Longevity Species

Chapter 652 Reappearance of Ability! (first update)

"The ability has been upgraded, please check it carefully."

Just as Lei Dao was trying to check the situation of the ability, suddenly, such a message appeared in front of Lei Dao's eyes.

"Ability upgrade completed?"

Lei Dao was startled, for a whole month, Lei Dao was in a state where he had no powers available, that feeling made Lei Dao feel empty in his heart, very uncomfortable.

Now, the ability has finally returned, and Lei Dao feels extremely fulfilled again.

Therefore, Lei Dao mobilized the ability immediately, wanting to see what changes the ability has upgraded this time.

Name: Lei Dao (27 years old)

Life Form: True God

Lifespan: 115,308 years and four months

God pattern: five ways (can be improved)

Lei Dao looked at his power data, some unnecessary things were missing, and a "life form" was added. Lei Dao's current life form is a true god.

What Lei Dao is most concerned about is the life span, which is more than 115,000 years, and the life span has been increased by 110,000 years!

This shocked Lei Dao extremely.

Lifespan of more than 100,000 years!

Now Lei Dao is only twenty-seven years old, and he suddenly has a lifespan of 110,000 years, so his heart is naturally extremely shocked. However, Lei Dao is not even a hundred years old, so the lifespan of 110,000 years is actually just a "number". For Lei Dao, there may be an impact, but it will not be too great.

In terms of ability data, there is one more divine pattern. Currently, Lei Dao has five divine patterns, and the one that interests Lei Dao most is behind the divine pattern, which seems to be able to be directly improved.

Lei Dao immediately thought of the "features" of the ability.

Immediate promotion?

That will definitely consume lifespan, but now that Lei Dao is rich and powerful, if he can directly use his lifespan to increase his divine pattern, that is nothing at all.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately focused his attention on the divine pattern.

"Will it consume 10,000 years of lifespan to upgrade a divine pattern?"


Lei Dao opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe it.

Not a hundred years, not a thousand years, but ten thousand years!

With a lifespan of 10,000 years, it turned out that only one divine pattern could be raised?

According to the characteristics of supernatural powers, a lifespan of 10,000 years is almost equivalent to 100,000 years of ordinary true god practice. In other words, according to the ability judgment, Lei Dao needs 100,000 years to condense a divine pattern.

This talent can no longer be described as poor.

But extremely poor!

"How is it possible? After all, I have become a true god..."

Lei Dao frowned, he felt that he was actually okay, and that he could become a true god. Although he relied on his own efforts, Lei Dao always felt that his talent was not too bad.

But now, the ability has to consume 10,000 years of lifespan to upgrade Lei Dao with a divine pattern.

What's the use?

Even if Lei Dao consumed all his lifespan, he could only condense eleven divine patterns, and with the current five divine patterns, there were only sixteen divine patterns.

What can the sixteen divine patterns do?

Can't do anything!

Theoretically, although ten divine patterns can try to open up a world within the body, but in reality, trying to open up a world within the body with more than a dozen divine patterns is almost suicidal, no different from suicide.

"It seems that it's not that I'm poor in talent, but that I can directly condense the divine pattern, and I have to use the ability at the most critical time."

Lei Dao firmly believes that his talent is really not bad.

As for why it is so expensive for him to condense a divine pattern, and it takes so much lifespan. Perhaps it is because this "function" is not used for daily practice, but can play a key role at critical moments.

This time the ability "upgraded", Lei Dao felt that the ability should also be adapting to the Ming Realm. After the upgrade, the ability can directly condense the divine pattern.

It's not easy.

Only supernatural powers can do it, and supernatural powers are still full of mystery in Lei Dao's eyes.

Lei Dao returned to the real problem.

It takes 10,000 years to condense a divine pattern, what should I do?

This is a very real problem.

If Lei Dao wants to practice, he must condense the divine pattern, so as to improve his strength and have the opportunity to open up the world in his body and become a venerable.

"By the way, there is also Qianji Divine Art and exercises. Cultivation requires exercises. If you don't practice exercises, it is almost impossible to directly realize and condense the divine pattern."

Out of the corner of Lei Dao's eye, he saw the volume of Qianji Divine Art, and felt his eyes light up.

Before, he was too excited and only cared about the appearance of supernatural powers, but he forgot that cultivation requires skills. Any practitioner needs skills to practice.

Otherwise, you can only rely on epiphany to condense the divine lines, but the opportunity for epiphany is rare, even if you are a master, it is impossible to condense countless Taoist lines at once by virtue of epiphany, so as to open up the world in the body and achieve success. His Holiness.

"Thousand Extremes Divine Art!"

Lei Dao opened and left Qianji Magic Art.

Lei Dao has almost never mastered this magical skill after he got it for a month. He has been "working hard to find" the supernatural power. He wanted to make the supernatural power come back, but he forgot the skill.

Now, Lei Dao looked at Qianji Divine Art.

This magical skill is divided into nine levels in total.

After completing the first level, it can condense the four divine patterns.

After completing the second layer, it can condense the eight divine patterns.

After completing the third layer, sixteen divine patterns can be condensed.

By analogy, the number of divine patterns condensed in almost every layer will double, until the ninth layer, directly condensing a terrifying 1,080 divine patterns!

"That's right, that's right. This magical skill is worthy of being the number one magical skill in the stage of the true gods of the Five Great Shrines. It can't even compare to Zhou Tian's magical skill. One thousand and eighty divine patterns, it's incredible, but I don't know how to improve this magical skill. How much life does it take?"

Lei Dao immediately thought of using supernatural powers to improve Qianji Divine Art. After all, Lei Dao is already very proficient in this way.

However, when he mobilized his abilities, he found that there was no introduction to Qianji Divine Art.

It is impossible to use supernatural powers to improve without the magic skills of entry.

"Hey, you still have to get started first. If you want to get started, you have to understand the principle of Qianji Divine Art..."

Lei Dao felt that it was still very troublesome.

Wouldn't it be good to directly upgrade?

Still need to get started.

To understand the principle of Qianji Divine Art, one must study it carefully. Therefore, Lei Dao could only slowly study the Qianji Divine Art, or in other words, it is the practice method of the true god level, and Lei Dao was also studying it for the first time.

Gradually, Lei Dao was also attracted by the content of Qianji Divine Art.

In fact, once a practitioner becomes a true god, it is another form of life. In other words, it is a kind of energy body, including the divine body, which is actually energy, full of explosive energy, but the energy density is very high.

Human practitioners, especially true gods, if they want to go further, they can't take the usual path, and they can't keep polishing their gods. Even if you condense the divine patterns and strengthen your divine body, it is actually just a preparation for the next opening of the inner world.

Your lord, the strongest is the world inside the body!

This is also the biggest difference between human practitioners and other races in the Ming Realm.

Other races, such as the Flood Dragon Clan, what they tempered was the physical body. They felt that the physical body was the foundation, as long as they tempered the physical body, they would eventually be detached.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the Jiaolong clan has been tempering their bodies. Doing this naturally has its advantages, that is, step by step, as long as the physical body is reached, it will break through the realm, and it is very difficult to kill, and the ability to save life is quite good.

However, there are also disadvantages.

The downside is that it takes too long.

But for the Jiaolong family, this is not a big disadvantage. After all, the Jiaolong family has a long lifespan, which is much longer than that of human practitioners.

Human beings cannot practice like this.

If you really want to practice like this, it is estimated that there are not many venerables in human beings, let alone masters.

Human beings have their own unique way of practice, which is the inner world.

As long as the divine body has reached a certain level and can withstand the impact of the terrifying power that erupted when the inner world was opened, then there will be a qualitative transformation, and thus an inner world will be possessed.

Of course, the internal world is far worse than the real small world.

But that can fully mobilize all the power in the world, far more terrifying than the power mobilized to become a world lord. This kind of practice system is actually a practice system created by human beings based on the legendary world master.

The biggest advantage of this practice system is that it is fast!

As long as you have enough talent and open up the inner world, you can become a venerable immediately.

Maybe it only takes a few thousand or tens of thousands of years.

Compared with other races, it takes hundreds of thousands of years of hard work to become a venerable, which is a huge advantage.

This is also the reason why human beings can occupy a place in the Ming world, and they are flourishing now. Even though the birth time of human beings is much shorter than that of other races, they have become a force that cannot be ignored.

This is the practice principle of the true god to the venerable.

The Thousand Extremes Divine Art actually draws on this principle.

Qianji Divine Art is a top-notch great lord, a powerful existence second only to the ruler, and it took countless years of painstaking efforts to create it. At the beginning, even the masters of the five great human gods were shocked.

After all, the "concept" of Qianji Divine Art is too high. Once it can be promoted, it will definitely have immeasurable benefits for the entire human race.

It's a pity that the promotion effect is not good.

There is no other reason, no one can practice this magical skill.

A normal true god condenses the divine pattern, which is to use various natural materials and earthly treasures to slowly use his own world-creating power to stimulate the divine body and condense the divine pattern.

Or comprehend the rules of the small world and the big world, and accommodate all kinds of rules in one body, which can also condense the divine pattern.

But Qianji Divine Art is different, it uses the power of the world to practice.

And the power of the world can only be possessed by those above the Venerable.

However, which venerable can always use the power of the world in his body to help the true god practice?

That's simply not possible.

"The power of the world requires the power of the world to get started. Then I need to find a venerable to help me?"

The only venerable Lei Dao knew was Wu Bubai.

But what if Wu Bubai doesn't help?

"No, the power of the world is not limited to the venerable, the world master can also mobilize the power of the world, am I not the world master of the true god world?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, it seemed that this magical skill was really destined for him.

It just so happens that he is the lord of the world, and he can mobilize the power of the world without the help of the venerable.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao couldn't wait to get out and go to the Realm of God.

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