Longevity Species

Chapter 657: The Grand Master of Little Fatty Lu's Family! (third change)

In the Ming Realm, Lei Dao and his group of five had already left the Guardian God Palace, and they took a flying boat owned by Lu Xiaopang, and quickly shuttled to the Great World of Zhenyang.

The frontline battlefield is near the Zhenyang Great World, and there is almost a fierce competition around the Zhenyang Great World.

The flying speed of the flying boat is naturally far from being comparable to that of a true god.

Such a flying boat is worth at least 10,000 contribution points.

Only Lu Xiaopang, who is rich and powerful, can have such a treasure. Moreover, relying on this flying boat alone, except for the Venerable and the top true gods who specialize in speed, it is estimated that it is difficult for any true god to catch up with the speed of this flying boat.

To a certain extent, this also greatly guaranteed the safety of everyone.

If you are really in danger, you can take a flying boat and run away.

"How about this task, isn't it very good? Tsk tsk, beheading five ordinary true gods is a small feat. Killing a top true god is also a small feat. Don't worry about it, my lord. That's not what we can do." Deal with it, and if you encounter the Venerable, you can run away as far as you can."

"However, if you can take back a small world, it will be a great achievement!"

Everyone began to check the tasks they had received.

They are all missions on the frontline battlefield, most of them are minor achievements, if they are major achievements, they are all for the venerable powerhouses, so they don't have to think about it.

But there are exceptions, such as taking back the small world.

The battle this time revolves around the Great Realm of Sun, but that area is not limited to the Great Realm of True Sun, there are many small worlds as well.

Since it was the Flood Dragon Clan who took the initiative to attack, the Flood Dragon Clan occupied many small worlds.

It is actually very difficult to regain a small world.

Because, it is not one or two true gods sitting in the town, but a dozen or even dozens of true gods sitting in the town, how terrifying? Moreover, in the small world, there must be arrangements for those flood dragons.

It is very difficult to regain the small world.

However, it is precisely because of this that the credit for taking back a small world is so great, ten great credits! That's a full 10,000 contribution points!

A small skill is only 100 contribution points, that is to say, you have to kill 100 top true gods or 500 ordinary true gods to earn 10,000 contribution points.

However, this is just thinking about it, relying on their rabble of big cats and kittens, want to seize a small world? Unless it's about to die.

The Ming Realm is very big, even if there is a flying boat on the way, it took Lei Dao and his group of five people nearly a month to reach the vicinity of the Zhenyang Great World.

As soon as they rushed to the vicinity of Zhenyang Great World, Lei Dao and others felt a terrifying divine sense sweeping past them, even if there was a flying boat, it would have no effect.

This divine thought made their hearts tremble.

murderous look!

The terrifying killing intent was swept away with the divine sense, this is the divine sense of the venerable!

A Venerable is monitoring the vicinity of the True Yang Great World.

The Zhenyang Great World is actually almost equivalent to the headquarters of the Eastern Guardian Temple this time. I heard that Tong Dazun personally sits in the Zhenyang Great World.

In any case, the Zhenyang Great World will not be allowed to fall.


As the divine thoughts swept away, several true gods flew out from the Zhenyang Great World and arrived outside the flying boat.

"All the true gods in the flying boat came out to check."

Several true gods said unceremoniously.

Now it is a time of war, especially in the Zhenyang Great World. In fact, it is relatively strict. Anyone who enters here has to be interrogated and registered.

Although human beings seldom have internal strife, interests are paramount, and no one can tell what kind of changes will happen, so strict investigation must be carried out.

Lei Dao and others naturally explained their intentions, and even revealed their identities as official disciples of the Guardian God Palace, and these true gods let them go.

"Everyone, there is almost a battle going on around the Zhenyang Great World right now, and the battle is very fierce. You are not the true gods of the Eastern Guardian Temple, so you can move freely on the battlefield. However, if a venerable gives an order, you must obey the order."

Several true gods explained to Lei Dao and others.

"We understand."

On the battlefield, there is a need for unified orders. Of course, Lei Dao and others are not the true gods of the Eastern Guardian Temple, they don't need such strict combat orders, they can act freely.

They are here to earn contribution points.

Even, not only the disciples of the Guardian God Palace like Lei Dao, but also some true gods of other forces can also enter the battlefield and hunt those dragons.

Because, in such a war, the tasks issued by the Guardian God Palace are public.

Even other true gods can receive quests. Although they can't get contribution points, they can go to the Guardian Shrine to exchange for some resource treasures.

This can also promote the enthusiasm of the true gods of other human forces.

After all, fighting against the Jiaolong clan is not only the responsibility of guarding the shrine, but also the responsibility of all human practitioners.

"One last warning, human practitioners cannot kill each other, otherwise, the venerable or true god patrolling the battlefield can be killed on the spot!"

this point is very important.

In fact, it didn't take long for human beings to walk out of their ancestral land, and it was even quite short, but why can they stand in the forest of thousands of races in the Ming Realm? Even the power is still growing.

One of the most important reasons is that human beings are very united.

In other words, under the leadership of the Five Great Shrines, human beings are very united in the face of foreign enemies.

On the battlefield, if there is internal strife or even fighting each other, the consequences will be quite serious.

Even if two people usually have enmity, they will not choose to fight on the battlefield.


At this moment, a terrifying divine sense descended.

Even, there was a cloud of anger mixed with it.

This is not the Venerable's divine sense, it is many times stronger than the Venerable's.

Even if it's just divine thoughts, it makes people feel suffocated.

Lu Xiaopang was startled, and almost immediately he flew the flying boat into the battlefield, and shouted loudly: "Grandpa, this time I have received a mission from the Shrine, you can't stop it. Otherwise, a I haven't finished the task yet, and I will be ridiculed if I return to Xiagong District."

Everyone was sweating profusely.

Now how can they not understand that the master of this divine sense is Lu Xiaopang's grandfather, the famous Lu Dazun who protects the sacred palace!

Lu Dazun's divine sense has not spoken all the time, and everyone can only bear the terrible pressure. Everyone's heart is under great pressure, and their hearts are extremely regretful.

It seems that Lu Xiaopang came to the battlefield secretly, otherwise, how could there be anger in Lu Dazun's divine sense?

I just hope that Lu Dazun will not take his anger out on them.

After a long time, Lu Dazun's divine sense finally disappeared.

A hint of ecstasy appeared on Lu Xiaopang's face and he said, "Go, go, grandpa has promised me to go to the battlefield."

After all, Lu Xiaopang manipulated the flying boat and quickly disappeared near the Zhenyang Great World.

At this moment, in the Zhenyang Great World, the temporary headquarters of the Eastern Guardian Temple.

Tong Dazun sat high on the main seat, and seemed to be in a good mood. He smiled and said, "Lu Dazun, your precious grandson is really capable of tossing around, and he's on the front line again, don't you want to send him back?"

On Tong Dazun's side, sat an old man in black robe, he said angrily: "That kid just loves to make troubles, but it's a pity that he has been tossing around for so long in the lower palace area, and he didn't make any achievements. I'm afraid he won't even think about it in this life Entering the upper palace area, it is difficult to become a venerable. What's more, he has received the task of the shrine, how can I make a fuss? But I don't care about the safety of that kid. There are some treasures I gave, as long as you don't meet the venerable, There is no problem with saving lives.”

"What's more, there is a very interesting little guy among the people that that kid leads. If I'm not mistaken, that little guy should have practiced the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, and he has actually managed it, condensing thirty-six Dao Shenwen. With him here, nothing will happen to my precious grandson."

This black-robed old man is Lu Dazun. With his divine sense, he has already seen all the people around Lu Xiaopang, and basically understands them.

Tong Dazun was very interested, he said in surprise: "Thousand-Extreme Divine Art? Besides, someone has actually practiced it and can condense thirty-two divine lines. That should be the fourth level of Thousand-Extreme Divine Art, which is amazing. Since the advent of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, the highest level has only reached the fourth level, and there are very few people who can reach the fourth level. Who is this person?"

"To be by my precious grandson's side, he must be a disciple of the Xiagong District. Well, isn't there a person in the Xiagong District who is making a fuss recently? It seems that it is because he chose the Thousand Extremes Magic Art, or Wu Bubai's recommended quota. That person is called Lei Dao, right?"

Lu Dazun thought about it carefully and said.

"Wu Bubai's recommended quota? This seat remembered it. Not long ago, this seat asked Wu Bubai to go to the True God Realm. It seemed that the Blood Dragon King was born, and the True God Realm was also facing crisis. Later, Wu Bubai went to the Real God Realm. He brought back a true God from the Realm of the True Gods, and recommended him to that True God, so it should be Lei Dao. Interesting, he walked out of the Realm of the True Gods and practiced the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art. Practicing magic skills to the fifth level, creating a precedent?"

Tong Dazun's eyes lit up.

He knows very well how difficult it is to practice Qianji Divine Art. So far, the highest level of Qianji Divine Art has only been practiced to the fourth level.

No one has ever been able to cultivate the Thousand Extremes Divine Art to the fifth level.

It has to be said that it is a pity.

The Thousand Extremes Divine Art is indeed a top-notch magical art. If someone can practice it, and even share their experience, so that more people can practice it successfully, it will undoubtedly improve the overall strength of human beings.

It's a pity that no one has practiced to the fifth floor so far.

"It's better to wait for Wu Bubai to come back, and then ask more carefully."

Tong Dazun paid attention, and he also noticed Lei Dao.

To be able to practice Qianji Divine Art to the fourth level, that talent must be good, even top-notch. Moreover, it is even rarer to be a true god who came out of the ancestral land.

It's true to know more about it, and it may even bring some surprises.

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