Longevity Species

Chapter 838 Feel like you can blow up the master? It must be an illusion! (first update)

"Okay, I can try it, but if there are life-extending treasures in the cave, no matter how many, I will take them all!"

After a long time, Lei Dao finally nodded in agreement.

"Of course there is no problem."

The Bull Demon Lord and the other four masters all looked at each other and smiled.

Life-prolonging treasures are not so precious in the ancient continent, and they are even quite common. The one hundred and eight longevity beads were also put into the treasure house by the sage Xi because of their other functions.

Therefore, even if you agree to Lei Dao, you can't lose anything.

What's more, if Lei Dao, the "son of luck", is missing, then they will never be able to open the treasure chamber of the sage Xi.

"I don't know how long it will take for Lord Thunder to go to the Void Cave Mansion?"

Lei Dao thought for a while, this time the auction of Hualong fruit was a lot of money, and it would take a while to digest and improve his strength.

"Depart after ten days!"

Lei Dao said a conservative number to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

Originally, Lei Dao wanted to sell Tianlongshu first, but after thinking about it carefully, he was not in a hurry. In such a short period of time, it may be difficult for Tianlongshu to sell at a high price.

Instead, we can take advantage of this time to continue to let the Heavenly Dragon Tree ferment, and let the Lords of the City of Death spread the news about the Heavenly Dragon Tree in the City of Death.

The longer the time, the more treasures prepared by those masters will naturally be.

What's more, Lei Dao has a new idea.

If one can open the Void Cave Mansion and enter the treasure house of the sage Xi, how many treasures can one get? At that time, if Lei Dao auctions off the Dragon Tree together, how much of a commotion will it cause?

Even, the masters of Pancheng and Shangcheng will be attracted by that time. After all, the strongholds of Ming Realm in the ancient continent are not only Pancheng and Shangcheng, but also many strongholds.

"Okay, let's go in ten days!"

The Bull Demon Lord said with a smile.

So, the masters took their leave and left Lei Dao's cave.

Looking at the backs of the disappearing masters, Lei Dao remained silent.

"Era Tribulation..."

Raidou murmured softly.

He didn't ask how long the Great Tribulation of the Era would last, it was meaningless at all.

The catastrophe of the era once every 12 trillion years is a very long time, and even such a time, in the eyes of many practitioners, can already be regarded as an "eternal" time.

However, Lei Dao is very clear.

Those immortal saints in the ancient continent would never think that this time is "eternal".

Even the ancestors of the Ming Realm did not feel that this time was "eternal".

Whether it is a saint or an ancestor, I am afraid there is a sense of urgency in my heart.

"It seems that I have to work harder. Otherwise, maybe billions or tens of billions of years later, the era of catastrophe will come. No matter how strong the strength is, as long as it does not achieve the ancestor, it will be reduced to ashes."

Lei Dao didn't feel how long billions or even tens of billions of years were.

This is related to his consumption of life to improve his strength.

Lei Dao has consumed more than 10 billion years of life so far, it seems... that's all.

So what are billions of years? What are tens of billions of years?

"Look, how much lifespan can the Hualong fruit in this auction bring me?"

The thirty-eight dragon fruits are all urgently needed by the masters and the great masters. Although none of the treasures are as precious as the Fountain of Youth and the Pearl of Longevity, they add up to a lot. There are so many life-extending treasures, even if they are not as precious as Fountain of Youth and Pearl of Longevity, but they shouldn't be too different.

However, considering that the more life-prolonging treasures are used, the effect will be worse, Lei Dao is not sure how much life-span can be increased by this harvest.

As a result, Lei Dao manifested the Kunpeng divine body and began to directly refine these life-extending treasures.

A million years, tens of millions of years, 100 million years, 200 million years, 500 million years...

As Lei Dao refines life-extending treasures, his lifespan is also increasing rapidly, not a little bit, but a large increase.

This is also related to Lei Dao's Kunpeng Divine Body.

Since Lei Dao's Kunpeng Divine Body has achieved a small achievement in the Undead Kongming Art, the refining of life-extending treasures has been done I don't know how many times faster.

A large amount of life span has been increased, and Lei Dao also feels it.

As the lifespan increases, Lei Dao can feel the breath of life in Kunpeng God's body increase. At this time, Lei Dao exudes a strong breath of life all over his body.

Finally, Lei Dao refined all life-extending treasures, and his lifespan increased by an astonishing three billion years!

"Three billion years of life? Only half of last time."

Raidou frowned.

In fact, Lei Dao also put in a lot of thought into the auction of more than 30 Hualong fruits this time, and the effect was very good, and the harvest was rich. Even if there are no treasures as precious as a bucket of fountain of youth and one hundred and eight longevity pearls, the quantity is enough.

The only problem may be Lei Dao.

For the used life-extending treasures, the effect is obviously not so good.

And many of the treasures harvested this time are actually repeated, so that the increased lifespan is far less than the six billion years last time, half less, only three billion years.

"Three billion years should be enough!"

Lei Dao began to think about how to use the three billion years of life.

Lei Dao's first thought was to open up a second territory.

According to the world practice system of human beings, it has actually only reached the master level. As for the great master, no one has been able to reach it so far.

The master of the sword is just about to break through to the great master, and basically within ten years he can break through to become the great master. But there was no breakthrough after all. Therefore, the Great Master is only a "theoretical" realm of the world's practice system, and no one has been able to really practice it so far.

However, even if it is a theory, it is also very perfect.

At least, the master of the sword has reached the point where he is about to break through by relying on this theory of the world practice system.

According to the theory of the world's practice system, from master to master, it is almost the same as before. In fact, it is to open up the territory in the body, to open up one after another.

In the end, it reached the point of forming the "power of the realm", and thus transformed into a realm, and the master could also be promoted to become the great master.

This is also based on the Ming Realm system.

The Ming Realm is divided into a small world, a big world, and a territory. And some ancient great clans have infinite territory and infinite number, and they can finally be connected together to form the power of the domain, and only then can they truly stand in an invincible position and become a long-lasting ancient great clan.

Races that have not formed a domain cannot be called the top ancient clans!

Just like the lotus clan, although they are also very long-lived and prosperous, they don't have the power to birth the realm, and they are far from being the top ancient clan.

"The power of the realm..."

Raidou shook his head.

He is still a long way from being born with the power of the realm and transforming into a master.

Now he is more concerned about how long it takes to open up a territory.

Therefore, Lei Dao concentrated his energy and prepared to open up the territory in his body.

"Will it consume 500 million years of life to open up a territory?"

"500 million years of lifespan?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

This is not a small number, a full 500 million years of lifespan, if placed in the past, five large worlds could be opened up.

In fact, on second thought, this is quite "cheap".

The reason is very simple. The territory of Lei Dao has opened up hundreds of big worlds, which are gathered and transformed from hundreds of big worlds. And hundreds of big worlds have consumed Lei Dao's lifespan of tens of billions of years.

Now to open up a second exactly the same territory, it only needs a lifespan of 500 million years, which is quite good.

Of course, using supernatural powers to improve strength cannot be used to calculate the lifespan consumed, but in fact, it can also be explained from the side that it is already very good to open up a territory with a lifespan of 500 million years.

But the key point is that Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body only needs a lifespan of one billion years to cultivate the Immortal Kongming Gong from a small to a great level.

Lei Dao is now a fellow practitioner of the physical body and the world, and which one is better. In fact, Lei Dao has already made a conclusion.

The world system is the main one, and the physical system is the second.

Moreover, based on Lei Dao's understanding of abilities, some clues can also be figured out from the life span consumed by abilities.

The lifespan consumed by Lei Dao's promotion of the inner world is far more than that of the promotion of the divine body. In fact, this already explains the problem very well. Although the ability consumes a lot of life, you get what you pay for.

The more lifespan consumed by the ability, the more valuable it proves, and the greater the potential.

Obviously, at least for now, the potential of the world's practice system is huge, far surpassing the Kunpeng Divine Body.

"This time I will go to the Void Cave Mansion, and I will encounter all kinds of troubles. With the current speed of Kunpeng's divine body, it has actually far surpassed the top master. It does not make much sense to continue to improve. Instead, it is better to fully develop the body Territory, can quickly improve the strength."

Lei Dao thought for a while, pondered carefully, and finally made a decision to open up the territory in his body for the time being.

Therefore, Lei Dao directly mobilized the ability.

"Open up a second frontier!"


The next moment, Lei Dao's body suddenly roared, and the second territory was quickly opened up from scratch, and it directly expanded to the same size as the first territory.

That kind of improvement is simply unimaginable!

And, it's not the end, it's just the beginning.

The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh...

Lei Dao's lifespan of three billion years is enough to open up six territories, plus the previous territory, once Lei Dao's lifespan of three billion years is exhausted, the number of territories in his body will reach seven!

Every time a territory is upgraded, Lei Dao's strength will increase a lot.

When the territory in his body reached seven, Lei Dao felt that the power in his body was about to explode.

"I feel as if I can blow up the master with one punch? Of course, I know, this is an illusion, the illusion of soaring power..."

Lei Dao shook his head, with a look of "knowing it a long time ago".

All this is an illusion.

Back then, the master of the sword had opened up ten territories in his body. Facing the master of the scorpion clan, he was helpless, and even almost fell?

In the end, it was relying on Master Qinglian to resolve the great crisis of mankind.

There are only seven territories in Lei Dao now, how can you dare to blow up the master?

It must be an illusion!

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