Longevity Species

Chapter 833: Two Swords in Pancheng, One Thunder and One Sword! One bull and one knife! (Second more

"It's delicious!"

In the secret room of Leidao's cave, there are dozens of Hualong fruits densely placed, and a strange fragrance emanates from the Hualong fruits, which makes people feel refreshed and happy when they smell it.

Even Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body is about to move.

"I don't know how many of these Hualong Fruits I need to eat, so that my Kunpeng Divine Body can go a step further, and I can practice Immortal Kongming Art to great success?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

He was hesitating whether to swallow all these dragon fruits, and then practice Immortal Kongming Kung Fu, maybe he could reach the point of great success.

However, after thinking about it, Lei Dao did not take action in the end.

It's too unreliable!

Although the effect of Hualong fruit is amazing and can be of great help to physical practitioners, but for Lei Dao, he has never been a person who cultivates by external objects, he relies on himself!

Therefore, compared to cultivating with Hualongguo, Lei Dao still prefers to use supernatural powers to directly improve Immortal Kongming Gong, and there is no possibility of failure that way.

It's just that it may take a little too much lifespan to improve the Undead Kongming Gong from a small to a great achievement.

"Will it consume one billion years of lifespan to improve the Immortal Kongming Art to great success?"

Lei Dao took a look at the Immortal Kong Ming Gong, it would take a full billion years of lifespan to upgrade from a small to a great, which is simply terrifying.

However, Lei Dao didn't care.

One billion years may seem like a lot, but with Lei Dao's current status and status, it is actually not too difficult to obtain a lifespan of one billion years. Moreover, Lei Dao is not in a hurry to improve Kunpeng's divine body, even if he improves his Immortal Kong Ming Gong to a great achievement, it will not be able to qualitatively transform Lei Dao's strength.

At best, it just made Lei Dao's speed faster and more unimaginable. This is just icing on the cake, far from being a timely help. After all, with the current speed of Lei Dao Kunpeng's divine body, it is actually enough in the ancient continent.

Even the top emperors couldn't catch up with Lei Dao's speed, so Lei Dao was not so eager to improve Kunpeng's divine body.

Moreover, if Lei Dao replaces these dozens of Hualong fruits with life-extending treasures, how much life can be increased? At least it should be around hundreds of millions of years.

After thinking about it, Lei Dao finally endured it and did not swallow the Dragon Fruit.

"Dragon fruit, dragon tree..."

Lei Dao counted the harvest of this trip, in fact, there were only Hualong fruit and Tianlong tree.

Originally, Lei Dao still had a chance to go to the Tianlong tribe to search. After all, the Tianlong tribe has been completely defeated and can be searched wantonly. But Lei Dao had obtained Hualong Fruit and Tianlong Tree, so he simply returned to Pancheng first.

One cannot be too greedy.

It is enough to have Tianlong tree and Hualong fruit. These are the two most precious treasures of Tianlong tribe. Lei Dao is very satisfied to get one of them.

"It seems that it still has to be auctioned!"

Lei Dao made up his mind, so he immediately started preparations.

"Old rules, release the news. A month later, in my cave, there will be an auction of Hualong fruit. Well, it will still focus on life-prolonging treasures."

Lei Dao thought for a while, and began to let people spread the news.

Moreover, this time Lei Dao only mentioned the auction of the Hualong Fruit, but did not mention the auction of the Tianlong Tree. In fact, Lei Dao had some "doubts" about the "purchasing power" of the many masters in Pancheng.

After all, the last time Lei Dao obtained 108 Longevity Pearls and a bucket of Fountain of Youth, he had basically "drained" the master of Pancheng.

Now what good things can the ruler in Pancheng come up with?

The Heavenly Dragon Tree is not inferior to the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, and even more precious. Now that it is put up for auction, what good things can be auctioned? Therefore, Lei Dao is not planning to auction the Tianlongshu now, but has to wait for a while.

Auction the dragon fruit first, in order to maximize the benefits.

"Well, it seems that Pancheng is basically like this. These masters, great masters, thousands of masters have stayed in the ancient continent for countless years, and it seems that they haven't gotten too many good things. Don’t you want to visit the City of Death?”

Raidou murmured softly.

Now he already "looks down" on Pancheng's family background.

There are so many masters, great masters, and so few good things have been obtained over the years. Anyway, Lei Dao felt that these masters and great masters were very poor, at least, they should not be able to afford the Tianlong tree in his hands.

If other masters heard Lei Dao's words, they would vomit blood and die.

Maybe Raidou had a point.

But Lei Dao had auctioned the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood last time. How many years has the entire Pancheng been entrenched in the ancient continent? Who can get the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood? No, not a single one, this is one of the top treasures in the entire ancient continent.

Moreover, it is also an inheritance treasure, which can be passed down from generation to generation to ensure the prosperity of a race.

The appearance of a weeping blood treasure tree has already caused a sensation in Pancheng. Even the bull demon master, one of the strongest masters under the ancestor, took out 108 longevity pearls. Others can have more precious ones. treasure?

No more, definitely no more!

How long has it been since?

Lei Dao actually obtained another more precious Tianlong tree, do we still need to live? Taking out top treasures so frequently, even if the Pancheng family has a great career, these masters can't bear it.

Therefore, Lei Dao is still very wise, and has no plans to auction the Tianlongshu in Pancheng.

Even Lei Dao wanted to go to Shang City.

Shang City is the city where the first ancestor Shang sits, and it is also impregnable, but it has not been "searched" by Lei Dao, so it is possible to produce treasures comparable to 108 longevity pearls or even more precious.

At that time, the Tianlongshu auction will not be a problem.

Of course, Lei Dao is not in a hurry, and it is not something that can be decided in a short while to go to Shang City. Besides, Lei Dao has to auction off the Dragon Fruit first.

This time, Lei Dao even spent "one month" on a special trip, in fact, to let the masters in Pancheng prepare life-extending treasures.

After all, dozens of Hualong fruits are also extraordinary.

Relying on dozens of Hualong fruits, Lei Dao was able to "search" Pancheng again.

As time went by, the news gradually began to ferment.

However, the entire Pancheng is now flooded with various news.

The first is about the Tianlong tribe.

The Tianlong Pool and Tianlong Tree of the Tianlong Tribe were brought back to Pancheng by the Bull Demon Lord and Lei Dao, but there must be a lot of good things in such a huge Tianlong Tribe.

It was divided up by the many masters of Pancheng.

Later, many reinforcements sent by the sage Yuan also arrived, and finally took the Tianlong tribe back. However, at that time, the Tianlong tribe had been looted, and all kinds of treasures were gone.

Even the orbs on the pillars were dug away, leaving only a mess.

After this catastrophe, the Tianlong tribe suffered heavy losses. They no longer had the power of the large tribes before, and could no longer even stay outside Pancheng, but could only migrate to other places. It has even declined completely since then, and Pawn Red has disappeared into the long river of history.

And the masters of Pancheng also came back with a full load. They "digged three feet into the ground" and searched out the Tianlong tribe, and they all had a harvest.

However, when they returned to Pancheng, they heard news all over the city.

"Have you heard? One month later, Master Lei, the disciple of the ancestor Kong, will auction off the dragon fruit in the cave again. These dragon fruits have miraculous effects on the master."

"It's Master Lei again. Last time he auctioned the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, he made a fortune. Without those resources, Master Lei might not be able to become a master in such a short period of time, right? Even if he is the first disciple Same."

"Master Lei got the Dragon Fruit and even the Heavenly Dragon Tree this time. This luck... Could it be that he is the so-called son of luck in the rumors in the ancient continent?"

"There are rumors of the sons of luck in the ancient continent. Some legendary sons of luck can obtain huge benefits no matter what setbacks they encounter. For example, when they are chased and killed by their enemies, they can get the inheritance of magic skills by jumping off the cliff. A fruit transforms into gods and demons after sleeping. It’s just that Master Lei is a practitioner of our Ming Realm, and the ancient continent will make Master Lei a child of luck?”

"The son of luck is nonsense. However, Lord Lei's luck is really good. I heard that there are dozens of dragon fruits in this auction. Hehe, maybe after some preparation, you can get one." Hualong fruit is worth it!"

These many masters who returned to Pancheng were originally complacent because of their harvest. But now, when they heard that Lei Dao was going to auction the Hualong Fruit again, the expressions on their faces froze.

Is this the rhythm of stretching out your neck and being "slaughtered" by Lei Dao again?

"Dragon Fruit..."

Many masters let out a long sigh.

No one forced them to be "slaughtered" by Lei Dao, but no master is willing to give up Hualongguo, who doesn't want to get Hualongguo?

After all, that can directly enhance the strength of the masters.

Even, if one is lucky, or if there are enough dragon fruits, a top master can break through and become a great master.

Which master would not be tempted by such a treasure?

Therefore, even though they knew they would be "slaughtered" by Lei Dao, there were still countless masters flocking to him.

However, these masters thought this was over?

No, it's far from over.

In addition to the rumors about Lei Dao, there is also news about the Bull Demon Master, especially Longchi.

"The Bull Demon Master brought Longchi back to Pancheng, and even followed Master Lei's example, and came up with a way to bid for quotas. Every master or great master can use treasures to bid for the quota to enter Longchi .”

"Longchi, once you enter Longchi, you can reorganize your body. This is a better treasure than Hualongguo."

"But... but the Bull Demon Lord, who has always been grand and informal, has become so powerful?"

"People's hearts are not old, and the atmosphere is so bad. Even the Bull Demon Lord has learned it. It was the Thunder Lord who made a bad start..."

"Longchi will be slaughtered once, and dragon fruit will be slaughtered again. Lord Lei and Bull Demon Lord, this is to join forces to 'control' Pancheng, and severely 'slay one knife' to all the masters and top masters in Pancheng rhythm?"

"So, there are some rumors in Pancheng now, calling the Lord Lei and the Bull Demon Lord Lei Yidao and Niu Yidao respectively. The two masters are like 'killing' the entire Pancheng, and no one is spared... ..."

Many masters who had just returned to Pancheng were dumbfounded.

How long have they been away from Pancheng?

Why come back, it seems that "the sky has changed".

In Pancheng, there are "two more knives".

A thunder and a knife.

One bull and one knife.

Slaughtered all over Pancheng, no one was spared!

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