Longevity Species

Chapter 823 Here Comes Your Opportunity! (first update)

"How about this cave? Is Junior Brother Lei still satisfied?"

Lord Qinglian brought Lei Dao to a cave to examine it carefully.

"Satisfied, quite satisfied."

Lei Dao smiled, really satisfied.

Can you be dissatisfied?

This cave is exactly five times larger than the cave dominated by Qinglian, which is very in line with Lei Dao's requirements.

"As long as you are satisfied, but the price is also very expensive."

"Price is not an issue."

Lei Dao waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

This time Lei Dao has gained quite a lot. Even if the Fountain of Youth and 108 Longevity Pearls are replaced, the two Weeping Blood Fruits will yield a lot of resources. Even if they are consumed, there are still many resources left. Buy them A cave is more than enough.

Therefore, Lei Dao decisively bought this cave.

"Senior Sister Lao is here."

Lei Dao is still very grateful to Master Qinglian.


Suddenly, the communication stone dominated by Qinglian vibrated violently.

Not only Qinglian was the ruler, Lei Dao's communication stone also vibrated.

"This is……"

Lei Dao picked up the message stone, and it turned out that Great Master Yunhai and Great Master Yuhua were both sending messages to Lei Dao, and there was only one content.

Something big happened!

"What's the big deal?"

Lei Dao was a little puzzled.

Master Qinglian also looked serious, she looked at Lei Dao, and said in a deep voice: "If I guessed correctly, it should be Master Bull Demon who is about to attack the Tianlong Tribe."

"Master the Bull Demon, do something to the Tianlong Tribe?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

He also stayed in Pancheng for such a long time, so he naturally knew about the Tianlong tribe.

The Tianlong tribe can be called a large tribe, and it is one of the top large tribes. It is almost the force used by the sage Yuan to "monitor" Pancheng.

Once there is any large-scale action in Pancheng, the Tianlong Tribe will know immediately.

In recent years, many top masters have fallen in the battle with the emperor of the Tianlong tribe, and the two sides can be described as "the hatred is as deep as the sea". But the strength of the Tianlong tribe also made many masters helpless.

But now, the bull demon master is going to attack the Tianlong tribe.

"Senior sister, what are you going to do?"

Raido asked.

This time it was dominated by the Bull Demon Lord, not in the name of Pancheng. What's more, there was no mobilization on the Ancestral Disk, obviously, this time it could only be done in a "private" way.

Otherwise, there may be a great battle between the ancestor plate and the sage yuan, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Practitioners in the Ming Realm just want to occupy some territory and then practice in the ancient continent, they don't really want to occupy the ancient continent completely.

Just look at several strongholds of the Ming Realm in the ancient continent.

There are only strongholds, and no expansion sites.

"Of course it is to participate in the war! One of the goals of the bull demon master to attack the Tianlong tribe this time is the dragon pond of the Tianlong tribe. This dragon pond can allow our top masters to reorganize their bodies, which shows how precious it is. Missed this time Opportunity, even if we wait thousands of years, we probably won’t have such an opportunity. When I came to the ancient continent, I was looking for an opportunity, and this time it is obviously an opportunity!”

After all, Master Qinglian turned around and left. She had to respond to Master Bull Demon as soon as possible.

Seeing Lord Qinglian leave, Lei Dao's expression became more dignified.

"Longchi? Reorganize the physical body? If I can enter the Longchi and reorganize my divine body once, wouldn't the Kunpeng divine body be able to break through and become a master?"

Lei Dao's heart was also extremely hot.

Moreover, the most important thing is that a tribe as big as the Tianlong tribe is one of the top tribes, so how could it not have life-extending treasures? In such a chaotic situation, isn't it Lei Dao's opportunity?

Lei Dao is now at a critical moment.

He needs a lot of life-extending treasures, preferably life-extending treasures that can increase lifespan by two billion, so that Lei Dao can open up a hundred worlds in one fell swoop and break through to the master.

"Zhengchou didn't have a chance, now I have a chance, let's go!"

Lei Dao also left quickly and came to the cave of Great Master Yunhai.

At this moment, in the cave of Great Master Yunhai, there is another familiar figure, it is Great Master Yuhua.

"Huh? The breath of the two of you..."

Lei Dao's heart moved, he felt the auras of Yunhai Great Master and Yu Hua Great Master, they seemed to be extremely unstable, a little strange. It's like a volcano that could erupt at any moment.

"Yes, we took the weeping blood fruit, which caused us to break the limit, and now we are only a little bit close to being promoted to master. Originally, we also wanted to meditate, but if we do meditate, we don't know that we will be promoted until the year of the monkey. Master. However, this time the bull demon master will deal with the Tianlong tribe, maybe we have a chance too. I wonder if Lei Dazun would like to go on an adventure with us again?"

Great Master Yunhai said directly.

"Are you going to the Tianlong tribe too?"


Lei Dao frowned and said: "This battle between the Tianlong Tribe and the Bull Demon Master is probably unusual. The master doesn't know how many there are. If you go to the Tianlong Tribe with your strength, it will be very dangerous."

"Haha, isn't there Master Lei? What's more, we are only on the periphery. If Master Lei is willing to go to the Tianlong Tribe, he only needs to bring us to the periphery. We will not drag Master Lei."

In fact, this time it was the Great Master Yunhai and the Great Master Yuhua who asked Lei Dao for help.

After all, even if they are about to break through, it is only the Great Senior.

If you really want to go to the Tianlong Tribe alone, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. But Lei Dao is different. Although Lei Dao is also a Great Senior, he can fight against the dominant Great Senior.

With Lei Dao, their safety will undoubtedly be guaranteed.

Lei Dao hesitated for a while and said: "Last time, thanks to Master Yunhai, Lei got a big harvest. Anyway, Lei Dao will escort you two to the outskirts of the Tianlong Tribe this time. However, after arriving at the outskirts, Lei Maybe they will leave and go to the depths of the Tianlong Tribe, but you two have to be more careful around the periphery."

"Haha, we naturally know, Xie Lei the Great!"

A gleam of joy appeared on the faces of Great Master Yunhai and Great Master Yuhua.

Being able to go to the outskirts of the Tianlong tribe is already very good for them. As long as they can gain a little bit, it may be enough for them to break through to the master.

As for not taking risks and staying in Pancheng with peace of mind?

They might not be able to break through and become masters for the rest of their lives. They came to the ancient continent not because of safety, but because of their desperation. If they were not masters, they would never give up.

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

Lei Dao didn't hesitate anymore, so he immediately left Pancheng with Master Yu Hua and Master Yun Hai.

At this moment, most of Pancheng's masters have started to act.

Apparently, the bull demon master wanted to attack the Tianlong tribe, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Only the most top-notch masters, such as the Bull Demon Lord, would dare to attack the Heavenly Dragon Lord.

A large tribe, how many good things are there?

Leaving other things aside, Longchi alone has made countless masters and great masters envious. Therefore, most masters will not miss this opportunity.

As a result, the entire Pancheng was almost empty, and they all flew towards the Tianlong tribe.

Raidou was among them.

However, their lineup is really not worth mentioning.

Three great lords?

I am afraid that none of them will be noticed by the gods and demons of the Tianlong tribe. However, because of this, although the three of them are already very close to the Tianlong tribe, they have not encountered any danger.


Finally, Lei Dao and others have come to the outskirts of the Tianlong tribe.

This fight was too brutal.


In the void, it seemed to be torn apart.

Lei Dao clearly heard bursts of hearty laughter, and a terrifying bull-headed giant standing upright, roaring in the void, and the bursts of sound can make people feel palpitations.

That is the master of the bull demon!

There is also a dragon roar, as if roaring.

Apparently, the top emperor of the Tianlong tribe had already fought with the Bull Demon Master.

Lei Dao swept his gaze, and the surrounding areas of the Tianlong Tribe had basically been wiped out by the masters. After all, there were a large number of masters in Pancheng, and now they attacked suddenly again, temporarily gaining the upper hand.

However, as time goes by, the Tianlong tribe will also have reinforcements, and a large number of tribes will come to support the Tianlong tribe, so it is really hard to say who will win.

Moreover, the many masters didn't have to fight for the victory, they just wanted to take advantage of the chaos to search for the treasures of the Tianlong tribe first. As for the outcome, the only thing that matters is the outcome between the bull demon master and the top emperor of the Tianlong tribe.

"Great Master Yunhai, Great Master Yuhua, Lei can only send the two of you here. From now on, you have to act on your own."

"We have Lord Laurel, and we are already very satisfied that we can safely reach the outskirts of the Tianlong Tribe. Lord Lei, you should also take care of yourself. Remember, saving your life is the most important thing."


It is naturally impossible for Lei Dao to stay on the periphery. His goal is the Longchi and a large number of precious life-extending treasures. There must be no such treasures in the periphery of the Tianlong tribe.


The next moment, Lei Dao had cast his divine body and flew towards the depths of the Tianlong tribe.

As soon as Lei Dao left the outskirts of the Tianlong Tribe, he encountered the King Feng Shenmo.

The more inside, the more it is the core area of ​​​​the Tianlong tribe, and the defense of the Tianlong tribe is tighter.

"King Conferring God and Demon..."

Lei Dao's eyes flickered.

Feng Wang Shenmo is comparable to the master, Lei Dao is naturally not afraid, but now there is no point in fighting Feng Wang Shenmo, Lei Dao's purpose is to rush to the edge of Longchi as soon as possible.

Therefore, at the next moment, Lei Dao did not hesitate at all, and pushed Kunpeng's divine body to the extreme.


The majestic aura of Kunpeng's divine body spread in all directions, and at the same time, Lei Dao turned into a stream of light, passing through several king-sealing gods and demons in the blink of an eye.

"Damn extraterrestrial demon, chase after him, we must not let him break into Longchi."

"Kill, this extraterritorial celestial demon doesn't seem very strong, kill him!"

The king gods and demons of the Tianlong tribe were all shocked.

Such a fast speed is simply unheard of. Even the speed of the Great Emperor may not be as fast as that of Lei Dao.

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