Longevity Species

Chapter 660 Do you want to do something bigger? (third change)


Many people looked shocked, but their emotions were complicated.

That flood dragon had already been besieged by several top true gods before, but they couldn't do anything to that flood dragon at all. Instead, they were constantly collided by that flood dragon, hurting many true gods.

But now, that flood dragon was beheaded abruptly from the front by Lei Dao with his own power.

Thirty-two divine patterns are enough to top the spot!

Although there are true gods in the Xiagong District who are stronger than the thirty-two divine patterns, those who can have more than thirty divine patterns can be considered very powerful existences in the Xiagong District.

And, more importantly, how long has it been since Lei Dao came to Xiagong District? In just a few months, it is unbelievable to be able to practice the fourth level of Qianji Divine Art.

"A little work, but it's not enough!"

Lei Dao glanced around, and then, with a movement of the figure, the thirty-two divine patterns were activated violently, and the divine body seemed to turn into a bolt of lightning, flying towards the surrounding dragons.

"Bang bang bang".

It was almost one punch, none of the remaining dragons could block Lei Dao's blow. In a short time, Lei Dao beheaded all the nearby dragons.

It is almost equivalent to a dozen small skills, and more than 1,000 contribution points have already been obtained.

The vicinity of Zhou Tianjie has been "mopped up" now, and there is no Jiaolong. The remaining true gods took a deep look at Lei Dao with an extremely complicated expression.

However, they didn't say anything.

They don't have the ability to kill these flood dragons, so it is understandable for Lei Dao to kill them.

However, they came to the frontline battlefield this time not to go through the motions, but to earn contribution points. There are no more dragons near Zhou Tianjie, but that doesn't mean there are no Zhou Tianjie.

Even the number of flood dragons in Zhoutian Realm is far more than a dozen.

So, they all went to Zhou Tianjie, only Lei Dao, Lu Xiaopang and a group of five remained.

"It's amazing, it's amazing! Brother Lei, I never expected you to be so talented that you could practice the Qianji Divine Art to the fourth level in such a short period of time. Hahaha, you have already broken the record in the Xiagong District. Look at those disciples in the Xiagong District just now, who would dare to say that we, the true gods who became disciples of the Xiagong District through recommendation places, do not have real materials? Who would dare to say that we have no geniuses?"

Lu Xiaopang was even more excited than Lei Dao, and he seemed to "raise his eyebrows" fiercely.

The other three true gods also had shocking expressions on their faces.

Thirty-two divine patterns, they didn't even dare to think about it.

It is even hard to say whether they can condense more than thirty divine patterns before leaving the lower palace area.

Theoretically speaking, thirty-two divine patterns can hit the Venerable Realm. Of course, the probability is very low, but no matter what, it is higher than the chance of a true god with ten divine patterns.

"There are only a dozen small skills..."

Lei Dao was a little dissatisfied.

Taking all the dragons outside the Zhoutian Realm in one pot, the result is only a dozen small skills, which is equivalent to more than a thousand contribution points. Moreover, this time, they acted in a group, although most of the dragons were killed by Lei Dao, and even Lei Dao killed them by himself.

But a team is a team, and contribution points need to be allocated.

Of course, Lei Dao can account for more than 80% of the contribution point revenue, or even more.

But more than a dozen small skills and more than a thousand contribution points are really too little. Lei Dao knows very well that he needs to consume 160,000 years of lifespan if he wants to practice the fifth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art.

That can't be solved by one or two human face flowers.

Therefore, Lei Dao needs a lot of contribution points, not hundreds or thousands, but at least tens of thousands of contribution points. But if the beheading continues like this, can we get so many contribution points after the Year of the Monkey?

What's more, the situation on the battlefield is fleeting for thousands of years, and Lei Dao's thirty-two divine patterns are not invincible. If you encounter those giant-level true gods among the dragon clan, who are comparable to more than 30 divine lines, or even more than 40 divine lines, then Lei Dao may be in danger.

"Zhou Tianjie..."

Lei Dao looked at Zhou Tianjie in front of him, muttered in a low voice, a bold idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

great merit!

Ten great achievements!

As long as he regained the Zhou Tianjie, he would be able to obtain ten great achievements, which is 10,000 contribution points, which is exciting to think about.

Moreover, the Heavenly Zhou Realm is no longer monolithic. Many true gods have entered the Heavenly Zhou Realm, and the Heavenly Zhou Realm is now in chaos.

It is the best time to seize Zhou Tianjie.

Of course, this requires taking a lot of risks, but if you want to get contribution points, how can you not take risks?

Lei Dao glanced at Lu Xiaopang and the others, and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother Lu, do you want to do something bigger?"

"A bigger one?"

Lu Xiaopang glanced at Lei Dao, followed Lei Dao's gaze to Zhou Tianjie, the corner of his mouth twitched, obviously he had guessed what Lei Dao was thinking.

"You mean, capture the Heavenly Zhou Realm?"

"That's right, don't you want ten thousand contribution points for ten great achievements?"

Lu Xiaopang really didn't want it.

He came to the frontline battlefield just to rectify his name, to contribute something, as long as it is enough, anyway, he has a great grandpa who is not short of contribution points.

Even the other three true gods have the same idea.

They didn't want to take too many risks. If it was just a little dangerous to slay the dragon on the frontline battlefield, then it would undoubtedly be a desperate effort to fight for the small world.

And they don't want to work hard, nor do they have the strength to do so.

"This...Brother Lei, although I admit that you are a genius, you have cultivated the fourth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, and condensed thirty-two divine patterns. But you must know how difficult it is to take back a small world. Difficult. In the Zhoutian Realm, there are many flood dragons comparable to dozens of divine patterns, and there are even many true gods with more than forty divine patterns. Kill or drive out of Zhou Tianjie. I am afraid that only those top true gods in Shanggong District have such strength."

Although Lu Xiaopang loves to toss a little bit, he is not tossing around indiscriminately. He is still very clear about which ones should be tossed about and which ones should not be tossed about. He can toss on the frontline battlefield because he has all kinds of treasures to protect him. Even if he can't fight, he can still escape. Under normal circumstances, he will not be in too much danger.

But if he went to fight for a small world, he would be killing himself.

Even the top true gods with more than eighty-one divine patterns in Shanggong District, who are the seeds of true venerables, dare not say that they will be able to take back a small world from the Jiaolong clan, let alone Lei Dao?

However, Lei Dao was still persistent, and said lightly: "I still want to give it a try."


Lu Xiaopang hesitated, so did Lu Xuan and the other three true gods.

After a long time, Zhenshen Lu Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Lei, we really don't want to take this risk. Therefore, if you insist on capturing the Zhoutian Realm, then we choose to quit! The dragon we killed with our joint efforts before, we don't even need a little effort!" , give it all to Brother Lei, just treat it as our apology to Brother Lei."

Lu Xiaopang didn't stop True God Lu Xuan either.

Because, he knew that this kind of moment was not a joke, and Zhenshen Lu Xuan made a choice. Seizing the Zhoutian Realm is really too dangerous for Lu Xuanzhen God and others. Moreover, they don't have any strength to participate in the competition for the small world, so it is understandable to choose to withdraw.

Lei Dao nodded and said: "It's okay, everyone can quit at any time. Brother Lu, are you going to quit too?"

Lu Xiaopang glanced at True God Lu Xuan, then at Lei Dao, still hesitating in his heart. He is different from True God Lu Xuan, this time he is the initiator, if he leaves, what is Lei Dao left alone?

Moreover, seeing Lei Dao's confident appearance, Lu Xiaopang was also really curious. Could it be that Lei Dao still has some means to regain Zhou Tianjie?

"I won't go! Brother Lei, I will accompany you to the Heavenly Zhou Realm and take back the Heavenly Zhou Realm together."

In the end, Lu Xiaopang made a decision, which was definitely quite difficult for Lu Xiaopang.

"Oh? Brother Lu is not afraid of danger?"

"Afraid, why not? However, I have a life-saving item given to me by my grandfather, which can save my life at critical moments! However, this treasure is very precious, and my grandfather spent a lot of money to get it for me. Unless it is a last resort, it must not use."

Lu Xiaopang also said with a bitter face.


Lei Dao didn't say much, so he took Lu Xiaopang together and stepped into Zhou Tianjie in one step.


Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang passed through the channel of the Heavenly Zhou Realm and entered the Heavenly Zhou Realm.

Originally, Zhou Tianjie was a small world, so it was naturally closed, and it was not easy for outsiders to enter. But now it is during the war, and the Zhou Tianjie was originally snatched from the hands of the human true god by launching a sudden attack by the Jiaolong clan.

Now many true gods have re-entered the Heavenly Zhou Realm, trying to take back the Heavenly Zhou Realm.

After going back and forth like this, Zhou Tianjie has long been a sieve, and the passages of descent are everywhere, so where is there any protection? Therefore, many true gods can freely enter and exit the Zhoutian Realm at any time.

As soon as he entered Zhou Tianjie, Lei Dao felt a sense of restraint.

This is the world suppression of Zhou Tianjie!

There are completely different rules from the True God Realm everywhere, and in the dark, the Zhoutian Realm also has the will of the world. Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang can even be regarded as "invaders", so they will be rejected by the will of the world.

Generally, in small worlds, unless the creatures born in the small world will not be rejected, otherwise, anyone else, no matter if it is a true god or a flood dragon, will be regarded as an "invader" by the will of the small world when they enter the small world. Every aspect will be excluded.

Of course, this little bit of exclusion and suppression is actually nothing to Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang, and it doesn't have much impact at all.

After the two entered the Zhoutian Realm, Lu Xiaopang asked in a low voice: "Brother Lei, it's all right now, it's just the two of us. Tell me, do you have a special method or plan to take back the Zhoutian Realm?"


Lei Dao was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the "trash" Lu Xiaopang, whom everyone despises in Xiagong District, is actually very careful, and can actually detect that Lei Dao has a way or plan.

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