Longevity Species

Chapter 658 Sure enough, it still feels familiar! (first update)

"Huh... finally entered the battlefield."

Lu Xiaopang heaved a long sigh of relief, just now he had the spiritual thoughts of his grandfather Lu Dazun, he was really under great pressure. Lu Xiaopang is not afraid of everything, but he is afraid of his grandfather.

Fortunately, grandpa didn't seem to say anything this time.

On the contrary, it was Lei Dao, who had a strange look on his face.

"Great Master Lu's divine sense stayed on me for a while just now, did you find something?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

Great Master Lu is a dignified Great Master, Lei Dao doesn't think he can hide anything from a Great Master. But Lei Dao didn't hide anything, at most it was just a thousand extremes.

But sooner or later, Qianji Divine Art will be exposed, and Lei Dao will not always hide it.

Therefore, even if Lu Dazun finds out, it's nothing.

At this moment, the flying boat has completely entered the battlefield.

There are no fights everywhere in the imagination, and there are no overwhelming war scenes. The reason is very simple. How huge is the area near the Zhenyang Great World?

How could there be a large-scale war scene?

Most of the true gods have entered the small world to fight and compete, but there are very few true gods in the bright world.

"Put the flying boat away, we will fly in the Ming Realm, otherwise, the flying boat's target is too big, and it's not beautiful."

Lu Xiaopang is not stupid, he has already entered the battlefield, and various special situations may arise at any time. Staying in the flying boat is a big target and not safe.

So, the five of them left the flying boat and flew in the Ming Realm, and all of them were careful, paying attention to the surrounding situation at all times.

"There is a situation, there seems to be fighting fluctuations ahead."

Suddenly, True God Lu Xuan seemed to have discovered something.

"Go, go and have a look, and do it when the time is right!"

Lu Xiaopang seemed very excited, so the five quickly flew towards the source of the fluctuation.

Soon, they came near the source of the fluctuation.

In the empty Ming Realm, there are two true gods who seem to be besieged by three true god-level dragons. It didn't look very dangerous, but it just became a stalemate.

"How about it? The dragon in the middle, let's do it together!"

"Okay, let's do it together, everyone don't hold back, and go all out."

Thus, the five top true gods rushed towards the true god level dragon.

True God Lu Xuan, True God Wei Kong, and True God Ji Tian, ​​these three true gods all exerted their full strength, and more than a dozen divine lines were condensed on their foreheads. Although there were not twenty lines, there were still more than a dozen divine lines. Strong, far surpassing the average true god.

Moreover, Lu Xiaopang was even more exaggerated, he actually condensed more than twenty divine lines, and he also manipulated an extremely sharp long sword treasure, the breath alone could make the top true gods palpitate.

Such a terrifying lineup, such terrifying power, overwhelmed the sky, covering not only the dragon, but also the two true gods.


The attacks of the four top true gods fell on the body of the flood dragon, and there was a deafening roar, and then everything calmed down.

The flood dragon was already dead, and there was not even a trace of it left. There was no dead body, and the body was blasted into ashes.

This scene, falling into the eyes of the two true gods and the two dragons beside him, felt a little inconceivable.

what is this?

Does an ordinary true god-level flood dragon that can be wiped out by a top true god need such a big battle?

It is to condense the divine pattern, and to display the treasure.

Those who didn't know thought that Lu Xiaopang and others were dealing with top true gods with dozens of divine patterns.

But that's just an ordinary war god-level dragon, not even a top true god. Lu Xiaopang's big battle really makes people speechless.

Lei Dao was indeed quite speechless.

He didn't do anything, but watched Lu Xiaopang and others do it. After all, Lei Dao could tell at a glance that these three true god level dragons were just ordinary true gods.

Any one of them can be beheaded.

After all, their five great true gods are all formal disciples of the Guardian God Palace, which one is not the top true god?

"Okay, these flood dragons are indeed very weak, and the two ends are solved together."

Lu Xiaopang didn't feel embarrassed by his "excessive caution", on the contrary, he was still very excited, as if beheading one dragon was not enough, he had to continue to "bully" the remaining two dragons.

In Lu Xiaopang's excitement, the two flood dragons were also reduced to ashes and were completely beheaded.

There are only two true gods left looking at each other.

Lu Xiaopang came to the two true gods, stood with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "You don't need to thank us, we are all human true gods, so naturally we should help each other."

The two true gods looked at each other and looked at each other.

In the end, one of the true gods could only bite the bullet and said: "Thank you five for your help, but we managed to lure these three true god-level dragons out, and we want to consume their power slowly, and finally kill them completely Kill. The five are all top true gods. If you want to participate in the battle, go to the Zhoutian Realm in front. It is a small world, and there are many true gods competing for it. Even near the Zhoutian Realm, there are many dragons."

Lu Xiaopang was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

It turned out that these two true gods didn't appreciate it, and dared to say that these three flood dragons were the "prey" of these two true gods, and they were the prey they had finally attracted.

In the end, it was solved by Lu Xiaopang and the others in twos and twos. They didn't get anything, and they were full of resentment.

But these are the five top true gods, and no matter how much resentment the two have, they can only endure it.

Lu Xiaopang's expression froze, and he nodded after a long time and said: "Be careful, like just now, in fact, you are very dangerous, if there is an accident, you will be in trouble."

After all, Lu Xiaopang left quickly with Lei Dao and others.

The first battle on the battlefield ended in such a "dramatic" way, and Lu Xiaopang and others felt ashamed. At any rate, they were also formal disciples of the dignified Guardian Shrine, but they "robbed" other people's prey in the end.

Moreover, it is a bit embarrassing to be an ordinary true god-level flood dragon.

Soon, Lu Xiaopang, Lei Dao and the others saw Zhou Tianjie.

It was a small world, about the size of the True God Realm.

However, outside the Zhoutian Realm at this moment, there are many dragons and true gods fighting each other, almost all of them are true gods, and there are no practitioners below the true gods.

Moreover, the fighting between the two sides was quite tragic.

Even Lei Dao saw a true god fall.

That's a real god!

In the True God Realm, there were only three Guardian True Gods before.

But now, anytime, anywhere, it is possible for a true god to fall.

This is war!

Lu Xiaopang and the others seemed to have also been impacted, and their faces turned blue.

"The five of us join forces and fight together. Even the top true gods will be killed by us! Remember, don't separate, and we have to go all out!"

Lu Xiaopang gritted his teeth.

Now that they have reached the battlefield, it is impossible to back down, not to mention, they only beheaded three ordinary true god level dragons, not even a small skill.

Even a small feat requires beheading five ordinary true god level dragons.


The five teamed up and rushed directly towards one of the dragons. This dragon was still an ordinary true god level dragon, so it was beheaded and beheaded almost without any resistance.

Although it was just an ordinary true god level dragon, the movement of Lu Xiaopang and others attracted many dragons and true gods.

"Huh? Isn't that Lu Xiaopang? He also came to the battlefield?"

"In addition to Lu Xiaopang, there are also Lu Xuan, Wei Kong and Ji Tian, ​​haha, these people came to the battlefield in a group, are you sure they are not here to be funny?"

"Who is the other person? I don't seem to have seen it."

"Befriend Lu Xiaopang, he must be a disciple of the Xiagong District who went through the back door. By the way, I seem to have some vague impressions. Could it be that Lei Dao who just joined the Xiagong District?"

"Lei Dao, the Lei Dao who practiced the Thousand Extremes Divine Art?"

"Hahaha, it's just too funny, such a combination. One Lu Xiaopang, and one Lei Dao who boasted that he practiced a thousand extremes. Is this a combination of losers in Xiagong District?"

"Quietly them, Lu Xiaopang has gathered more than 20 divine patterns anyway. He is quite strong at first, but he is extremely timid. Five top true gods teamed up to attack an ordinary true god-level flood dragon. The face of the palace."

Outside Zhou Tianjie, there are some disciples from Xiagong District.

Obviously, these disciples, like Lu Xiaopang, came to earn contribution points.

However, they and Lu Xiaopang resolutely drew a line of demarcation.

The same disciples from the lower palace area, those who entered the lower palace area step by step from the outer area, looked down on the disciples who entered the lower palace area through the back door at all.

And now, seeing the combination of Lu Xiaopang and his party of five, they were ridiculed by the Xiagong District disciples as "a combination of losers".

Lu Xiaopang beheaded an ordinary true god-level flood dragon. Hearing the discussions of those Xiagong District disciples, Lu Xiaopang's face darkened, and his expression flickered and fluctuated.

One of the reasons why he insisted on coming to the frontline this time was that he wanted to "justify his name".

However, Lu Xiaopang is also very clear that beheading ordinary true god level dragons is not a rectification of his name, no matter how many ordinary true god level dragons he kills, he will not be able to rectify his name.

He must kill the top true god among those flood dragons!

"Everyone, you all heard what they said just now. They said that we are a 'group of losers'. Hmph, we are also disciples from the Xiagong District. This time, we will show them a big ticket, and also for us. Rectification of names. Do you dare?"

Looking at Lu Xiaopang who was gnashing their teeth, Lu Xuan and other true gods, they really wanted to say "I don't want to", but they could only swallow these words because they were afraid that Lu Xiaopang would settle accounts later.

Silence is the best response!

But obviously, Lu Xiaopang didn't see it that way.

"Okay, it seems that everyone has no objections, so let's make a big deal!"

Lu Xiaopang looked around the battlefield.

Fights are everywhere, and some powerful dragons are indeed very strong. For example, there is a dragon with a sweeping tail that directly shoots several top true gods into the air. It looks extremely ferocious.

Lu Xiaopang's gaze focused on the fierce dragon.

"No way?"

Lu Xuan, Wei Kong, Ji Tian and other true gods were almost in despair.

If they are ridiculed, they will be ridiculed. They are already numb and don't care at all. Why would they want to justify themselves?

But if Lu Xiaopang decides to deal with that terrifying and ferocious dragon, it will really kill them, it is very dangerous, and they will die!

"I've decided, just that dragon. Have you seen that one? The fiercest and largest dragon. Yes, the dragon behind it seems to have pushed the two true gods into danger. Let's go Kill it and save the two true gods!"

Lu Xiaopang's eyes were bright and he looked very excited.

Immediately, the expressions of Lei Dao and the others froze suddenly, and they looked at the back of the extremely ferocious dragon. Yes, behind that ferocious dragon, that dragon that seems to be a size smaller.

This is called big fight?

Sure enough, it was still the familiar Lu Xiaopang, the familiar "operation", and the familiar feeling, they were really relieved.

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