Longevity Species

Chapter 659 The Shock of the Thirty-two Divine Patterns! (Second more)

Lu Xiaopang and the others attacked directly. They bypassed the fierce-looking dragon, and directly moved towards the smaller dragon behind the dragon.

That dragon is actually not bad, its ability overwhelms the two true gods, and I am afraid it is also a top true god level existence. If it is beheaded, it is enough for a small skill.


Holding the treasure in his hand, Lu Xiaopang, together with Lei Dao and the others, slashed towards the dragon. All the gods burst out with terrifying power, covering the sky and covering the earth, and locked the dragon in an instant.


The flood dragon roared angrily, obviously feeling the danger. It is a top true god-level flood dragon, at best it is equivalent to a top true god with ten lines of gods. How can it face Lu Xiaopang and other five top true gods who are like wolves and tigers?

Therefore, the roar was full of fear.

It can't even block a single blow.


However, no matter how the dragon roared, it was of no avail. The attacks of Lu Xiaopang and others had already fallen, and the dragon was instantly crushed to pieces by the attacks of the five people.

"Hahaha, a little skill is in hand!"

"Almost a hundred contribution points, not bad."

"There are still so many true god-level dragons on the battlefield, and there is still a chance. It will definitely be no problem to earn a few thousand contribution points."

The five people were a little excited when they succeeded in one blow.

But, suddenly, Lei Dao felt a warning sign in his heart.

He turned his head sharply, and saw the incomparably ferocious dragon at a glance, it seemed to go crazy all of a sudden, its huge body swept across the surroundings immediately, and all the true gods who besieged it were blown away.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying flood dragon let out an even more furious roar, as if it was screaming in grief, and seemed to have infinite anger, and rushed straight towards Lei Dao and the other five.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Lu Xiaopang's face disappeared in an instant.

"Why did it come at us?"

"It seems to be going crazy, and it keeps screaming."

"Could it be that the flood dragon we killed has something to do with it? Could this flood dragon be a female?"

Lu Xiaopang's expression changed.

Female dragon?

Why can't it be the wife of this extremely fierce dragon?

Judging by the crazy appearance of this flood dragon, it is really possible.

This incomparably fierce dragon looks like a top true god level dragon at first glance, and it is the kind of terrifying dragon with dozens of divine patterns. Otherwise, how could so many top true gods besieging it be unable to attack for a long time?

"I can't retreat, kill it!"

"We can't escape at this time. What are we coming to the frontline battlefield for? Just to rectify our names. This dragon can rectify our names!"


Lu Xiaopang knew that he could not retreat.

Moreover, the auras of the five of them were all locked by Jiaolong. Once they scattered and fled, they would almost give up their greatest advantage. If they could not join forces, they would be defeated one by one by Jiaolong.

Now we can only fight together!


The Jiaolong was extremely fast, and with a sudden pounce, it came to Lu Xiaopang almost in the blink of an eye.

That huge body hardly stopped, and directly collided fiercely with Lu Xiaopang's long sword.


The long sword ruthlessly cut into the huge body of the flood dragon, but it couldn't stop the flood dragon at all. Especially Jiaolong's huge body was unabated, and it slammed into Lu Xiaopang's body fiercely.


Lu Xiaopang felt as if his whole body had been smashed into pieces. He had armor to protect his body and a divine body with twenty divine patterns, but he couldn't stop the impact of this flood dragon.

Lu Xuan, Wei Kong and Ji Tian, ​​the three true gods were shocked when they saw such a fierce dragon. They really wanted to escape, but at this moment, they also knew very well that if they escaped, they would probably die.

At the moment when the dragon hit Lu Xiaopang, the attacks of the three true gods also arrived.

At any rate, the three great true gods are also the top true gods who have condensed more than a dozen divine lines, and they are also official disciples of Xiagong District. The three of them teamed up to strike, and the power was also very terrifying.


However, when the attack fell on the Jiaolong, it only aroused the fierceness of the Jiaolong. Instead, it was swept away by the Jiaolong's tail and flew away.

In just one round, except for Lei Dao who was behind and was not defeated by Jiaolong, the other four were all defeated and even suffered heavy injuries.

"Three...thirty divine patterns, this is a terrifying flood dragon comparable to thirty divine patterns!"

"Fuck, it's the first time I've encountered such a fierce dragon, is it going to be a bad luck, and I'm here to explain it?"

Lu Xiaopang and the others were dumbfounded.

It was too fierce.

How could this flood dragon be so terrifying?

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and besiege together, otherwise, if we die, you will not live!"

Lu Xiaopang yelled loudly, he gritted his teeth and prepared to continue fighting.

Those true gods who had besieged the dragon before, also reacted at this time, and they were all ready to come and besiege. Some of these true gods are disciples of Xiagong District, but at this time, none of them sneered.

After all, this dragon is the biggest threat, and at this time, we really have to work together, otherwise, many true gods present will perish.

From the rushing of the flood dragon, to the moment when Lu Xiaopang and others collapsed at the first touch, they couldn't stop the flood dragon at all. The process seems to be very long, but the time is very short, not even a breath, Lei Dao has to face this extremely fierce dragon alone.

This is the first time Lei Dao has faced such a terrifying dragon.

When he was in the True God Realm, even the strongest Qing Jiao King was actually only a top true god comparable to seven or eight divine patterns.

But now?

This flood dragon is comparable to the top true gods with thirty divine patterns, the difference between the two is almost heaven and earth, and they cannot be compared.

Raidou took a deep breath.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he felt that it was too familiar.

Everyone was no match for this dragon, even Lu Xiaopang who was fully equipped was defeated, and this dragon was even more unscrupulous, raging wildly.

Lei Dao is too familiar with this feeling, isn't it always like this when facing enemies before? He has always faced a powerful enemy alone!

However, it was the first time that Lei Dao encountered such a scene in the Ming Realm.

In Ming Realm, Lei Dao kept a low profile for too long.

In other words, his strength does not allow him to be high-profile, so he can only keep a low profile.

But now, Lei Dao no longer needs to keep a low profile.

Although he didn't come to rectify his name, he came to harvest contribution points, so he had to show his strength!


The next moment, under the shocked gazes of all the surrounding true gods, Lei Dao's divine body instantly swelled, and at the same time, one after another divine lines appeared on the forehead and between the brows.

One, two, three...

One after another, the divine lines condensed out, and the aura on Lei Dao's body was also inflated like a balloon, crazily expanding.

A sharp light flashed in Lei Dao's eyes, and he punched the fierce dragon without any fanfare.


Lei Dao punched Jiaolong hard.

Jiaolong's huge body seemed to froze all of a sudden, and was stopped by Lei Dao's punch. At the same time, the terrifying power was constantly shaking in Jiaolong's body.


Flood Dragon's tough body burst directly, and a lot of flesh and blood flew away. The huge Flood Dragon raised its head to the sky and screamed, and its huge body was directly smashed into the air.

Seeing this scene, all the true gods were stunned.


"Thirty-two divine patterns, Lei Dao condensed thirty-two divine patterns, but how is this possible?"

"Thirty-two divine patterns, Lei Dao who just entered the lower palace area, how could there be thirty-two divine patterns?"

"By the way, the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art must be the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art. Only when you have mastered the fourth level of the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art can you condense the thirty-two divine patterns."

"The fourth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art... There are very few people who can practice it. How long did it take for Lei Dao to obtain the Thousand Extremes Divine Art?"

"Although it's unbelievable, it's true. Lei Dao has really mastered the fourth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Kung Fu!"

Many true gods were stunned, especially the true gods in Xiagong District.

Recently, Lei Dao has "fired" the entire Xiagong District.

Countless people are mocking Lei Dao, overthinking their abilities, and actually choose Qianji Divine Art.

But now, the thirty-two divine lines on Lei Dao's forehead seemed to be a resounding slap in the face, which stunned all the true gods.

Lei Dao didn't choose the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art for eyeballs, but really practiced the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art. Not even the first floor, the second floor, but the fourth floor!

So far, there are only a few people who can practice the fourth level of Qianji Divine Art, and Lei Dao has become one of them.

"Hahaha, sure enough, I knew that Brother Lei is a top true god who hides his secrets. If you choose the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, you are sure to practice it! Thirty-two divine lines, you can wipe out all the dragons here Come on, Brother Lei, let me help you!"

It was Lu Xiaopang who reacted first.

Seeing that Lei Dao actually condensed thirty-two divine patterns, Lu Xiaopang was very excited, and immediately rushed over, slashing fiercely with the long sword in his hand.

The fierce flood dragon was knocked dizzy by Lei Dao's punch. Although Lei Dao only had thirty-two divine patterns, it seemed that there were only two extra divine patterns.

But in fact, Lei Dao's divine body itself was very powerful. With one punch, the dragon was dizzy, and now Lu Xiaopang took advantage of it and slashed it.


Jiaolong almost went crazy.

However, Lu Xiaopang's actions did prevent Jiaolong from escaping, Lei Dao also quickly approached, all the thirty-two divine patterns were aroused, and the power of the divine body was aroused to the extreme, and he punched out again.


The void in the Ming Realm is extremely stable. Although there is no distortion in the void, this fist hit the dragon's head firmly.


Immediately, Jiaolong's huge head was instantly shattered, even though its vitality was very strong, it still wanted to "grow" another head, but Lei Dao no longer gave it this chance, and he punched madly like raindrops It landed on the body of the flood dragon.

Without even a breath, Jiaolong's body was blasted by Lei Dao abruptly, turned into powder, and fell completely!

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