Longevity Species

Chapter 839: Void Cave Mansion Appears! (Second more)


Lei Dao breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly mobilized his abilities to check his physical condition.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Lifeform: Master

Lifespan: 135,236,2079 years

Inner World: Seven Territories (can be upgraded)

Undead Kongming Gong: Xiaocheng (can be improved)

Sure enough, the lifespan of three billion years has been consumed, but the territory in the body has reached an astonishing seven!

"When the master of the sword once reached the ten territories, he tried to break through to become the master by force, but even with the immortal grass, he failed in the end, and he broke through twice, and failed both times. This shows that there is no point in desperately trying to break through forcibly. The meaning still needs to be born naturally with the power of the domain."

Raidou murmured softly.

He has now begun to look forward to the realm of the Great Master.

So far, the Great Master Realm is just a theory. However, this is also a good thing. Because it is theory, Lei Dao can also practice it himself.

The current Lei Dao is blazing a path of mastery for mankind!

Even Lei Dao is perfecting the theory of the world practice system.

For example, Lei Dao now feels that it is not possible to force a breakthrough, because it does not make any sense.

Lei Dao will not force the issue of how the power of the realm is born. He has a point of view, which is to increase the number of territories in the body. Lei Dao felt that it should be the same as the promotion of Dazun to master.

When there are enough territories in the body, the power of the realm may be born naturally at that time. At that time, it will be very easy to become a master, and it can be said to be a matter of course.

However, Lei Dao is not sure whether this theory is correct or not.

Perhaps, there are some gains from discussions and exchanges with the master of the sword, but so far, Lei Dao has not been able to return to the human territory for the time being.

"It seems that after going to Saint Xi's Void Cave Mansion this time, he should start to return to the Ming Realm. As for the realm of the Great Master, he should communicate with the Master of the Sword."

Raidou murmured softly.

Afterwards, Lei Dao slowly sorted out the situation in the territory of his body, gradually familiarized himself with the power that had soared countless times, and then waited quietly.

Soon, ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

"Time is up!"

Lei Dao got up, left the cave, and went to the cave dominated by the bull demon.

"The bull demon dominates."

Soon, Lei Dao met the bull demon master.

The bull demon master has been waiting for Lei Dao for a long time.

"Master Lei, it seems that in the past ten days, your cultivation has gained a lot."

The bull demon master's eyes flickered, and he took a deep look at Lei Dao, as if he saw something.

Lei Dao said with a smile: "It's just a small gain."

In fact, the current ruler of the bull demon is no longer what it used to be. It seems that the last time the bull demon ruler went to the Tianlong tribe, he planned to put him to death and survive, break through the shackles between life and death, and become the first ancestor.

Although it failed, the bull demon master got a chance to reorganize his body in Longchi, which made him greatly improved. The bull demon master is himself a top master, one of the strongest masters under the first ancestor. Now it is even more advanced, reorganizing the physical body, and no one knows how terrifying it has reached now.

But it is because after the bull demon dominates the reorganized body, there is a faint feeling that people can't see through. It seems to have reached another very profound level, and the changes in Lei Dao can be seen.

You must know that Lei Dao is practicing the world practice system, as long as he does not take the initiative to expose, then he has opened up a world or territory, even the top masters will not be able to see the clues.

Perhaps, only the first ancestor can see a little clue, but now the bull demon master can actually feel the changes in Lei Dao, which is extraordinary.

However, the Bull Demon Master didn't get to the bottom of it. A person's cultivation level is actually very sensitive, and generally they won't reveal it easily.

Therefore, Master Bull Demon also changed the subject and said, "Ten days are up, we are leaving, Master Lei, what else do you need to explain or prepare?"

"No, you can leave now."

"Alright, let's go to the City of Death first!"

With Bull Demon Lord leading the way, the two soon arrived at a large space teleportation array in Pancheng.

Space teleportation arrays are actually not too precious in the Ming Realm, and the Juggernaut can arrange them at will.

But the ancient continent is different, the space here is extremely stable, not to mention the masters, even the top masters cannot travel through the space. Even if Lei Dao has cultivated the Kunpeng Divine Body and is extremely sensitive to space, Lei Dao, who has reached the master level now, can only sense space.

As for the shuttle space, Lei Dao can't do it at all. Not only can it not be done now, but it may not be possible to do it in the future when it becomes a master.

In the ancient continent, the only ones who can travel through space are the ancestors or saints.

Naturally, the only ones who can arrange a space magic circle are the ancestors or saints. Moreover, for the ancestors or saints, it is very difficult to set up a space magic circle, and it takes a lot of energy.

At present, there are only a few strongholds in the Ming Realm that have space magic circles between each other. After all, only the space magic circles arranged in the strongholds will not be destroyed.

Otherwise, if it is placed in other places of the ancient continent, the saint will definitely take action to destroy it.

Of course, even if a space magic circle is set up in the ancient continent, it will cost a lot to activate it once. Therefore, even the master can't afford it, and generally won't choose a space magic circle.

This time, we are going to the city of Shang, and using the space magic circle is naturally the fastest way. The Bull Demon Master didn't care about this consumption. He bid for one hundred places in the Longchi Lake, but the harvest was huge. Now that he is rich and powerful, the consumption of activating the space magic circle is no longer in the eyes of the bull demon master.

Both Lei Dao and the bull demon master stepped into the space magic circle, and Lei Dao was also very curious, how miraculous is this space magic circle shuttling through the ancient continent?


The next moment, Lei Dao felt a twist all over his body, and then directly entered the space channel.

It's just that the space channel here is also extremely stable, and Lei Dao didn't even feel too many space elements. It is simply impossible to have a deeper understanding of the power of space in the ancient continent by relying on the space channel.

"It seems that even if Kunpeng's divine body is gifted and very sensitive to space, but this level of space passage is so stable, even if Kunpeng's divine body has reached the level of a master, it may be difficult to travel through space."

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

If it is possible to travel through space, then even if Lei Dao does not become the ancestor, he can still be invincible in the barren ancient continent, and even the entire barren ancient continent, Lei Dao can go.

Of course, Lei Dao is not bad now.

Although it is impossible to travel through space, the speed is so fast that the top masters can't keep up. As long as they don't fall into the siege, Lei Dao will not be in danger.


The next moment, Lei Dao felt his figure flicker, and he had already reached the other end of the magic circle.

"The City of Death has arrived."

The Bull Demon Lord said with a smile.

"This is the City of Death?"

It was Lei Dao's first visit to Shangcheng, so he looked around very curiously.

Shangcheng was not the last stronghold established, but the guardian of Shangcheng, the supreme ancestor Shang, was the youngest ancestor in the Ming world.

Because of its youth, City of Death seems to be full of vitality.

The Bull Demon Lord introduced to Lei Dao: "Is this the first time Lord Lei has come to Shangcheng? This Shangcheng was built by the ancestor Shang, and it is somewhat different from our Pancheng. The practitioners in Shangcheng are full of vitality. , all of them are very keen on taking risks. Therefore, there are all kinds of practitioners in the City of Death, and even all kinds of rare treasures. Of course, it is also because of their love of adventure that the death rate of practitioners in the City of Death It also remains high."

Lei Dao nodded, and wanted to ask something.

Suddenly, three masters had come outside the magic circle, they were the three top masters who were beside the bull demon master before.

"Master Thunder, Master Bull Demon, you are finally here!"

There was a smile on the faces of the three top masters.

"Thank you, the three masters are waiting."

"Master Lei, Master Bull Demon, do you want to take a look around this City of War first?"

Lei Dao shook his head and said, "No rush, go to the Void Cave Mansion first, and it's not too late to go shopping after you get the treasure!"

Lei Dao can still distinguish between priorities. Looking at the appearance of these three top masters, it is obvious that they can't wait anymore, and it is meaningless to visit Shangcheng at this time.

"Okay, Master Lei, please speak quickly, without further delay, then we will set off immediately!"

After all, under the leadership of the three top masters, a group of five people quickly left the city of Shang and flew into the sky.

The flying speed of the five people is very fast, but in terms of flying speed alone, even the four top masters can't compare with Lei Dao.

Along the way, Lei Dao was also paying attention to the surrounding situation.

He found that there didn't seem to be any tribes near Shang City, and they didn't encounter any trouble along the way.

Everyone flew for several hours.

Finally, above a huge lake, the five people stopped.

"Here we are, this is the Void Cave Mansion."

The bull demon master said in a deep voice.

Apparently, the bull demon master has come here more than once, so he is so familiar with it.

"Void Cave Mansion... So, this is a cave mansion built in the void?"

Lei Dao's eyes flickered, and he began to try to sense the situation in the void.

Although Lei Dao can't travel through space, he is a Kunpeng divine body, extremely sensitive to space, and now he can even sense space. With the reminder from the Bull Demon Master, Lei Dao soon discovered that there was something slightly different in this void.

This void seemed to be distorted. Ordinary masters and even great masters can't detect any abnormalities, but as long as they can sense the space, they can detect the difference.

However, even if Lei Dao sensed some abnormalities in the void here, he still couldn't enter the space.

"Master the Bull Demon, how do we enter the Void Cave Mansion?"

"It's very simple, of course it depends on tokens!"

After all, the bull demon master took out a token in his hand, which looked like it was only a quarter.

The other three masters also took out the same tokens, and then the four masters combined the tokens into one to form a complete token.

"Void Cave Mansion, open!"


As the voice of the bull demon master fell, the entire void was shaken violently, and then, as if the fog was broken in front of his eyes, a majestic, mysterious, and majestic cave appeared in the void.

The Void Cave Mansion is here!

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