Longevity Species

Chapter 693 This pot can only be carried by Lei Dao! (third change)


In Zhenyang Great World, Venerable Wu Bubai's expression was a bit unsightly.

Of course he knew Lei Dao's purpose, which was to catch all those dragons in one go. If he could succeed, then this war would be over.

Jiaolong can't do without admitting defeat.

If you can't admit defeat, just spend your time and wait until Lei Dao kills all the dragons one by one. In that way, the loss of the Jiaolong clan will be even heavier.

But the problem is that Lei Dao also brought two disciples from Shanggong District.

Once too many flood dragons are attracted, the two disciples will be in danger.

Although Lei Dao is very strong, is it possible that he can still protect the two Shanggong District True God disciples?

Each of the true gods in Shanggong District is the seed of the venerable, and it hurts to lose one, let alone two?

"Don't worry, True God Lei's actions really caused some changes. Don't forget, the big movement of the three of them can not only be felt by Jiaolong, but also by True God."

"Huh? This is..."

With a sweep of Wu Bubai's mind, he immediately understood Tong Dazun's meaning.

There were actually many true gods, all rushing towards the direction where Lei Dao and the others fluctuated. Unknowingly, maybe even Lei Dao didn't expect that the actions of the three of them actually stirred up the entire battlefield.

Countless flood dragons and true gods are rushing towards Lei Dao and others.

All of a sudden, when the two sides met, it would not be one or two true gods or the fall of the dragon.

This time, it may be a decisive battle!

"A decisive battle, you can only win but not lose..."

Tong Dazun's expression was serious, and he was even a little excited deep in his heart. If it was before, he would be very worried about such a decisive battle. After all, the guardian god of the palace is at a disadvantage overall.

The sooner the decisive battle is, the more detrimental it will be to the true god.

But now it is different, there is a thunder path.

Dazun Tong didn't know whether Lei Dao could really turn the tide and sweep away Invincible, but with Lei Dao, the balance of the decisive battle between the two sides would undoubtedly tilt towards the side of the true god.

But before the result comes out, no one can guarantee the victory of both sides.

After all, there is only one Lei Dao.

If the Flood Dragon Clan kills all other true gods except Lei Dao, then what's the point of Lei Dao winning in the end? That can only be a loss for both sides, not a win!


"Shen Lei, are there... too many flood dragons here?"

As time passed, dragons came rushing over, but they didn't do anything, but "surrounded" Lei Dao from a distance, with no intention of doing anything at all.

But the number is too much, so many that Kang Zhenshen and Yu Zhenshen feel a sense of suffocation.

These are not ordinary flood dragons, they are all dragon sons!

Just staring at Lei Dao and others from a distance like this, any true god will have great pressure.

Lei Dao also saw the surrounding situation, and it was indeed a little abnormal.

His upgraded version of the "wait for a rabbit" plan is perfect.

It's just that there seem to be too many "rabbits" nowadays, and that is also a problem.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes, we have to change the plan, we can no longer wait on the sidelines."

Lei Dao opened his mouth slowly.

"What if you don't sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit?"

"Sneak attack!"

"Sneak attack?"

"Yes, it's a sneak attack! Just like I sneak attack when you were in danger before, as long as I sneak attack, I will basically not miss it. It is not worth the loss to face so many dragons head-on. Maybe Lei is not afraid, but You are only afraid that you will be in danger, so a sneak attack is the best way."

"Uh... Thunder God, you finally think of us..."

Kang Zhenshen was really moved.

Lei Dao finally remembered them.

They are only true gods with one hundred and eighty divine lines, they are far from being invincible and invincible. If a big war is really going to break out, they are sure that Lei Dao can live well, but they will die.

Fortunately, Lei Dao has not forgotten them and knows that they are in danger.

However, the three of them engaged in a sneak attack under the watchful eyes of everyone?


Lei Dao let out a low shout, and suddenly, the three of them erupted in awe, their divine bodies manifested, and then... fled!

Yes, if he escaped, he would immediately turn into three beams of light, frantically flee backwards, and disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Many flood dragons stared wide-eyed.

Seeing that Lei Dao had put up such a big battle, they naturally thought that Lei Dao was going to have a decisive battle, and even they were looking forward to the decisive battle. But now?


Lei Dao escaped!

what is this?

Then they are playing monkeys?


All the dragons became angry in an instant.

"Grab it!"

"He is Lei Dao, that despicable human world lord. Catch him and tear him apart. The ancestor has a rich reward!"

"Yes, he is the Lord of the World, and you must not follow him into the small world. But outside the small world, he is just an ordinary human god, and he will definitely be able to kill him!"

"Whether it's a decisive battle or not, if you see a true human god, kill him!"

These dragon sons were furious instantly, Lei Dao's identity was no secret, and even Lei Dao's identity was quite well-known among the dragon sons.

the reason is simple.

Before coming to the battlefield, all dragon sons were warned that they must not enter the small world when encountering Lei Dao. Lei Dao is a very sinister, cunning, despicable and shameless world lord among human beings.

Once you enter the small world, you can only be slaughtered by Lei Dao.

But outside the small world, in the Ming Realm, Lei Dao is just an ordinary true god, who will be killed if he encounters it!

That's why there was the scene just now.

Many dragon sons thought there was some kind of conspiracy and waited and waited, but what happened? Lei Dao escaped instead.

As a result, many dragon sons used their own means to catch up with the fastest speed.

These dragons chased after them, and began to send messages to other dragons behind, asking them to chase and intercept them in other directions.

Therefore, the entire battlefield now presents a spectacle.

Lei Dao and the other three fled frantically in front, and a large number of flood dragons followed behind.

Moreover, many true gods also gradually gathered together. For unknown reasons, after encountering the flood dragon, they began to fight fiercely, and the entire battlefield became extremely chaotic.

Lei Dao fled frantically, not too fast, but he had the first-mover advantage, and those dragons would not be able to keep up for a while.

"The dragons behind seem to have not kept up, do you want to wait for them?"

Lei Dao suddenly slowed down. His words made Kang Zhenshen and Yu Zhenshen almost overwhelmed. Aren't they running for their lives now? Why deliberately slow down and wait for those dragons?

"That won't work. Your strength is too weak, and you won't be able to leave if you are surrounded. Well, I'd better go back and sneak attack. It's best if I can sneak attack, but I can escape quickly if I can't. Okay, that's it. It's settled, you continue to escape, be careful."

After all, Lei Dao simply returned and flew towards the dragon behind.

Kang Zhenshen and Yu Zhenshen looked at each other, they were really anxious.

What about the plan?

Now that Lei Dao is gone alone, what should they do?

If they follow up, their spiritual sense will be swept away, good guy, there are dozens of dragons following one after another, and the two of them will surely die.

"Let's run away, but we have to change the direction. Now it seems that there are fighting fluctuations everywhere. It's very chaotic. Could it be us who did this?"

Kang Zhenshen really didn't want to carry the pot, it was too big for him to carry.

This pot can only be carried by Lei Dao.

Anyway, the battlefield is now in chaos, and they have no security. By thunder? Possibly more dangerous.

Therefore, the two simply changed directions and fled. With the two of them joining forces, as long as they don't encounter groups or top dragons, there is still no great danger.


Lei Dao has already met a dragon son.

This dragon rushed the fastest, and it was very excited to see Lei Dao turned back, and even went a little faster.


Lei Dao punched out, even through the void.

The divine lines on his forehead disappeared in a flash, even if he didn't use five hundred divine lines, but there must be three or four hundred divine lines.

With the power of Lei Dao at this moment, three or four hundred divine patterns erupt, how terrifying is that?

Even if he punched through the void, and the terrifying fist force swept in, this dragon son was only comparable to the true god of hundreds of gods, but he was swept by the terrifying power of Lei Dao, and he had almost no resistance.


The next moment, the dragon son was instantly turned into a blood mist by the punch, and was blown up abruptly.


Seeing a dragon being blown up by Lei Dao in an instant, the dragon who was chasing and killing Lei Dao frantically behind him was slightly taken aback, feeling a faint ominous premonition in his heart.

However, Lei Dao, who had killed a dragon child, hardly stopped at all, and continued to flee immediately, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Escaped again!"

"I don't know what despicable method Lei Dao used to kill a dragon."

"It must be a sneak attack. This Lei Dao is too good at surprise attacks. We must be careful in the future. At least two, no, three dragons must act together."

These dragon sons were filled with righteous indignation.

After chasing and killing Lei Dao for so long, not only did he not kill Lei Dao, but he lost a dragon son instead.

Of course, these dragons are not a single muscle.

The reason why they chase after Lei Dao is because of Lei Dao's special status.

The ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe all ordered that Lei Dao must be killed if he encountered him.

Although Lei Dao is only a true god, but he can become the master of the world, this is terrible, it is simply "cheating". I really want Lei Dao to grow up alive.

If you can become the lord of the small world now, can you even become the lord of the big world in the future?

At that time, it won't be that the true god can't do anything to Lei Dao, and even the Venerable and Great Venerable can't do anything to Lei Dao.

It is precisely because Lei Dao's "harm" to the Flood Dragon Clan is too great, therefore, the ancestors of the Flood Dragon Clan issued a must-kill order to Lei Dao, and all dragon sons who encountered Lei Dao must kill Lei Dao.

Even the reward for beheading Lei Dao is extremely generous.

This is the real reason why so many dragons persevere in chasing and killing Lei Dao.

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