Longevity Species

Chapter 694 Is this being robbed by someone? (first update)

"Sixteen dragon sons!"

Lei Dao turned into a stream of light, fleeing quickly in the void of the Ming Realm.

He just killed a dragon in a "sneak attack". This is the sixteenth dragon he killed on the battlefield. Each dragon is worth ten great achievements, that is, 10,000 contribution points.

Then the sixteen dragon sons are 160,000 contribution points, almost catching up with the contribution points obtained by Lei Dao last time.

Last time, Lei Dao regained several small worlds, and only got 170,000 contribution points. He didn't expect to earn it back so easily this time.

Indeed, in Lei Dao's eyes, it is really easy to earn contribution points this time.

Isn't it just a sneak attack?

He is good at this!

Lei Dao felt that the movement behind seemed to be a little smaller, so he slowed down again and turned back.


Another sneak attack!


However, this time, there were three dragons roaring, and the three dragons were connected with each other, sweeping towards Lei Dao overwhelmingly, as if they wanted to "crush" Lei Dao into powder.

However, Lei Dao's eyes lit up.


Lei Dao felt more and more that his sneak attack technique had reached the point of perfection. Just like now, he has been able to distinguish how to kill the three dragons in the shortest time, and then, after beheading, he will quickly flee.


The divine marks on Lei Dao's forehead flashed away, and no one noticed that he burst out five hundred divine marks. But as soon as his mighty and terrifying power came into contact with the three-headed dragon, the three-headed dragon immediately felt as if its body was being slammed by an irresistible force.


In the blink of an eye, the body of the three-headed dragon was instantly shattered, and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Dead, the dignified three-headed dragon teamed up, and they died too!

"How can it be?"

"How could the three-headed dragon son be killed by Lei Dao in seconds?"

"What is the strength of Lei Dao? Is it more than three hundred gods?"

"No, with more than three hundred divine marks, how could he run away and even use despicable means to sneak attack?"

"Yes, sneak attack, this time it must be another sneak attack, damn Lei Dao, next time, let's act together, we must not give Lei Dao a chance to attack alone!"

The remaining dragon sons were extremely angry.

During the long-term pursuit of these dragons, some dragons have actually fallen behind, and there are only a dozen of them who can keep up.

Seeing these dozens of dragons, Lei Dao even felt eager to try, wanting to kill them all by force, to see if he could kill all these dragons.

However, Lei Dao finally held back his eager heart.

He is best at sneak attacks.

A frontal battle is really not worth the candle.

After all, it seems that there are still a large number of dragons behind these dozens of dragons, and Lei Dao doesn't want to fall into the siege of the other party. It would be better to be an "assassin", to sneak attack and assassinate at the right time.

A few dragons at a time is simply a piece of cake.

So, the next moment, Lei Dao turned into a streamer and escaped.

"Chasing, we must catch up with Lei Dao!"

The remaining dragon sons hated Lei Dao so much that they gritted their teeth.

Lei Dao attacked again and again, beheading their four dragon sons, they couldn't just let Lei Dao go like this.

Moreover, they also know that Lei Dao's sneak attack technique is really powerful, and they will not give Lei Dao another chance. If a dozen dragons act together, even if Lei Dao wants to sneak attack, he will definitely fall into their siege.

So, the two sides chased and fled, chasing continuously in the void of the Ming Realm.

In the void of the Ming Realm, Shanggong District recognized the number one true god, Jianyi True God, and at this moment he killed a dragon in front of him with a single sword.

"It's getting more and more chaotic, what's going on?"

True to his name, Jian Yi is like a peerless sword. He is the only true god in the Shanggong district of the entire patron saint palace who has reached more than three hundred god marks.

It even reached three hundred and twenty divine lines!

However, True God Jian Yi still hasn't opened up the inner world. He seems to have greater ambitions, and he doesn't want to open up the inner world so hastily.

Because, the goal of True God Jian Yi is not a venerable, not even a great venerable, but a master!

The supreme master!

True God Jianyi naturally knew that there was a master of the five guardian gods. He was in the True God period and condensed more than 400 divine lines.

In the end, by chance and coincidence, the master was finally achieved.

True God Jianyi has studied the growth paths of all the masters of the five great shrines. The other masters have their own opportunities, and each opportunity cannot be copied, and they all belong to that master.

Except for the master who condensed more than 400 divine lines.

That master didn't seem to have a particularly big chance along the way.

But it was in the true god stage that more than 400 divine patterns were condensed, and finally became the master. Compared with other masters, its growth path seems to be much smoother.

Of course, Jianyi True God is not sure whether condensing more than 400 divine patterns in the true god stage will help to achieve mastery, but one thing is certain.

At the true god stage, four hundred divine lines were condensed, and it will be helpful to become a venerable or even a great venerable in the future. As for mastery, perhaps another dimension is involved.

Still, more or less certainly helps.

True God Jian Yi has a lofty goal, so naturally he won't become a venerable when there are more than three hundred divine lines.

Only, the war broke out.

Human true gods, venerables, and even great venerables cannot escape war.

Therefore, True God Jian Yi can only come to the battlefield.

In the beginning, True God Jianyi had a smooth sailing.

When encountering Longzi, he can basically kill him, invincible and invincible.

However, after those top dragons formed a "clearing field" group of four dragons, everything changed. I don't know where those dragon sons got the news about him, and they chased and beat him all the way.

Moreover, the most important thing is the "clearing field" four dragon group, the strength is indeed very strong, the strength of each dragon is above three hundred gods, which is comparable to Jianyi Zhenshen.

Even, the strongest dragon son is comparable to the top true god with about 350 divine patterns!

Therefore, True God Jianyi could only escape all the way, and would not confront the "clearing field" four dragons head-on anyway. In the Ming Realm, as long as he encounters a dragon, he will naturally kill him.

Along the way, the "Clear Field" four-dragon team was also in a state of panic, but they had nothing to do with him. Every time the four-dragon team caught up with him, True God Jian Yi quickly fled, leaving the four-dragon team helpless.

However, the situation has taken a turn for the worse in the past few days.

During this time, some unknown changes seemed to have taken place on the entire battlefield.

There are dragons everywhere, and true gods everywhere, which makes Jian Yi really confused. However, he had beheaded several dragons, but the "clearing field" four dragon group seemed to have killed more true gods, which made the real god Jian Yi feel very sad.

He is also helpless, there is no way to prevent the four dragons from killing the true god, the only thing he can do is to kill more dragons than the four dragons.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly, True God Jianyi saw a group of dragons in front of him, looking aggressive, as if they were chasing and killing a True God ahead.

"A dozen dragon sons, chasing and killing a true god?"

True God Jian Yi immediately became angry.

"Clearing the field" is nothing but the four dragon groups, and the true god Jian Yi can't afford to provoke them, so they can only escape all the way.

Even the situation on the battlefield is the same.

The true god can only escape all the way, the situation is very bad, and the true god is also very aggrieved.

No way, this is the strength gap!

Even if you feel aggrieved, you can only endure it.

But now?

Seeing more than a dozen dragon sons, the real god Jianyi was so shameless that he chased and killed a real god together. It was simply too shameless and infuriating.

True God Jian Yi was burning with rage, so angry that he almost "exploded".

"Okay, what a dragon clan, it's really despicable and shameless! More than a dozen dragons are chasing and killing a true god. Today, I will try to frustrate your spirit. If I don't kill a few dragons, I will really make you look down upon me!" I'm going to the palace area!"

True God Jian Yi gritted his teeth and immediately made a decision. He calculated the time, and it would take a while for the "clearing" four dragons to arrive.

This period of time is enough for him to disturb the dozen or so dragons and save the poor true god in front of him.

Being chased and killed by more than a dozen dragon sons, it's really pitiful to think about it, maybe they will all be hunted out of the shadows.

As a result, Jian Yi turned into a stream of light, and quickly chased after him.

Lei Dao fled all the way in the void, and even deliberately slowed down his pace.

He was waiting, waiting for the dozen dragon sons behind him.

Lei Dao is very "greedy" about these dozen dragon sons, and in his heart, he has already regarded these dozen dragon sons as something in his pocket. He only waited for the dozen or so dragons in the back to completely separate from the other dragons before he made a move. At that time, there will be another hundred thousand contribution points, which is very exciting to think about.

"Come on, come on, it's almost time to fly for a while."

Lei Dao is counting the time.

Suddenly, a vast sword light suddenly burst out from behind.

At the same time, a true god like a god manifested a divine body from behind, and even manifested a total of 320 divine lines, which is shocking!

Moreover, he roared loudly: "You dragons really think that there is no one in my Guardian Palace? You all die!"

A true god, with more than three hundred divine lines, dared to attack a combination of more than a dozen dragons.

Moreover, the key is that this true god is really strong.

A ray of sword light slashed down, almost no dragon can resist it.

For a moment, more than a dozen dragon sons were in chaos.


"Kill this true god first!"

"He is the true god Jianyi, the number one true god in Shanggong District, if he is killed, he can seriously injure the true god of humans!"

"That's right, we actually met True God Jian Yi, but wasn't he hunted down by the four top dragon sons? Why did he appear here?"

"With Jianyi True God here, the four top dragons must be there. Hold him first, and when the four top dragons come, Jianyi True God will definitely die!"

These dragon sons are not stupid either, and they will not confront the True God Jian Yi head-on.

And although True God Jian Yi is strong, if he wants to kill more than a dozen dragons with one sword, it's really overthinking, and it's simply impossible.

However, Lei Dao was dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him.

"I... I was robbed by someone?"

Lei Dao's eyes widened, and a strange thought flashed through his mind.

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