Longevity Species

Chapter 661 Start! (first update)

"I do have a plan, but I need Brother Lu's help."

Lei Dao pondered for a while, then said slowly.

"what's the plan?"

"Senior brother Lu, I don't know if you have heard the legend of the world master?"

"World Lord? There is indeed such a legend. Once you become a World Lord, you can mobilize the power of the world. Below the Venerable, you are almost invincible! Does this have anything to do with us taking back the Zhoutian Realm/"

"Of course, if I can become the master of the realm, won't it be easy to take back the Zhoutian Realm?"

"What, you became the Lord of the Zhoutian Realm?"

Lu Xiaopang opened his mouth wide, looking dumbfounded.

About the world lord, it has almost become a legend, but Lu Xiaopang has also heard of this legend. It is too difficult to become the world lord, and even the venerable can't do it.

Venerable or even Dazun, it is very easy to blow up a world, but it is impossible to become the lord of the world, become the lord of the world. Even the Venerable or even the Great Venerable cannot easily replace the will of the world.

This is also the reason why the world lords are almost reduced to legends.

Now Lei Dao suddenly said, how can he not shock Lu Xiaopang if he can become the master of the world?

"Brother Lei, how sure are you?"

Lu Xiaopang's expression became serious.

He didn't think Lei Dao was joking, because this joke was not funny, and even his life was in danger. No one would joke about this kind of thing.

"Security? Maybe you will fail, but you may succeed. I don't know how sure you are. But to become a world master, there are actually only two results. One is failure, and the consciousness is wiped out, which is equivalent to falling. The other is There will be no third result for becoming a world lord."

Lei Dao's words made Lu Xiaopang fall into deep thought.

Lei Dao didn't answer Lu Xiaopang's words directly, but the meaning of the words couldn't be more clear. If you want to become the world master, you will be benevolent if you don't succeed. Lei Dao is willing to take such a big risk, how can he be unsure?

As for how Lei Dao became the world master, Lu Xiaopang was also very smart and didn't ask.

"Brother Lei, I support you! But what do you need me to do?"

Lu Xiaopang is very clear that if Lei Dao wants to become the world master, it will definitely not be so easy, and he must do something. Otherwise, Lei Dao could easily become the world lord, and he could sweep everything by himself, what else would he need?

Lei Dao also said directly: "Senior brother Lu, it is not difficult to become a world master. Besides, even if you become a world master, you are not a match for the Venerable. Therefore, we need to investigate the actual situation of the entire Zhoutian Realm first. Without the Venerable Otherwise, even if you become a realm master, it is impossible to take back the Zhoutian Realm."

"Another point is also very important. When I try to become the world master and replace Zhou Tianjie's world will, all the true gods will feel it. At that time, if I am discovered by the top true god of the dragon clan, I will need Lu Senior brother is here to resist them, no matter what, we have to block them and buy time for me!"

Lu Xiaopang thought about it, this is indeed a very difficult task, and ordinary true gods really can't do it.

Of course, it may take a long time or a short time for Lei Dao to become the lord of the Zhoutian Realm, and he may or may not be discovered.

But Lei Dao would not place his hope on luck, and had to prepare for the worst.

Lu Xiaopang can't do anything else, there are too many means to protect his life, after all, he is the precious grandson of the Great Master, so how could he not have treasures to protect him?

"Okay, I agree! After doing this big vote, we will be able to spread the name of the entire Guardian God Palace. At that time, those disciples of the true gods in Xiagong District, who dare to point at me? Who dare to say Am I dawdling in the Xiagong District relying on the number of recommended places? This is the real rectification of my name! If I go all out this time, I have to help Brother Lei block those flood dragons."

Lu Xiaopang gritted his teeth and finally agreed.

What he valued was not the ten great achievements in regaining the Zhou Tianjie.

Even if there are 10,000 contribution points, it may not be possible for Lu Xiaopang to take risks, but Lei Dao's plan is to take back a world, which is a feat of the famous Guardian Palace.

Once successful, Lu Xiaopang will truly rectify his name, not to mention the lower palace area, even the upper palace area will be shaken, which is exactly what Lu Xiaopang wants.

"Well, let's not act rashly now, first investigate the situation of Zhou Tianjie, the most important thing is the Venerable, see if there is a Venerable in Zhou Tianjie?"

Lei Dao said solemnly.

Therefore, Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang quickly went to the depths of Zhou Tianjie to investigate the situation of the entire small world.


Zhou Tianjie is now in chaos.

The Flood Dragon Clan has a top true god sitting in the town, but the true god of the Eastern Guardian Temple is not weak. The two sides have fought fiercely several times, and in the end, no one can do anything to the other.

This is destined to be a long-term tug of war.

Of course, the two sides are actually waiting for support, but in the current situation, whether it is the Flood Dragon Clan or the Eastern Guardian Temple, there is basically a shortage of people everywhere, and it is simply impossible to give them support now.


Lei Dao casually beheaded an ordinary true god-level flood dragon. In Zhoutian Realm, battles would happen anytime and anywhere. With Lei Dao's current strength, it was almost effortless to deal with ordinary true gods.

"It's almost confirmed. In the Zhoutian Realm, the dragon clan has ten true gods. The strength of these ten true god-level dragons is comparable to that of true gods with more than forty divine patterns. Among them, the strongest dragon seems to have a trace of heavenly dragon blood in its body. Comparable to the True God of Shanggong District!"

It took Lu Xiaopang and Lei Dao more than ten days to inquire about the situation in Zhou Tianjie before they got the news.

"What about us?"

"We guard the palace, and the main force is the true god of the Eastern Guardian Temple. There are almost seven true gods with more than forty lines of gods, and the overall power is slightly inferior. However, the true gods of my guardian palace have many means, and there is no need to defend Zhou Tianjie. , great flexibility. Therefore, we are not at a disadvantage, we are confronting the Jiaolong clan, each will win or lose."

Lei Dao understood that according to the current situation, no one can occupy Zhou Tianjie.

The Flood Dragon Clan could not completely repel the True God of the Eastern Guardian Temple, and it was also difficult for the True God of the Eastern Guardian Temple to take back the Zhoutian Realm from the Flood Dragon Clan.

Both sides are actually waiting for support, but in this case, it is impossible for the two sides to have support for a while.

"So, this is really an opportunity!"

There was a bright light in Lei Dao's eyes.

"The top ten flood dragons have been stared at by our seven true gods. However, after all, there are not as many flood dragons as there are. It is very likely that one or two flood dragons will break out of the encirclement. At that time, we will be in danger."

Lu Xiaopang said in a deep voice.

This time is not only an opportunity, but it also contains a hint of danger. No one can tell what will happen.

"You have to try anyway."

Raidou took a deep breath.

In fact, Lei Dao also has no idea in his heart, and he is not sure about becoming the world master. When he was in the Realm of God, the reason why Lei Dao was able to become the world lord was, of course, because of the depths of Lei Dao's consciousness, and his abilities could not be wiped out.

Therefore, Lei Dao's consciousness can be restored after being wiped out, and it cannot be wiped out by the world will of the True God Realm anyway. But this is not the Realm of God, but another small world, and Lei Dao is not even a creature of this small world.

I'm afraid that as soon as they enter the world will of Zhou Tianjie, they will be frantically counterattacked by the world will.

Once the consciousness is wiped out, Lei Dao is almost gone.

This is a very risky move.

But Lei Dao would rather take risks, and he is also willing to believe that supernatural powers are indelible. Moreover, in the world will of the True God Realm, Lei Dao has repeatedly confirmed that his consciousness has supernatural powers and cannot be obliterated at all.

There is no venerable in Zhou Tianjie, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Ten great achievements, that is 10,000 contribution points, Lei Dao must not let it go!

Moreover, once he becomes the master of the world, it will be enough to sweep the entire Heaven Zhou Realm. At that time, all the flood dragons in the Heaven Zhou Realm will be swept away, and Lei Dao will also get a lot of small merit points, which are also contribution points.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated.

"Find a hidden place, set up a large formation, and be fully prepared."

Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang had already discussed it, but they did not choose to discuss it with the Seven True Gods. The reason is very simple, if it is really protected by the seven true gods, it is not beautiful.

The top ten flood dragons will definitely counterattack the seven true gods wildly. How can the seven true gods who are already weaker resist? At that time, Lei Dao will be in crisis instead.

Now that they are hiding, maybe the reaction of the top ten flood dragons will not be so fierce, and they can also buy time for Lei Dao.

Therefore, Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang found a secret place and set up a large formation. Lu Xiaopang was guarding by Yipang. After everything was prepared, Lei Dao started to act.

He mobilized his consciousness and went straight to the world will of Zhou Tianjie.


It is not the first time Lei Dao has entered the will of the world, but it is the first time he has entered the will of the world in other small worlds besides the Realm of God.

Moreover, it is indeed very different from the world will of the True God Realm. In the eyes of the world will of Zhou Tianjie, Lei Dao's consciousness is the real "invader".

Therefore, as soon as Lei Dao's world consciousness entered the world will, even before entering the depths of the world will, the world will completely boiled, frantically strangling Lei Dao's consciousness.

"No, the reaction of the will of the world is so violent. As soon as you enter the will of the world, you are strangled with all your strength. You must first enter the depths of the will of the world!"

Lei Dao's thoughts turned sharply. Fortunately, he had been prepared for a long time, and his consciousness flew frantically towards the core of the world will of Zhou Tianjie immediately, allowing the world will of Zhou Tianjie to be strangled.

Fortunately, Lei Dao is already a top true god, and his consciousness is also several times stronger, so he won't be wiped out instantly by Zhou Tianjie's world will.

Afterwards, Lei Dao had reached the core of the will of the world. Facing the strangulation of the will of the world, Lei Dao did not even resist, but waited quietly in the depths of the will of the world.

He believes in supernatural powers!

How can the will of the world in a mere small world be obliterated?

Now Lei Dao can do nothing but wait!

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