Longevity Species

Chapter 688 Seems These Flood Dragons Are Really Stupid (Part 1)

In the True Yang Great World, all the Venerables were silent.

They "watched" the whole process of Lei Dao beheading the five-headed dragon son, their faces were a little hot.

Embarrassing, this is really embarrassing!

What does Lei Dao think of these dragon sons? Think of him as an idiot with insufficient IQ, but the question is, is Jiaolong that stupid?

What's the point of breaking through and then standing up, what's the point of breaking through, and even the divine pattern soared from more than 100 to more than 230 lines all the way, really thinking that other dragons are blind?

Even the corner of Tong Dazun's mouth twitched slightly, he even thought, why is Lei Dao's "acting skills" so exaggerated? This is treating Jiaolong as a fool!

And those flood dragons, are they really fools?

The answer may be surprising.

It is indeed a fool! And stupid.

The things that seem most unlikely are often the most likely to happen.

Many venerables have seen that after the five-headed dragon son, there are actually dragon sons from afar who are ready to move, and come directly to Lei Dao to besiege and kill.

It seems that those dragon sons really only eat this set.

No matter how exaggerated Lei Dao's "performance" is, there are dragons who will be fooled.

"Unexpectedly, we overestimated these dragon sons..."

"That's right, the Jiaolong clan are all idiots. It's just that after so many years, why haven't we discovered that they are so stupid?"

"Or, in fact, we are as stupid as Jiaolong..."

Many Venerables felt that their hearts were bleeding, and there was a hint of embarrassment on their faces. Lei Dao was such an obvious trap, but those dragons chose to take this set.

It's that simple, but it's easy to be overlooked.

None of these venerables realized that Jiaolong was that stupid.

In other words, this is because Lei Dao is extraordinary.

After all, what Lei Dao did seemed very simple and easy. But actually?

Who dares to "set up a ring" in the Ming Realm to set up traps, not afraid of being killed if the whole set fails? Moreover, Lei Dao had to deal with all kinds of dragons, so he must have the confidence in his heart to do so.

"Lei Dao has revealed more than two hundred divine patterns. According to the characteristics of Qianji Divine Art, the sixth layer has one hundred and twenty-eight divine patterns, so the seventh layer has two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns. Lei Dao should I have cultivated the Thousand Extremes Divine Art to the seventh level. However, the two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns can almost enter the top true god level in the Shanggong District, but the dragons among the dragons, especially the top dragons, some even have It may be comparable to more than three hundred divine patterns. Lei Dao is actually taking a risk by doing this. Once he is besieged, he will be really dangerous if he escapes from the Star Realm."

Tong Dazun's expression also became serious.

Don't look at Lei Dao's beheading of the five-headed dragon seems to be a relief, but in fact, Lei Dao is also taking risks. Even the seventh-level Thousand-Extreme Divine Art is far from being invincible and invincible on such a battlefield.

Lei Dao, there is danger too!

"Hall Master, Lei Dao's move is too dangerous."

Wu Bubai frowned and said.

Killing the five-headed dragon seems to be exciting, but in fact, if Lei Dao is lost, it will not be worth the loss. Everyone can also see that the potential of Lei Dao today is so great that it is unimaginable.

It's not even as simple as the seed of the venerable, it is very likely to be the seed of the great venerable!

If Lei Dao died, the loss would be great.

In particular, Lei Dao is still the first person to practice the Thousand Extremes Divine Art, and he has already cultivated it to the seventh level, and even if it is the ninth level, it is not impossible.

If that's the case, even the Master will pay attention.

The reason is very simple, Lei Dao's practice experience may allow more people to practice Qianji Divine Art.

And the Thousand Extremes Divine Art is even more important than a Great Master.

"Let's wait and see what happens. The road is chosen by Lei Dao himself, and no one can interfere now."

Tong Dazun's voice echoed in the main hall, and then all the venerables and Dazun's attention focused on Lei Dao.


"There are really dragon sons here?"

Lei Dao had just gone through a fierce battle, and he knew that he might have just exercised a little vigorously, which wasn't even a waste.

But he had to show a look of exhaustion and a brutal fight.

Needless to say, it really attracted some dragons.

Lei Dao couldn't help wondering, these dragon sons are so easy to deceive?

Or, Lei Dao's plan is too perfect, seamless, coupled with his lifelike acting skills, these dragons are naturally "fooled".

"Well, since the effect is so good, you have to be more serious!"

Thinking of this, Lei Dao shouted "sorrowfully and indignantly": "Even if you die in battle today, it won't make it easier for you dragons! If you have the ability, come to me together!"

Lei Dao's huge divine body exudes terrifying divine power mighty and mighty. But with the battlefield where Shang Leidao fought fiercely just now, and the realistic "performance", it really has a bit of a tragic momentum.

In fact, the dragons that came near the Star Realm were not one or two, but five or six, all of which were dragon sons.

However, just after they came here, they saw the five-headed dragon being beheaded by Lei Dao. Although on the surface, it seemed that Lei Dao was really exhausted, it was after a fierce fight that he was finally lucky enough to give the five-headed dragon Beheaded.

But what do they think is wrong?

It seems... It seems a bit too coincidental.

Is it true that Lei Dao had better luck and lasted a little longer than the five-headed dragon?


Suddenly, there was a huge roar from a distance, and then, an unparalleled huge flood dragon appeared in the void.

This flood dragon exuded terrifying coercion as soon as it appeared, even the other five or six dragon sons all had a trace of fear in their eyes.

"Jiao Thirteen Dragon Sons are here."

"It's Jiao Shisan, if it comes, this true god will die."

"That's right, no matter whether this true god is really hiding some strength, or he was really lucky to kill the five-headed dragon son, in short, he is dead."

"Jiao Shisan is one of the top dragon sons of our Jiaolong clan. With it, no matter what conspiracy this true god has, it will have no effect."

Seeing the appearance of this huge dragon, the other five or six dragons were very excited.

Jiao Shisan, one of the top dragon sons!

Comparable to the top true gods with more than two hundred and eighty divine patterns, among the dragons, they can also be called the top level. With Jiao Shisan around, these dragons feel very safe.

"It seems that this is a big fish! Moreover, there are seven dragons in total. Once all of them are killed, it is equivalent to another seventy great merits. No, we can't let the seventy great merits slip away, we have to show More perfect!"

Thinking of this, Lei Dao restrained the trace of excitement in his eyes, and instead became "sorrowful" again, as if the whole person had a tragic atmosphere of dying together.

This is in line with his positioning of himself!

A true god with more than two hundred divine lines, a top true god with a firm and unyielding will!

"Just a true god killed five dragons, what a waste! Let me, Jiao Shisan, tear you to pieces!"

Immediately, Jiao Shisan made a move and rushed towards Lei Dao.

What's more, when Jiao Shisan made a move, the other six dragons were still there, motionless, as if they had no intention of making a move at all.

They are not in a hurry, and even feel that they can enjoy a "big show", and they can witness Jiao Shisan tearing Lei Dao into pieces with their own eyes.

However, these dragons are not in a hurry, but Lei Dao is in a hurry. He doesn't just want to kill such a dragon, but wants to kill all seven of them.

Now there is only one dragon fighting, what if he kills this dragon and frightens the other six dragons?

Once the six flood dragons are determined to escape, Lei Dao is not sure to keep them all.

Each of these dragons represents ten great achievements and ten thousand contribution points, and Lei Dao cannot let them slip away.

For a moment, Lei Dao's mind turned sharply, and many thoughts flashed through.

"It seems that these flood dragons won't make a move, so I can only attack on my own initiative!"

A bright light flashed in Lei Dao's eyes, and he quickly made a decision.

Therefore, in the face of Jiao Shisan's ferocious attack, Lei Dao also rushed towards Jiao Shisan head-on with a tragic and indomitable momentum.

"Even if you die, you have to fight!"

Lei Dao raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, more than 230 divine patterns all over his body erupted in an instant, forming a torrent of power, pouring into his hands, and fiercely met Jiao Shisan.


There was a muffled sound, as if the void was shaking.


Lei Dao let out a scream, which did not exceed the expectations of the dragons. Lei Dao was directly sent flying by Jiao Shisan.

It's just that the direction in which Lei Dao was smashed was a bit off, it seemed... It seemed to be flying in the direction of the other six dragons.

But it doesn't matter, Jiao Shisan has already rushed over, and, forcibly withstood Lei Dao's blow, Lei Dao must have been at the end of his strength and suffered heavy injuries, any dragon here can probably kill Lei Dao.

Therefore, Lei Dao's divine body flew towards a dragon, and the dragon didn't retreat, and even opened his mouth wide, with a ferocious expression, trying to tear Lei Dao into pieces.

"If you fight hard, even if you die, you must pull a dragon to back your back!"

Lei Dao's aura was menacing, as if he had broken some kind of shackles at this moment, and his aura reached its peak.

Of course, this kind of momentum is mixed with a tragic atmosphere, which makes people know at a glance that it is the end of the battle.

Of course, the dragon was not afraid, so its huge body went straight up, its huge claws were about to tear Lei Dao into pieces.


Finally, Lei Dao and Jiaolong collided fiercely.

Not surprisingly, a scream rang out.

However, it wasn't Lei Dao who screamed, but the dragon son.

After the dragon's claws touched Lei Dao's punch, they immediately shattered and turned into powder. It seems that the power in Lei Dao's hands is not like the two hundred and thirty divine patterns at all.

Even, more than two hundred and fifty divine lines!

No, even stronger!

The terrifying power not only shattered the dragon's arm, but even swept across the dragon's body in a mighty way, twisting the huge body of the dragon into powder in the blink of an eye.


This dragon son could only open his mouth wide and stare at Lei Dao.

It seems to understand something.

It's a pity that it has no chance to speak.

A top-notch dragon son died in such ignorance, extremely aggrieved.

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