Longevity Species

Chapter 840 Really Believe in Luck? Absurd! (third change)

"Void Cave Mansion, this is the real Void Cave Mansion!"

Lei Dao stared at this cave mansion with piercing eyes. In fact, it seems that the cave mansion has appeared in the world, but in fact, it is just a projection. The real void cave mansion is still in the space passage.

Only by holding the token token can you enter the void cave in the space channel.

"let's go!"

The next moment, a strange power emanated from the token in the hands of the bull demon master, and then cooperated with the huge phantom of the empty cave mansion, and suddenly enveloped Lei Dao and the other five people.


The next moment, the figures of Lei Dao and the other five masters disappeared without a trace, apparently entering the Void Cave Mansion.


The five figures staggered for a while, and entered the void cave.

Lei Dao immediately swept away with his divine sense, and he even discovered the space passage outside the Void Cave Mansion.

"The space channel in the barren ancient continent is extremely stable, and only in the barren ancient continent, maybe someone chooses to build the cave in the space channel?"

Reid sighed.

This method is only available to ancestors or saints.

However, Lei Dao thought of Master Kong, the first ancestor, isn't his cave also in the dark world?

The means of the ancestor or saint are far beyond the imagination of ordinary practitioners. Even the top masters can't imagine the stalwart divine power of the ancestors or saints.

The first ancestor, that is a great existence that has transcended everything, has insight into everything, and is omniscient and omnipotent.

Lei Dao carefully observed the Void Cave Mansion. This cave mansion is very large. At least once Lei Dao's divine sense swept it, he couldn't even completely "sweep" the entire Void Cave Mansion.

"Sage Xi has really disappeared?"

Lei Dao was a little skeptical.

Such a big cave, if the sage Xi said he didn't want it, he didn't want it?

Moreover, even if it is to find a way to avoid catastrophe, is there any place that can really trap the sage Xi? Why didn't they show up for nearly an epoch?

Is there any secret in this?

In fact, not only Lei Dao thinks this way, but all masters who enter the Void Cave Mansion think so.

"Sage Xi has indeed disappeared, because we have entered this empty cave more than once, but every time we enter, everything is fine, and there is no change in the cave. As for where Saint Xi went, or what dangers he encountered, We don't know, maybe only the ancestors or saints know."

The bull devil master doesn't care about the saint Xi anymore, and they, top masters, don't even care much about treasures.

The reason why Lei Dao was allowed to open the treasure house was very simple.

They want to find opportunities to become saints.

After all, the sage is the same level as the ancestor, and although the practice system is slightly different, jade from other mountains can attack stones. If they could find some clues or secrets of how the saint Xi became a saint, it would be the greatest gain for the top masters such as the Bull Demon Lord!

Therefore, even if there is a glimmer of hope, they will not give up.

"Let's go to the treasure house."

A group of five people quickly came to a huge secret room. This secret room is a treasure house, which may contain many precious treasures of the sage Xi, which can make countless rulers go crazy.

"Wait, what's that?"

Suddenly, Lei Dao keenly noticed that there were some formations faintly in front of the treasure house, and the formations were so intricate that it reached an unimaginable level.

"That's the formation of the treasure house. These formations actually have no effect on Saint Xi, and the imprint of Saint Xi is recorded on them. But if it is not Saint Xi, once you step into the formation of the treasure house, you will be attacked by the formation of the treasure house." A devastating blow."

The bull demon master said in a deep voice.

"Destructive blow? How strong is it? Judging by the looks of the masters, they are all intact, so it shouldn't be too strong, right?"

Lei Dao was a little suspicious.

The Bull Demon Lord and other four masters are all fine, how strong can this formation be?

The bull demon master looked at Lei Dao with a complicated look and said: "How can the master resist the array arranged by the saint himself? I forgot to tell the master Lei. The master who first discovered this empty cave mansion, together with me, has a total of Nine."

"What, nine people? Then there are five masters?"

Lei Dao faintly had an ominous premonition.

"Dead, in the treasury formation in this cave, the five top masters are not inferior to my master. As a result, soon after stepping into the formation, they were reduced to ashes..."


Lei Dao's expression froze all of a sudden, he cupped his hands immediately, and walked out directly: "Masters, Lei has something to deal with, the Void Cave Mansion is too dangerous, Lei will leave!"

After all, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and was about to leave the Void Cave Mansion directly.

What are you kidding?

The five top masters all turned into ashes when they stepped into the formation. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to let Lei Dao in?

Lei Dao didn't think he was more resistant than the five top masters!

Moreover, there is no danger as agreed at the beginning?

What about coming to the Void Cave Mansion to pick up the treasure?

How did you come here and risk your life?

No sincerity!

The bull demon master is too insincere!

"Master Lei, wait a minute, and listen to us when we finish talking. When the time comes, we will leave or stay at your discretion."

The voice of the Bull Demon Master sounded behind Lei Dao.

Lei Dao hesitated for a while, and finally paused. He turned around and said with a serious face: "Master the Bull Demon, if it's too dangerous, I won't take risks. Even the top master can't handle it. For Huihui, how can I resist?"

Lei Dao is very firm.

It was too dangerous, and he was determined not to take any risks.

The bull demon master smiled bitterly and said, "Master Lei, listen to me first. Those five top masters were indeed turned into ashes by the formation because they stepped into the treasure house formation. But we entered It’s not that nothing has been gained after several times in the Void Cave Mansion, on the contrary, we have gained some.”

"We tried this formation again and again, and finally found a shortcut that can avoid this formation and go directly to the treasure house of the cave. But the time is very short, only about three breaths. We must use it within three breaths. Inside, pass through the magic circle, then go to the door of the treasure house, and press a key point on the door of the treasure house. Only when the correct point is found, the big circle can be closed, and the door of the treasure house can also be opened."

After hearing this, Lei Dao hesitated and said: "Then I don't need me at all, you can try again and again."

"No, it's useless to try. As long as you fail, the array point will change. If we go in again, it will be a brand new array point, and we have to search again. It is almost impossible to find it. We have calculated that in thousands of Among the array points, the probability of finding the correct one is infinitely close to zero. We have even tried our luck and tried hundreds of times, but without exception, they all failed. Therefore, we found Master Lei, and hope that Master Lei I can give it a try. After all, the legendary son of great luck, no matter what he does, is very lucky."

"Uh... So, you really suspect that I am the child of luck, and you want me to find the array by luck, so as to close the big array and open the door to the treasure house?"


Lei Dao didn't know what to say when he heard the words.

He took a closer look at the formation, especially the so-called formations on the gate of the treasure house, which were really densely packed, with tens of thousands of formations.

Moreover, it was the bull demon master and others who spent a lot of money and energy to find out these points slowly and slowly.

Looking for the master, there is no way to find it.

But even so, at this point, the bull demon master has nothing to do.

Can only rely on luck!

As for luck, it is obvious that Bull Devil Juggernaut and others are not good at it, or in other words, their luck is not good.

This kind of probability that is infinitely close to zero is almost no probability.

It's also hard for Lei Dao to imagine that someone will be able to find a point.

"So, as long as I go and try?"

"Yes, just try it!"

Lei Dao hesitated.

He didn't doubt that the bull demon master and others framed him, because there was no need at all. If they really want to find a substitute for the dead ghost, with their ability, they can find hundreds of masters, so why bother to find Lei Dao?

Perhaps, it really depends on Lei Dao's luck.

But, is Lei Dao lucky?

Lei Dao didn't think it himself, he felt that he could get to where he is today, entirely because of his own efforts.


That's just an excuse for those who don't work hard.

The man who relies entirely on luck is the man who gets something for nothing.

But today, it seems that luck is not enough.

"So, shall I try? However, I will only try once, and if it doesn't work, I will leave directly."

"Okay, one time is enough. Those who are really lucky don't need a few times at all, just one chance will make it!"

"Uh... You have been placed with too many expectations. My luck has always been mediocre. I can become a master because of my own hard work."

Lei Dao seemed to "remind" the bull demon master again.

"Yes, we all know that Master Lei's success today must be due to his own hard work. Luck only accounts for a small part of it. But now we need this small part of luck from Master Lei."

Lei Dao finally agreed.

He walked over again and arrived in front of the magic circle of the treasure house.

"It's time to start."

As Lei Dao's voice fell, immediately, the four top masters began to use their means, forcibly disturbing the magic circle. Immediately afterwards, in the magic circle of the treasure house, it seemed that an area really appeared, which was completely unaffected by the magic circle.

"Master Lei, a safe passage has been opened, remember, there are only three breaths."


Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then he didn't hesitate anymore. With a flash of his figure, he flew directly to the gate of the treasure house at the fastest speed.

Along the way, nothing happened.

When I came to the gate of the treasure house, I didn't even have time to breathe.

Lei Dao looked at the densely packed gate, thousands of so-called "array points", Lei Dao was also quite speechless.

How to choose this?

There are no rules at all.

"How could the Bull Demon Master believe the words of the so-called son of luck? It's ridiculous! Find a place to open the treasure house by luck? This is the treasure house of the sage Xi, who can be opened by luck, and the sage Xi is not worthy of being called a saint." .”

Raidou shook his head.

He felt that the Bull Demon Lord and the other four masters were bewildered, and they were crazy about wanting to open the treasure house.

How could it be possible to use such an obvious failure and extremely stupid method to open the door of the treasure house?

Lei Dao didn't want to waste time, so he simply chose one of the tens of thousands of "array points", stretched out his hand and pressed it directly.

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