Longevity Species

Chapter 684 Returning to the battlefield, the Great Master was shocked! (third change)

"Good man!"

Looking at Lei Dao's leaving figure, Lu Xiaopang secretly made up his mind.

He must keep Lei Dao's "secret" in mind, not let Lei Dao down, and strive to be promoted to Shanggong District as soon as possible, and reunite with Lei Dao. At that time, they will work hard together and strive to become supreme venerables!

Lei Dao didn't know that he had been issued a good person card by Lu Xiaopang, and he was really thinking about Lu Xiaopang. Hard work plus persistence is easier said than done. I don’t know how many people can’t persevere to the end, let alone understand the true meaning of hard work.

Lei Dao is very clear about the true meaning of hard work, that is, he works hard to use the ability, absolutely insists on the ability, only in this way can he get to where he is today.

Of course, Lei Dao doesn't think the ability is the key. Anyway, if Lu Xiaopang really does what he said, the final result will definitely not be bad.

Lei Dao moved to Shanggong District collectively with Yuexin and others.

True God Xujian and True God Mingji, as Lei Dao's friends and neighbors in Shanggong District, warmly welcomed Lei Dao and others.

Lei Dao gave some instructions to Yue Xin and the others, and asked them to go to the True God Xu Jian and the True God Mingji when they encountered problems. After everything was arranged properly, Lei Dao went to the mission hall to accept the mission and went directly to the frontline battlefield.

This is the second time Lei Dao has gone to the frontline battlefield, so he is more familiar with it.

This time, when he went to the frontline battlefield, Lei Dao also wanted to "do a big job". One dragon son made ten great achievements. Lei Dao thought, is there any more suitable opportunity to earn contribution points than this?

Can meet but not ask for!

However, Lei Dao is not arrogant, he is very clear that there are people beyond the sky, and he has cultivated to the eighth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, and has condensed more than five hundred divine lines.

But after all, it is still far away from the limit of the true god.

Perhaps, among those flood dragons, there are top dragons, even close to the limit.

On the battlefield, Lei Dao still had to keep a low profile.

Therefore, Lei Dao came to the vicinity of Zhenyang Great World in such a "low-key" way. This is also a battlefield. As long as you pass through the Zhenyang Great World, there are battlefields everywhere, and you will encounter dragons anytime, anywhere.

After all, the battlefield near Zhenyang Great World has truly become a slaughterhouse.

Basically, only Long Zi and the disciples of the True God in Shanggong District were active. Both the True God and Jiaolong were closely watching the movement on the battlefield.

Both sides are putting all their eggs in one basket. Once they lose, no matter which side will suffer heavy losses!

Such a loss, whether it is the Guardian God Palace or the Flood Dragon Clan, cannot afford to lose it. It will definitely hurt their vitality and suffer heavy losses. Although this is not a once-and-for-all solution, it may indeed bring about a long period of peace.


Lei Dao stepped into the battlefield without hesitation.

Inside the True Yang Great World, the temporary headquarters of the Eastern Guardian Temple.


Tong Dazun seemed to have noticed something, he raised his head, glanced meaningfully into the void, and said lightly: "Verun Wu, Lei Dao is here too."

Wu Bubai is also in the hall. Most of the venerables are in the hall at present. They have a tacit understanding and agreement with the Jiaolong clan, and they cannot interfere with the fight between Longzi and the true god disciples in Shanggong District.

Therefore, they all stayed in the Zhenyang Great World.

"Lei Dao? What nonsense, how could he, a mere disciple of the Xiagong District, enter such a dangerous place rashly? No, didn't it mean that the Shrine has banned the disciples of the Xiagong District from going there? Only the disciples of the Shanggong District can come to the battlefield .”

Wu Bubai said suspiciously.

He didn't want Lei Dao to come to the battlefield. After all, the current battlefield is too dangerous. Even the top true gods, the true gods with more than a hundred gods, will fall, and even more than one will fall.

True God Yuanji is an example.

He even started to break through, but he was still besieged and fell, which shows how dangerous the current battlefield is. If Lei Dao comes now, isn't he going to die?

Tong Dazun said with a half-smile: "So, Lei Dao has become a disciple of Shanggong District!"

"Shang... Shanggong district disciple? Lei Dao?"

Wu Bubai's eyes widened, and even his anger subsided a lot, as if he couldn't believe it.

Even Lu Dazun was very surprised, and couldn't help but said: "Master, you can't read it wrong, right? The boy Lei Dao, I have seen it before, the thirty-two divine patterns, the fourth level of the thousand extremes. He returned It’s only been two months since he arrived at the Jingu Palace, how could it be possible for him to become a disciple of Shanggong District in two months?”

Lu Dazun didn't believe it either.

After all, the thirty-two divine patterns are far from meeting the standard of becoming a disciple of Shanggong District.

The disciples of the Shanggong District must at least condense ninety-nine and eighty-one divine patterns before they can become disciples of the Shanggong District. Compared with the thirty-two divine patterns and the eighty-one divine patterns, it is simply a world of difference , there is an insurmountable gap.

Not to mention two months, even two years or even twenty years, two hundred years, it is difficult to make up such a gap.

Many disciples in the lower palace district have been working hard for thousands of years, but they still cannot be promoted to the upper palace district and become disciples in the upper palace district, which shows how difficult it is.

Every Shanggong District disciple must be a top genius selected from a million.

Lei Dao may be able to become a disciple of Shanggong District in the future, with full potential, but it must not be now.

In two months, is it possible to cross the gap of fifty divine patterns?

Anyway, Lu Dazun, Wu Zun and many other venerables don't quite believe it.

Tong Dazun was noncommittal, but said calmly: "Don't forget the cultivation method of Lei Dao."

"Cultivation technique?"

Dazun Lu was taken aback for a moment, but then a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Hall Master, you mean that the five great shrines are known as the number one magic skill in the stage of true gods, and even the supreme masters jointly calculated the kung fu, a thousand-extreme magic?"

"That's right, it's the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art. I believe I don't need to say much about the special features of this divine art. Lei Dao has already cultivated the Thousand-Extreme Divine Art to the fourth level two months ago, which is the thirty-two gods. If he cultivates it to the fifth level, it will increase to sixty-four divine lines. If he can go further and reach the sixth level, there will be one hundred and twenty-eight divine lines, which is enough to surpass Shanggong District Most of the disciples are already there, and it is more than enough to be promoted to the Shanggong District."

At this time, many venerables had already recalled it, and faintly heard the implication of Tong Dazun's words.

Wu Bubai frowned and said: "Tong Dazun, you mean that Lei Dao has already cultivated the sixth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art? How is this possible?"

Not only Wu Bubai didn't believe it, but other venerables, even Lu Dazun didn't believe it either.

Qianji Divine Art is indeed the first of the five great shrines in the stage of true gods, that's right. But in the past, no matter how amazingly talented a top genius is, he could only cultivate to the fourth level. After spending a lot of effort and energy, he achieved nothing, and he couldn't even cultivate to the fifth level. To switch to other exercises.

Within two months, Lei Dao broke the shackles of Qianji Divine Art, and even reached the sixth level?

This is really unbelievable.

Tong Dazun said meaningfully: "It is indeed unbelievable, but it is the fact. Just now I asked Venerable Feng, and Venerable Feng said it himself. Moreover, Venerable Feng also mentioned that maybe Lei Dao is not only That's all."

"What do you mean? Not just the sixth floor?"

"Maybe, it's the seventh floor!"

This time, no one spoke.

Even the Venerable was extremely shocked in his heart.

The sixth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art is one hundred and twenty-eight divine lines, and the seventh level is the terrifying two hundred and fifty-six divine lines. How terrifying is this?

It is well-deserved as one of the top true gods in Shanggong District!

These venerables and great venerables naturally know the upper palace area of ​​the guardian god's palace best. There is not a single one with more than 300 divine patterns. Therefore, more than 200 divine patterns are one of the top true gods.

And, in general terms.

Basically, if a true god with more than two hundred lines of gods can open up the inner world and be promoted to a venerable, then the potential of the inner world is great enough to become a relatively good venerable, that is, the best among venerables!

If you can open up the inner world with more than three hundred divine patterns, then your potential will be even more terrifying. You will definitely become the top venerable, and there is even a glimmer of hope to hit the lord!

And that's just in terms of potential.

"The seventh floor is too unbelievable. But even the sixth floor, with one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns of Lei Dao, is quite good."

Wu Bubai spoke slowly.

He personally brought Lei Dao from the Realm of God to the Palace of the Guardian God.

Back then in the Realm of True God, Wu Bubai was a venerable, but he was also shocked by Lei Dao's achievements. In just a few years, he had cultivated from an ordinary mortal to a true God.

Even the son of the will of the world will not be so fast.

But Lei Dao did it!

Well, now Lei Dao is the "father" of the world will of the True God Realm. He has controlled the world will and has become the master of the world.

In the Realm of God, Lei Dao's experience is a legend, even a legend among legends.

There is no one before, and it is estimated that there will be no one after.

But this is only in the realm of true gods. No matter how magical Lei Dao is, he can only become a true god.

Once you become a true god, everything before is almost useless.

Lei Dao also imagined that in the Realm of God, creating all kinds of miracles is too difficult and almost impossible.

But now, Lei Dao seems to have created a miracle!

"So, should we pay close attention to Lei Dao?"

"Yes, you should pay attention to Lei Dao. Whether it is one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns or two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns, Lei Dao is a miracle and needs to be focused on."

"The significance of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art is extraordinary. It is unbelievable that it can break through the shackles of the fourth level and reach the sixth level or even the seventh level."

"It's just that the battlefield is very chaotic now. No one knows if there are any existences in the Flood Dragon Clan that can match the three hundred or more divine patterns. After all, in terms of background, our Guardian God Palace and even the entire human race are indeed far behind."

"Since we're on the battlefield, we have to rely on ourselves, and no one can help us. This time, it's up to them whether we can create a peaceful environment for the Guardian Palace for thousands of years!"

These venerables or great venerables can't take action in person now, they can only serve as a deterrent existence, deterring the venerables and great lords of the Flood Dragon Clan.

But if you want to defeat the dragon son of the Jiaolong clan, you have to rely on the true gods on the battlefield themselves!

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