Longevity Species

Chapter 834 The current atmosphere is really exaggerated! (third change)

"Mistake, what a mistake! How could the bull demon master do this?"

Lei Dao frowned.

He felt it was a mistake this time.

What kind of quota bidding method did the bull devil master actually come up with, auction quota?

Now it's in big trouble.

It is this quota auction that makes many masters and great masters give all their wealth and treasures to the bull demon master to bid for the quota. How can anyone care about Hualongguo?

At that time, if Lei Dao auctioned off the dragon fruit, wouldn't he only get a little leftovers from the Lord of the Bull Demon? Is it because the bull demon master doesn't want it, or the master who failed to bid for the quota, came to auction the dragon fruit?

How can that work?

Lei Dao was also very helpless in his heart, the bull demon master was a majestic top master, one of the strongest top masters under the first ancestor.

What about being upright and majestic?

What about being superior?

Why have you become such a philistine now? It was even better than Lei Dao's. The number of auctions was absolutely perfect. Even Lei Dao couldn't think of a better way.

"People's hearts are not old, and the atmosphere is very bad..."

Lei Dao shook his head and sighed.

Think about how simple the atmosphere here was when he first arrived in Pancheng, and how kind every master was.

How come now, the atmosphere has turned bad?

"No, I have to think of a way..."

Lei Dao thought hard.

Compared with Longchi, the Hualong fruit he wants to auction is indeed inferior. The Hualong fruit is only possible to enhance the physical strength of the Juggernaut or the Great Juggernaut.

But Longchi can truly reorganize the physical body of a ruler or great ruler 100%. Once reorganized, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Even if you don't break the shackles, don't break through, your strength can be greatly improved.

Which is better and which is worse, couldn't be more clear.

What is the only advantage of Hualong fruit?

Lei Dao thought about it carefully, maybe his only advantage is that he doesn't need other treasures, only the auction of life-extending treasures is enough. As for the life-prolonging treasures in Pancheng, they are not too seriously injured, so they are not too precious.

In the entire barren ancient continent, life extension treasures are the most, and it is not difficult to collect.

Perhaps, this is Lei Dao's only advantage in this auction of the Dragon Fruit.

"By the way, maybe I have to find some time to visit the Lord of the Bull Demon. He must have won a lot of treasures when he bid for the place in Longchi..."

Raidou murmured softly.

At this moment, the magic circle outside Leidao Cave was touched, which meant that someone came to visit.

So, with a sweep of Lei Dao's divine sense, suddenly, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"Senior Sister?"

Lei Dao was a little strange, what did Master Qinglian do here?

"Could it be..."

There was an ominous premonition in Lei Dao's heart.

However, Lord Qinglian came to visit in person, and Lei Dao could only open the cave to welcome him.

"Senior sister is here, and junior brother is welcome."

Impressively standing outside the cave mansion was Master Qinglian, the senior sister.

Master Qinglian stepped into the cave, and then looked at Lei Dao with a half-smile.

"Junior brother is really a blockbuster this time. Not only did he break through the Heavenly Dragon Formation, but he also obtained the Dragon Fruit and the Heavenly Dragon Tree. Even the Dragon Pond obtained by the Bull Demon Master seems to have something to do with Junior Brother."

Master Qinglian praised him as soon as he came up, which actually made Lei Dao even more uneasy.

Lei Dao hurriedly shook his head and said: "Senior sister is ridiculously praised, it's just luck, luck."

"Luck? Maybe it's really luck, but the junior brother's luck makes the senior sisters very envious. The dragon fruit is really enviable. One dragon fruit can strengthen the body of the ruler or even the great ruler. Ten dragon fruits, I don't know how far it will reach? If there are dozens of dragon fruits, maybe I can break through to the level of the top master, comparable to the bull demon master."

Looking at the "fiery" eyes of the senior sister, Lei Dao's scalp became numb.

He knew that there must be no good for the senior sister to come to him at this time.

It turned out to be eyeing Hualongguo.

It's just that Lei Dao guessed this dragon fruit through untold hardships, dozens of them? That's impossible!

Therefore, Lei Dao could only bite the bullet and said: "Senior sister, the effect of the dragon fruit is not as strong as expected, and it is very expensive..."


Master Qinglian said with a half-smile: "Could it be that the younger brother also wants to kill the older sister? The legendary Lei Yidao, now the whole Pancheng is famous and famous..."

"Uh... Senior Sister was joking, and Lei Yidao joked that it was not worth mentioning. How could I kill Senior Sister? Or, Junior Brother will give Senior Sister a Hualong Fruit?"

Lei Dao's heart was bleeding.

No matter how hard he got this Hualong fruit, it would be a great loss to give Master Qinglian one.

However, when I came to Pancheng at the beginning, I also had senior sisters who sheltered and supported me all the way.

Furthermore, in the Ming Realm, the senior sister also took good care of Lei Dao, and gave the senior sister a dragon fruit, and Lei Dao could accept it.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you anymore. You are famous as Lei Yidao, now who knows who doesn't? It's harder to cut your flesh, but you are very skilled in killing others. I don't want yours. Not even a single dragon fruit."

"Uh... Thank you, Senior Sister, for your understanding."

Raidou breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the senior sister is still "reasonable", and will not ask for Lei Dao's Hualong fruit for no reason. The master Qinglian just now was just joking.

"Don't be too happy, I don't want a dragon fruit, but I want a quota, a quota to enter the dragon pool!"

"The quota for entering Longchi..."

Lei Dao was silent, and the expression on his face was completely frozen.

Now who in Pancheng doesn't know how expensive it is to be a place for the Bull Demon to dominate Longchi? Even many top masters may not be eligible to bid for this spot.

Seeing Lei Dao's expression, Master Qinglian sighed and said, "Junior Brother Lei, you are doing me a favor this time, and I will remember it. Originally, I also went to find Lord Bull Demon, but this time I was in Tianlong The tribe didn't gain much, and they just came to Pancheng not long ago, so they got very few treasures. Even if they took out their previous accumulation, they would still be far from being able to bid for a place to enter Longchi. Junior Brother Lei should not be very clear, like Practitioners like me who have reached the top master, actually have no way ahead."

"If you want to become the ancestor? It's simply impossible. Except for the achievement of the ancestor, it is very difficult to improve a little bit, and Longchi is the only chance. Longchi can reorganize the body, even the top masters are useful, just like cattle The demon master reorganized his physical body once in Longchi, and although he still has not achieved the ancestor, his strength has reached an unfathomable level."

"The reason why Junior Brother Lei was asked to help is because Master Bull Demon accepted Junior Brother Lei's love this time. If Junior Brother Lei hadn't risked himself to help Master Bull Demon break the formation of the Tianlong Tribe, how could Master Bull Demon get the dragon? Chi? I can’t even protect myself. It should be possible for my junior brother to intercede. Moreover, I will hand over all my savings over the years to my junior brother. Pool quota."

Lei Dao looked at his senior sister Qinglian Juju, and "begged" Lei Dao in a very sincere tone.

This is actually asking Lei Dao to help.

This made Lei Dao very weird.

When did he have such a big face?

Why didn't even Lei Dao know about it?

"I have such a big face, can I make the Bull Demon Master sell my face?"

Lei Dao had a strange expression, and he didn't even react for a while.

Master Qinglian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "Junior brother, you haven't adapted to your identity yet. You are now the famous Lei Yidao in Pancheng, who dares to underestimate you? Moreover, according to rumors, you and the master bull demon are inseparable, otherwise How could you take the risk of destroying the Tianlong tribe's formation and saving the Bull Demon Lord?"

Lei Dao's eyes widened, as if he had an expression of disbelief.

"I have an inseparable relationship with the Bull Demon Lord? I just traded one hundred and eight longevity pearls with the Bull Demon Lord. Why did we become inseparable after meeting once?"

"Also, I'm not going to save the Bull Demon Lord, but to enter the Longchi first, otherwise, how could I become the Lord so quickly? Why is it now that I specialize in saving the Bull Demon Lord? I have such a big Courage?"

Lei Dao was really speechless.

Exaggerated, the current trend is really too exaggerated.

And there are rumors everywhere, the point is that these rumors are too outrageous.

Does he have anything to do with the Overlord of the Bull Demon?


What's more, the rumors about Pancheng's two knives are spreading like crazy, which is simply smearing, a lot of smearing.

Will Lei Dao kill others?


The bull devil dominates, that's the real black heart!

Looking at the bidding for the quota of the bull demon masters, it has reached a fever pitch, and some top masters can't help but want to fight.

Lei Dao could even "imagine" that the mountain of treasures in the secret chamber of the bull demon's dominion cave could dazzle his eyes.

Lei Dao was even heartbroken, feeling a little regretful.

At the beginning, he should have hibernated for a longer period of time, and "carried back" Longchi to Pancheng when the Bull Demon Lord was fighting with the three top emperors.

Of course, it is one thing to be able to return safely, but what if it succeeds?

It's a pity that there is no if and no regrets.

Lei Dao missed the Longchi, and only brought back some Hualongguo and Tianlongshu, which is really not worth the candle.

Lei Dao was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, and now he remembered that when he returned to Pancheng with the Bull Demon Lord, the two even looked at each other and smiled.

Presumably at that time, the bull demon ruler was very proud, right?

Originally, this Longchi should belong to Lei Dao.

But now, Lord Qinglian wanted Lei Dao to face Lord Bull Demon again, and it was for the sake of the Longchi quota, which really made Lei Dao feel extremely heartbroken.

"Okay, for the sake of Senior Sister, no matter how difficult it is, I will do my best to try."

Lei Dao gritted his teeth and agreed to the senior sister.

No matter how much his heart hurts, this favor still needs to be done.

No matter how heartbroken he was, Lei Dao could only endure the pain in his heart now, and went to visit the cave of the bull demon master, trying to get a place for his senior sister to enter Longchi.

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