Longevity Species

Chapter 830: The Desolate Ancient Continent Would Not Work Without Lord Thunder! (Second more)

"Master the Bull Demon, you...you don't mean to snatch my Heavenly Dragon Primordial Spirit, do you?"

Lei Dao said cautiously, with a look of vigilance.

These primordial spirits were acquired by Lei Dao with great difficulty.

Even if the three top Heavenly Dragon Emperors were killed by the bull demon master, the three primordial spirits were captured by Lei Dao.

The ruler of the bull devil can't be so stingy, can he?

"Uh...how could I care about those mere three primordial spirits? I just sighed. I didn't expect you to be a mere great master. No, you should be the master now. You have just been promoted to the master, and killing the gods and demons is like killing a chicken." , even the emperor can't do anything to you. Tsk tsk, it's incredible, it's really incredible."

The bull demon master was deeply moved.

Originally, he came to the Tianlong Tribe with a very determined mood, and if he failed, he would become benevolent. Who would have thought that he would become like this? However, if Lei Dao hadn't broken the formation of the Tianlong Tribe just now, then the Bull Demon Lord would probably have to "become benevolent" today, and he would not escape death.

Not everyone can comprehend the mysteries of the ancestors between life and death like the first ancestor Shang, more often they understand the fear of death between life and death, and then they really die.

In fact, the bull demon master was more interested in Lei Dao's "black coffin", but he didn't ask. In the eyes of the bull demon master, the black coffin is really too powerful. Facing the big formation of the Tianlong tribe, he can resist it without even leaving a trace of white marks. How terrifying is that?

You know, even if the top master broke into the Tianlong formation, it would be difficult and even dangerous. After all, even the bull demon master almost fell into the Tianlong formation.

Such a treasure must only be possessed by the first ancestor.

Lei Dao was able to obtain such a treasure, and it could only be given to Lei Dao by the ancestor Kong. Regarding the treasures bestowed by the ancestor, the Bull Demon Master did not dare to inquire.

"The bull demon dominates, so the Tianlong tribe has been breached?"

Raido asked.

"Otherwise? The three top Heavenly Dragon Emperors have been taken away by you, what power can the Tianlong Tribe have to resist? Don't worry, this time the Tianlong Tribe has no other way except to be destroyed. However, if you want to search for Tianlong For the treasures of the tribe, you have to hurry up, otherwise, when the reinforcements under the command of the sage Yuan arrive, there may be a hard fight."

After all, the bull demon master went straight down, and flew into the dragon pond with a "plop". His purpose this time, besides wanting to comprehend the mystery of the ancestor in life and death, is Longchi.

If he didn't comprehend the mystery of the ancestor, then Longchi could also reorganize the body of the Bull Demon Lord. This is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Bull Demon Lord.

Perhaps, after reorganizing the body this time, the Bull Demon Master will be stronger and closer to the ancestor!

The bull demon master has already entered the Longchi, and Lei Dao has already used the Longchi, so Lei Dao can no longer use the Longchi. He has to hurry to search for the treasures of the Tianlong Tribe, especially the life-extending treasures.

Master Niu Mo is right, Saint Yuan will definitely send reinforcements.

Moreover, it is impossible for the masters of Pancheng to occupy the Tianlong tribe for a long time, otherwise, they will fall into a war of attrition with the ancient continent, and will be continuously attacked by the gods and demons of the ancient continent.

That way, the Ming Realm really can't afford to consume it.

Therefore, practitioners in the Ming Realm have always established a stronghold first, and then have the ancestors to sit in it, so that the gods and demons of the ancient continent dare not attack easily.

Then occasionally go out from the stronghold to "search" for treasures, and so on.

Practitioners in the Ming Realm have never thought of occupying the entire barren ancient continent, because it is simply impossible. As for occupying the territory, it also requires a lot of manpower. It is inconvenient to enter the barren ancient continent from the Ming Realm. How can there be so many manpower?

If you really want to do that, the practitioners in the Ming Realm will definitely suffer heavy losses, and the ancient continent can easily consume the practitioners in the Ming Realm by virtue of its local advantages.

Now that the Tianlong tribe has been breached, and many masters are looting treasures, Lei Dao has to hurry up.


The next moment, Lei Dao turned into a stream of light and disappeared over Longchi.

In fact, the vicinity of Longchi is the core area of ​​the Tianlong tribe.

"The medicine garden, the Tianlong tribe must have a medicine garden."

With a movement in Lei Dao's heart, he swept away his divine sense, and immediately found the medicine garden of the Tianlong tribe. As a large tribe, the Tianlong tribe must have a medicine garden.

There are all kinds of precious natural materials and earth treasures in the medicine garden, which are used to refine the unique "elixir" of the ancient continent. Certain "elixirs" work very well.

However, practitioners in the Ming Realm don't need it, they directly refine these natural materials and earthly treasures, and the effect is not bad at all.

"Huh? There is still fighting, and there is a Tianlong guarding the medicine garden?"

Lei Dao felt a little strange.

He looked around just now, and there are Tianlongs running away everywhere. This is the situation. If the Tianlongs of the Tianlong Tribe don't escape, isn't that a dead end?

And in the medicine garden, there was still fighting.

When Lei Dao came to the medicine garden, he discovered that the fierce battles in the medicine garden were all at the master level.

In the medicine garden, there are more than a dozen heavenly dragons at the emperor level, which seem to have formed a large formation, resisting the attacks of the swarming masters outside.

Moreover, among these emperor-level heavenly dragons, there are nine others that Lei Dao is very familiar with, and they are the nine emperor-level heavenly dragons that formed the Tianlong formation before.

It's just that I don't know why, after the nine emperor-level Tianlong escaped from Longchi, they came to the medicine garden again.

"Huh? Sister?"

Suddenly, Lei Dao saw a familiar figure among the many masters, it was the master Qinglian.

However, at this time, Master Qinglian was attacking the formation formed by more than a dozen Heavenly Dragon Emperors together with other Great Masters, and the battle seemed to be very fierce.

"The defeat of the Tianlong tribe is set, what are these Tianlong emperors still insisting on?"

Lei Dao felt a little strange.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Lei Dao felt that this matter must be investigated clearly, and he faintly felt that maybe the opportunity came again.

Soon, Lei Dao found the reason.

Behind the dozen or so emperor-level heavenly dragons, there is a small golden tree.

The key point is that dozens of golden and red fruits have grown on this small golden tree. These fruits make people salivate at a glance, seem to be full of a strange fragrance, and look very precious.

But the point is, Lei Dao doesn't know him!

Lei Dao vaguely felt that this little golden tree was the key, but Lei Dao didn't know it.

"I can only ask my senior sister."

Therefore, Lei Dao directly sent a voice transmission to his senior sister, Master Qinglian: "Senior sister, you have been attacking the formation formed by Emperor Tianlong. What is the purpose? Is it that golden little tree? What kind of treasure is that?"

"Lei Dao?"

Master Qinglian was slightly startled, and her divine sense was swept away, and finally saw Lei Dao under the medicine garden.

Master Qinglian's face darkened and said: "Leidao, why have you come to the medicine garden? This is the core area of ​​the Tianlong tribe, and you can easily meet Tianlong at the level of the master. You are a mere great master, and you dare to come here. Do not die?"

"Hey, Senior Sister, I was promoted to be a ruler in Longchi just now. With the speed of my Kunpeng divine body, even a strong person at the level of a master can't catch up with my speed."

"You still went to Longchi?"

Master Qinglian didn't know what to say anymore.

Longchi, is that a mere Dazun of Lei Dao who can go there? That is the battlefield dominated by bull demons, even top masters like them have to stay far away.

Lei Dao is lucky, dare to go to Longchi?

Moreover, the most important thing is that Lei Dao is still alive?

This is simply a fantasy!

Even, Lei Dao also gained benefits, reorganized his body in Longchi, and was actually promoted to be the master. Master Qinglian felt very speechless, she even wondered if Lei Dao is God's own son, has such good luck?

However, when he thought of Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body, even Master Qinglian was amazed. She knew the strength of Kunpeng's divine body. Once she became a master, at Lei Dao's speed, as long as she didn't encounter a siege, there was really nothing to be afraid of. Even the great master couldn't catch up with Lei Dao's speed.

Even in this chaotic Tianlong tribe, Lei Dao really has the ability to "fish in troubled waters".

Thinking of this, Master Qinglian still opened his mouth and said: "The small golden tree in the distance is called Tianlong tree, and the dozens of fruits on it are called Hualong fruit. It is the foundation of Tianlong tribe. A Hualong fruit can make people In the Tianlong Tribe, there will be a king god and devil, and even, if you are lucky, a Tianlong Emperor will be born!"

"Furthermore, the role of the Dragon Fruit is not only useful to the Heavenly Dragon Clan, it is also very useful to the masters and even the great masters of our spiritual practice in the Ming Realm, second only to the role of Longchi. Longchi, We don't want to think about it, but we can try this Hualong fruit, maybe we can get one or two."

Lei Dao understood.

It turns out that these top masters are all eyeing Hualongguo.

But these Tianlong emperors also want to protect the Hualong fruit, which is the foundation of the Tianlong tribe.

The two most precious treasures of the Tianlong Tribe, Longchi and Hualongguo.

With the combined use of these two treasures, the Tianlong tribe can develop to the point where it is today. Originally, with the size of the Tianlong tribe, plus these two treasures, if it develops normally, then the Tianlong tribe will only become stronger and stronger.

Not to mention the birth of a saint, just the power of the Tianlong tribe will definitely become one of the top tribes in the entire ancient continent, otherwise, the saint Yuan would not have placed high hopes on it and used it to "block the door" in front of Pancheng , to monitor the many masters in Pancheng.

It's a pity that the Hualong Pond is occupied by the bull demon master today. If the Tianlong tree is robbed again and there is no Hualong fruit left, then the entire Tianlong tribe will really be over, and it will be lost forever.

Now the Tianlong tribe must have got the news that a large number of other tribes came to support the Tianlong tribe. As long as they lasted for a while, they would have a chance to protect the Tianlong tree.

"So, the Dragon Fruit is so precious that even the Grand Master covets it?"

"That's right, this is one of the treasures that the master needs most."

Lord Qinglian seemed to have seen the "hotness" in Lei Dao's eyes all of a sudden, did Lei Dao have an idea about Hualongguo? However, Hualongguo was shrouded by the formation of Tianlong Emperor, and even their so many masters couldn't attack, let alone Lei Dao?

"Dragon fruit, what a treasure, as long as I get these dozens of dragon fruits, I don't even need to search for life-extending treasures in person. If I release the news, there will naturally be a large number of masters who will collect life-extending treasures for me. Come in exchange for the Hualong Fruit."

Lei Dao's heart was extremely hot.

Lord Qinglian hastily reminded: "Leidao, don't mess around. That is the formation of Emperor Tianlong. No matter how fast you are, once you break into the formation, your speed will be of no use. You will be given by the formation." Suppression, even I won’t be able to help you then.”

Lei Dao narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the dozen or so Heavenly Dragon Emperors.

"Is it the Heavenly Dragon Formation again? Huh? Why is this scene so familiar?"

Heavenly Dragon Formation, Treasures, Powerful Rulers...

These pictures, this scene, made Lei Dao very familiar. Isn't this similar to the situation in Longchi before?

Back then in Longchi, there were also many powerful heavenly dragon gods and demons forming a large formation, even suppressing the bull demon master, who was almost unable to hold on.

Longchi is also a treasure.

Longchi, Tianlong Formation, Bull Demon Master.

Hualongguo, Tianlong formation, and many masters.

What is the difference between the two?

"It seems that I have to go out again!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath. He always felt that nowhere could be separated from him. In the vast and ancient continent, without him, Lord Lei, it really wouldn't work!

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