Longevity Species

Chapter 689 Destroy Jiao Shisan with one punch! (Second more)


The other six-headed dragon sons were a little dazed. Isn't Lei Dao already at the end of his battle? Looking at Lei Dao's state, he looked extremely weak, as if he was about to fall down at any time, why did a dragon fall when he touched it?

"Ah... almost, hahaha, under the stimulation of life and death, I broke through again!"

At this time, Lei Dao also seemed to realize that he was about to reveal his secrets, so he looked up to the sky and laughed, and at the same time, even a divine pattern condensed on his body!

Well, there is only one divine pattern.

The remaining six-headed dragons looked strange, this scene... They seem to have experienced it, and just now, Lei Dao said so.

"This kid is really... nonsense!"

"Nonsense? That's not necessarily the case. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lei Dao is hiding something, but these dragons may be able to see it, but they definitely can't see it. How strong is Lei Dao?"

"Will these flood dragons still come?"

"Yes, among them is a top-notch dragon that is close to the three hundred gods. How can they be afraid? Even, they will become angry from embarrassment and chase and kill Lei Dao frantically."

The many venerables and great lords in the Zhenyang Great World don't know what to say now. These venerables actually had some vague guesses.

A terrifying dragon with close to 300 divine patterns, plus several dragons with close to 200 divine patterns or even more than 200 divine patterns, besieged Lei Dao together, but Lei Dao easily killed one of them.

Doesn't this explain the problem?

They wouldn't believe Lei Dao's nonsense, and they broke through again, and there was an extra divine pattern, which was clearly to show the enemy's weakness and lure these dragons.

They even had a bold guess.

Lei Dao, will it really exceed two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns?

They knew very well that Lei Dao practiced the thousand-extreme divine skill. Once the number of divine lines exceeded two hundred and fifty-six, it would be impossible to add only one or two lines of divine lines, or even a few dozen lines of divine lines.

If Lei Dao really exceeds two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns, it means that Lei Dao has already cultivated to the eighth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art.

And the eighth floor's Thousand-Extreme Divine Art has a terrifying five hundred and twelve divine patterns.

This is a very scary number.

Throughout the ages, even the masters among the true gods of mankind have only reached more than four hundred divine lines.

A true god with more than five hundred divine marks has never appeared in the five great gods of mankind.

Although in the vast Ming Realm, there are some powerful races, each of which is different. Not to mention being comparable to more than 500 divine lines, there are even those who are comparable to more than 800 divine lines, and even those who are born to reach the limit of true gods.

Even if it is rare, but there must be.

However, even if the Ming Realm is vast and boundless, there are too few such races. At least, the Flood Dragon Clan has never reached the top dragons with more than five hundred divine lines.

Once Lei Dao reaches the eighth level of Qianji Divine Art, the achievements will be unimaginable!

Because of this, even though Lei Dao was getting closer and closer to their imagination, many venerables and great venerables became nervous instead.

It's just that they can't do anything now, they can only wait!

The current Lei Dao, at least on the surface, is still in danger.


Jiao Shisan roared angrily, it was so angry that Lei Dao was able to kill a dragon son when it personally pursued and killed it, which made it lose face.

Thus, Jiao Shisan once again rushed towards Lei Dao.

At the same time, Jiao Shisan shouted loudly: "Siege, all besiege together! I will tear this despicable true god apart!"

In Jiao Shisan's eyes, Lei Dao is despicable.

He didn't dare to fight it head-on, but went to kill other dragon sons instead.

All the dragons also reacted, and began to quickly narrow the encirclement, slowly approaching Lei Dao.

Lei Dao glanced around, and then with a look of "sorrow and indignation", he could only fly towards Jiao Shisan.


It was another earth-shattering collision, and Jiao Shisan exerted his full strength. After the collision, it was sure that with the strength Lei Dao showed at this moment, it would definitely cause Lei Dao to be severely injured, and even directly smashed Lei Dao's divine body. .

Moreover, the result was as it expected, Lei Dao's divine body flew back straight and backwards, and his breath suddenly weakened a lot.

However, Lei Dao still did not die.

Moreover, the direction where Lei Dao was knocked into the air turned out to be another dragon.


Lei Dao's face was pale, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart, but he could only swing a fist tremblingly, and hit a dragon behind him.

Although this dragon son felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for some reason, seeing Lei Dao like this, he had a feeling of "deja vu".

By the way, didn't the dragon son who was beheaded by Lei Dao before also face a similar situation? Not even just similar, but exactly the same.

But it turned out that the dragon son died.

Therefore, the dragon's heart trembled, he didn't dare to keep his hand, and directly grabbed Lei Dao with all his claws.


Suddenly, an unstoppable terrifying force came from Lei Dao's seemingly soft fist, and Long Zi was shocked. Then, his powerful body couldn't bear Lei Dao's fist. contained power.

In an instant, the body collapsed and turned into ashes.

The second dragon son has fallen!


"What happened? Died again?"

"No, it's weird, this true god is weird."

"Back, back quickly! Let Jiao Shisan deal with this true god."

The original seven-headed dragon son, now fell two shots, and there are still five dragon sons left. Except for the enraged Jiao Shisan, there are still four dragon sons. Now no matter how stupid the four-headed dragons are, they sensed that something was wrong, and retreated immediately.

Seeing this situation, Lei Dao knew that it was impossible to repeat the old tricks.

As a result, he was shocked, exuding a great momentum from his body. At the same time, one after another divine lines condensed on Lei Dao's forehead.

This time, Lei Dao did not say that he broke through and then stood up, or broke through adversity, but directly condensed two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns.

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, standing in the void, like a god, and said loudly: "Finally, I was seen through by you. Yes, it was a trap I set up just now. However, since I was seen through by you, then I don't need to hide !"

Two hundred and fifty-six divine patterns are indeed shocking, and it has increased by almost twenty divine patterns at once.

"Damn, despicable and shameless true god!"

Jiao Shisan's eyes were burning with anger.

It turned out that Lei Dao didn't hide a few divine patterns, but dozens of divine patterns.

No wonder Lei Dao never fought him to the death, but used it, and then beheaded the other dragons first, and now there are two dragons who were fooled, thinking that Lei Dao was hit hard every time.

But in fact, Lei Dao was not injured at all. Instead, Lei Dao seized the opportunity and killed two dragons in one fell swoop.

This is really despicable!

The remaining five dragon sons looked at Lei Dao like blades, as if they were about to cut Lei Dao into pieces.

"Let's do it together. This time, no matter what, I can't let him escape. I will personally tear him to pieces!"

Jiao Shisan was furious, and it glanced at the other four dragon sons. These four dragon sons did not hesitate at all. Obviously, they all felt that Lei Dao's strength was indeed strong, but he was by no means an opponent of Jiao Shisan.

Now Lei Dao has exposed his strength, so they only need to pay attention, if they don't be "overcast" by Lei Dao, then Lei Dao will die, Jiao Shisan is not more than two hundred divine patterns.

It's a top dragon child who can almost rival the three hundred divine patterns!

Jiao Shisan saw that other dragon sons responded to its call and came towards Lei Dao to besiege. Therefore, Jiao Shisan also made a move, and this time Jiao Shisan inflated his body to the limit, unleashed all his strength, and locked onto Lei Dao firmly.

Never let Lei Dao escape again!

This time, it will tear Lei Dao into pieces!

There was a trace of solemnity in Lei Dao's expression. He found that the four dragons were actually guarding him faintly, and they were still some distance away from him. On the contrary, Jiao Shisan rushed towards him, and he was so desperate that he had no intention of retreating at all, it seemed that he had already "determined" Lei Dao.

A strange light flashed in Lei Dao's eyes.

"There are only five dragons left, and at this distance, they should be able to clean up almost all of them. Anyway, if this is the case, there is no use in keeping you."

Lei Dao looked at Jiao Shisan, and instantly made up his mind.

He kept Jiao Shisan before, just to keep the other dragons from escaping, but now Jiao Shisan is useless, and the other dragons are already within the control valve of Lei Dao.

The next moment, Jiao Shisan was already rushing toward his face, and a terrifying power descended on Lei Dao's body, as if to crush Lei Dao's divine body into powder.


However, Lei Dao just stretched out his hand and punched out.


The next moment, an overwhelming terrifying force erupted instantly, and at the same time, the divine lines on his forehead soared even more.

Two hundred and sixty, three hundred, three hundred and fifty, four hundred...

One after another, the divine lines almost filled his forehead.

The terrifying momentum was like a big net, covering all the dragons in it.


Lei Dao's fist collided fiercely with Jiao Shisan's huge claws. Immediately, Jiao Shisan opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe it.

Its claws instantly turned into powder.

Moreover, terrifying power swept along the claws and rushed into its body.

Even though Jiao Shisan's body was very strong, it couldn't stop it from such a terrifying force. It didn't even have time to breathe before Jiao Shisan's body began to crack.


In the end, Jiao Shisan's body exploded and turned into powder without even making a scream.

Fallen, the dignified top dragon son, Jiao Shisan, who is comparable to the three hundred gods, couldn't even block Lei Dao's punch, and fell instantly!

At this moment, the entire void is as silent as night, and it seems that even time has been frozen, staying in this moment!

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