Longevity Species

Chapter 836 Master Lei, you may be the child of luck! (Second more)

Time passed day by day, and soon a month passed.

Today is the time for Lei Dao to auction off the dragon fruit. Many masters came to Lei Dao's cave early in the morning, waiting quietly.

In fact, during this month, many masters offered to use a large number of life-extending treasures to directly buy the Dragon Fruit in Lei Dao's hands, but they were all rejected by Lei Dao.

Lei Dao must be auctioned!

After all, he has already released the news that it will be auctioned. What if there is no auction of the dragon fruit? Wouldn't that be a breach of trust?

Now Lei Dao is still a respectable person in Pancheng, with status and status, and he can't break his promise to others at will.

Of course, the more important thing is that Lei Dao hasn't met a master who can make him very tempted and can directly "smash him unconscious". Lei Dao doesn't even look down on ordinary life-extending treasures. The auction can maximize the benefits, and only by competing with each other can Lei Dao's Hualong fruit be sold at a good price.

Moreover, Lei Dao also knows that recently, there have been some more masters of Shang City in Pan City.

These rulers all came for the Dragon Fruit, and even for the Heavenly Dragon Tree.

But the strange thing is that so far, none of the masters of the city of Shang have come to Lei Dao.

"Could it be that you have self-knowledge and know that you can't afford the Heavenly Dragon Tree?"

Lei Dao was a little skeptical.

Compared with Hualongguo, Lei Dao actually cares more about Tianlongshu. He cares more about whether Tianlongshu can be sold, of course, at a good price.

The master of Pancheng, Lei Dao, is no longer counting. After the last "search" of the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, and now there is Longchi dominated by the Bull Demon, basically no master can afford the Tianlong tree.

But Lei Dao, the ruler of Shang City, has not "searched" it yet, and seems to have hope to buy Tianlongshu.

But no one asked for a long time, and Lei Dao also had some doubts.

Could it be that his "prestige" of "Lei Yidao" scared away many Shang City masters?

Just when Lei Dao was hesitating and doubtful, the bull demon master came, and the bull demon master also brought three great masters, who seemed to be quite familiar with the bull demon master, but they were not the master of Pancheng.

"Hahaha, Master Lei, I'm here to cheer you on."

The bull devil master laughed heartily.


Immediately, the bull demon master immediately attracted the attention of all the masters, and even some masters were a little ready to move, wanting to talk to the bull demon master to see if they could get a place in the Longchi.

Now the 100 quotas for the Bull Demon Master Longchi are still far from being filled, which shows the high requirements of the Bull Demon Master. Even Lei Dao has some admiration for the Bull Demon Lord.

What this bull devil master did was clearly doing a "one-shot deal", this time he was going to rely on the Longchi quota to search out all the top masters in Pancheng before he would give up.

This point is really ruthless, Lei Dao feels ashamed.

At least, Lei Dao didn't intend to squeeze out Pancheng Juggernaut's last savings.

"The bull demon master, who are these three masters?"

Reid asked suspiciously.

"These three are the top masters of Shang City! They are here specially for the Hualongguo and Tianlongshu that Lord Lei possesses."

"Master of Shang City? Welcome, Lei certainly welcomes the three masters!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

It seems that the ruler of the bull demon is quite reliable, and he actually brought the ruler of Shangcheng.

However, now that the auction is about to start, it is not appropriate for Lei Dao to talk too much with the bull demon master.

Therefore, Lei Dao directly waved his hand and said: "Thank you, masters, for your support. You can participate in the auction of Lei's Hualong Fruit this time. The Hualong Fruit will be auctioned one by one. Everyone has a chance, and the auction will end as soon as the auction is sold out. Everyone must be careful, otherwise, Lei will not know when the dragon fruit will be gone. Well, now the first dragon fruit will be auctioned, and only life-extending treasures will be accepted for bidding!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Dao took out a Hualong fruit and placed it on the high platform of the cave mansion on a beautiful tray.

For a moment, the eyes of all the rulers were focused on Hualongguo.

That's a dragon fruit!

It has the effect of improving the body of the ruler and even the great ruler, and it can be said to be one of the rare treasures in the entire ancient continent. Of course, the effect of one dragon fruit is slightly lower, but if you can buy many dragon fruits, the effect will be amazing.

Moreover, Lei Dao also used an auction trick.

He deliberately didn't say the exact number of Hualong Fruits, everyone only knew that there were dozens of them, but no one knew how many there were.

Therefore, no master dared to wait until the end to bid. If the auction is over, wouldn't they have no chance?

Therefore, starting from the first Hualong fruit, all masters are going all out to take it if they can, without any hesitation.

"A Divine Ice and Snow Lotus!"

"A ginseng essence at the level of gods and demons!"

"Excellent, you can catch ginseng essence. The old man has a bottle of dragon tortoise blood."

From the very beginning, the auction of the Hualong Fruit has been heated up, which is exactly what Lei Dao wants to see.

Of course, some masters were not in a hurry and did not bid. They felt that the competition for the first ten dragon fruits would be fierce, so they did not make a bid.

As time went by, the Hualong Fruits were successfully photographed one after another.

One, two, three, four, five...

When the tenth Hualong fruit was auctioned off, Lei Dao was actually very satisfied. This was to maximize the benefits. This kind of bidding method, especially at the end, is less likely to have a master to keep his hand.

Who knows when Lei Dao's Hualong fruit will be sold out?

This is also the reason why Lei Dao didn't take out all the dragon fruit for auction at once.

But Lei Dao has been paying attention to the three Lords of Shang City who are beside Lord Bull Demon.

From the beginning to the end, none of the three masters of Shangcheng made a move for the first ten Hualong Fruits. Could it be that they didn't come to bid for the Hualong Fruits?

At this time, the Bull Demon Lord is actually communicating with the three Lords.

"The Lord of the Bull Demon, this Lord of Thunder, really has a hand. It is worthy of being called "Lei Yidao" by your Lord of Pancheng. This auction method is indeed very strange. The harvest of auctioning one by one is far better than that of auctioning together. Mostly, 'Lei Yidao' really lives up to its reputation!"

"It's natural. Master Lei is a disciple of the ancestor Kong. How can he be an ordinary person? Moreover, Master Lei is not only good at "slaying a sword", but more importantly, Master Lei is very good at winning treasures. It seems that he has great luck."

"Luck? Are you serious about the words of the Bull Demon Lord? We in the Ming Realm don't believe in any luck, but in the ancient continent, the gods and demons here are very particular about luck, and the luck of the ancient continent does exist. In the past, we Some practitioners in the Ming Realm also have some luck by mistake, but we didn't know it well before. If Master Lei really has good luck, maybe, that incident can make people feel better. Master Lei participated."

"Don't worry, wait a little longer, let's talk about it. The matter of luck is illusory. Although it really exists in the ancient continent, even the saints of the ancient continent can't see through a person's luck, and we can't be so arbitrary. It’s important, and more observations are needed.”

"Yes, it is true that we should observe more, after all, it is very important. How about we invite Master Lei to go to the City of Death? Anyway, Master Lei also wants to auction the Dragon Tree? Go to the auction in City of Death, I believe it will definitely let Lei Master is satisfied."

The three Shangcheng friends dominated by the Bull Demon were talking softly with each other. They are all sound transmission, and no one else knows what they are communicating.

Eleventh, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty-fifth...

As time went by, Lei Dao auctioned more and more dragon fruits, and the competition became more intense. All the rulers understood that since so many Hualong Fruits had already been auctioned, Lei Dao's Hualong Fruit might be sold out at any time.

If you don't seize the opportunity now, you may not have the opportunity later.

Finally, after Lei Dao sold the thirty-eighth Hualong Fruit, he announced that the auction of Hualong Fruit was over.

Some rulers are still unsatisfied, but the auction of Hualong Fruit is indeed over, this auction, there are some people are happy and some are worried. No matter how fierce the competition is for the Hualong fruit auction one by one, some people will hesitate, and they can even be regarded as "picking up the leak", and they won it at a relatively low price.

However, for Lei Dao, the auction was very successful. On the whole, the harvest is at least three times more than what Lei Dao expected.

What a surprise!

"It seems that in the future, treasures will also be auctioned one by one, and the quantity will not be told."

Lei Dao was thoughtful.

After the auction ended, many masters left one after another, but the bull demon master had no intention of leaving at all, so Lei Dao went directly to meet him.

"Master Lei, congratulations, this auction was a big success, so it must have benefited a lot, right?"

"Haha, it's far worse than the Bull Demon Lord. By the way, is something wrong with the Bull Demon Lord?"

Lei Dao took another look at the three Masters of Shang City next to the Bull Demon Lord. Since these four masters stayed, they must have something to say.

"Master Lei, we came from afar, not for the Dragon Fruit, not even for the Dragon Tree, but for Master Lei!"

"Come here for me?"

Lei Dao narrowed his eyes slightly.

The three Masters of Shang City looked down on Hualongguo and Tianlongshu, but Lei Dao had already expected it. With the quota of Longchi, one can reorganize the physical body once, so why do you need Hualongguo?

As for the Heavenly Dragon Tree, even if the energy keeps producing dragon fruits, it is meaningless for these top masters if they cannot strengthen their own strength.

But these masters came here specially for Lei Dao, which made Lei Dao a little curious.

He is an ordinary master, how can he attract several top masters to come all the way from Shang City?

"That's right, it's for Master Lei! Maybe even Master Lei didn't realize that Master Lei is in the ancient continent, so he may have great luck!"

"That is to say, Master Lei is probably the son of luck in the legend of the ancient continent!"

The four masters all stared at Lei Dao with piercing eyes, even with a trace of blaze in their eyes, which made Lei Dao feel a little palpitation!

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