Longevity Species

Chapter 820 Whether you can open up hundreds of worlds depends on this time! (first update)


Many masters almost "split their breath". After waiting for such a long time, did they just wait for such a "nonsense" from Lei Dao?

There is only one Weeping Blood Treasure Tree in Lei Dao, so how can we have both kinds of treasures?

At this time, the red-browed master was also a little dissatisfied, and he said in a deep voice: "Master Lei, don't be too greedy, our two kinds of treasures, each of which is priceless, is no more valuable than your Weeping Blood Treasure Tree." Inferior. You want both treasures, unless you have two Weeping Blood Treasure Trees."

Lei Dao said with a smile: "Lei doesn't have two weeping blood trees, but the number of weeping blood fruits is almost endless, right? As long as the weeping blood trees are planted properly, weeping blood fruits can be produced continuously With so many weeping blood fruits, why don't the two masters share them equally? The two masters jointly control the weeping blood tree, and the weeping blood fruits they get are divided equally, so there is no need to fight for a victory like now. Only one person can benefit, can't he?"

The red-browed ruler and the bull-devil ruler looked at each other, both lost in thought.

In fact, what Lei Dao said makes sense.

Whether it is the ruler of the red eyebrows or the ruler of the bull demon, it is inevitable to win this Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood. If there is a winner, there will be one person who will not get the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, and no one is sure that he will be selected by Lei Dao and thus get the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood.

If Lei Dao's method is followed, then the two masters will jointly own the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree. Then you can get the crying blood fruit continuously, basically, the two masters are enough.

Moreover, there is a more critical factor.

Once the two masters are connected through this weeping blood treasure tree, then the two masters are likely to join forces. In the future, the races behind the two masters may even form a joint trend. the benefits of.

"Master Lei, you are really eloquent. If the two of us agree, you can gain the most!"

The Bull Demon Lord said with a smile.

Indeed, if the two masters agree, then Lei Dao has indeed obtained the greatest gain. Originally, Lei Dao could only obtain one of the two treasures, but now he can directly obtain both treasures. This is not the greatest gain. what is it

"Red eyebrow master, what do you think?"

The Bull Demon Master asked the Red Eyebrow Master.

The red-browed master took a deep look at Lei Dao and the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, and then said with a smile: "This is the best way, anyway, the race behind the old man doesn't need many Weeping Blood Fruits, just as a backup The old man hopes that we will never need the weeping blood fruit in the future. Hahaha, the old man agrees, and this bucket of fountain of youth will be given to Master Lei."

"This seat also agrees, and the one hundred and eight longevity beads are also given to Master Lei."

Both masters chose to agree.

Immediately, the ruler of the entire cave was dumbfounded.

What kind of operation is this?

A Weeping Blood Treasure Tree sold to two? And the key point is that the two top masters didn't feel that they were at a disadvantage, on the contrary, they felt that they were very good, and offered all their precious treasures.

For a while, many masters actually had the feeling of "eye-opening".

Lei Dazun's operation made people amazed.

"Great Master Lei is indeed a very human being. With a mere Great Master, he is not afraid of the two top masters, and even won the greatest benefit for himself. It is unbelievable."

"It's no wonder that the ancestor Kong will accept Great Master Lei as his disciple. This kind of courage alone is beyond the reach of ordinary Great Masters."

"Ordinary Dazun can get the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood? Besides, I have heard that there were originally three gods and demons in the Black Fang Tribe, which are equivalent to three masters, but they were all beheaded by Dazun Lei. It is a miracle in itself for the Great Master to slay the three king-conferring gods and demons in the body of the Great Master!"

"Although there are rumors in the vast Ming Realm that the Great Master reversed the master, but in fact, there are only a handful of Grand Masters who can truly reverse the master over hundreds of millions of years. If everyone can grow up, they can Become a top master! Even, hopeful ancestor!"

"Great Master Lei will probably become famous throughout Pancheng from now on."

Many masters sighed in their hearts.

Lei Dao's operation really opened their eyes, and even he himself has obtained the greatest benefit, but he has not yet dominated dissatisfaction. At least, the Red Eyebrow Master and Bull Demon Master who took out a bucket of fountain of youth and 108 longevity beads had no dissatisfaction.

"The auction has ended, thank you masters for coming to join us!"

Lei Dao announced the end of the auction, and many masters left Qinglian's cave.

After the masters all left the cave, Master Qinglian took a deep look at Lei Dao. Until now, Master Qinglian seemed to be in a dream.

What did she go through just now?

A bucket of fountain of youth?

One hundred and eight longevity beads?

What kind of treasure are these? Isn't it the ancestors who can obtain the treasure? But now it is in the hands of Lei Dao, and was obtained by Lei Dao.

How could a mere great venerable, even a disciple of the first ancestor, make such a big commotion?

"Junior Brother Lei, are you really a great respecter?"

Even Master Qinglian didn't quite believe that a great master could make such a big commotion and made such a huge effort.

But Lei Dao was very surprised, nodded and said: "Senior sister, I am indeed a great lord. I am a little sad when I talk about this. I have worked hard for so long, but I still can't become the master. I am afraid that it is my master." The worst disciple, right? It's too embarrassing for the master."

"You still lose the face of the master? Then what am I?"

Master Qinglian was speechless, she really wanted to kill Lei Dao!

How long has she been in the ancient continent?

Where's Lei Dao?

It's just that he came to the ancient continent, and it took more than a month at most, but Lei Dao did such an earth-shattering thing, and harvested a bucket of fountain of youth and 108 longevity beads.

Any treasure far surpasses all the gains of these young masters of Qinglian.

Comparing people to people, it makes people mad!

Now Master Qinglian has this feeling, it seems that the longer Lei Dao stays by her side, the more depressed she will be, her emotions will fluctuate, just like ordinary people, how can she still look like a top master?

"By the way, Senior Sister, you are familiar with Pancheng, can you find me a cave? Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to continue living in Senior Sister's cave."

Lei Dao said to Master Qinglian.

Now Lei Dao can be regarded as rich and powerful, so it is indeed time to buy a cave, it is much more convenient to have his own cave.

Master Qinglian took a deep breath, then nodded and said: "It's a small matter, no problem, what kind of cave do you need?"

Lei Dao thought for a while, and finally said: "There is no special requirement. Anyway, it is safe enough and big enough. Well, it is about three to five times or even ten times bigger than the cave of Senior Sister."


Master Qinglian didn't know what to say.

Is Lei Dao despising her small cave?

As the top master, Qinglian's cave is not small at all, but it's a pity that Lei Dao thinks it's small, and based on this foundation, it will be expanded three to five times or even ten times.

Well, Lei Dao is rich and powerful, so he can really afford it now!

"I'll find it for you!"

After speaking, Master Qinglian left immediately.

Seeing Master Qinglian's appearance of "gritting his teeth" and leaving, Lei Dao felt a little baffled.

"Could it be that Senior Sister is unhappy that so many masters have gathered in the cave? That's right, this is Senior Sister's cave after all, so too many people shouldn't be allowed to come. Alas, there is no way. Don’t bother Senior Sister any more.”

Lei Dao shook his head, taking advantage of this time, he also immediately entered the secret room, and he began to count the gains this time.

The harvest this time is not only the auction of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, but also the auction of two Weeping Blood Fruits, which also allowed Lei Dao to obtain a large number of life-extending treasures.

Originally, Lei Dao had three Weeping Blood Fruits, but he wanted to keep one for his senior sister Master Qinglian. Therefore, Lei Dao took out the remaining two Weeping Blood Fruits for auction, and it was a good harvest.

Then there is a bucket of fountain of youth and one hundred and eight longevity beads, this is the biggest harvest!

However, Lei Dao is very clear that no matter how big the harvest is, if it does not turn into strength, it will be meaningless. Now Lei Dao has to do his best to come in and turn this time's harvest into strength.

"let's start".

Raidou took a deep breath.

He is very clear that the increased lifespan this time may far exceed any previous Lei Dao.


The next moment, Lei Dao actually took out the life-extending treasures that were auctioned off from the two Weeping Blood Fruits, and began to refine them quickly.

The two Weeping Blood Fruits are also extremely precious treasures, very important to the Great Senior, and there is even hope that the Great Senior who has reached the limit can become the master!

Those who dominate the auction are not for their own use, but for their descendants or disciples.

Therefore, there are also a lot of life extension treasures for auction.

With the refinement of Lei Dao, his lifespan is also increasing rapidly.

Ten million, thirty million, fifty million, eighty million, one hundred million...

Soon, after Lei Dao refined all the life extension treasures obtained from the two Weeping Blood Fruits, he gained a full 800 million years of lifespan!

This is almost comparable to the 108 blood scale flowers obtained by Lei Dao last time. The 108 blood scale flowers last time only added 880 million years to Lei Dao's lifespan.

Now with just two weeping blood fruits, so many life-extending treasures can be harvested, which can be regarded as a super value harvest.

Of course, Lei Dao knew very well that it was actually because of the auction.

But this time we "borrowed" the light of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, otherwise, the auction would not be possible for just two Weeping Blood Fruits, and if they were sold separately, they would definitely be far less than Lei Dao's auction proceeds.

However, this is just an "appetizer".

Next, Lei Dao set his sights on the bucket of Fountain of Youth and 108 Longevity Pearls in front of him. This is Lei Dao's biggest gain this time!

"Whether we can open up hundreds of worlds depends on this time!"

Lei Dao's eyes flickered with a gleam of brilliance, staring at the two treasures in front of him.

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