Longevity Species

Chapter 822 If it doesn't work, I can only reluctantly become the master first! (third change)

It is very difficult for other human beings to open up the inner world. Especially when opening up more than ten large worlds, it is even more difficult, and it is even more difficult to open up one.

But Lei Dao is not an example.

At this moment, Lei Dao was constantly roaring in his body, one big world after another was opened up, and exploded, and each world was not only as simple as opening up, but even directly expanded to the limit after opening up.

As soon as it was developed, it became a success!

As a result, the power in Lei Dao's body has skyrocketed again and again. This is no longer a double or double skyrocketing increase, but a ten-fold or a hundred-fold skyrocketing increase, which makes Lei Dao feel as if he can't control the power in his body.

It's as if the power is about to go berserk!

This is extraordinary, even if it is a top Dazun, there will be no power runaway. Only when too much power is increased at once, will the power go berserk.

Obviously, this is the case with Raidou.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty...

One world after another was opened up in Lei Dao's body. Although Lei Dao relied on supernatural powers to consume a lot of life span improvement, it would take a little time.

I don't know if it's been a month or two.

In short, it took the longest time to open up the inner world this time.

Finally, when Lei Dao opened up the sixtieth world, he stopped.

At this moment, Lei Dao has lost much life span, and he can no longer open up the inner world.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his physical condition.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Life Form: Dazun

Lifespan: 18,236,2079 years

Inner world: eighty big worlds (can be upgraded)

Undead Kun Kung Fu: Consummation (cannot be improved)

Lei Dao's 6 billion lifespan has been exhausted, and it has been transformed into 80 big worlds, a total of 60 big worlds have been added. However, the current situation of Lei Dao is not good, he is suppressing the world in his body.


Resonance, the resonance of the world in the body, almost resonates all the time.

"No, the world inside the body has been resonating all the time. If you don't suppress it, it may become one at any time, transform into a territory, and be promoted to the master. But there are only eighty big worlds, and there is still a distance from hundreds of big worlds. I You must suppress the resonance of the inner world, and you must not transform right now."

"However, no matter how much I can suppress it, it could be as short as a year, or as fast as half a year. I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress it anymore. At that time, I can only helplessly become the master. If I can't meet the standards of hundreds of worlds, wouldn't it be a disappointment? Meet the expectations of the masters? No, in the last few months, we must do our best to search for enough life-extending treasures at all costs, at least life-extending treasures that can increase lifespan by two billion years."

Lei Dao's situation is becoming more and more urgent now, and he is already doing his best to suppress the inner world.

This reminded Lei Dao of the rumors he heard when he was in the human territory.

Is it hard to be the master?

Is it difficult?

Now Lei Daode is doing his best to suppress the world in his body, prevent the world in his body from resonating, and then connect them together and transform them into a territory, thus becoming the master.

Lei Dao didn't want to become the master now.

But it was almost unbearable.

If he really couldn't suppress it, Lei Dao could only helplessly become the master.

But this is not the result that Lei Dao wants. Lei Dao doesn't want to become the master now. He wants to open up hundreds of worlds and then become the master. Only then can it be called perfect.

However, this situation also disrupted Lei Dao's plan.

Lei Dao didn't know, it turns out that the world inside the body has been opened up a lot, it will resonate, and it is still irreversible, it needs hard work to suppress it.

"Hey, it's really too difficult to open up a hundred worlds. If it really doesn't work, I can only become the master first! But I won't give up until the last moment!"

Lei Dao's will became firmer.

Afterwards, Lei Dao opened the secret room, and now he has to find life-extending treasures as soon as possible to increase his life span, without any delay.

Otherwise, Lei Dao could only helplessly become the master.

"Lei Dao?"

"Senior sister, have you found my cave?"

Master Qinglian felt very strange when he saw Lei Dao. The aura on Lei Dao was very strange, a little unstable, but faintly scary, like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

Of course, it must not be easy to make Master Qinglian feel that something is wrong.

Even Lord Qinglian felt that once the unstable power in Lei Dao's body erupted, he would even surpass many masters, but Lei Dao did not have the aura of being promoted to master.

Obviously, the current Lei Dao has still not been able to become a master.

"Your cave has been found, but Junior Brother Lei, are you sure you are in a good condition?"

Master Qinglian also asked worriedly.

"Senior sister, I did have a problem with my cultivation, but it's okay, I can handle it."

Lei Dao didn't want to trouble Master Qinglian too much, besides, even if Master Qinglian knew about this practice, it would be useless.

"Junior Brother Lei, matters of practice should not be underestimated at all, and must be treated with caution. Tell me, what trouble did you encounter?"

Master Qinglian wants to get to the bottom of it.

There is nothing sloppy about the matter of practice.

Lei Dao hesitated for a moment, but still looked dignified, and said seriously: "Senior sister, there is indeed a problem with my practice. I am struggling to suppress the power in my body. If I can't suppress it, I'm afraid I will transform into a successful Master, it's really hard..."


Master Qinglian didn't know what to say anymore.

Suppress the internal strength?

If you can't suppress it, you will transform into a master, and it's hard to suppress it?

The corner of Master Qinglian's mouth twitched slightly. If she hadn't known Lei Dao's "virtue" for a long time, she couldn't help but make a move on Lei Dao, and would beat him up.

How many great masters have dreamed of this?

How come Lei Dao is so reluctant? Is it really that difficult to become a master?

Lei Dao is "enduring" very hard now, Master Qinglian shook his head, and he didn't bother to ask about Lei Dao's practice anymore, but said calmly: "Let's go, I will take you to see your cave."

Seeing Master Qinglian's "mutant painting style", she became so calm all of a sudden, Lei Dao was a little stunned.

"What's the matter? It seems that the senior sister is a little unhappy..."

Lei Dao was also a little baffled, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, it is very hard for him to suppress the world in his body now, so how could he speculate on the mood of Master Qinglian.

So Lei Dao followed Master Qinglian and left the cave.


"Finally no more worries..."

The bull demon master looked at the weeping blood tree in front of him, and murmured in a low voice, as if he had made up his mind.

Next to the Bull Demon Lord is the co-owner of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, the Red Eyebrow Lord!

The red-browed ruler frowned, looked at the Bull Demon Lord and said, "Bull Demon Lord, have you really made up your mind?"

"Yes, it's decided! In fact, I have had such an idea for a long time. It's just because of my bull demon clan. If something happens to me, the bull demon clan will be very difficult. But now that we have the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, it won't be too late. It's the same, even without me, my bull demon clan can still prosper forever, this is what makes me have no worries about the future, if I don't give it a try, I will not be reconciled after all!"

The Overlord Bull Demon seems to have decided to do something.

"Master the Bull Demon, you have to think clearly, the Tianlong tribe is not a weak one, it is one of the strongest tribes under the command of the sage Yuan, it can be regarded as one of the top tribes in the entire barren ancient continent. There are more than ten strong people at the level, and it will not be easy to snatch Longchi from the Tianlong tribe."

"Hey, it's not easy, so I want to give it a try. The Dragon Pond of the Tianlong Tribe can reorganize the body once. How powerful is that? Those Tianlongs have all been reorganized once, but we top masters, but I haven't used Longchi yet. If I can reorganize it once, maybe I can really break the shackles, understand the true meaning of life, and become the ancestor!"

"Even if you can't enter the Dragon Pool, it's nothing. We, the top masters, seek the sublimation of life, and seek breakthroughs in the battle. Didn't the ancestor Shang break through the shackles and become the ancestor in desperation? ? If the first ancestor Shang can do it, it means that this road is feasible! No matter what, I will give it a try."

The target of the bull demon master is Longchi of the Tianlong tribe, and he wants to reorganize his body.

In the entire barren ancient continent, there are only a few kinds of treasures that can reorganize the physical body of the top master level, and the Longchi of the Tianlong tribe is one of them.

Even if it doesn't work, the bull demon master wants to sublimate in the battle, between life and death.

This is also the common practice of many top master level powerhouses who really don't want to wait any longer.

That is to work hard!

Looking for an evenly matched or even stronger opponent, specifically hovering between life and death, hoping to achieve the ancestor with the stimulation of life and death.

Moreover, this is not useless work, it has been done successfully.

This is how the first ancestor Shang broke out in a desperate situation, and then became the first ancestor!

Of course, among the many rulers of the Ming Realm who entered the barren ancient continent, there was only one ancestor, Shang, who could use this method to break through and become the ancestor.

The Bull Demon Ruler has been in the ancient continent for too long, he can't wait anymore, and he doesn't want to wait any longer.

He has to fight for it!

"Has the ancestor pan agreed?"

"The great ancestor Pan has already agreed. What's more, the Tianlong tribe is opposite to Pancheng. In fact, the sage Yuan used it to guard Pancheng. If the Tianlong tribe can be eradicated this time, it will be a big deal for the entire Pancheng. It has great benefits. Therefore, this is a war, a life-and-death war! Pancheng, this kind of war has not been fought for a long, long time, it is time to mobilize..."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the bull demon master.

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