Longevity Species

Chapter 821 Six Billion Years! Let the storm come stronger! (Second more)

"Fountain of Youth."

Lei Dao grabbed the Fountain of Youth with his big hand.

This is a famous sacred object. The sacred objects in the ancient continent, whether they are gods and demons or ordinary people, have legends about the fountain of youth.

The most widely circulated rumor about the Fountain of Youth in Fansu is the "Legend of Youth".

Rumor has it that a mortal entered a deep mountain and saw a clear spring, so he took a bath in that spring. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, it was already late, so he hurried down the mountain to go home, only to find that his hometown had already changed. It turned out that he had been soaked in the spring water for hundreds of years.

And he drank the Fountain of Youth, immortalized forever, and even led a mortal country to glory.

Of course, this is a joke.

If you really drank the fountain of youth, you would never grow old and die, how could you just let it stay in the mortal world forever? I am afraid that some gods and demons have already accepted him as a disciple and made him embark on the road of cultivation.

In addition, among the gods and demons, there are also legends of the fountain of youth.

The Fountain of Youth also has a great effect on gods and demons.

That is vitality!

The fountain of youth contains rich vitality.

There are rumors that once a god who sealed the king was wounded by his opponent and his body collapsed. The primordial spirit could only flee in a hurry, but failed to find a suitable host in a short time.

By accident, I discovered the Fountain of Youth, so my soul was immersed in the Fountain of Youth, and used the Fountain of Youth to reshape a perfect body, and finally became a top emperor with a great reputation!

Of course, this is also a legend.

However, the Fountain of Youth contained a terrifying life force. It was easy for the flesh and bones of the living dead to reshape a body with the Fountain of Youth.

Therefore, there are many rumors about the Fountain of Youth. Many kings, gods and demons, even the Great Emperor, tried their best to obtain the Fountain of Youth, but in the end it fell into the hands of the Red Eyebrow Master. Now it is cheaper for Lei Dao.

"One drop of the Fountain of Youth can make ordinary people live forever. There is a bucket here, how much life can be added to me?"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and the next moment, he didn't hesitate anymore, he picked up the vat directly, opened his mouth, and began to drink the Fountain of Youth frantically.

According to legend, the Fountain of Youth can only be taken drop by drop. When Lei Dao came here, he simply drank it in big gulps.


A large amount of the Fountain of Youth poured into Lei Dao's mouth, and one could even hear "squeaking" in Lei Dao's body. A large amount of the fountain of youth entered the body of the god, and there was an immediate reaction.


The endless vitality began to erupt in Lei Dao's body, even though Lei Dao's Kunpeng body had reached its limit, it was difficult to improve.

But now, with a large amount of Fountain of Youth entering the divine body, Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body has actually "loosened", as if it was about to break through.

"Kunpeng divine body is about to break through?"

Lei Dao felt that this was a surprise.

The Fountain of Youth is worthy of being one of the top treasures in the ancient continent. It is a treasure that countless gods and demons, even kings, gods and demons, and emperors dream of. It really has an extraordinary effect.

Lei Dao could clearly feel that his Kunpeng divine body had indeed loosened, and it was improving little by little. Although the ascension is very slow, for example, it has reached ninety-nine meters, and it is almost one hundred meters.

But it is this last meter, which is as insurmountable as a natural moat.

But now, the moat has loosened.

From ninety-nine meters, I slowly increased by one centimeter, even if it was only one centimeter, but that was an improvement that broke the limit. After all, the distance from one hundred meters was getting closer and closer.

This is also very rare.

However, after feeling it for a while, Lei Dao can roughly feel that it is still somewhat difficult to completely break through the shackles with the Fountain of Youth and completely transform Kunpeng's divine body.

However, it is possible to make the Kunpeng Saint Body go a step further on the limit.

Although the Fountain of Youth has a little effect on Kunpeng's divine body, it is still difficult to complete the transformation and be promoted to the master. Fortunately, Lei Dao doesn't care about the breakthrough of Kunpeng's divine body. For Lei Dao, as long as the world in his body can reach hundreds of seats, and then resonate, connect into one piece, and become the master, the divine body can be reorganized, and at that time it will be natural. Metamorphosis into a master, therefore, is not in a hurry.

How much life span can be increased by this bucket of fountain of youth is the most important thing!

As Lei Dao drank a large amount of the Fountain of Youth, Lei Dao's lifespan also began to increase rapidly.

Ten million, thirty million, fifty million, eighty million, one hundred million years...

In a blink of an eye, Lei Dao's life span has increased by another 100 million years, and this is just the beginning.

200 million years, 300 million years, 500 million years, 800 million years, 1 billion years...

Lei Dao finally felt the magic of the Fountain of Youth, and the speed at which his lifespan increased was unimaginable, even called "violent".

Lei Dao finally understands why the Fountain of Youth is a real sacred object, even in the ancient continent, it is a well-deserved sacred object. It is incredible to increase the lifespan by so much.

Even if you don't practice forever, there is nothing wrong with saying that you are immortal.

A billion years, 1.5 billion years, 2 billion years, 2.8 billion years...

Finally, Raidou's lifespan increased to 2.8 billion years and stopped. This is an extremely terrifying number. If the previous 800 million-year lifespan is added, Lei Dao's lifespan now exceeds 3.6 billion years!

"Thirty-six billion years, enough to open up thirty-six inner worlds..."

Lei Dao's heart was surging.

It seems that you still have to take risks!

Only by taking risks can there be big gains.

Otherwise, how long would it take Lei Dao to harvest life-extending treasures that can increase lifespan by more than three billion years? I am afraid that even if it takes ten or a hundred years, it may not be able to collect it.

Only by taking risks can Lei Dao gain a lot.

And, it's not over yet.

In addition to the Fountain of Youth, there are also one hundred and eight Longevity Pearls!

These one hundred and eight longevity beads are not inferior to the fountain of youth.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he had to calm down.

"Longevity Pearl..."

Lei Dao picked up a longevity pearl.

This is a very round longevity bead with a faint sense of warmth. There seems to be a faint heat in the longevity bead, which slowly flows into Lei Dao's divine body, making Lei Dao feel very comfortable.

This is the breath of longevity!

In the Longevity Pearl, there is a mysterious power called the Qi of Longevity.

What Lei Dao is absorbing now is this longevity energy.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to actively absorb the longevity energy in the longevity pearl, and immediately, a large amount of longevity energy began to enter Lei Dao's body.

One, two, three, four, five...

With the passage of time, Lei Dao has absorbed one longevity pearl after another.

The energy of longevity in each longevity bead is not too much, and it can be absorbed quickly, but the effect is quite good, not inferior to the fountain of youth at all.

100 million years, 300 million years, 500 million years, 800 million years, 1 billion years...

In a blink of an eye, one hundred and eight longevity beads were absorbed by Lei Dao, and his life span was increased by 2.4 billion years.

It seems that it is 400 million years less than the Fountain of Youth, but these 108 Longevity Pearls can be used repeatedly. As long as they are placed in one place, the Longevity Pearls will slowly accumulate the energy of longevity.

About thousands of years later, there will be a lot of longevity energy in the Longevity Pearl.

Calculated in this way, the one hundred and eight Longevity Pearls are indeed more precious than the Fountain of Youth. After all, the Fountain of Youth is useless once used, but the Longevity Pearl can be used repeatedly.

Of course, Lei Dao can't wait for thousands of years, he just fights for the day and night!

Lei Dao simply calculated, 800 million years plus 2.8 billion years, plus 2.4 billion years, this time, Lei Dao Weeping Blood Fruit plus all the harvest of Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, added a full Six billion years of lifespan.

This is an extremely terrifying number.

"Six billion years of lifespan, have gods and demons existed in the ancient continent for six billion years?"

Raidou murmured softly.

He has some doubts.

Although the ancient continent is said to be very ancient, some of the oldest gods and demons appeared as soon as the ancient continent was born, and there is even a distinction between innate gods and demons and acquired gods and demons.

But six billion years is really too long.

The vast majority of gods and demons can't live for such a long time. It's not that they can't live, but they can't live. The reason is very simple, by accident, there is a high-ranking, immortal saint, and any gods and demons are not safe in the ancient continent.

Even, there were saints in the ancient continent who took the initiative to set off a war. The so-called "big catastrophe" led to the death of a large number of gods and demons.

If anyone really wants to live for more than six billion years, he must be a saint!

The sages of the ancient continent are immortal, high above the sky, and it is not surprising how long they live.

"Six billion years is too long. If you just live in such a quiet retreat or live in peace, no one will be able to bear it. Practice can actually resist the passing of time..."

Lei Dao suddenly had some understanding.

His lifespan is very long, but Lei Dao's real "living" years are actually only twenty-nine years, less than thirty years.

Due to Lei Dao's continuous use of life to improve his strength, harvesting a lot of life, and consuming a lot of life, in fact, it does not mean that he has no experience.

Lei Dao also realized something.

For lifespan and years, Lei Dao has his own understanding,

In Lei Dao's view, no matter whether it is a god or demon, a true god or a master, in fact, the real living time is not too long.

The endless years can wear down the will, the emotions, and even everything.

Even gods and demons go crazy sometimes, even rulers go crazy sometimes.

For example, those top masters, one by one, came to the ancient continent to fight desperately. Is it really for the sake of becoming the first ancestor? Not quite.

What are the benefits of becoming an ancestor?

It is nothing more than a higher status and stronger strength, but the top master, the lifespan is almost infinite, and he does not need to be the first ancestor to live well.

But with so many top masters, almost all of them will come to the ancient continent one after another.

What is the reason?

In fact, it is because it is difficult to resist the wear and tear of the years!

Time is invisible, but it is real, and it is always by your side. It seems that there is no harm at all, but time is one of the most terrifying forces.

No matter what power, what treasure, even human heart, will, etc., time can wear away.

This is an irresistible force!

It doesn't matter if it is a master or anything. Whether it is becoming an ancestor or a saint, the fundamental reason is to hope to be able to resist the wear and tear of the years, and to pursue the root and true meaning of life.

"Actually, why am I not like this?"

Lei Dao let out a long sigh.

He can safely be the number one grand lord in the Ming world, a hero of mankind, aloof, equal to the dominator status, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

Why did he still come to the ancient continent?

It is also difficult for Lei Dao to resist the passing of time, and he is also pursuing the true meaning of practice in order to resist the passing of time and erosion.

Therefore, Lei Dao's lifespan of six billion years is useless.

"Come on, since it has a lifespan of six billion years, let the storm come more violently!"

The next moment, Lei Dao's body roared violently.

Big worlds began to be born!

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