Longevity Species

Chapter 651 This is the direction of efforts! (third change)

The Guardian Shrine, the Eastern Guardian Shrine, and a group of venerables rushed over quickly.

The entire Guardian Temple is divided into the Eastern Guardian Temple, the Western Guardian Temple, the Northern Guardian Temple, the Southern Guardian Temple and the Headquarters Guardian Temple, a total of five guardian temples.

Each guardian temple is occupied by a top-notch lord who presides over the daily affairs of the guardian temple.

Of the five guardian temples, except for the main guardian temple that guards the safety of the shrine, the other four guardian temples have their own areas of responsibility.

The Guardian Temple controls a huge area, and there are countless big worlds and small worlds in it. Naturally, some powerful institutions are needed to govern it.

At this moment, the powerful Tong Dazun, the master of the Eastern Guardian Temple, summoned all the venerables to discuss important matters.

Wu Bubai walked slowly into the hall.


Many people looked at Wu Bubai.

Wu Bubai sat straight on his chair. A nearby Venerable glanced at Wu Bubai and said with a smile, "Verun Wu, do you know why Tong Dazun summoned us?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, I know some news, and I have something to do with you."

"Is it related to me?"

Wu Bubai was a little surprised, he didn't go anywhere recently, he just went to the Realm of God, Tong Dazun summoned so many venerables from the Eastern Guardian Temple, it must be a big event, what can it have to do with him?

"Did you go to the Realm of the True Gods and have some conflicts with an old dragon from the Jiaolong clan? Hey, recently, the Jiaolong clan has had some troubles, and there has been some friction with my Eastern Guardian Temple. Tong Dazun called us to discuss this matter. .”

"The dragon clan is making trouble again? However, this has nothing to do with me. The old dragon was scared away by me and didn't do anything. However, some blood dragons and green dragons suffered a big loss in the True God Realm. A family dares to take the opportunity to make trouble? Huh, then kill them! It's best to let them know the pain."

A stern light flashed in Wu Bubai's eyes. He doesn't have a good impression of the Jiaolong clan, and he has been confronted with the Eastern Guardian Temple all year round, and there are often frictions.

If it weren't for the fact that the Flood Dragon Clan is powerful, and the Guardian Divine Palace is relatively restrained, the war with the Flood Dragon Clan would have broken out long ago, why would they have waited until now?

"By the way, I heard that you brought back a little guy from the Realm of God. You even gave him a recommended spot and entered the Xiagong District directly?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

Wu Bubai raised his eyebrows, really surprised. Regarding Lei Dao, since he recommended Lei Dao to enter Xiagong District, he has been a bit busy during this time, and even forgot Lei Dao, so naturally he doesn't know Lei Dao's current situation.

"Haha, how do I know? That kid is quite famous in the Xiagong District. He went to pass on his skills to pick out a skill. Do you know what it is? Thousand-Extreme Magical Skill! And he also got mixed up with that little fat guy from Lu Dazun's family." Together, tsk tsk, now you are hiding in the palace and don’t go out, I don’t know what you are doing. I think your recommended quota is probably wasted.”

"A Thousand Extremes Divine Art?"

Wu Bubai frowned. He really hadn't learned about Lei Dao's situation during this period of time. But according to his understanding, choosing Qianji Divine Art is really like Lei Dao's style.

After all, Wu Bubai knew that it took only a few years for Lei Dao to become a true god. He usually seems to be very kind, but in fact, Lei Dao must be arrogant, and his heart is extremely proud.

What's more, Lei Dao is still the legendary world master!

It is not surprising that the proud Lei Dao chose Qianji Divine Art.

"Wu Bubai, why don't you seem worried at all?"

The venerable felt a little strange.

Originally, he wanted to see Wu Bubai's jokes, and the two of them knew each other very well, but Wu Bubai finally lost sight of it, and used the precious recommendation quota, but the little guy didn't live up to it.

This is a small adjustment in the long years between these venerables, even if it is a joke.

But Wu Bubai was not worried at all, and he didn't seem to take it seriously, which is a bit abnormal.

Wu Bubai said indifferently: "No one has ever practiced Qianji Divine Art, so it doesn't mean that it can't be practiced. Since the Master put this exercise in the Palace of Passing Gong, it means that it is theoretically feasible, yes. Those who can cultivate will not have any problems. As for Lei Dao, he was brought out from the Realm of God by me. His talent is indeed good, so I gave him a chance. As for what he can achieve in Xiagong District, that is his responsibility. It's over, I won't interfere."

"Huh? Judging from your tone, it seems that you still have a lot of confidence in that little guy? It's really strange, that's a thousand-extreme magical skill, even if the master has verified it and put it in the Palace of Chuan Gong, but so Has anyone practiced it for many years? It seems that this little guy is a little different, so I need to pay attention to it."

The venerable knew Wu Bubai very well.

Even Wu Bubai was not too worried, he seemed to be swearing, and he still had confidence in Lei Dao. This was not Wu Bubai in his impression.


Suddenly, all the Venerables stood up.

A burly middle-aged man came to the main hall.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

This majestic-looking man is the Lord of the Eastern Guardian Temple, Tong Dazun!

A hall master is also a top-notch grand lord, even in the vast Ming world, he is a famous figure, second only to the master, and is one of the core figures who protect the palace.

"Sit down."

Tong Dazun waited for everyone to sit down, his expression sank, and he said: "This time, there is indeed a big event in calling all the lords here. The Jiaolong clan is causing trouble, and recently they are attacking several small worlds in my Guardian Palace. These years, We have a lot of concessions to the Jiaolong family, but this is not the reason for the Jiaolong family to make progress! This time, I have only one request, and that is to fight! Beat the Jiaolong family, and beat them back wherever they came from. Your lord, this seat allows you to behead!"

Everyone's heart trembled.

Even the Venerable allowed the beheading. This time, Tong Dazun was obviously very angry. I'm afraid it wasn't as simple as the Flood Dragon Clan invading a few small worlds.

It is very possible that those small worlds have been destroyed, otherwise, Tong Dazun would not be so angry under the circumstances that the Guardian Shrine has always restrained the Jiaolong family.

"Okay, I finally have a chance. This time, I must fight hard!"

"Hahaha, that's right. I've long been displeased with those long worms. This time, I can kill some old long worms and teach those long worms a lesson."

"Those long worms, think that our Guardian Palace is afraid of them? Hmph, it's just that our Guardian Palace is restrained by other forces."

"It's not a problem to kill a few old worms."

These venerables were very excited when they heard that there was going to be a war with the Jiaolong clan.

They all grew up in battle, so how could they be afraid of fighting?

What's more, which of the true gods among human beings, especially His Holiness, has not experienced countless battles?

As for the casualties in the battle, these venerables didn't care at all.

"Okay, the old rules, one day of preparation time, explain when you need to explain, and prepare when you need to prepare. Let's go in one day!"

After Tong Dazun finished speaking, he disappeared immediately.

Many venerables in the hall also left quickly. No matter how excited they were and how excited they were, there would always be casualties in wars, and maybe they would perish.

Venerable, will also fall!

There are even quite a few fallen.

This is war!

This is also the situation of human practitioners in the Ming Realm.


Xiagong District, Leidao's palace.

The four maids are all frowning now. Headed by Yuexin, the four maids are having a hard time recently.

Since you choose to become a maid, you must be mentally prepared. It is also very possible to follow a master with mediocre qualifications.

But following Lei Dao, for a whole month, they couldn't hold their heads up in the lower palace area, and when they stayed with the maids in other palaces, they didn't realize that they were a head shorter, and they were even often ridiculed.

The reason is very simple, their masters have now become the laughing stock of the entire Xiagong District.

"Sister Yuexin, it's been a whole month, and the master hasn't left the customs yet. Did you encounter a problem in your cultivation?"

"I heard that the skill chosen by the master is the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art. This is a well-deserved theoretical exercise in the entire guardian temple. Although it is known as the first magical art in the stage of true gods, this magical art is not practiced by anyone in the five major human temples. It has been accomplished. Even the great master who created this magical skill seems to have not practiced it."

"Well, I thought that if I found a master, I would be able to soar into the sky in the future. Even after the family knew that I had found the master in the Xiagong District, they were ready to give me various cultivation resources to help me practice. But now this kind of The situation, I am afraid that the family will not give me any more resources."

"I don't know what to do in the future..."

The maids all complained to Yuexin, but Yuexin was under a lot of pressure?

Just in the lower palace area, these maids are actually in the same circle, and they often communicate with each other. After Lei Dao became the laughing stock of Xiagong District, even the maids like them were ridiculed and excluded in the circle.

"Shut up, don't talk about the master's affairs! You must remember clearly that we are the master's maids, no matter what, we can't talk about the master behind his back, and our life and death are even in the master's hands, even if the master After leaving the lower palace area, we can only follow the master!"

Yue Xin cast a stern glance at these maids.

They may not be fully familiar with their identities yet.

They are already maids, and their wealth and life depend on Lei Dao alone.

No matter how destitute Lei Dao is, he only needs a word, and these maids will be punished. They have already been tied to Lei Dao, and they are all prosperous and ruined.

However, Yuexin also knew that this would not work.

"If Master fails to practice Qianji Divine Art, then you have to choose the second method, which requires a lot of contribution points. Master is new here, where are the contribution points? We have to think of ways for Master, whether it is the family or power behind you , or whatever treasures you have on your body, take them all out, and do your best to accumulate some contribution points for the master. If the master can go further, then we can also go further, do you understand?"

"We understand, we must do our best to collect treasures."

The maids gritted their teeth, even if they didn't want to, they knew that Yuexin's words made sense. Even if it's for themselves, they have to help Lei Dao practice.

Otherwise, Lei Dao will not be able to practice, and they will have no future.

At this moment, Lei Dao is in the secret room.

He didn't even know that even his maid was sad.

"It still doesn't work. After working hard for a month, it seems that the ability has not been upgraded..."

Lei Dao felt a little melancholy.

He really tried his best, but there was no power, and he was also very desperate.

As for the Thousand Extremes Divine Art?

Well, Lei Dao just glanced at it and threw it aside, trying to make the ability complete the upgrade, and then reappear, this is the direction of Lei Dao's efforts!

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