Longevity Species

Chapter 829 Thunder dominates dragon slaying! (first update)


How terrifying is the power of a territory formed by connecting one hundred great worlds?

When Lei Dao exploded the power of the territory, a vast territory appeared above his head, one world after another, magnificent and full of oppression.

Even the top-ranking gods and demons, at this time, are actually hard to contend with, as if they are about to suffocate.

The world practice system, the general human ruler, is actually just a dozen big worlds, which then resonate and connect together, transforming into a territory and becoming a master.

The ones that are a little bit stronger are at most a dozen or so.

As for the twenty great worlds?

Not at all, not a single one.

And what about Raidou?

Not a dozen or twenty, not even dozens, but a whole hundred big worlds connected together and transformed into a territory, how many times stronger than ordinary rulers?

I'm afraid it's not as simple as several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

Moreover, the human ruler itself is a terrifying burst of power, far surpassing the general master of the bright world.

Therefore, as Lei Dao exerted the power of the territory, it swept towards those heavenly dragons like a storm. Immediately, as soon as those heavenly dragons and gods and demons came into contact with each other, even if there was a formation to resist them, they were shocked all over.


Many Heavenly Dragons who conferred kings, gods and demons felt as if they were about to be torn apart, but the formation helped them resist for a while, and then they couldn't hold it anymore.

"Bang bang bang".

A heavenly dragon that sealed the king, god and demon was directly crushed to powder by the power of Lei Dao's territory.


It's completely crushing!

When Lei Dao dealt with these gods and demons who sealed the king, they were completely crushed. Those gods and dragons who sealed the king had no resistance at all, and this was still in the case of formations.

If there is no formation, I am afraid it will be even more irresistible.

"how so?"

In the formation, the nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors all turned pale with fright and were extremely shocked. Dozens of heavenly dragons who enshrined kings, gods and demons even formed a large formation. How could they be so vulnerable?

Moreover, facing Lei Dao, who had just achieved mastery and was equivalent to a god and demon, he collapsed at the touch of a touch, causing heavy casualties.


The next moment, the Nine Emperors immediately mobilized the formation, no longer mobilized one ten thousandth of the formation power, but instantly mobilized one tenth of the formation power, and moved towards Lei Dao to suppress it.

With such a terrifying power, even the top emperor will be suppressed!

Although, in this way, the pressure on the ruler of the Bull Demon would drop sharply, but they had to kill Lei Dao first, otherwise, the formation would be broken by Lei Dao.


The next moment, Lei Dao flew directly into the black coffin, and the black coffin swelled rapidly. Even with the power of the formation, it fell on the black coffin without even leaving a mark.

"Hahaha, three old loaches, die!"

At this time, the bull demon master also looked up to the sky and laughed, how could he fail to see that Lei Dao was helping him, and the key point was that Lei Dao's strength was beyond the imagination of the bull demon master.

Even, there is that black coffin, which is so terrifying that even the formation of the Tianlong tribe can't do anything to the black coffin.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, the bull demon master broke out with all his strength and suppressed the three top emperor Tianlong in one fell swoop. In desperation, the formation of the Tianlong tribe could only gather all the power again to deal with the bull demon master.


At this time, Lei Dao rushed out of the black coffin again, and with a flash of golden light on his body, he flew into the group of heavenly dragons who sealed the king, god and demon in the blink of an eye.


The power of the territory exploded again.

This time, Lei Dao didn't even need to punch directly, he just stood quietly among the many heavenly dragons who sealed the king, gods and demons, and then unscrupulously released the power of the territory in his body.

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, and the power of the territory was mighty, just like a volcanic eruption, erupting wildly, moving towards bacteria in all directions. All the heavenly dragons covered by the power of Lei Dao's territory, as long as they are kings, gods and demons, and have not become emperors, then they have almost no power to resist and are directly crushed.


Completely crushed!

Lei Dao stood in the void, motionless, but surrounded by countless gods, gods, demons, and dragons who were all crushed to powder by the power of the territory. This scene formed a great contrast.

For a moment, even the Nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors were stunned.


However, the Nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors also reacted immediately. They wanted to make a move, but it was too late.


As a large number of kings, gods, demons, and dragons were directly crushed into powder by Lei Dao, the original perfect and powerful formation was shattered, and the formation could no longer be maintained, and it collapsed.

The moment the formation collapsed, the nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors all suffered a bit of backlash.

Of course, this bit of backlash is actually nothing, but the key is that without the formation, what would they use to kill the bull demon master?

"Hahaha, three old loaches, the formation has been broken, you are doomed today, and the entire Tianlong tribe will be destroyed!"

The bull demon master naturally also sensed the following situation, and he was so excited that he didn't even expect that Lei Dao could break the Tianlong formation.

Without the Great Array of Heavenly Dragons, what are the Heavenly Dragons of these three top emperors?

The Bull Demon Lord, who was already sluggish, seemed to be stimulated at this moment, his aura rose again, and there was a faint tendency to break through the shackles.

The terrifying momentum directly surpassed the Tianlong of the three top emperors, and even faced the bull demon master directly. Without the big formation, the three Tianlongs of the top emperors also lost their chances, and even their own safety became a problem.


Extremely resentful!

All the dragons stared at Lei Dao, wishing they could cut Lei Dao into pieces.

Especially the Nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors, at this time, they locked on Lei Dao with Qi, and they wanted to kill Lei Dao to vent their hatred.


However, as soon as the nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors took action, Lei Dao's figure flew out in a flash. Without the big formation, these Tianlong emperors couldn't lock Lei Dao at all.

As for catching up with Lei Dao?

That's simply not possible.

Lei Dao has cultivated the Undead Kong Ming Gong to the stage of minor completion, and his speed is unparalleled in the world. Even the top masters can't keep up with Lei Dao's speed, let alone these ordinary emperors?

"Slow, too slow."

Lei Dao is like taking a walk in the garden, shuttling among the many dragons.

As long as it is not the great emperor, Lei Dao shuttles past without even using his hands. A slight shock of the power of the territory in the body can easily kill those kings, gods and demons.

Raidou shook his head.

It was so easy.

This is the first time he has been so relaxed since he came to the ancient continent. Whether it is facing the emperor or facing the gods and demons, it couldn't be easier.

Even the top emperors couldn't catch up with Lei Dao's speed, which almost made Lei Dao invincible.

As for the gods and demons who seal the king, they can't stop the power of Lei Dao's territory at all. It only needs to be shaken with the power of the territory lightly, and any gods and demons who seal the king can be shocked to death.

For the first time, Lei Dao felt that the king gods and demons in the ancient continent were really too bad, and their strength was too weak.

If the strength can surpass the gods and demons who seal the king, then it will be too simple to kill these gods and demons who seal the king.

From this point of view, it seems that Fengwang Shenmo is far inferior to the ruler of the Ming Realm, at least in terms of life-saving, it is far inferior to the master of the Ming Realm.

In the Ming Realm, masters can travel through space.

Even if it is much stronger than the Juggernaut, as long as the space cannot be blocked, the Juggernaut can easily escape.

And what about these gods and demons?

In front of Lei Dao, there is no escape at all. This is not even a battle, but a one-sided massacre!

One, five, ten, twenty...

Lei Dao didn't know how many gods and demons he had killed, he even had experience. As long as you get close to Fengwang Shenmo, the power of the territory will shake the body of Fengwang Shenmo to death, and then the power of the territory will spread a net around it. Above the heaven and earth net, Lei Dao directly took him into the inner body world.

Although I don't know what these primordial spirits are useful for, but if we slowly observe and study them in the future, they will definitely be of some use. It is much better to capture the primordial spirit alive than to destroy it.

Therefore, Lei Dao is now shuttling among the many heavenly dragons, killing a few kings at a time, and then harvesting the primordial spirit, it is not too easy.

Lei Dao is not fighting, but slaying dragons!

"Even if these primordial spirits can't be researched after returning home, they can be sold to those masters. Many masters are studying primordial spirits, um, how many life-extending treasures can they be exchanged for?"

Lei Dao even silently calculated in his heart how to maximize the benefits of these primordial spirits.

As for danger?

There is no danger now, and it is the Tianlong tribe that is in danger now.


When Lei Dao flew over the Longchi, he swept around, only to find that there was no one around, no, there was no dragon.

"Huh? Where are those heavenly dragons? Why are they gone?"

Lei Dao was surprised to find that there was no Tianlong anymore.

Even the nine Heavenly Dragon Emperors who had been chasing Lei Dao before disappeared without a trace, and they don't know where they went.


Lei Dao raised his head, just in time to see the Bull Demon Master showing his supernatural power, and punched a Tianlong Emperor, which was the top Tianlong Emperor.

Afterwards, the top Heavenly Dragon Emperor screamed: "The Bull Demon Lord, the saint will not let you go..."

The next moment, the top Heavenly Dragon Emperor was blown away with a punch by the Bull Demon Master.

Lei Dao's heart moved, and his figure flashed immediately, and he had already flown to the side of the bull demon master.


A little golden light flew out in an instant, and Lei Dao's territorial power was immediately arranged around. When this golden light hit the territorial power, he was still a little dazed.


Lei Dao knew that this was the primordial spirit of the top Heavenly Dragon Emperor, and he would not let it go, not to mention, there was a Bull Demon Lord here, so he just followed suit.

"Haha, your saint won't make a move, even if you are dead, the saint will not make a move, die to me!".

The bull demon master was extremely crazy, and he grabbed the remaining two peak Tianlong emperors with both hands, and tore them fiercely. Immediately, the body of Tianlong emperor was torn apart, and the two primordial spirits wanted to escape, but were ambushed by the ambush. Lei Dao rolled directly with the power of the territory, and was immediately involved in the inner world.

The three top emperors of the Tianlong tribe have fallen!


The gaze of the bull demon master was fixed on Lei Dao in an instant, and the fiery gaze even made Lei Dao feel strange.

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