Longevity Species

Chapter 809 Lei Dao only needs to work hard, and leave the rest to the supernatural power! (Second m

Master Qinglian has left, and she is going to visit some friends, after all, she hasn't been to Pancheng for many years, and some relationships still need to be maintained and managed.

This time Master Qinglian also came here to find an opportunity. She has also reached the level of the top master, and she is the kind of top master. Without a special opportunity, it is difficult to go further.

Lei Dao also entered the secret room, and he needed to sort out all the knowledge he had seen this time.

Now Lei Dao knows the Ming Realm cultivation system and the barren ancient continent cultivation system, and the Ming Realm cultivation system also includes the world cultivation system. What Lei Dao is practicing now is the world practice system.

"The world practice system is mainly small worlds, big worlds, and then the big worlds are connected to form a territory. The more big worlds, the stronger the power and the greater the potential after connecting into a territory!"

Lei Dao analyzed it carefully again, and found that his world practice system was completely different from the practice system of the ancient continent, and there was no overlap. Lei Dao could not condense the "primordial spirit" in the practice system of the ancient continent alone. Neither can be used for reference.

Moreover, Lei Dao is also very clear.

Once a life in the ancient continent becomes a god or demon, it will automatically produce mana. But practitioners in the Ming Realm become true gods, but they have no magic power at all.

But in the world practice system, after becoming a true god, one will have the power to create a world, but the power to create a world is just to open up the world in the body, which is fundamentally different from mana.

"Other people in the ancient continent are looking for opportunities and breaking through their own shackles, but I only want to open up the inner world. What is this? Maybe I am the weakest practitioner in Pancheng..."

Raidou shook his head.

He swept across Pancheng casually, and masters were everywhere.

After all, this is the gathering of the top beings of the entire Ming Realm, and Lei Dao, the "Great Master", does seem to be somewhat unique. In Pancheng, it's not that there are no great venerables, there are even venerables and true gods.

But these venerables and true gods will only stay in Pancheng forever, and it is impossible for them to leave the city.

"I didn't think Juggernauts were so common in the Ming Realm before. I didn't expect that Juggernauts are nothing in Pancheng. It seems that I have to open up hundreds of worlds in my body as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can't even compare with Juggernauts. Being strong is also a great honor."

Raidou shook his head.

He was bitter, but he didn't say anything.

Everything depends on yourself!

To be a master, only by becoming a master as soon as possible can we make great achievements in the ancient continent. Moreover, Lei Dao also fell in love with the ancient continent, the reason is very simple, there are simply countless cultivation resources here. Even Venerables, Great Venerables, Masters, and even top-notch Masters have reached their limits, and they can make progress by swallowing some natural and earthly treasures.

What's more, the life extension treasures that Lei Dao needs are everywhere here.

Of course, the premise is that you have the strength to go out of the city, and even more strength to save your life and obtain those treasures.

"Blood scale flower."

Lei Dao's heart moved, and a bunch of blood scale flowers appeared in front of him. After counting carefully, there were a total of 108 flowers.

Although there are only 108 blood scale flowers, which are much less than the countless white flowers that Lei Dao found on the shore, Lei Dao has high hopes for this blood scale flower.

After all, this is a treasure of heaven, material and earth that the bloodscale beast personally guards, and according to what the ancestor pan said, the bloodscale flower is the accompanying treasure of the bloodscale beast, so it is very precious.

Perhaps, the small white flowers on the bank were only able to grow so many small white flowers just because there were blood scale flowers at the bottom of the river, which made the river and both banks stained with some mysterious atmosphere of blood scale flowers.

If this is the case, then the effect of the blood scale flower is very terrifying, or in other words, increasing lifespan should be very good.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he naturally did not hesitate, and immediately manifested his divine body, and began to refine these blood scale flowers.


As the first blood scale flower was refined by Lei Dao, suddenly, a large amount of heat flowed continuously in the god's body, flowing all over the body, making Lei Dao feel a sense of fullness from the bottom of his heart.

Moreover, the breath of life is also rising steadily. Lei Dao is very familiar with this feeling.

This is to increase lifespan!

And it's a massive increase in lifespan that happens.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his ability to check, and his lifespan was soaring at the moment.

One million years, three million years, five million years, seven million years, nine million years, ten million years!

In the end, Lei Dao's life span was increased by a full ten million years!

This is ten million years. Although it doesn't seem like a lot, it's just one blood scale flower. There are a total of 108 blood scale flowers here.

"It's done, it's done this time!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He had a hunch that the harvest this time would be much greater than any previous harvest.

Lei Dao still underestimated the bloodscale beast.

He didn't know how terrifying the bloodscale beast was in the ancient continent. It was a giant monster at the overlord level. No wonder no monster dared to approach it for thousands of miles around the river.

This is because of the awe of the blood scale beast!

As the bloodscale beast at the top master level, the accompanying treasure bloodscale flower needs to be guarded with all its strength, which shows how precious it is. Unexpectedly, the bloodscale beast has been guarded for so long, but in the end it was taken away by Lei Dao. Cheap Ray Road.

Of course, Lei Dao is also very clear that such a thing happens and only once.

After all, not every time the ancestor can personally kill the blood scale beast.

In the ancient continent, the ancestors took action to rescue a practitioner of the Ming Realm, and that is almost one of the few. That is because it was the ancestor Kong who asked the ancestor pan this time, otherwise, even if Lei Dao was the disciple of the ancestor Kong, the ancestor pan would not do it himself.

Therefore, Lei Dao did take advantage of this time and gained a lot.

However, Lei Dao also knew that according to past experience, as long as a life extension treasure is used, the final effect will be greatly reduced if the treasure is used for the second, third or even countless times.

Lei Dao didn't know if these blood scale flowers would behave like this.

"Come again!"

Therefore, Lei Dao continued to refine the second blood scale flower.

Lei Dao did feel that the effect of refining the second blood scale flower seemed to have been weakened to a certain extent, but the weakened effect was not too much, just a little bit.

This is also acceptable!

So, the third flower, the fourth flower, the fifth flower...

As time went by, Lei Dao refined the blood scale flowers one by one, and finally refined all 108 blood scale flowers.


Raidou opened his eyes.

"Unbelievable, the effect is even better than I imagined..."

Raidou murmured softly.

One hundred and eight blood scale flowers added a full 880 million years of lifespan to Lei Dao. Originally, according to the lifespan of a blood scale flower of 10 million years, if the effect is not weakened, it can increase the lifespan of one billion and eighty million years.

It's a pity that even if the blood scale flower is used many times, the effect will be weakened, but in the end it can still increase the life span of 880 million years, but it only weakens the life span of 200 million years.

According to Lei Dao's past experience, this is already quite good, and the weakening rate is not too great.

In addition, Lei Dao still has a lifespan of more than 30 million years, so Lei Dao's current life span has reached more than 910 million years. This is a terrifying figure. Lei Dao has never had such a lifespan before. much lifespan.

"More than 900 million lifespans, and nine big worlds can be opened up..."

Lei Dao felt very satisfied in his heart.

So, without further ado, Lei Dao immediately started preparing to open up the big world inside his body, and he didn't plan to keep these life spans. After all, Lei Dao can feel more at ease only if his lifespan is transformed into strength.

In the dangerous barren continent, only strength is the greatest guarantee of safety!


The next moment, Lei Dao's body began to roar, and one big world after another was opened up by Lei Dao.

One, two, three, four...

When the number of big worlds in Lei Dao's body increased by four, adding the original eleven big worlds to fifteen big worlds, all the worlds in Lei Dao's body shook slightly.

It seems that indistinctly, these fifteen great worlds are roaring.

Even Lei Dao's mind was awakened, unable to fully immerse himself in the development of the inner world, and paused.

"Is this... resonance?"

It was the first time Lei Dao encountered such a thing.

But this does not bother Lei Dao, he has heard before that when the inner world reaches a certain level, it will resonate. And, it's also a sign.

This signifies that the Great Senior is already qualified to be promoted to become a master.

Of course, success or not is another matter, but whether one has the qualifications to be promoted to master is another matter.

"Is this what the world resonates with?"

Lei Dao still felt a little strange.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems reasonable. Ordinary top lords can basically resonate after opening up more than ten big worlds in their bodies.

And Lei Dao didn't resonate until fifteen worlds were opened up. In fact, this also shows that Lei Dao has great potential. Before being promoted to master, the more big worlds are opened up, the greater the potential, and the stronger the strength after transformation.

"So, now, can we try to connect the big world into one piece, transform it into a territory, and promote it to be a master?"

A thought flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

However, this thought disappeared immediately after flashing through, and Lei Dao threw the thought out of his head almost without any hesitation.

How could it be transformed now?

Lei Dao remembered the "teaching" of protecting the master, if he didn't open up a hundred big worlds, it would be a waste of the foundation Lei Dao had laid before being promoted to the master.

"Yes, you can't be short-sighted! How wide-sighted are the great masters? They must know my situation, and I'm afraid they have concluded that I can open up a hundred big worlds. Only in this way can we lay the most solid foundation before being promoted to the master! Now even if my world has resonated, but there are only a dozen or twenty big worlds, and it is still far from hundreds of big worlds, I still have a long way to go if I want to be promoted to master!"

Lei Dao had already made up his mind.

In any case, he will not disappoint the expectations of the masters, just like the master of the sword "inspired" Lei Dao, and Lei Dao really opened up more than 100 small worlds.

Because of this, Lei Dao became so powerful after he was promoted to the Great Senior.

The masters are definitely not wrong, so Lei Dao only needs to persevere and work hard, and leave the rest to the supernatural power!

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