the world.

Of course, Lei Dao "fooled" the will of the world, but he needed this to control the will of the world and indirectly control the entire True God Realm.

In the core memory of the will of the world, it seems that the will of the world was born because of Lei Dao.

It was Lei Dao who prompted the birth of the will of the world, and then Lei Dao gave the will of the world to control the entire True God Realm and maintain the entire True God Realm.

Lei Dao is the supreme existence, the real master of the True God Realm!

The will of the world is not life, it is actually the complex of the will of the true God Realm, it is just a hazy consciousness, therefore, it cannot distinguish between good and evil, nor can it distinguish between true and false.

Lei Dao used this kind of "rogue" method to leave a mark on the core memory of the world will, and the world will accept it.

"It's done!"

Raidou opened his eyes.

He could feel that now that he was at the core of the will of the world, he was no longer in danger as before, and seemed to be in danger at all times.

But full of kindness!

The will of the whole world, as if it was defenseless against him, is full of goodwill and makes people feel kind.

This shows that Lei Dao's method has succeeded.

"World Lord? I don't know, am I considered a World Lord now?"

There was some hesitation in Lei Dao's heart, but the next moment, with a thought in his mind, he conveyed the order to the will of the world.


Immediately, the entire True God Realm seemed to be shaking, and at the same time, a large amount of rule power crazily poured into the dark abyss.

Even, all the power of the dark abyss and the magic cave were dispelled.


Lei Dao, who was under the protection of the two true gods, suddenly opened his eyes.

There was no wind on his body, looking at the two true gods, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Thank you, the two true gods, and then, I will leave it to Lei!"

Lei Dao's aura didn't even change at all. If he insisted on changing, it would be Lei Dao's eyes, full of confidence, as if there was nothing he couldn't do.

"God Lei, you... have you become the world master?"

"You don't have the aura of the world lord?"

Both the two true gods are a little skeptical.

They have never seen the World Lord, but they have heard of it, and there are even some classics that describe some characteristics of the World Lord.

Just now, Lei Dao's consciousness entered into the will of the world, and he didn't die, but returned to his consciousness. There is a great possibility in it.

However, if it is the world master, it is impossible to have such an aura as Lei Dao, without any change. It is really the master of the world, that kind of breath cannot be hidden.

But Lei Dao now has a feeling of "unscrupulous", and it seems that the victory is already in his hands. He flew directly to the Qing Jiao King, and stood in front of the Qing Jiao King and other thirteen true god-level Qing Jiaos, with a calm expression on his face, as if he was fearless.


The Green Flood King and the Blood Flood King have actually been observing Lei Dao.

Just now Lei Dao's consciousness entered into the will of the world, and they also noticed it.

But soon, Lei Dao woke up.

They are also very clear that when consciousness enters the will of the world, the time in it is very slow, even if it takes a few days, the outside world may only be for a moment.

Perhaps, Lei Dao's consciousness has been in the will of the world for a long time.

But so what?

They simply don't believe that Lei Dao can become the world master. Which world master is not majestic and domineering, how can they resist?

"Lei Dao, do you want to try to become the master of the world? It's just wishful thinking, and now this king will send you on your way!"

King Qingjiao didn't bother to talk nonsense with Lei Dao, so he just waved his hand, and immediately, thirteen true god-level Qingjiao rushed up and rushed towards Lei Dao.

The terrifying aura instantly locked on Lei Dao, making it impossible for Lei Dao to escape.

What's more, the speed of these green dragons is so fast, Lei Dao can't escape.

Of course Lei Dao had no intention of escaping, he stood with his hands behind his back, just standing quietly in the void, seeing a dozen or so true god-level green flood dragons in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Lei Dao's mouth.

Afterwards, Lei Dao gently stretched out his fingers, and whispered: "The wind is coming!"


As soon as the voice fell, there was actually a wind blowing in the void, and it was not an ordinary breeze, but a terrifying storm formed by the regular wind.

"This... this is impossible!"

The colors of the Green Flood King and the Blood Flood King changed at the same time.

But whether he or they believe it or not, the terrifying storm of rules has swept across, mighty and mighty, almost bringing together the storm of rules in the entire True God Realm. The power is terrifying and unimaginable.

The storm came in an instant, and it had already trapped all these green dragons, and even had to bear the terrifying tearing force, even the true god-level green dragons couldn't bear it faintly.

But it's not over yet, Lei Dao pointed at the void again, and shouted: "Lei come!"


Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder burst.

A thunder almost as huge as a mountain peak descended from the sky, piercing through the entire dark abyss in an instant. This is not an ordinary thunder, but the thunder of rules, the thunder of rules that gathers the entire True God Realm.

Afterwards, the thunder suddenly landed on the bodies of the thirteen true god-level green flood dragons, and they exploded instantly.

The lightning flashed, and almost everyone couldn't open their eyes, and they couldn't even use their divine thoughts.

After the light faded slightly, everyone could only see the void covered by the thunder, which was all reduced to ashes. The power of the thunder was so terrifying, it was unimaginable!

This is definitely not some true god using the power of rules to display it.

Even if it is the true god who is one with the power of rules and has comprehended the power of rules, it is impossible to display such terrifying power of thunder.

Because, this is not a thunder of two rules, but the power of thousands of thunders gathered together. This kind of power, even the true god can't bear it!

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