Longevity Species

Chapter 808 I have always relied on myself! (first update)

Pancheng is one of the strongholds of practitioners of the Ming Realm in the ancient continent, and it is also one of the largest and safest strongholds. The reason is very simple. Pancheng has its ancestors, which is the greatest security guarantee!

Qinglian has been to Pancheng not once or twice, and even has a special cave in Pancheng.

Pancheng's Dongfu is very rare, but it is not a problem for Master Qinglian. Lei Dao doesn't have a cave now, so he can only temporarily live in the cave dominated by Qinglian.

"Junior Brother Lei, when you first came to the Ancient Desolate Continent, you don't know many things. You can first familiarize yourself with the environment of Pancheng and learn about the Ancient Desolate Continent. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Lei Dao knew that this was an opportunity for Master Qinglian to ask him questions. If he missed this opportunity, maybe Master Qinglian would be looking for opportunities, and he might not be able to see Lei Dao in the future.

And Lei Dao did have many doubts in his heart, so Lei Dao was not polite, and asked directly: "Senior sister, what is the practice system of the ancient continent?"

The practice system is very important, so the first question Lei Dao asked was about the practice system of the ancient continent.

"The practice system..."

Master Qinglian paused, as if organizing her words.

After all, the practice system cannot be explained clearly in a few words, let alone the practice system of the ancient continent that is comparable to the Ming Realm, but this issue is indeed crucial.

So, Master Qinglian pondered for a long time, and then slowly said: "The practice system of the ancient continent is actually very complicated. They call themselves gods and demons. Everything below the gods and demons is common. It’s about the same as above, cultivating the physical body, cultivating skills, etc. Once you reach the gods and demons, it is the transformation of life, from then on you start to cultivate mana, and then go up to the gods and demons, and gradually start to practice their so-called primordial spirit.”

"Once the gods and demons have cultivated into the primordial spirit, as long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, then the gods and demons will not die. The primordial spirit can seize other bodies and regain their strength. Of course, it will take a long time. And the saints of the ancient continent are rumored to be The primordial spirit resides in the void of the ancient continent, as long as the ancient continent is not destroyed, then the saints of the ancient continent will not die!"

"According to our practice system in the Ming Realm, the gods and demons in the ancient land are actually equivalent to our true gods, and once the primordial spirit is condensed, they are equivalent to masters. As for the saints, they can be compared with the ancestors! This is the ancient land The general practice system is very different from our Bright Realm practice system."

After hearing Master Qinglian's introduction, Lei Dao secretly analyzed it in his heart.

Ordinary people practice physical body or skills, and their lives transform into gods and demons, thus giving birth to mana. Then the gods and demons practice to a high level, and they can condense the primordial spirit.

If the primordial spirit is immortal, then the gods and demons will not die.

Finally reached the apex, ancient sage!

These saints entrusted their primordial spirits in the barren ancient continent. As long as the barren ancient continent is not destroyed, the saints will not die. Even Lei Dao has to admit that the practice system of the ancient continent is indeed a system of its own, and it is very distinctive.

But Lei Dao also has many doubts.

For example, what is Yuanshen?

In the Ming Realm, there is no primordial spirit in any practice system.

Although there are various cultivation systems in the Ming Realm, none of them can practice any primordial spirit. Even in the human world practice system, there is no primordial spirit.

Then, the first ancestor seems to be different from the saint.

The first ancestor attributed all the great power to himself, and used his own power to change the outside world, and even change the bright world. The sage is the primordial spirit entrusting the void. With the power of the primordial spirit, he can mobilize the power of the entire barren ancient continent, and completely merge with the barren ancient continent. One is prosperous, the other is damaged, and the other is damaged, thus gaining powerful power.

It's hard to say whether this is good or bad.

After all, the ancient continent is huge, and the primordial spirit entrusts it to the void of the ancient continent, so that it will be immortal. Isn't this the ultimate goal of practice? They are already immortal, and possess powerful power, no one can go against their own will, so if they have reached this level of cultivation, isn't it the peak?

But the first ancestor, maybe the pursuit is different.

The ancestor, the mighty power belongs to himself, and the ultimate goal is to surpass the bright world, surpass time, and surpass everything! To be free and at ease, the first ancestor has insight into all the rules, and is good at analysis, research and so on.

This is the biggest difference between saints and ancestors!

Lei Dao is a practitioner of the Ming Realm, so he naturally leans towards the Ming Realm's practice system. However, the practice system of this barren ancient continent is its own system, so maybe we can refer to it.

"Speaking of the cultivation system of the ancient continent, many of them are actually different from our Ming Realm. For example, the practitioners of the ancient continent are actually very concerned about the power of the mind. They like to cultivate their minds. They don't advocate every bit of it too much. Cultivation, but advocating the connection between the soul and the ancient continent, so as to gain some epiphanies."

"For example, if some mortals have an epiphany one day, they can directly become gods and demons, condense the body of gods and demons, give birth to power, and almost reach the sky in one step! And there are many such examples. Many powerful gods and demons reach the sky in one step by relying on epiphany. , on the contrary, those mortals who can't get enlightened and rely on bit by bit hard work will never become gods and demons in their lifetime."

"This is different from our true gods. Each of our true gods has gone through untold hardships and needs to transcend the world. Only in this way can they jump out of the cage, obtain the sublimation of life, and become true gods."

"Furthermore, practitioners in the ancient continent to condense their primordial spirits, and even become saints in the end, also need to rely on epiphany. The higher they go, the more they need epiphany. Many powerful gods and demons even take the initiative to seal their memories and mana in order to exercise their spiritual strength. , become an ordinary mortal and reincarnate for thousands of years, just to understand that after the seal is opened, countless memories and experiences are gathered together, thus generating a spark of inspiration, and being able to realize in an instant."

"It really depends on luck. The so-called spiritual power, the so-called epiphany, is actually unreliable. Perhaps, this is unique to the ancient continent. In the bright world, it is impossible to reach the sky with a flash of spiritual light. Every bit of our strength is obtained through our own efforts, and it will always belong to us!"

Master Qinglian obviously doesn't agree with the practice system of the ancient continent, but agrees with the practice system of the Ming Realm very much. Regarding this point, Lei Dao is the same as Master Qinglian.

Lei Dao's power is also accumulated slowly bit by bit by his own efforts. It is undoubtedly whimsical to rely on epiphany to reach the sky in one step.

"Yes, it's only my own strength that will be reliable! Don't worry, senior sister, I won't learn the practice system of the ancient continent, dreaming of enlightenment and reaching the sky in one step."

Reid said with a smile.

He naturally knew that this was the "advice" from the senior sister to him, reminding Lei Dao not to be too obsessed with the practice system of the ancient continent, otherwise, the gain would not be worth the loss, and he would even fall into a misunderstanding.

"You just need to understand. Many practitioners in the Ming Realm, even Juggernauts and Great Juggernauts, went one way and felt that they couldn't get through, so they thought of finding another way, thinking that they could combine the practice system of the ancient continent. What happened? None of them succeeded. Everyone was stunned, and there was even a chance to become the ancestor, but there was no chance at all. Even the ancestor Shang, the only great existence who achieved the ancestor in the ancient continent, he firmly followed the spiritual practice system, not delusion To become a sage of the ancient continent."

In fact, Master Qinglian still has a lot of things to say.

There are so many practitioners in the Ming Realm, how is it possible for everyone to be firm in their beliefs?

What's more, some practitioners have lost their way, such as those top masters, no matter how hard they try, they can't become the ancestors, so it is inevitable that some people will take risks and try the practice system of the ancient continent, wanting to Achievement of ancient sage?

Don't you know, that would be a dead end.

How many ancient sages are there in the entire ancient continent?

None of the gods and demons who were born and bred in the ancient mainland could become saints in the ancient times. Can practitioners from the Ming world become saints by switching to cultivation? That is tantamount to whimsical, idiotic dream nothing more.

Lei Dao naturally wouldn't have such an idea, at most he just learned from it.

"The last point, Junior Brother Lei, in the Ancient Desolate Continent, you have to be careful of everyone, don't trust anyone blindly, even me, and don't trust without reservation. Do you understand what I mean?"

Master Qinglian said with a dignified expression.

"What do you mean, even senior sister can't be trusted?"

Lei Dao frowned, he did not quite understand.

Master Qinglian sighed and said: "Junior brother, the benefits are touching. Which one of the bright practitioners who can come to the ancient continent has no background? Which one has no strength? Even many cultivators came to the ancient continent to find opportunities , or there is no hope of breaking through, and they are desperately preparing to fight. For those practitioners who are desperate and want to fight at all costs, is there any difference between the Ming Realm and the ancient continent? Moreover, some of the ancient continents Treasures of heaven, material and earth are indeed very effective, and they can even make the body of the Great Ruler go a step further! Facing such treasures, who can not be tempted? Therefore, in the ancient continent, the only one who can really rely on is yourself!"

Seeing Master Qinglian's dignified expression, Lei Dao also understood what the senior sister meant.

The Ancient Continent is different from the Ming Realm.

Dead, maybe really dead. Even if the ancestor wants to investigate the situation clearly, it is very difficult. Going back in time in the ancient continent, this is something the ancestor cannot do.

After all, there are saints here!

It is the territory of the ancient saints, and only the ancient saints can go back in time, or calculate the cause and effect.

Even if Lei Dao is the disciple of the ancestor Kong, if it is an unknown place in the ancient continent, if he dies, he will die, and no one will know.

Everything, can only depend on oneself!

"Senior sister, don't worry, I have always relied on myself!"

Lei Dao said firmly.

ps: Watching the military parade yesterday, I was so excited that I couldn’t help myself. I tossed and turned all night, I was excited for a while, so I didn’t save the manuscript... Now Lao Yue is posting the code now, but there are still three shifts, maybe later in the afternoon.

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