Longevity Species

Chapter 690 The Shock of Five Hundred and Twelve Divine Patterns! (third change)

"Dead... dead?"

The remaining four dragon sons saw that Jiao Shisan's body had been turned into powder, and each of them showed great horror in their eyes. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Why did the situation turn around in an instant?

Since Jiao Shisan came to the battlefield, he has been almost invincible and invincible. I don't know how many true gods have been torn apart, and how many true gods have been beheaded.

Why are you dead now?

Moreover, he couldn't bear even a single blow, and was instantly blown up, turning into powder.


Without any hesitation, the four dragons frantically retreated towards the back. At this time, they seemed to have their IQ on the line again, and retreated directly in four different directions. The speed was so fast that they had already tried their best.

No matter how fast Lei Dao is, if he can kill one or two dragons, he will almost reach the limit. There will definitely be at least two dragons who will escape. .

Seeing the four dragons fleeing in all directions, a bright light flashed in Lei Dao's eyes.

"Can you escape?"

In Lei Dao's eyes, these four dragon sons are forty great achievements, which is a total of forty thousand contribution points!


Lei Dao's voice fell, and immediately, Lei Dao's divine body continued to swell, and at the same time, a series of divine patterns quickly condensed on his forehead.

Four hundred, four hundred and fifty, five hundred, five hundred and twelve...

When Lei Dao's forehead condensed five hundred and twelve divine patterns, Lei Dao's divine body seemed to have reached a limit, and the terrifying aura seemed to condense an aura.

Lei Dao stood in the void with his hands behind his back, watching the four dragons running wildly in all directions, he just stretched out his big hand and grabbed at the void.


One after another, the divine lines seemed to be condensed into substance.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, passing through the distant void, and directly swept towards the four dragons.

The four dragons had clearly fled and fled, but they could all feel a terrifying force approaching them rapidly from behind, and the sense of danger in their hearts became more and more intense.

It seems that once they are caught up by that force, they will die!

Lei Dao's eyes were cold. At this moment, he used all his strength to display the five hundred and twelve divine patterns. This feeling is really... invincible!

Yes, invincible!

Lei Dao even has a feeling of controlling everything and destroying everything.

It's as if he had the status of the world lord in the small world, he can control everything, suppress everything, and destroy everything.

This is the feeling that power has reached a certain level and comes naturally.

The five hundred and twelve divine patterns already gave Lei Dao the feeling of controlling everything.

Even if these are four top dragon sons, so what?

Lei Daoxu pressed the net with his hand.

"Bang bang bang bang".

The four dragons froze all over, as if they were held by an invisible hand. The body that they used to be proud of was now as fragile as an egg shell, bursting instantly.

Four dragons, four bursts of strange noises, all turned into powder, separated by a distant space by Lei Dao, directly crushed and exploded with empty hands!

This scene shocked everyone!

Even those venerables and great venerables who are paying close attention to Lei Dao in the Zhenyang Great World are the same.

"Five hundred and twelve divine patterns, can they be strong like this?"

"Sure enough, the eighth level of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art! Lei Dao has really practiced the eighth level, and there is only one level away from the ninth level of Dzogchen!"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid we don't even know how strong the five hundred and twelve divine patterns can be. After all, among the five great gods of mankind, there has never been a true god with more than five hundred divine patterns. One. However, looking at Lei Dao's performance just now, with five hundred divine patterns, on this battlefield, at the stage of a true god, he is invincible! There is no difference between him and the Venerable."

"Yes, Lei Dao is invincible in this battlefield! As long as the venerable does not come out, who can be Lei Dao's opponent? This battle, we will win!"

"I didn't expect that Lei Dao is really hidden. It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable. Congratulations to Venerable Wu, you have dug up a good seedling. I'm afraid even the masters will be alarmed."

Many venerables and great venerables were very excited and excited.

Five hundred divine patterns!

The eighth floor of the Thousand Extremes Divine Art!

No matter what, if a true god reaches it, it will shake the five great shrines, and even the master.

But now, the combination of the two actually appeared on Lei Dao alone, which is very different.

"Once this war is over, our Eastern Guardian Temple will be safe for a while..."

Tong Dazun heaved a sigh of relief.

However, deep down in his heart, he also had some strange feelings.

There are so many venerables and great venerables in the majestic Eastern Guardian Temple, but it turns out that only one true god can change the situation of the battle.

At this moment, in the void of the Ming Realm.

Lei Dao killed another seven dragons, and he was also very happy in his heart, because, counting the previous six dragons, Lei Dao had already killed a total of thirteen dragons.

If you change it to contribution points, that's 130,000 contribution points!

Last time, Lei Dao only got 170,000 contribution points after a lot of hard work. Unexpectedly, he got 130,000 contribution points so easily now.

Of course, this is only easy for Lei Dao.

But in practice, it's very difficult.

On this battlefield, it is very difficult to kill a dragon son, let alone thirteen dragon sons? There was even a top-notch dragon son comparable to the three hundred divine patterns. No true god in Shanggong District could kill such a dragon son with confidence.

But he was beheaded by Lei Dao.

What does this mean?

Strength is the most important thing!

Only when the strength is strong, then the speed of earning contribution points will be faster, and it will be easier to earn contribution points.

However, after beheading the seven dragon sons, especially Jiao Shisan, Lei Dao felt that there seemed to be a lot of divine thoughts on him in the dark.

Many of them are full of killing intent towards him!

Lei Dao understood that it should be the venerable or great venerable of the Jiaolong clan. Both the Jiaolong clan and the Eastern Guardian Temple are actually paying close attention to this battle.

Lei Dao beheaded Jiao Shisan, how could the Jiaolong Clan not pay attention to such a big movement?

Therefore, from now on, there will be no "secrets" for Lei Dao, and the strength of his five hundred and twelve divine patterns will definitely be spread throughout the Flood Dragon Clan.

If Lei Dao continued to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit, he might not meet a dragon son.

"Since it has been discovered, it will definitely not work to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit. We must take the initiative to attack!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then glanced at the Star Realm again.

Really, he was a little reluctant to leave here.

This place is so close to the Star Realm, if encountering an invincible enemy, Lei Dao can also enter the Star Realm to avoid it.

It's a pity that Lei Dao has to earn contribution points, so he can no longer sit on the sidelines, otherwise, I am afraid that no dragon will come here again.

"How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's lair? Although my strength is not as good as those top dragons, it should be good to be careful. Yes, from now on, I have to learn to sneak attack!"

Lei Dao knew that the Jiaolong clan had a profound background, which was far beyond the comparison of the Guardian God Palace.

Who knows if there are dragon sons with more than five hundred divine patterns hidden in the dragon clan?

This is the top secret of the Flood Dragon Clan, I'm afraid even the Venerable and even the Great Venerable don't know it too well.

Therefore, Lei Dao still has to be cautious.

His strength is far from sweeping the entire battlefield, sweeping all dragons. He still has to keep a low profile, it's best to restrain all his breath and focus on sneak attacks.

If you fail with one blow, leave immediately!

This was Lei Dao's strategy. He felt that sneak attack was the best way in this vast Ming Realm.

Therefore, Lei Dao restrained all the divine patterns, and he put away all the five hundred and twelve divine patterns. Although it was a bit difficult to burst out in an instant, it almost didn't matter.

Anyway, he was sneak attacking.

If you miss one hit, you will escape into the void!


Lei Dao flew towards the void of the Ming Realm in an instant.


"Senior Brother Kang, these two dragon sons are comparable to ours. It may be very difficult to kill them completely."

"Now we have no choice but to get away. We only hope that there are other true gods in the Shanggong District nearby who can help us."

"But there may be other dragon children around as well."

"It's just luck, send a distress signal quickly."

On the battlefield, there were two true god disciples from Shanggong District, fighting fiercely with two dragon sons. These two disciples from the Shanggong District are not bad, they have about 180 divine patterns, and they are in the middle and upper reaches among the disciples from the Shanggong District.

But they can't do anything about these two dragon sons.

Moreover, these two dragon sons are also very fierce, often able to gain the upper hand, suppressing the two true gods, making it impossible for the two true gods to escape.

At this time, they can only send a distress message, hoping that there are other true gods around who can receive their signal and then help them.

Although there is little hope of that.

After all, this battlefield is too big, and it is very difficult for the two true gods to meet. Even if the signal can be received, it may be too far away, and it is impossible to come here at all.

Or, other true gods also have opponents.

In this battlefield, on the whole, the Flood Dragon Clan still has a great advantage.

After all, there are more dragons!

A true god often needs to deal with two or three dragons. In terms of overall numbers, the Jiaolong clan has the upper hand, so the true god will naturally be suppressed.

Perhaps, those two dragon sons were also asking for help.


Not long after the two true gods sent the signal, their communication stone received a response.

"Someone is coming, someone is really coming! Huh? This true god told us to hold off the two dragons, so that he can use sneak attacks to kill with one blow!"

"Sneak attack?"

The two true gods are a little weird.

Sneak attack on Longzi?

What's the use of sneak attacking in such a large open place?

Could it be that this true god is too weak?

If there are only 80 or 90 divine patterns, then the only way is to sneak attack, otherwise, not even a dragon can be killed.

For a while, the two true gods also shook their heads, giving up hope for this true god who came to "rescue".

Eighty or ninety lines of divine patterns still need a sneak attack, even if they come, they can't help these two dragons, they can't even restrain them and attract their attention.

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