Longevity Species

Chapter 841 The birth of the Dongfu, shaking in all directions! (first update)


Lei Dao pressed it casually, and then... nothing more.

As Raidou expected, there was no reaction.

"Sure enough, how could I be the child of luck? It's ridiculous, there are thousands of formations, and choosing one at random is the real key formation? It's impossible..."

Lei Dao shook his head, feeling that it was a bit of a disadvantage to come here this time. He should have known earlier, if he knew that it was such a far-fetched thing, he would not have come anyway.

Just as Lei Dao was about to leave the gate of the treasure house and the formation of the treasure house, suddenly, the gate of the treasure house shook violently.


With the tremor of the treasury gate, the formation of the entire treasury also began to change.

"This... Could it be that there is a change in the formation, and I am in danger?"

Lei Dao's complexion changed, and almost without thinking, he left the big formation immediately and returned to the side of Bull Demon Master and others.

"Master the Bull Demon, what's going on here? Didn't it mean that there is no danger? Three breathing times, and now there is not even one breathing time."

Lei Dao was faintly angry.

This is not a trivial matter, after all, even the top masters can be easily killed in the large formation of Void Cave Mansion, let alone such an ordinary master as Lei Dao?

If there is a change in the formation, Lei Dao can't even escape.

"Uh... We didn't expect that there would be a change in the big formation. We have tried countless times before, and we must be able to last for three breaths. How come there is a change without even one breath?"

Even the ruler of the bull demon was a little suspicious.

"Wait, that's..."

Suddenly, the Bull Demon Lord opened his eyes wide.

Not only the Bull Demon Master, but the other three top masters also opened their eyes wide. Under their inconceivable eyes, the formation covering the entire treasury was rapidly disintegrating.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it had completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all.

"The big formation...disappeared?"

"Yes, it really disappeared."

"Master Lei, just found a point at random, is it really the key point of the big formation?"

"seems like it……"

For a moment, the bull demon master and others were also dumbfounded. Not only the Bull Demon Lord and the other four top masters, but even Lei Dao himself was dumbfounded.

He obviously chose a formation at random, and then pressed it at will. In the end, it was really a key formation, thus closing the big formation of the treasure house?

It's just...unbelievable!

Even Lei Dao himself has some doubts, is he really the legendary son of luck?

However, this made it difficult for Lei Dao to accept.

He has always felt that he was able to cultivate to where he is now because of his own hard work, luck? There may be, but maybe only 10% of the weight.

But now, Lei Dao realizes that maybe, the element of luck can be a little bigger, and it may account for more than 30%?

Lei Dao was a little flustered.

Inexplicably, he became the so-called lucky son of the ancient continent, how not to panic?

Even in the face of this situation, Lei Daolian was so powerless to refute. He also saw it just now, tens of thousands of dots, densely packed, the bull demon master and others are almost driven crazy, and they have tried countless times without success, but Lei Dao just clicked it and it succeeded. Could this be Can it be explained by coincidence?


It must be luck!

Lei Dao really has great luck!

"Hahaha, Master Lei, are we right? You really have great luck."

"That's right, fortunately we found Master Lei, otherwise, we would not be able to open the treasure house until the Year of the Monkey."

"Master Lei really deserves to be a practitioner with great luck. See how easy it is, how easy it is? Just choose a point at random, which is the key point, and easily break the big formation that makes us top masters helpless .Without Lord Lei, I'm afraid we will never be able to enter the treasure house."

"The luck on Lord Lei's body is really powerful. Even the formation formed by the sage Xi himself can't resist the luck on Lord Lei. It shows how terrifying the luck on Master Lei is? He is worthy of being the legendary son of luck. Fantastic."

Lei Dao is now "wanting to cry but no tears".

How can a random selection of a point become a key point?

Even the array has disappeared now, this is indeed his credit.

Lei Dao heard the praise from the four top masters, but his expression froze, his heart was very complicated, and he didn't know what to say.


But at this moment, the entire Void Cave Mansion shook violently, and the treasure house gate was slowly opening, but even if the treasure house gate opened, there should not be such a huge movement.

"what happened?"

"There has been a change in the Void Cave Mansion."

"No, the Void Cave Mansion actually left the space channel and manifested in the void, and everyone can sense it."

"Damn it, how did this happen? We have to quickly enter the treasure house and wipe out all the treasures inside, otherwise, it will be too late!"

The expression of Bull Demon Master and others changed greatly.

They knew very well what kind of shock would be caused by the exposure of Saint Xi's empty cave mansion?

In this situation, the sages and ancestors of the ancient continent could sense it immediately. And a saint's cave, even saints and ancestors would be extremely excited.

Both the saint and the ancestor can travel through the space, and it is only a short time to come here. At that time, where will there be the bull demon master and others?

Therefore, hurry up now and search for the treasures in the treasury immediately.

"walk into!"

The next moment, Lei Dao and others flew into the treasure house almost without thinking.


Desolate Ancient Continent, Yuansheng Palace!

The sage Yuan sat on the futon. Regarding the Tianlong tribe, the sage Yuan also got really angry. It's a pity, but he couldn't do anything to the practitioners of the Ming Realm in Pancheng.

Last time, Saint Yuan suffered a small loss at the hands of the ancestor Kong, which has always made Saint Yuan grieve.

Saint Yuan is not an ordinary saint, but he has experienced three era catastrophes, this is the fourth era of Saint Yuan!

Every time the Great Tribulation of the Era is passed, the strength of the Saint will make great progress. After three times of the Great Tribulation of the Era, the strength of the Saint Yuan is quite strong.

But even so, he was still shriveled in the hands of the ancestor Kong, which shows that the horror of the ancestor Kong is at least a powerful ancestor who has experienced five epoch catastrophes!


Sage Yuan opened his eyes all of a sudden.

"Sage Xi's Void Cave Mansion was born? And it's still in Saint Gu's territory?"

The next moment, the figure of Saint Yuan flashed and disappeared without a trace.


In Pancheng, the ancestor Pan also opened his eyes suddenly.

"Void Cave Mansion is now in the world? Isn't this the cave mansion of the sage Xi in the ancient continent? The sage Xi, although he has only experienced one era catastrophe, he went to trace the source of the era catastrophe and tried to avoid the second era catastrophe. No news, I didn't expect his cave to be born. Well, I have to go and see..."

The ancestor pan was also thinking about it.

The sage Xi, that is the sage of the barren ancient continent, his cave is extraordinary. It's fine if you couldn't find it before, but now it's actually born. With such a big commotion, how can you not go to the Ancestral Plate?

Then, the ancestor Pan also stepped out, and his figure disappeared in Pancheng.


Shang City, the cave residence of the ancestor Shang.

The ancestor Shang is the ancestor achieved in this era, and he is also the ancestor achieved in the ancient continent. He is different. Although he has not even experienced a catastrophe in the era, he is the most special ancestor. Whether it is in the eyes of saints or In the eyes of the ancestors, it is the most special one.

"Huh? Saint Xi's Void Cave Mansion was born?"

The ancestor Shang opened his eyes.

He also sensed the movement of the Void Cave Mansion. For the saint Xi, the ancestor Shang had never seen it before. After all, the saint Xi had hardly appeared in this era.

And the first ancestor Shang also became the first ancestor in this era.

But the ancestor Shang knew the reason why the sage Xi disappeared.

Saint Xi traces back to the origin of the Great Tribulation of the Era!

This is very dangerous. In the past, many sages or ancestors wanted to trace the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, but in the end they basically left it alone, or even disappeared completely.

The same is true of the sage Xi.

However, since the Xukong Dongfu was born, it must be fought anyway, especially the place where the Xukong Dongfu was born seems to be very close to the city of Shang.

Thus, the first ancestor Shang also stepped out and disappeared into the cave.

In fact, not only the ancestors and saints know at this moment, but also all the rulers, gods and demons who are relatively close to the void cave mansion.

Especially in the city of Shang, almost all the masters in the city of Shang can see the faintly visible cave in the distant void that exudes awe-inspiring power.

After all, Shang City is relatively close to the Void Cave Mansion.

"what is that?"

"It seems to be a cave."

"Dongfu? I don't know if it's a phantom or a real cave?"

"It seems to be a real cave! A real cave looks a bit like some powerful cave in the ancient continent, but why is it in the void?"

"Wait, have you guys forgotten a legend, the legend of the sage Xi in the ancient continent?"

"The legend of Saint Xi? By the way, there have always been rumors in the barren ancient continent. Saint Xi's Void Cave Mansion is in the space. Whoever can find the Void Cave Mansion can get all the treasures of Saint Xi. Even understand the secret of Saint Xi, Become a saint or ancestor!"

"Is it really the Void Cave Mansion?"

"No, I have to go and have a look quickly. Whether it is the Void Cave Mansion or not, such a big movement must be a big deal. Maybe, this is a great opportunity!"

"Yes, the opportunity is here, don't miss it."

For a moment, the entire city of Shang shook.

As a result, countless masters and great masters quickly left the city of Shang, and flew towards the magnificent and huge void cave in the void.

In the Void Cave Mansion, Lei Dao, Bull Demon Master and others quickly flew into the treasure house.

However, just after flying into the treasury, the five of them froze and stood on the spot blankly, their expressions becoming incomparably weird.

ps: The second and third updates are in the afternoon or evening, a little later.

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