Longevity Species

Chapter 837 Master Lei, We Need You! (third change)

"Son of Luck?"

Lei Dao was stunned.

Isn't this the "protagonist" treatment in some street stall biographical novels when he was in the Realm of God?

Where is the so-called son of luck?

What's more, Lei Dao is still a practitioner of the Ming Realm!

"Four masters, are you mistaken? Lei is a real cultivator of the Ming Realm. How could he be a child of luck in the ancient continent? Our Ming world and the ancient continent are hostile. How can an enemy become a child of luck? reason?"

Lei Dao shook his head, thinking that this was really nonsense.

It is nothing more than because he left Pancheng twice, and the result was a lot of harvest twice, which made people associate.

But the key is that every time, Lei Dao has put in his own hard work, and even took great risks. It can be regarded as going through hardships, and finally obtained these treasures.

This is all Lei Dao's hard work, what does it have to do with the so-called luck?

It doesn't matter at all.

If one insisted on saying that Lei Dao was lucky, then Lei Dao felt that luck at best accounted for 10% of the two treasures he obtained, while his own efforts should account for 90%!

Lei Dao is all on his own, otherwise, treasures will fall from the sky?

It's simply impossible!

The bull demon master gave Lei Dao a meaningful look, and said in a deep voice: "Lei master, who said that the world and the ancient continent are hostile?"

"Huh? Could it be..."

Lei Dao's heart moved.

He thought of what his master, the ancestor Kong, once said.

The Ming Realm and the Ancient Desolate Continent are actually two sides of one body.

The only ones who are really hostile are the practitioners of the Ming Realm and the practitioners of the Desolate Ancient Continent. The Dark Realm is just a "distance".

How could two worlds be hostile?

Strictly speaking, the Ming Realm and the Ancient Desolate Continent belong to the same world in a broad sense. Isn't it normal for practitioners of the Ming Realm to have luck in the Ancient Desolate Continent?

Seeing Lei Dao's expression, he had already guessed something. Only then did Master Bull Demon sigh and say: "It seems that Master Lei has already thought about it. Indeed, the Ming Realm and the Desolate Ancient Continent are just two sides of the same body. Some ancestors even suspected that the Bright Realm and the Desolate Ancient Continent used to be one world. It’s just that I don’t know what happened, but it turned out to be isolated by the dark world. There may be some secrets in it that we don’t know. But one thing, we can be sure that the bright world and the ancient continent are definitely not hostile , the reason is very simple, if we are outsiders, have we ever been suppressed?"


Lei Dao's heart moved.

He thought of the many small worlds in the Ming Realm. In fact, some foreign true gods entered other small worlds, and he could clearly feel the suppression of the foreign true gods by the will of the world.

Lei Dao has also experienced this kind of suppression.

In fact, Lei Dao was still the former "world master", so he is naturally very aware of the small world's suppression of foreign true gods, that is the real rejection and the real "hostility".

But since Lei Dao came to the ancient continent, apart from feeling that the space of the ancient continent was very stable, he didn't feel that kind of oppression. This didn't even get Raidou's attention.

It wasn't until now that the bull devil master mentioned this matter, Lei Dao was shocked.

This matter is horrifying to think about!

A completely strange and completely different world, even hidden in the dark world, how come the practitioners of the bright world have not been suppressed at all when they came to the ancient continent?

In fact, this already explains the problem very well.

"Could it be that I really have the great luck of the ancient continent?"

Lei Dao is also faintly suspicious now.

But, soon he became firm again.


Lei Dao relies on his own hard work, luck? If it doesn't exist, at best, luck only accounts for 10% of it. If you want to find the treasure purely by luck, it is simply impossible.

Otherwise, Lei Dao wanted to try it.

See if you can get treasures by running around in the ancient continent?

"Master Lei, maybe you have great luck, maybe you don't, these are just our guesses, there is no definite number. However, if possible, Master Lei will come to the City of Death, and we will also create momentum for Master Lei, so that Master Lei can The Heavenly Dragon Tree was successfully sold in exchange for massive cultivation resources. However, after the matter is completed, we would like to ask Lord Lei for a favor."

"Help? You are all top masters, why do you need help from me, an ordinary master?"

Lei Dao immediately became vigilant. He can naturally see that these people are top masters, they all find it difficult to do something, and they still need to ask Lei Dao for help?

This may be a pit!


Master Qinglian, the senior sister, has long reminded Lei Dao that in the ancient continent, don't trust anyone and be vigilant towards anyone.

Lord Bull Demon looked at the defensive Lei Dao, so he had to smile wryly and said: "Master Lei, the matter is very important, please forgive us for not being able to tell you what is going on first. However, I can assure you that it is absolutely not dangerous. The problem is that we just need a practitioner with great luck. We have been looking for so many years, but we have not found a suitable person. Only Master Lei has given us hope."

Lei Dao still looked at the bull demon juggernaut cautiously, then shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the bull devil's domination, but... this matter is too unbelievable. What's more, so what if it is the master of the bull demon? If it is really in the face of great interests, who can keep their hearts?

For example, if there is a chance to become the first ancestor, who can still keep their heart?

When Lei Dao dies, he will die, and if he is cheated, he will be cheated, so what?

Anyway, Lei Dao would not easily put himself in danger.

Seeing that Lei Dao was still unwilling, the Bull Demon Master and the other four masters looked at each other. Then, the four masters seemed to have made a decision. The Bull Demon Master gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Master Lei, you don't want to know Where did I get the one hundred and eight longevity beads?"

"Huh? One hundred and eight longevity beads?"

Lei Dao is actually a bit strange, not only Lei Dao is strange, but other masters are also strange.

Back then when Lei Dao was auctioning the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, the bull demon master directly took out 108 longevity beads, which really shocked many masters. After all, there has long been news in the ancient continent that the 108 longevity pearls are treasures of the sage Xi.

But how could the treasures of the sage Xi in the ancient continent fall into the hands of the Bull Demon Master?

No matter how strong the bull demon master is, can he still snatch treasures from the saints of the ancient continent?

That's simply impossible!

"Actually, the 108 Longevity Pearls were found by me and several great masters from a void cave. That void cave is most likely the cave of the sage Xi!"

"What, Void Cave Mansion? Besides, it's Saint Xi's cave mansion? Saint Xi will let you take away his treasures?"

Lei Dao obviously didn't believe it.

"Master Lei, don't you know that the sage Xi hasn't shown up for nearly an era?"

"An era?"

Lei Dao was confused.

He really doesn't know what era it is.

The Bull Demon Master was very helpless, and could only explain: "Era, in fact, both the Ming Realm and the Desolate Ancient Continent have this similar concept. Era is the term for the Desolate Ancient Continent, and about twelve trillion years is an era. And the Ming Realm also About the same, about twelve trillion years is a wave of destruction. In all twelve trillion years, no matter the bright world or the ancient continent, there will be a terrifying destructive power, sweeping the entire world away, all life, all Everything will return to chaos, and the whole world will be completely destroyed!"

"The Ancient Continent calls it the Great Tribulation of the Era, and we call it the Tide of Destruction in the Ming Realm. When the Great Tribulation of the Era comes, no one will be spared except saints and ancestors. But saints and ancestors are not immortal. According to rumors, saints or ancestors , can last up to nine epochs. Moreover, if you are unlucky, even one epoch will turn into ashes. And the sage Xi belongs to the sage of the last epoch. Perhaps, the sage Xi has left the barren ancient continent and went to the dark world , or our Ming Realm, or other places may not be sure, let’s think about the method of avoiding catastrophe.”

"So, we found the cave of the sage Xi and got some treasures inside."

Lei Dao was shocked in his heart.

Era catastrophe!

This is Lei Dao, who has never heard of it before.

Even Master didn't tell Lei Dao.

Perhaps, it was because Lei Dao wasn't even the master at that time, and it was a bit too far away to consider the Great Tribulation of the Era.

Now that Lei Dao knew about the Great Tribulation of the Era, many doubts in his heart seemed to be solved.

For example, why are practitioners from the Ming Realm and the Ancient Continent targeting each other and fighting each other? Even, many top masters of the Ming world have to come to the ancient continent to fight for their lives one by one.

Not all top masters can't stand loneliness.

The real reason is the Great Tribulation of the Era!

Once the great calamity of the era comes, if you don't become an ancestor or a saint, you will turn into ashes, and there will be no accidents.

That's why those top masters came to the ancient continent to desperately try to find a chance to become their ancestors.

As for the fight between the ancestors or saints, what is it for?

I'm afraid it's a way to avoid robbery.

Neither the ancestor nor the sage can say that they will survive the catastrophe of the era 100%. There must be some secrets in it, only the ancestors or sages know, even the top masters such as the Bull Demon Lord don't know.

Many thoughts ran through Lei Dao's mind.

Finally, Lei Dao took a deep breath, calmed down his turbulent mood, and then slowly said: "It is a great thing that you have found Saint Xi's cave. If you don't empty Saint Xi's treasures, find Lei what?"

"If we could evacuate Shengren Xi's cave, it would not be like this now, and I would not go to the Tianlong Tribe to fight desperately. We cannot enter the most important treasure room of Shengren Xi. According to our Deduction, only those practitioners with amazing luck can enter the hidden treasure room. That's why we invited Master Lei to give it a try. Once successful, the treasures in the sage's cave mansion may be even more valuable than others. One hundred and eight longevity pearls are better treasures, Lord Lei can share the treasures with us equally."

"Master Lei, we want you in vain!"

The bull demon ruler has already shown his sincerity.

After all, not everyone is qualified to listen to such secrets.

Now, it's up to Lei Dao's decision.

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