Longevity Species

Chapter 683 The secret of Lei Dao, work hard and persevere! (Second more)

Yuexin rushed back to the palace, and saw what Lei Dao said in front of the three maids, but the three maids were full of excitement, as if they couldn't believe it.

"Yuexin is back, just in time, you come to arrange it, we are about to move to Shanggong District, we need to do it as soon as possible."

After Lei Dao saw Yue Xin came back, he explained a few words. He still trusted Yue Xin. In his palace, Yue Xin was actually the real "housekeeper". Lei Dao would hand over all trivial matters to her. Yuexin.

"Congratulations, master."

Yuexin took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in her heart, her voice was almost trembling.


Lei Dao took a deep look at Yue Xin and said, "In Shanggong District, you can practice better. As my maids, you shouldn't be too bad. You gave me five hundred contribution points last time. The next time you enter Shanggong District, you will get a reward of 10,000 contribution points. I will give you 5,000 contribution points, and you can use these 5,000 contribution points to practice."


Yue Xin was stunned.

Five thousand contribution points, not five hundred contribution points, is a full ten times!

They collected 500 contribution points before, and they did it out of necessity. After all, they had already been completely "tied" to Lei Dao, and they couldn't let Lei Dao leave the Xiagong District in despair.

But who would have thought that there would be such a return?

This is a tenfold return!

Lei Dao smiled and said nothing.

He had 7,000 contribution points left before, and now he has been rewarded with 10,000 contribution points for being promoted to Shanggong District. Even if he gave Yuexin 5,000 contribution points, he still has 12,000 contribution points left.

Of course, whether it's a few thousand or ten thousand contribution points, it doesn't really have much effect on Lei Dao, so why not be generous once?

He will still need Yuexin and the others in the future.

Afterwards, Lei Dao entered the secret room, quietly waiting for Yue Xin's arrangement.

"Sister Yuexin, is this... is this true? Master has really been promoted to Shanggong District?"

All the maids stared at Yuexin, as if they couldn't believe it.

Perhaps, they already believed it in their hearts, but it was too shocking, too shocking, and they still haven't come to their senses.

"It's absolutely true! Remember, from now on we will be the maids of the Shanggong District disciples, and every action will represent the face of the Shanggong District True God disciples. We must never be like today. Let's act quickly, the master told us to clean up as soon as possible. Good stuff, moved to Shanggong District."

With Yuexin, these maids will have a backbone and start to act immediately.

Even if they don't believe it anymore, they are not stupid. They naturally know that all this is true.

Lei Dao, their master, the famous Lei Zhenshen, has really become a disciple of Shanggong District! And their identities are about to rise, it can be said that they will reach the sky in one step!

After all, only the disciples of the Shanggong District can be regarded as the real core disciples of the Guardian God Palace, true disciples!

The status is far beyond that of the disciples in Xiagong District.

Just when Yuexin and the others started to pack their things and prepare to move to the upper palace area, the whole lower palace area had actually spread the word.

Everyone did not expect that Lei Dao would be the first to be promoted to the Shanggong District and become a disciple of the Shanggong District, which is simply unbelievable.

"Shen Lei is really... surprising."

"From now on, it will be Senior Brother Lei."

"Yeah, if you become a senior in Shanggong District, then you will be the real core disciples of the Guardian God Palace. Even, you will become the seed of the Venerable, and you can expect the Venerable in the future!"

"I didn't expect that in the past thousand years in my Xiagong District, the only disciple who was promoted to Shanggong District actually entered the Xiagong District by relying on the recommended quota..."

Many disciples in Xiagong District fell silent.

The lower palace area is different from the peripheral area and the upper palace area, because there is an extra disciple who entered the lower palace area by recommendation, commonly known as the back door.

Therefore, Xiagong District was naturally divided into two factions.

Generally, the disciples who were promoted from the peripheral area to the upper palace area looked down on those disciples who came through the back door, and even the two sides were still fighting openly and secretly, mocking constantly.

Including Lei Dao, who was ridiculed by many disciples all the way, but who would have thought that Lei Dao could become a blockbuster, not only making great contributions on the frontline battlefield.

Even now it has been promoted to Shanggong District.

Many disciples began to reflect.

Are they wrong?

What about going through the back door?

Once you become a disciple of the Xiagong District, it is the same, they are all formal disciples. Those who go through the back door can also be promoted to the upper palace area. There is no essential difference between the two.

At best, it's just that the disciples who go through the back door start a little higher.

But don't those disciples who have been promoted from the outer area to the lower palace area have a higher start than those true gods who have not even entered the outer area?

So essentially it's all the same.

Lei Dao didn't know that he became a disciple of the upper palace district, which shocked many disciples of the lower palace district, and even began to fall into reflection.

He is waiting for Yuexin to pack her things and move to Shanggong District.

"Brother Lei, Brother Lei, congratulations, hahaha, I have already seen that, you are definitely not someone in the pool!"

A familiar voice sounded, Lei Dao walked out of the secret room, and saw the bloated figure at a glance.

"Brother Lu."

Lei Dao smiled slightly, it was Lu Xiaopang who came, he could be regarded as Lei Dao's only friend in Xiagong District.

Lu Xiaopang is now very high-spirited. The last time Lei Dao was a blockbuster on the battlefield, he was very famous, and he even boasted about Lu Xiaopang everywhere. He earned enough attention and admiration.

Of course, Lu Xiaopang also bragged, he has self-knowledge and knows that everything is because of Lei Dao, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to make a difference on the battlefield.

This time, Lu Xiaopang also heard that Lei Dao had been promoted to Shanggong District.

Moreover, Lu Xiaopang took advantage of some of his contacts, and even found out some little-known secrets.

"Brother Lei, have you really practiced the Qianji Divine Art to the sixth level?"

Obviously, Lu Xiaopang has already inquired about it. After all, his grandfather is a grand master with an extraordinary status. It is not a problem to inquire about this bit of news.

Lei Dao didn't hide anything, he nodded and said, "Brother Lu, do you also want to practice Qianji Divine Art?"

When Lei Dao saw Lu Xiaopang's appearance, he knew what Lu Xiaopang wanted to do. After all, Lu Xiaopang was famous for changing exercises.

"Hey, you still understand me. Brother Lei, do you have any tricks in practicing Qianji magic? Otherwise, no one else can practice it, but you have done it. Don't worry, Brother Lei, you will pass it on to me alone, and I will never tell it. !"

Lu Xiaopang had a solemn expression on his face.

"The trick?"

Lei Dao thought about it carefully, he was really serious and remembered carefully.

What is his trick to practice the Thousand Extremes Divine Art?

It seems to be done after practice.

Well, there is another very important point, that is persistence!

If Lei Dao had reached the fourth level in the first place and gave up the Thousand Extremes Divine Art when his lifespan was not enough, how would he be where he is today?

Therefore, persistence is very important, persistence and hard work are inseparable!

Thinking of this, Lei Dao looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Lu, I won't hide it from you. There is indeed a trick, and this trick has been throughout my practice years. I have practiced Qianji Divine Art, and even my practice has always been It runs through one point, that is hard work! You must work hard, ten times or a hundred times harder than others!"

"Only by hard work?"

Lu Xiaopang had a strange expression on his face. If he just relied on hard work, would he still be called a genius that day?

Genius is success without effort.

"If hard work still doesn't work, then you have to add more persistence! With hard work and persistence, you will be invincible, conquer all battles, and overcome any difficulties, let alone mere cultivation."

Lei Dao looked solemn.

This is his real secret!

He was able to practice in just nine years, and became the current top true god, and even became a disciple of Shanggong District, standing shoulder to shoulder with countless top geniuses. By what?

Isn't it hard work and persistence?

If you don't work hard enough, then add more persistence, and it will work!

This is his belief in life!

It's the secret of his success!

Lei Dao also firmly believes that nothing is impossible with hard work and persistence.

That is to say, as the only friend in Xiagong District, Lei Dao told Lu Xiaopang that Lei Dao didn't bother to care about the others.


Looking at Lei Dao's serious face, Lu Xiaopang seemed to be at a loss for what to say.

Work hard and persevere?

Can Lei Dao really rely on this to become a top true god and become a disciple of Shanggong District?

He didn't quite believe it, but seeing Lei Dao's serious and dignified face, he not only wondered if he really didn't work hard enough. Not persistent enough?

If you talk about hard work, Lu Xiaopang definitely has nothing to do with hard work.

Even if he insisted, Lu Xiaopang didn't have much motivation to persist.

"It seems that from today onwards, I will work hard. In addition to hard work, I must also persevere! Yes, I will change the exercise tomorrow and change it to the Thousand Extremes Divine Art again."

Lu Xiaopang seemed to have made up his mind.

Lei Dao shook his head and said: "Brother Lu, in fact, all methods are unified. There is no distinction between high and low exercises, only suitable and inappropriate ones. As long as you work hard enough, then even the worst exercises are in your hands Hands can also turn decay into magic. Since so many people have not practiced the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, there must be some reason, maybe it is not suitable for most people. The exercises you have practiced now have even been practiced to such a deep level. You should continue to practice hard. Once you reach a great achievement in cultivation, you will be able to display terrifying power, at least, becoming a disciple of Shanggong District should not be a problem."

Lei Dao's words made Lu Xiaopang's heart surge.

Indeed, if you work hard enough, you can turn decay into magic.

There is no distinction between high and low skills, only suitable and inappropriate.

As long as he works hard enough to perfect the skills he is currently practicing, he will definitely be extraordinary. After all, how could Lu Xiaopang's cultivation skills be worse?

"Brother Lei's words today made me wake up. From now on, I will only practice this technique, practice it wholeheartedly, work hard and persevere, and strive to be promoted to the Shanggong District as soon as possible."

"Brother Lu, with your talent, it is not a problem to become a disciple of Shanggong District, so I will go to Shanggong District to wait for Brother Lu first."

After finishing speaking, Lei Dao and Lu Xiaopang bid farewell, took Yuexin and others, left the lower palace area, and went straight to the upper palace area.

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